OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT of GOA~ DAMAN and DIU ,- GOVERNMENT of GOA, DAMAN and DIU Home Department (Gene Rail Directorate of Transport

OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT of GOA~ DAMAN and DIU ,- GOVERNMENT of GOA, DAMAN and DIU Home Department (Gene Rail Directorate of Transport

, REGD. GOA-51 Panaji, 8th March, 1984 (Phalguna 18, 1905) SERIES III No. 49 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA~ DAMAN AND DIU ,- GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU Home Department (Gene rail Directorate of Transport Public Notice The following applications have been received for grant of stage carriage permits to operate buses on the following routes in response to the public notice, of this office published in the local newspapers. Sr. Date of \ Name and address of the applicant 1If. V. No. NQ, receipt Panaji,to Margao viw Zuari Bridge~ Verna &; 1.rice versa (11 1. 14-12-83 Shri Etelvina Pereira, ,Agacaim, nhas~ Goa. GDS1737 2. 14-12-83 Smt. Gloria Gonsalves, Agassaim, IIhas, Goa: GDT 2114 3. 14-12-83 Smt. Gloria Gonsalves, Agassaim, Ilhas, Goa. GDS ,1.~92 4. 14-12-83 Shn Joao Rodrigues, Mandur Padri Bhat, llhas. GDS 1595 5. 15-12-83 St. Xavier Transport Service, Dongri, Mandur, llhas. GDS 1693 6. 15-12-83 Shri Jose Novais, Goa Velha, Dando, Ilhas, Goa. GDT 2402 7. 15-12-83 Shri Kashinath B. N aik, Porvorim, Goa. GDS 1995 8. 16-12-83 M/s. Empresa Transport Agasaim, Panjim Limited, Pilar, Goa. GDS 1849 9. 16-12-83 M/s. Empresa Transport Agasaim, Panjim Limited, Pilar, Goa. GDS 1945 10. 17-12-83 Shri Rosario Fernandes, Danddo, Goa Velha, Ilhaa, Goa. GDT 2404 '11. 17-12-83 Shri Sebastiao Polha, Agassaim, Dhas, Goa. GDS 1528 12. 17-12-83 Shri Miguel Gracias, Agassaim, Malvaram, Ilhas, Goa. GDS 1555 13. 17-12-83 Shri Krishna Kankonker, Gavant, Chimbel, Ilhas~ GDS 1961 14. 20-12-83 Shri Raghuvir D. Hoble, Wadi, Merces, St. Cruz. GDT 2458 ,15. 20-12-83 Shri Raghuvir D. Hoble, Wadi, Merces, St. Cruz. GDT 2480, .16. 20-12-83 Shri Vishnu M. Mandreker, H. No. 221, Bella Vista, Sangolda, Bardez. GDS 1525 17. 20-12-83 Shti Gajanan P. Achrekar, Ecoxim, Bardez, Goa. GDS 1550 18. 20-12-83 Shri Pedro Gracias, Agassaim, Malwara, Ilhas, Goa. GDS 1822 ,19. 20-12-83 M/s. Shri Manguexa Bus Service, 314, Govinda Building, Panaji. GDS 1959 '20. 20-12-83 Shri Upendra V. Netravalkar, Ca:ranzalem, Goa. GDT2332 :21. 20-12-83 Shri Sitakant V. Netravalkar, CaranzaIem, Goa. GDS 1792 '22. 20-12-83 Shti Pandurang G. Gaunekar~ Gaune, Bandora, Ponda, Goa. GDS 1604 :23. 20-12-83 Shri. Rohidas H. Massurker, Mahalaximi Housing Society. 2nd floor, GDS 1795 St. Cruz, Partaji. :24. 20-12-83 Shri Manuel J. Pereira, 8 Gosalia Bldg., MaJ1"gao~ Leyland 1979 Model '25. 20-12-83 Shri Sebastiao Dias, Neura Grande, Dhas, Goa. GDS 1750 26. 20-12-83 Shri Rupi R. Porobo, Tonca, :Ma.rfcela~ Goa. GDS1805 ,27. 20-12-83 Shri Joaquim Dinez, Shiroda. GDS 1855 28. 20-12-83 Shri Tukaram P. Fadte, Cumbarjua, Goa. GDS 1931 :29. 20-12'83 Shri Vasudev S. Vadkar, Prabhavati Niwas St. Inez, Panaji. Ashok Leyland 1977 model ,30. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Ka~amba Transport' Corporation Ltd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle of Corp. 1982-83 __ ('Late application) model ,31. 22-12~3 Managing Director, Kadamba Transpo~ Corporation Ltd., Panaji, Goa. , Any Vehicle of Corp. 1983-83 (Late 'application) model" '32. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle of Corp. 1982-83' (Late appncation) model '33. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport; Corporation Ltd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle of Corp. 1982-83 (Late application) model :34. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba -Transport Corporation Ltd;, Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle of Corp. 1982-83 (Late application) model :35. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle of Corp. 1982-83 (Late application) model :36. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba 'rransport Corporation Ltd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle of Corp. 1982-83 (Late application) model :37. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle of Corp. 1982-83 (Late application) model :38. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Panaji, Goa.­ Any Vehicle of Corp. 1982-83 (La,te application) model :.39. 22-12-ea Managing Director, -Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle of Corp. 1982-83· (Late application) model • 524 Date of Name and address of the applicant M.V.No. .receipt 40. 22-12-53 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle of Corp. 1982-83- . (Late application) model Ribandar to Nessad, via MeTces~ Samtana., Zuari Bridge, Verna" Marguo and 'Vice versa (1 Bus): 1. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport CorporAtion Ltd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle of Corp. 19$2-83- (Late applicatio~) model Margao to pamafi via Verna, Zuari Bridge &; vice versa (11 buses): 1. 13-12-83 Shri Augusto T. S .. Noronha, Vetoda, Cuncolim, H. No. 90, Salcete. ODT 2461 2. 13-12-83 Shri Augusto T. S. Noronha, Veroda, Cuncolim, H. No. 90, Salcete. ODT 2337 3. 13-12-83 Shri Joaquim D'Costa, H. No. E-369, Macazana, Salcette. ODZ· 2582' 4. 13-12-83 8hri Vincent Travels, Baradi, Zuem, P. O. Betul, Salcette. ODZ 2550 '5. 13-12-83 The Marlin Tran~ort Company Private Limited, Erasmo Carvaiho ODT 2245 Street, Margao. 6. 13-12-83 The Marlin. Transport Company Rrivate Lim.lted, Erasmo Carvalho ODT 2494 Street, Margao. 7. 14-12-83 Shri Byron A. Xavier, H. No. 297 Uddo, Quelossim Cortalim, Goa. ODS 1862 8. 15-12-83 Shri Shashikant M. Naik, Ponzorcon, Ctmcolim, Salcette, Goa. New vehicle 9. 15-12-83 Shri ShashIkant M ... Naik, P~onzorcon, CUncolim, Salcette, Goa~ New vehicle 10. 15-12-83 Shri Shashikant M. Naik, Ponzorcon, CUncolim, Salcette, Goa. New vehicle 11. 15-12-83 Shri Mahabaleshwar S. Salelkar, Sanguem, H. -NO'.. 13, Wrurd No. ?, ODS 1536 Sanguem, Go&. ' 12. 17-12-83 Swac Transport 'Pv~. Ltd., COlva, Salcette, Goa. New vehicle Tata 13. 17-12-83 Queiroj Vito Viegas, H .. No. 484," Carmona, Salcette, Goa. ODT 2372 14. 17-12-83 Shri Santana pereira, H. No, E-40, Dando, GoaRVelha, nhas, Goa. ODT 2289 15. 17-12-83 Shri Bharat V. Kornaonkar, H. No. 166 Borda, Mar-gao, Goa. ObT 2447 16. 20-12-83 Shri Prrakash "K. Naik, CUncolim, Goa. New Ashok Leyland bus 17. 20-12-83 Mis. Shri Manguexa Bus Service, 314, Govinda Building, panaji, Goa. ODS' 1959 18. 20-12-83 Shri Upendra V. Netravalkar, Caranzalem, Goa. ODT 2332 19. 20-12-83 Shn Sitakant" V. Netravalkar, Caranzalem, Goa. ODS 1792 20. 20-12-83 Shri Pandurang G. Gaunekar, GaUne, Bandora, Ponda, Goa. ODS 1604 21. 20-12-83 Mis. Kashinath R. Naik, Cuncolim, Salcette, Goa. Ashok Leyland 22. 20-12-83 Gourish Transport Service, CUncolim, Salcette, Goa. ODZ 2523 23. 20-12-83 Shrri. Kashinath R. Naik, Cuncolim Salcette, Goa. Ashok Leyland 24. 20-12-83 Shri Bharat V. Kargoanker, H. NO.. 166, Borda, Margao, Goa. Above 76 model Tata 25. 20-12-83 Shri Satchidanand S~ -Kakodkar. Abade'ia Road, Margao-Goa. ODS 1679 26. 20-12-83 Mis. Ghode Transport,' H. No. 398, Comba, Margao. Leyland Viking Bus 27. 20-12-83 Swac Transport Pvt. Ltd., Colva. Salcette, Goa. New Vehicle Tata 28. 20-12"83 Smt. Sebastian Dia$, Neura Grande, Ilhas, Goa. ODS 1750 29. 20'12-83 Smt. Sebastian Dias, N eura Grande, Ilhas, Goa. ODT 2383 30. 20-12-83 Shri Gonsalves Transport Service, N euI'a Grande, llhas, Goa. ODS 1800 31. 20-12-83 Shri Uday D. Vadil, Kotto, Sanguem, Goa. ODS 1631 32. 20-12-83 Shiri Floriano C. V. D'Silva, H. No. 30, PassageD1!, Assolna, Salcette. New Vehicle 1984 modei 33, 20-12-83 The Goa Transport Ltd.. Godinho Bldg. Abade Faria Road, P. O. 97, GDT 2362. Margao, Goa. 34. 20-12-83 The GOa Transport Ltd.. Godinho Bldg. Abade Faria Road. P. O. 97. ODS 1594 Margao, Goa. 35. 20-12-83 The Goa Transport Ltd., Godinho Bldg•. A"Qade Faria Road, P ..O. 97, ODS 1633 Margao, Goa. 36. 20-12,83 The Goa Transport Ltd., Godinho Bldg. Abade Faria Road, P. O. 97, ODS 1809 Margao, Goa. 37. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle 1982-83 model'. (Late application) 38. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadainba Transport Corporation Ltd., Panllji, Goa.. Any Vehicle 19S2-83 mode!- (Late application) 39. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Pa:h.aji, Goa. Any Vehicle 1982'83 model. (Late application) 40. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., ,Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle 1982-83 model (Late application) 41. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle 1982-83 model. (Late application) 42. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corp~ration Ltd., Panaji, Goa. ,Any Vehicle 1982-83modeJ (Lata application) 43. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation :etd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle 1982-83 model (Late application) 44. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle 1982-83 model' (Late application) 45. ~2-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle 1982.;.83 model," (Late application) 46. 22-12-83 Managing D_irector, Kadamba" Transport Corporation Ltd., Panaji" Goa. Any Vehicle 1982-83 model' (Lata application) 47. Managing Director, - Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Panaji~ Goa. Any Vehicle 1982-83 modO! (Late application) 48. 22-12-83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporati0l?- Ltd., Panaji, Goa. Any Vehicle 1:982-83 modeI: (Late application) Nessai to Ribatnilar 'l>ia Margao~ Verna... Zlwri'iUtJgar... Santana, Merces and. back (1 Bus): 1. 22 .. 12w83 Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Panaji; Goa.

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