HE 26 1), / FINAL REPORT of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study Ad Hoc Advisory Panel Southeor Iffu li Un mrs g SStoc Of M c R" Library Spr,ng`iesd, iU#hiois U .S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE TABLE OF CONTENTS PANEL CHARTERS First Panel Charter 1 Second Panel Charter 2 PANEL MEMBERS 3 DATES AND PLACES OF MEETINGS 4 FINAL REPORT Section I - Report on Charge I 5 Addenda to Charge I 14 Section II - Report on Charge II 16 Addenda to Charge II 20 Section III - Report on Charge III 21 Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Library Springfield, Illinois April 28, 1973 Dr. Charles C . Edwards Assistant Secretary for Health U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Washington, D.C .'20202 Dear Doctor Edwards : The final report of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study Ad Hoc Advisory Panel is transmitted herewith . The Chairman specifically abstains from concurrence in this final report but recognizes his responsibility to submit it . Broadus N . Butler, Ph .D. President Dillard University DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs will designate WELFARE the Chairman . Management and staff services will be provided by the CHARTER Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs . Tuskegee Syphilis Study Ad Hoc Advisory Panel to the Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs Meetings Meetings will be held at the call of the Chairman, with Purpose the advance approval of a Government official who shall To fulfill the public pledge of the Assistant Secretary for also approve the agenda . A Government official will be Health and Scientific Affairs to investigate . the present at all meetings . circumstances surrounding the Tuskegee, Alabama, Meetings shall be conducted, and records of the pro- study of untreated syphilis in the male Negro initiated ceedings kept as required by Executive Order 11671 and by the United States Public Health Service in 1932 . applicable Departmental regulations . Authority Compensation The committee is established under the provisions of Members who are not full-time Federal employees will Section 222 of the Public Health Service Act, as be paid at the rate of $100 per day for time spent at amended, 42 US Code 217a, and in accordance with the meetings, plus per diem and travel expenses in provisions of Executive Order 11671, which sets forth accordance with Standard Government Travel standards for the formation and use of advisory Regulations . committees . Annual Cost Estimate Function Estimated annual cost for operating the committee, The committee will advise the Assistant Secretary for including compensation and travel expenses of members Health and Scientific Affairs on the following specific but excluding staff support, is $74,000 . Estimate of aspects of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study : annual man years of staff support required is one year at Determine whether the study was justified in 1932 an estimated annual cost of $16,000 . and whether it should have been continued when penicillin became generally available . Report Recommend whether the study should be continued A final report based on the committee's investigation at this point in time, and if not, how it should be will be made to the Assistant Secretary for Health and terminated in a way consistent with the rights and Scientific Affairs . A copy of this report shall be provided health needs of its remaining participants . to the Department Committee Management Officer . Determine whether existing policies to protect the The Tuskegee Syphilis Study Ad Hoc Advisory Panel to rights of patients participating in health research the Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs conducted or. supported by the Department of will terminate on December 31, 1972, unless extension Health, Education, and Welfare are adequate and beyond that date is requested and approved . effective and to recommend improvements in these policies, if needed . FORMAL DETERMINATION By authority delegated to me by the Secretary on Structure September 29, 1969, I hereby determine that the The committee will consist of nine members, including formation of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study Ad Hoc the Chairman, not otherwise in the full-time employ of Advisory Panel to the Assistant Secretary for Health and the Federal Government. Members will be selected by Scientific Affairs is in the public interest in connection the Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs with the performance of duties imposed on the Depart- from citizens representing medicine, law, religion, labor, ment by law, and that such duties can best be performed education, health administration, and public affairs . through the advice and counsel of such a group . The Panel members will be invited to serve for a period not to extend beyond December 31, 1972, unless an 8/28/72 (sgd.) Merlin K. DuVal, M .D. extension beyond that time is approved by the Assistant Date Assistant Secretary for Health Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs . The Assistant and Scientific Affairs 1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, beyond that time is approved by the Assistant Secretary AND WELFARE for Health . Management and staff services will be provided by the CHARTER Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health which supplies the Executive Secretary . Tuskegee Syphilis Study Ad Hoc Advisory Panel to the Assistant Secretary for Health Meetings Purpose Meetings will be held at the call of the Chairman, with the advance approval of a Government official who shall To fulfill the public pledge of the Assistant Secretary for also approve the agenda . A Government official will be Health to investigate the circumstances surrounding the present at all meetings . Tuskegee, Alabama, study of untreated syphilis in the male Negro initiated by the United States Public Health Meetings are open to the public except as determined Service in 1932 . otherwise by the Secretary ; notice of all meetings is given to the public . Authority Meetings are conducted, and records of the proceedings The Panel is established under the provisions of Section kept, as required by applicable laws and Departmental 222 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended, 42 US regulations. Code 217a ; the Panel is governed by provisions of Executive Order 11671, which sets forth standards for Compensation the formation and use of advisory committees . Members who are not full-time Federal employees will be paid at the rate of $100 per day for time spent at Function meetings, plus per diem and travel expenses in The Panel will advise the Assistant Secretary for Health accordance with Standard Government Travel on the following specific aspects of the Tuskegee Regulations. Syphilis Study : Annual Cost Estimate Determine whether the study was justified in 1932 and whether it should have been continued when Estimated annual cost for operating the Panel, including penicillin became generally available . compensation and travel expenses of members but excluding staff support, is $74,000 . Estimate of annual Recommend whether the study should be continued manyears of staff support required is one year, at an at this point in time, and if not, how it should be estimated annual cost of $16,000 . terminated in a way consistent with the rights and health needs of its remaining participants . Report Determine whether existing policies to protect the A final report based on the Panel's investigation will be rights of patients participating in health research made to the Assistant Secretary for Health, not later conducted or supported by the Department of than April 30, 1973, which contains as a minimum a list Health, Education, and Welfare are adequate and of members and their business addresses, the dates and effective and to recommend improvements in these places of meetings, and a summary of the Panel's policies, if needed . activities and recommendations . A copy of this report shall be provided to the Department Committee Manage- Structure ment Officer . The Tuskegee Syphilis Study Ad Hoc Advisory Panel to the Assistant Secretary for Health consists of nine Termination Date members, including the Chairman, not otherwise in the Unless renewed by appropriate action prior to its full-time employ of the Federal Government . Members expiration, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study Ad Hoc are selected by the Assistant Secretary for Health from Advisory Panel to the Assistant Secretary for Health will citizens representing medicine, law, religion, labor, terminate on March 31, 1973. education, health administration, and public affairs . The Chairman is designated by the Assistant Secretary for APPROVED : Health. The Panel members are invited to serve for a period not 1/4/73 (sgd.) Richard L. Seggel to extend beyond March 31, 1973, unless an extension Date Acting Assistant Secretary for Health 2 PANEL MEMBERS Seward Hiltner, Ph.D ., D.D . Professor of Theology Chairman : Princeton Theological Seminary t Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Broadus N . Butler, Ph.D. President, Dillard University Jay Katz, M .D. 2601 Gentilly Boulevard Professor (Adjunct) New Orleans, Louisiana 70122 of Law and Psychiatry Yale Law School Members : 127 Wall Street Mr. Ronald H . Brown New Haven, Connecticut 06520 General Counsel Jeanne C . Sinkford, D .D .S. National Urban League Associate Dean for Graduate and 55 East 52nd Street Postgraduate Affairs New York, New York 10022 College of Dentistry Vernal Cave, M .D. Howard University Director, Bureau of Venereal 600 W Street, N .W. Disease Control Washington, D.C. 20001 New York City Health Department Mr. Fred Speaker 93 Worth Street Attorney at Law New York, New York 10013 2 North Market Square Jean L . Harris, M.D ., F.R.S .H. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17108 Executive Director Mr. Barney H . Weeks National Medical Association President, Alabama Labor Council Foundation, Inc. AFL-CIO 1150 17th Street, N .W. 1018 South 18th Street Washington, D.C. 20036 Birmingham, Alabama 35205 3 MEETINGS Subcommittee Meeting on Charge III National Institutes of Health TUSKEGEE SYPHILIS STUDY AD HOC Bethesda, Maryland ADVISORY PANEL 7.
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