--_. ~ RASNICK fAMILY NEWSLETTER Th e voice of the descendants of JACOB RASNICK - HESSIAN SOLDIER, father of all mo dern day RASNlCKS-RASNAKES-RASNlCS in America to day. - Born ­ VOL. 1, No.1 JACOB RUEHRSCHNECK SUMMER 2001 Watzendorf, Germany Jaco b Rasnick's Original Homesite - Glade Hollow Deap Cousin, As summer arrives, my mind naturally wanders back to the cool mountains of Tennessee and Southwest Virginia. I won't be able to attend the reunion this year, but hope to be able to next year. I've voiced my desire to im­ prove our reunion in the past and I'd still love to be able to help do that. There are many exciting projects that we could be involved with that would bring all of us RASNICKS-RASNAKES-RASNICS closer together, no matter where we live or how we may spell our name . And of course it would be fantastic to meet in person all the people who I've met through mail, phone and on the computer over the past several months! But I'll just have to be content with the hope of going next year... In a common desire to unite our family by preserving our history and sharing our research , we began The Jacob Rasnick Project website earlier this year. Its success and growth has been a pleasant surprise, and we quickly added a second site, The Jacob Rasnick Project II. It is certainly a joy to be able to access so many RASNICKS-RASNAKES-RASNICS in­ stantly via the Internet and to reacquaint ourselves with lost cous ins. And it's especially exciting to find new cousins we never knew we had! So now I think it would be a good time to start a Rasnick Family Newsletter not only for our group, and for those family members who would like to stay in touch, but don't have access to a computer. Please send me any names and addresses of family members you have that you think would like to be added to our mailing list. (My mailing address and email address will be . --- ----==~=====================~-= •• _.---.J!.~========~====~==========d.~._ iii. listed on the back of the Newsletter.) While I have absolutely no experience in such an undertaking, I thought I'd give it a try until someone else comes along who could do it justice. I'd really like to get a good representation of our different family lines and I'm asking for your help and support by sending me your suggestions, family news, research updates, documents, photographs and anything else you'd like to share with the family. I would welcome any articles you'd like to write and hope some of those of you who are able to attend the Rasnick Reunion will send in reports and photos for us to publish. And I encourage all of you to record any stories or information that you may have the opportunity to receive from our older generation. How sad it is to think of our own Effie Rasnick, who worked much of her life to re­ search and compile the history of the RASNICKS­ RASNAKES-RASNICS with the intention of writi ng a Effie Rasnick family book. She reportedly suffers from Alzheimer's Disease and currenty lives in an unknown nursing home. It appears that her lifetime of work may now be lost forever. Mark your calendars The Rasnick Reunion sunday, August 5,200t SUTHERLAND BOOKS Lebanon Nigh School The best bOOk on RasnlckS-Rasnakes-Rasnlcs to date Is stili the bOOk by Judge ElihU Jasper sutherland. Some Descendants of JOhn Counts Of Clade Hollow (Southwest Vlralnla) 1722-1977. copies can be Obtained through Judge Sutherland's son. Billy at the following address: William H. Sutherland P.O.sox 547 st. Paul. Virginia 24283 (540) 762 -0542 email: [email protected] Ezekiel and Ernestine Rasnick - 1923 2 Rasnick Family Origins by 1v1CtY~'R~Fa-~ For many generations we Rasnicks have been searching in vain for our fam­ ily's origin. Tradition has insisted that our forefather, Jacob Rasnick, came from Germany to America as a Hessian Soldier to fight in the Revolution­ ary War. He eventually settled in Southwest Virginia and met and married Moll ie Counts, daughter of John Counts of Glade Hollow. And that is basi­ call y all we knew. There are several different versions of how this all came to be, but the most popular version is the one recorded by E. J. Sutherland in his book Some Descendants of John Counts of Glade Hollow (Southwest Virginia) 1722-1977. So the story goes, young Jacob, at the age of 18, was threshi ng wheat, when he was kidnapped by German soldiers and forced into mil itary service. His mother was unable to secure his release and so she gave him a Bible to use in the far away land. We now know that it was a usual practice for a young man of Jacob's age to be conseri pted into mi 1i tary service by hi s rul er, and so he was probably not "kidnapped". There are several theories and speculation as to just how Jacob met John Counts and his family. Stories of Moll ie finding a wounded Jacob on the battl e­ field and nursing him back to heal th now seem unl i kel y. As a member of the Ansbach­ Bayreuth Troops, Jacob was probably captured along with his regiment at Yorktown in 1781 and most 1ikely made his escape shortly thereafter. He somehow made hi s way to the Valley of Virginia, where there was a settl ement of German ellligrants. The spe­ cifics of how he met and married Moll ie Counts and came to settle in Glade Ho11 ow are not known. Today, some exciting devel­ opments have begun to cl ear In 1977 a group of Jacob and Mollie Rasnick 's descendants erected this the mystery surrounding our monument to them and their nine children, from whom we are all Jacob. Fol k lore is being descended today. repl aced by facts and our 3 history is being recorded for future generations. Dil igent efforts by Rasnake descendant Frieda Patrick Davison and Hessian expert John Merz have at 1ast uncovered Jacob's true name - JOHANN JACOB RUEHRSCHNECK. They have found documentation of his mil itary service and even learned that his place of bi rth was Watzendorf. These wonderful strides have only served to i n­ crease all the more our desire to locate Jacob's origins, thus completing our family's German connection. Our current research is bei ng concentrated around Watzendorf, in Mi ttl e­ franken near Nurenberg. While several Ruehrschnecks have responded to our 1etters, we have thus far been unable to 1ink any of these fami 1i es to our Jacob. Wi th onl y 25 Ruehrschneck famil i es in all of Germany, it seems to me unlikely that we are not all related. Research has been slow due not only to the di stance and 1anguage barrier, but al so because records in Germany are not kept in a central location, but rather at local church parishes. To date, these searches have yielded no results. There is one possible new clue, however, which leads our search in a new direction...to Austria! AGerman Ruehrschneck tells me that tradition in his family tells of the Ruehr­ schnecks 1eaving Sal zburg due to rel igious persecution and settl ing in Germany! So our research conti nues ... ~~4~#4~444~ ~ JACOB and MOLLm, RASNICK'S t NINE :::REN t ~ JACOB, JR. ~ M:~~:=ETt~ LAZARUS t MARY ~ NANCY ~ JONAS CHRISTINA t ~~~ 4 WILL OF JACOB RASNAKE Russell County, Virginia Will Book 4A, Pages 272 - 273 Some Southwest Executed 02 Jan 1827 Virginia Families Virginia, Russell County, November 24th day in the year of Christ Associated With 1826. I Jacob Rasnick sener. of said County on this day make my last will and testament in the manner and form following, to wit: RASNICKS­ 1st that is to say I direct my executor as soon as practable after my RASNAKES­ decease see on a ceadit as he may think best all my personal property. RASNICS 2ndly I direct my funeral expenses be by my executor paid out of my estate Counts 3rdly that all my just debts be paid out of my estate Kiser 4thly that my beloved wife Mary Rasnick receive of my executor Southerland out of my estate a reasonable suport dureang her natural life to the Blair house and ground reserved to me & her in the contract between LaForce George & David Cowand & myself in the sale of my land to them that my executor give to here as she may need for her own suport. Skeen Sthly After the death of myself and wife I give to my son Jones Jessee Rasnick the sum of fifty dollars cash in addition to what I have Kelly allrady given him. Musick 6thly that all the balance of my estate after the death of myself and Grizzle wife be by my executor after paying all costs of administration and a reasonable allowance to my executor for his truble be eaqually divided between my daughters of the following names Christeana Fuller Nancy Fields and Polly Robinson 7thly and lastly that I apoint and constitute my friend Benjamin Sewell executor of this my last Will and Testament given under my hand and seal this day and date above writen in the presence of his John Sewell Jacob X Rasnick Senr . (Seal) his mark William R Robinson mark MARY MOEEIE COUNTS daughter of John Counts of Glade Hollow married Jacob Rasnake in Shenandoah County on February 25, 1784 5 American Revolution is a "hobby" believe me, in my view he is "the" scholar.
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