Environmental Impact Assessment (Final Draft) April 2018 IND: Assam Power Sector Investment Program – Tranche 3 120 MW Lower Kopili Hydroelectric Project Volume 2: Annexures Prepared by Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGCL), Government of Assam for the Asian Development Bank. This environmental impact assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of ADB website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. TABLE OF CONTENTS ANNEXURE PART 1 - ASSESSMENT DOCUMENTS 3 ANNEX 1: RAPID ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (REA) CHECKLIST 3 ANNEX 2: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF POLICY, LEGAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 8 ANNEX 3: HYDROLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 51 ANNEX 4: REPORT ON VEGETATION AND FAUNAL ASSESSMENT STUDIES 65 ANNEX 5: CRITICAL HABITAT ASSESSMENT FOR LKHEP 108 ANNEX 6: STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION RECORD 161 ANNEX 7: PUBLIC HEARING REPORT 181 ANNEX 8: CLIMATE RISK AND VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT REPORT 192 ANNEXURE PART 2 – MANAGEMENT DOCUMENTS 193 ANNEX 9: BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT PLAN 194 ANNEX 10: CATCHMENT AREA TREATMENT PLAN 212 ANNEX 11: FISH HABITAT MANAGEMENT PLAN 223 ANNEX 12: PUBLIC HEALTH DELIVERY PLAN 224 ANNEX 13: MUCK DISPOSAL PLAN 231 ANNEX 14: RESTORATION PLAN FOR QUARRY AREAS 238 ANNEX 15: GUIDELINES FOR QUARRY AREA MANAGEMENT 240 ANNEX 16: PLAN FOR ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING TO WORKERS 247 ANNEX 17: PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTION CAMP MANAGEMENT 248 ANNEX 18: PROJECT PERSONNEL HEALTH PROGRAM 250 ANNEX 19: LANDSCAPING AND RESTORATION OF CONSTRUCTION AREAS 251 ANNEX 20: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN ROAD CONSTRUCTION 253 ANNEX 21: GREEN BELT DEVELOPMENT PLAN 258 ANNEX 22: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN 259 ANNEX 23: EMERGENCY PLAN FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 269 ANNEX 24: MEASURES FOR AIR POLLUTION CONTROL 271 ANNEX 25: MEASURES FOR NOISE POLLUTION CONTROL 274 ANNEX 26: MEASURES FOR WATER POLLUTION CONTROL 277 ANNEX 27: ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES 280 ANNEX 28: FIRE PROTECTION IN LABOUR CAMP AND STAFF COLONIES 283 ANNEX 29: SAFETY PRACTICES DURING CONSTRUCTION PHASE 286 ANNEX 30: DAM BREAK ANALYSIS AND DISIASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN 298 ANNEX 31: REPORT ON INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF POWER EVACUATION SYSTEM 308 ANNEX 32: AUDIT OF EXISTING SUBSTATIONS 309 ANNEX 33: TOR ISSUED BY MOEF&CC FOR EIA 314 ANNEX 34: DERIVATION OF E-FLOW 318 ANNEX 35: EMP AND EMOP FOR ROAD COMPONENT 319 ANNEX 36: BLASTING VIBRATION LIMITS 344 ANNEX 37: TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR EXTERNAL MONITOR 345 3 ANNEXURE PART 1 - ASSESSMENT DOCUMENTS ANNEX 1: RAPID ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (REA) CHECKLIST HYDROPOWER (As circulated with Categorization Form) Instructions: (i) The project team completes this checklist to support the environmental classification of a project. It is to be attached to the environmental categorization form and submitted to the Environment and Safeguards Division (RSES) for endorsement by Director, RSES and for approval by the Chief Compliance Officer. (ii) This checklist focuses on environmental issues and concerns. To ensure that social dimensions are adequately considered, refer also to ADB's (a) checklists on involuntary resettlement and Indigenous Peoples; (b) poverty reduction handbook; (c) staff guide to consultation and participation; and (d) gender checklists. (iii) Answer the questions assuming the “without mitigation” case. The purpose is to identify potential impacts. Use the “remarks” section to discuss any anticipated mitigation measures. Country/Project Title: IND/Assam Power System Investment Program – Tranche 3 (Lower Kopili Hydroelectric Project) Sector Division: SAEN A. Basic Project Design Data 1. Dam height, m = 70.13_______________________ 2. Surface area of reservoir, (ha) = 620________________________ 3. Estimated number of people to be displaced = 177 affected families___________ 4. Rated power output, (MW) = 120_________________________ Other Considerations: 1. Water storage type: _x_ reservoir _x_ run of river ___ pumped storage 2. River diversion scheme: ___ trans-basin diversion ___ in-stream flow regulation _x_ in-stream diversion 3. Type of power demand to address: _x_ peak load _x_ base load 4 Screening Questions Yes No Remarks B. Project Location Is the dam and/or Project facilities adjacent to or within any of the following areas? x There are 2 dams and reservoirs upstream, developed in 1980s. The proposed Lower Kopili Hydroelectric Unregulated river Project (LKHEP) was conceived as the final part of a cascade scheme including the tow upstream facilities. x Around 6 tributaries to the Kopili River Undammed river tributaries below the proposed dam before confluence with Brahmaputra. Unique or aesthetically valuable land or water form x x Some state and district reserved forest will be acquired but these forest areas Special area for protecting biodiversity are not defined based on biodiversity value. Protected Area x Buffer zone of protected area x Primary forest x x A biodiversity assessment is being prepared. Database analyses indicate that the project area is not in a biodiversity hotspot and the impacts on endangered or threatened species Range of endangered or threatened animals should be minimal. There are anecdotal reports of elephants and Chinese pangolins in the project area which need to be confirmed via further surveys. x Separate assessment will be conducted Area used by indigenous peoples by the social safeguard team. x There are no cultural heritage sites Cultural heritage site identified in the project area. Wetland x Mangrove x Estuary x C. Potential Environmental Impacts Will the Project causeP short-term construction impacts such as soil erosion, x Temporary impacts due to construction deterioration of water and air quality, noise and vibration activities. from construction equipment? disturbance of large areas due to material quarrying? x Total amount of coarse material and fine aggregates required for the proposed project is estimated to be 1,245,000 m3. Three sites have been selected for quarrying. x The total amount of muck disposal is disposal of large quantities of construction spoils? estimated to be 984971 m3. 5 Screening Questions Yes No Remarks clearing of large forested area for ancillary facilities and x Total forest land to be acquired for the access road? project is about 523 ha. x The reservoir covers an area of 6.2 impounding of a long river stretch? km2. x About 5 km of river channel will be dryness (less than 50% of dry season mean flow) over a partly dewatered; minimum long downstream river stretch? environmental flow = 20% of dry season. x 13.04 km of new access road will be construction of permanent access road near or through constructed and involve removal of forests? trees and vegetation. x Anecdotal reports of elephants and Chinese pangolins in the project area. creation of barriers for migratory land animals Additional surveys recommended to confirm presence, routes, and mitigation measures. x Project area is degraded due to human activity including complete loss of biota loss of precious ecological values due to flooding of in the river due to upstream acid agricultural/forest areas, and wild lands and wildlife habitat; drainage. There is no high-value destruction of fish spawning/breeding and nursery biodiversity in the area based on grounds? available reference material. Supplemental survey may be necessary as part of EMP. x Design and operations indicate minimal potential for anoxic conditions in deterioration of downstream water quality due to anoxic reservoir (based on estimated Froude water from the reservoir and sediments due to soil number which indicates low potential for erosion? reservoir stratification leading to anoxic conditions). significant diversion of water from one basin to another? x No inter-basin diversion x Project will run at a full capacity alternating dry and wet downstream conditions due to (baseload) in high-flow season and in peaking operation of powerhouse? peaking mode during low-flow season. x Normal flow resumes below tailrace significant modification of annual flood cycle affecting outlet of main powerhouse. downstream ecosystem, people’s sustenance and Supplemental assessment to be livelihoods? conducted as necessary as part of EMP. loss or destruction of unique or aesthetically valuable land x or water forms? proliferation of aquatic weeds in reservoir and downstream x River has a very low nutrient load, low impairing dam discharge, irrigation systems, navigation sediment load and no fish population. and fisheries, and increasing water loss through River is not navigable in the project transpiration? area. x No evidence of scouring at upstream scouring of riverbed below dam? dam which have been operation since late 1980s. downstream erosion of recipient river in trans-basin x Not applicable. diversion? increased flooding risk of recipient river in trans-basin x Not applicable. diversion? x Potential impacts limited to partially dewatered channel between dam and powerhouse. decreased groundwater recharge of downstream areas? Bedrock in project area is granitic; very low porosity & permeability. Inherently low groundwater storage
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