
The TVR Car Club Vithout the support of the TVR Car Club 40 regfunal meetings nationwide from Dorser «r (TVRCC) and irs members, this book rvould simply North Easc Scotiand and frorrr Nonhern Ireland «r not have heen possible. If you orvn a TVR or are Suffolk. Many rneerings have rheir own, private rntere.reJ in them. j,'ining rhe Cluh pur' y,'u rn rooms in puhs or hotels and arrange guest speakers touchwithmanyotherlike-mindedpeople.Thefol- «r talk on a variety ofTVR-related topics- The Re- Iowing Club description rvas writteo by Ralph Dodds. gional Organisers also plan regular social garherings Forned in London in 1962 by a small band of and visits ro classic carshows and events where they enrhrr.ia'r.. rhc TVRCC i. n,s .rne.'irhe pr.mier can.nreal r he w,'rJ oiTVR. Manr regr,,ns.rrg"nr.e one make car clubs in the country with a melnber- theirown track days at local circuits around rhe coun- ship of over 4,500, carering for owners ofall TVRs rry rvhere you crn learn to use the po$,er of your fron the earliest TVR Coupe No I right up to the TVR in safety. There are often professional TVR iatest Cerbera and also forenrhusiasrs of the marque, Tuscan racing drners on hand to advise and help wherher an owner or not. you «r improve your skills. TVR was lixmed in 1947 by TrevorVilkinson (u,ho gave his narrre to the trake TreVoR) in Club Office Blrclp,r,l rs Trevcar M,,r,.r, He hurlr- hr. frr,r car rn 1949using a multi-«rbular chassis, MorrisS mechani- The ClubOffice is based inGlford.lt isavail- cals and a Ford l00E engine to which he added his ,rhle ro "ffer aJ!rce,'n any r.pect ofbuyrng. rnarn. own design metal bodyshell. Soon he realised that raining or insüring a TVR. k can also ansrver any the bodyshell would be mL,ch mrre c<xt-eI{ecrive jf queries you may have regarding membership of rhe it rvas made in CRP and in 1953 stärted fitting RGS TVR Car Club. The Club Office hours are 09.00 to Ariantabodies to his chassis before the first realpro, 17.30 Monday ro Friday. Conract details: ducrionTVR rvith an in-house produced GRP L,odt', Tel/Fax, 01952 7?0615 rhe Crantura, appeared in 1958. email: [email protected] The years since have seen the company pass website: wwwtvrcc.com through tumukuous times and a variety ofdifferent models Grantura, Griffith 200 and 400, Mxen, Sprint Tuscan V6- and V8,2500 and 3000M, Tannar,3O00S, Tasmin, 280i,350i, J90SE,420 and 45OSEAC, 400 As a member ofthe TVR Car Club, you will and 450SE, Sl, 52, Sl and 54, V8S, Griffith, Chi receive a copy of the full colour mägazine Sprint maera, Griffirh 500 and Cerbera and a seiection of every month. With abour 60 A4 pages per month, engines from Ford 1 100 ro Rover 5.0 litre and TVR's this has been recognised as one of the top car clrb ,,unAJP84.2.rnd4 5lrrre- l-ur Trcrlr'' l-a'i, .,,n- magazines in the UK. Each month ir contains tech- ceproffitring a GRP hody to a mu lt L-tubular chassis nical information, TVR road rest reprinrs, reports of rvrrh fronr engrne anJ rear u hcelJrive remarn. rrue the TVR rnorcirport compeLirions, regional reports, pages of classified TVR sales and o,anred, lerters to One ofthe rlost rewarding ways to enjo!'the the Editor, future events diarl and trade advertise- club is to ger our ancl rrreet other owners/enthusi- ments frum mme of the ttst companies in TVR af- asts. This is rnade easy by going along ro one ofover ter-sales sLrpport. A1pendix A: The TVR Car Club 391 Helplines Some questions answered No matrer what job you need r,r do on your I dont own a TVR but am an enrhusiasr of TVR or whar you are concerned about on your po' the marque. Can I join the TVRCCI tential TVR, oiil or new, chances are someone has The Cluh is open ro anybody who has an in- been rherebefore. And thafswhere Helplines comes terest in these great British sports car§. telephone technicäl assistance from in. Free, over the I am looking for a TVR. How can you help? a recognised specialist in each qpe ofTVR is avail- In many ways. Fißt, join rhe Club. Second, able «r rnembers. The details are prrblished every go ak ng t,.r your local meeting, meer like monrh in Sprint. mrnJeJ .nthu,ra,t. anJ rälk t,,,'t{ner' ,,f rhr rype ofTVR inwhichyou are interested. Find Club events out what ro look for and whar to avoidlThird, you may well find a pristine example of rhe a larr<tr The nrn,)nil f n,qramrne c.n"r"t. ',f car you are looking for in the Market Place ofevents hoth ocial and sgnrting wirh thc empha- pages ofSprint. There are more TVRs forsale sison enioyiDe yourTVR. There is an annLralspring each month in Sprint that any othercär maga- visir to Blackpool where you can tour the TVR fac- where your car was constructed. ln the «rry an,l see But I live.rbroad? summer, a National \Ueekend is org.rniseJ, centred TheTVR CarClub is wellrepresented abroad ,,n ,,ne ol rhe c,,unrrl\ fremier m,'r,,r rdcing crr. wirh some six internätional regionsand mem- cuits such as Brands Harch, Donnington Park or bcß as far afield as California and New Zea- Silverstone, where again you can expkrre your car! land. Sprint magazine can be sent via ainnail full potenti:rl with expert tuition availahle, if re- to keepyou up tospced wirh allmanersTVR. quired. Additionally, rhere is an international meet- I'd like a TVR bur they are allgroup 20 insur- ing every year at Zolder in HoLland, where enthusi- ance. Can I get it any cheaper? asts frorr all over Europe meet to test their cArs on Yesl Extremelycompetitiveratesareavailable one of Europe\ most famous circüi$. Finally, the «r club rnembers through the dedicated clLrb TVRCC is always represenred at the majornatiorlal scheme at A. Manning U.K. Ltd. tel:01491 cla*rc , rr sh,,u., 'u. h a. rhe Cla-rc .rnJ Sp,,rr'car 5787 59. Show at the NEC. Motor sport For members who are interested in taking part in motorspon, thc TVRCC is RACMSA recoenised an.lhasmembers who regularly sprinr, hillclimb, race and cven raily theirTVRs. Some members compete in the presrisious TVR Tuscan Challenge whlch of- fers some ofrhe most exciting raci.g in the country and manl meml-er. t,'lh,u rnJ 'upp.,rr rhr"erre' The Club is often able to negotiare reduced rates for entry plus special parking areas and even parade läps ofthe circuir for members at the Tuscan Challenge meetings. \Uherever possible, lrellbers will have a hosFitaliry area in rhe infield. Regalia Throueh its Club OfJ,ce, rhe TVRCC ollers members over 100 itemsofregalia, ranging From lei s,.rre wear. such as sweatshirts and lambswcxrl sweat- ers. to exclusive TVR wriscwarches, urnbrellas and parts manuals for most types ofTVR. Useful contacts Thisappendix contains several lists of usefu I c,rnracrs. The first is the current factory approveddealer list for TVRs in the UK. The second is a list oforher tleaiers that specialise in TVRs and orher companies tharcan offer TVR related services and producrs. The approved dealers can supplyspares and many provide rnail order sen,ices. lf -vou are calling of these companies, it is a good idea «r have the cart details handy, including the chassis number. TMS Pefonnänce Vehicles Ltd Henle) Herirase IJK Factory Beler War lE-20 Readine Road approved dealer§ Henley on Thames Mehon Mo"bar_v Oxfordshre RC9 lAC Leicesreßhire LE13 (]DC Tel,0l49l 4ll l?7 LOCIK Tel:01664 481 065 Fax:01491 5?8 5?4 Halbeath Fax:01664 482 065 Dunfemline The TVR Centre Fife, Scodand Bamet Road Teti 01381 625 ll7 Clatks Fax:0138162.1 954 492 Brnnirrgham Road Bamet Marlbrrxlk Herdrdshne EN5lll Hexham Horseless Caniages Tel: 0208 440 6666 Haugh Lane Vorcestenhire 861 OHS Fax: 0206 440 7364 Tel:0121 445 0lll Castle TVR Northumberland NE464HF Fax,012l 445 3817 Tel:01414 601 666 Lower Street Kings Spims Cars Stansread Fax: 01414 601 ?77 Essex CM24 8LP Hanogare Horseless Carriages Warwicl CV]4 6SP Tel: a1219 64i 7?6 284/286 Skir'«)n Road Tel: 01926 4?7 100 Mole Valley Motor Group Tel:01421 521 074 Kerridges Zoo Garage Fax: 01421 500 810 The HallGarage 360-366 Leatherhead Road Needham Market Chessing«rn ChrisropherNeil Surel- KT9 2NN SuffoLk lP6 8EC Tei, 0208 394 1114 Northwich Tel,0l449 720 222 Fax,0ll27 274 0838 Cheshrre C\ug ?NA Fax, 01449 720 953 Nuu,.kenidges.co.uk Tel: 01606 41481 Mole Valley MotorCroup Fax:01606 4164 David Hendry Cars Orchard Busines Park wwuchristopherneil.co.uk Kinsfisher Mill Perer Smith Sports Cars Ltd Park RoaJ Salfords Station Road Redhill Hatton Wiftshire SN16 OBX Suney RH1 5EL Derby DE Tcl,0l666 824169 Tel:01291 822 911 Tel:01283 813 593 Fax:01666 E22 090 Fax:0l2El 815 491 wwu,.petersmithsportscaro.com Appendx B: Useful antncts 393 Other specialists The Chequered Ftag Roman Busines Park 548.560 High RoarJ East Street Chis$ick Ackrill Auturotive High Strcet Suney CU9 7SX Tel,020 8995 0022 Tel:01252 715 185 Clässic TVR Canterbury Fax, 01252 ?35 920 Kent CTI lSX Steve Reid Keepers Co«ase Williams Auronobiles TeL: 0122? 720 644 Hollow Road S! Phili|s Cäuseway Fax:01227 721 248 barker Prestor on the Hill Brrsd BS4IBD Lancashire WA4 4LW Tel:011? 9?1 9191 TeI,01926 719 26? Chinglüd § \r s.willrams€utomobiies.com Slrrel CU8 4TD Enginurty Tel:01428 681054 216 Trusslef Road 716 London Road LarkfieLd London W6 Mews Kent ME20 6BC 1 The Tei: 020 8741 238? Tcl:01?12 8?0 186 Cilstea.l Fax, 020 8563 056? Binsley Fax:01712 871 l4l Fernhurt Mo«x Company \Uest Yorkshrre BD16 3NP wwu,.wrlldonuayco.uk Midhursr Road TeI,01274 565 222 Westover Sporrscas Fax,01274 565 222 Salisbury Road Blandfoll Bauer Milleft Wesr Sussex CU27IEE Dorset DT11 8UB 29? Deansgate Tel:01428 651924 M.nchesrer M3 4LQ Tel:01258 451 2ll Fax: 01428 653 343 831 ?447 Fax: 01258 451 141 Tel:0161 ww*.fernhurt-tvr.co.uk
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