! GOVf,RNMf,IIT OF SIEST BENGAL Finance Deparlrncnt Audir Bra ch Nabanna. Howrah 7l I 102. No. 1529-F(H) l)Atc-07.0J.2019 NOTIFICAIION The Govemor is pleased to rmnsfer the following Personal Assistanls (Schedule 'B' English Stenographeo fiom their pres€m plac€ ofposting as shown in column (3) to lhe Offic€s as shown in column (4) in lhe sarne pos! (slrcrdy conve(cd and included yidc this Departmenr's Memo No.2676-F(H) Dated 2d May,2017 re{d with Memo No.235l-F(H) Dated llrr April, 2018) with immediate effect and until funher order, This issues in the inler€sr ofthe Public Service. Sl.No. Nama rfilb DcsignalioIl Present place of Posting Ntrr plac€ of pBting (l) (21 (3) l I Shri Snehasis Mondal Finance Deparlment. Cou. of WAQF Tribunal, Wesl Bengal, P A, (Schedule B ). Crade- W.8., Nabana. 1258, HEm Chandm Naskar Road, Kolkata-10 Shri Prrcah Nsth Bakhi The Deputy Director. The Superintendenl of Police, P.A. (Schedule B ) Crade-ll Animal Resourc€s Development Rirbhum & Parishad Omcer, Birbhum, Suri :l Shri Amiyf, Ghosh, The Supe.intendent of Poliae, The Deputv Director, P.A. (Schedule B ). Crade- Bi.bhum Animal Resourccs Developmenl & lt Parishad Omcer. Birbhum. Suri. Snt Apsma Moitra, The Director, Dle of Micro, The Joint Director, A.R.D., P.A.(Schedule'B'). Crade-l Small & Medium Enterprise. Institute ofAnimal Heal6 & N.S-Buildings, Kolkata-70000 I Veterinary Biologicals (R&T). Covt. ofWest Bengal. 37, Belgachia Road, Kolkala-37. Shri Suprebhrt Das, The Executive Engineer, The Director. P.A. (Schedulc B') Crade-ll Danrodsr Survcy & lnvestigation Dte. of Micro, Small& Medium Division under I &W Dte.. Salt Entcrpris€. N.S.Buildings- Lake, Kolkata-g1. Kolkata-700001 6 Smt. Boisskhi Sen, The Sup€rintending Engineer The Director ofLand Records & P.A. (Schedule 'D') Grade-11 (A-M), Kolkata (A-M) Resources Surveys, lndo-Banslsdesh Circle. Water Resources Boundary Denarcation. Wesl Developmenl Dte., Mayukh Bcngal, N S Duildin8s, Kolkata- Bha*an, Salt Lakc, Kolkata-g1. 70000 t. By Order ofthc Governor Stl/. S. K. Ranr Spccif,l S€crclary lo the Corernment of West Bangal v7 No.ls29 /l(19)-F (H) Datc- 07,03.2019 Copy fonyarded for informstion and nectssary lction to:- 01. The Accountant G€neml (A&E), w.B. Treasury Buildings. Kolkata'700001 02. The Chairman. WAQF Tribunal. West Bengal. 1258. Hem Chandm Naskar Road, Kolkata-10. --This hds reference ro his Mcmo No l63lWT dat€d 5d March, 20I9 03. The Deputy Director, A.R.D & Parishad Officer, Birbhum, Suri. 04. The Superintendenl ofPolice, Birbhum. --This has reference to his Meho No.593O-E dated l Tth December, 2018 05, The superintending Engineer [A-M], Kolkata [A-Ml Resources CirEle. water Rcsources Development Dr€.. Mayukh Bhawan, Sah Lake, Kolkata-g1. - Suitsble r€placlmenl $,ill be provided in due course oflimc 06. The Director, Dte. oflvricro, Small& N,ledium Enterpris€, N.S Buildings, Kolkata-700001. 07. The Joint Director, A.R.D., lnstitute of Animal Hellth & vererinary Bioloticals [R&T], Govl. of West Bcngal, 37. Bel8schia Road, Kolketa-37. 08. The Exccutive Engineer, Damodar Survey & Investig8tion Division under I & W Dte., Sah Lakc, Kolkata-g1. --Suitablc replaccmcnt rvill be provided in due course oftime. 09. The Director of lrnd Records & Surteys, lndo-Bangladesh Boundary Demarcation, wesl Bengal. N,S.Buildings, Kolkora-70000 L --This has refercnce to his Mcmo. No.Bdy/1326-44/20l9 dated 86 February, 2019. 10. Shri Snehasis Mondal. P.A. (Sch. 'B ). Crade-ll I L Shri Parcsh Nath Bakshi. P.A.(Sch.'B ), Cradcll. 12. Shri Amiya Chosh. P A. (Sch. 'B'). CradeJl. 13. SmL Apama Moilr4 P A. (Sch. 'B') Grade{. 14. Shri Suprabhat Dss, P.A.(Sch. 'B ). GmdeJl. 15. Smr. Boisakli Sen, P.a. (Sch. 'B'). Grade.ll. l6 P.A. to Special Secretary, Group-H (P.A. Pool), Nabanna. l7 The Dealing Assislant. 18. Shri Saumitm Biswas, Scnior Software Developer, Finance Dcpanment. --for uploading the said Notificalion in fte Website ofSlenographers. 19. OIIice Copy. O.S.D. & E.O. D€puty S€cretrry to the Covernment ofWe$.Bcngal.
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