Governors State University OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship Innovator Student Newspapers 1-27-1994 Innovator, 1994-01-27 Student Services Follow this and additional works at: http://opus.govst.edu/innovator Recommended Citation Governors State University Student Services, Innovator (1994, January 27). http://opus.govst.edu/innovator/432 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Innovator by an authorized administrator of OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. hen Elvis Was King - The Breaking ews on pg.7 Condoms - pg. S Performing Arts Center Meeting New Friends (And Propelled by Kathie Godf� Parting With Old Money) The proposal of a performing artscenter for GSU was part of a deliberate strategy to elicit large private donationsfor the project. said Dr. William H. Dodd, GSU FoundationCEO, in an interview 1811181)' 13. •we wanted to attract large contributions to the university, invite people to make signiftCant contributions andoffer them their Dr. William Dodd names inside the cemer, • Dodd The original proposal for the said. -we knew that if we had pro­ performingarts cenlcr, presenlal in expanded include posed a library instead: said 1985, was to a state-of-the-art technolo&Y cen­ Dodd, "we were notgoing to get ter enhance the university's thosekinds of commitmenlsfrom to current capability for satellite donors.• videocoad'aenc:iDg. In 198�. several years after Doddsai d be thought the tele­ GSU fust eliminatedits program conferencing aspectof the cemcr in theater, the provost appointed would be particularly exciting to a university-wide task fon::c to the business community and to advisehim on whatthe university thecompanies that are competing community should do with the effectively in our global econ­ drama workshop. (The drama omy. workshop is the university's cur­ "Theycould brin8 lllnciRds rent �lack bo • lbca&er that am peopleinto the facilitywbo coukl be reconfigured to accomodate be tJaincd by someone localcd in the variedthe demands of experi­ Osaka,. Dodd said. "That's the mc� theater.) kindof thins thathappe could n. • Doddsaid from that the begin­ Dodd said that while he ning, the capital campaignfor the couldn't predict every single use Teaching Milton On Location cemcr was relalcd to the GSU's for the technolo&Y the aa­ community service although it tbat tive community,both student and woukl ultimately relate to stu­ regional,might exploreonce they dents. Dodd alsosaid the that eco­ capabilitiesof nomic development initiative understood the the cemer, he believes that the exis­ represented by the center was teosc of the center wiD represent what attmcted the attention of a challengefor Sen. Aldo DeAngelis, a donor bothstudems aud faculty. andsupporter of thecenter. of things thatwe say -ne [DeAngelis] sawit primar­ "'ne the in our mission statement is that ily as an economic development we want to internationalize our initiative for the entire area,• curriculum,· Dodd said. ·wen, Doddsaid, •1 believe most of the we now [will] lave the facility.• investorssaw the impact that tbis Dodd indicates, is the would ultimately have on tbe As this area.• timeforstudclaaadfaculty alike to develop tbeir proposals for The GSU Foundation mised center progranuniag aod offer S 1.8 miUion in privlle cloDIDms them to the Repoaal CeDter for the buildill8 of the RqioMI Comnrission cumaly beilll es­ Center for Technolo&Y and the Plaident Wolff. Perfol'lllin8Ads. tablishedby : �U ProfCIIOr Dr. Jeff� L)'lldl prepares to take his tderilioapat� iato 17th ceatury •thor Jolla Miltoa' c:ottqe Ia Ch.oat St. Giles, Eaglaad. :rile villt wu part or the production work for tile "Uvlq Llteraeare" coune offered daring the inter trimesterat GovernonState Uaivenity. AD iDu ration of the Regional Ceaterfor Tedulolqy - die Tilepablic iiMted to joia Lyach' dilca • from 9 Lm. to aooa Wedaaday For information Performing Arts. call Dr. David Aiatworth at GSU at (708) 96-7270. Page2 GSU INN OV ATOR January27, 1994 Nik's Piks GSU Chronicle By Nicole M. Seibt Information gathered by S.M.A. Students; Michele Wieringa, Leigh Mitrick, Frank Trevino, Matt •••Hello fellow laborers!*** Schmidt and Sal Medica Yes, I took an extended vacation, but I used my time wisely-1 re-decorated. "Re-decorated what?" you may be asking. Well, in a Fourth Annual Disability Awareness Day is on Thursday,January 27. Our theme is "We Can Do It vain attempt to put my name in lights, I've changed the title of this Too." The activities for thisday will include exhibits, entertairunent and an evening symposium conducted colwnn from "Guvvy's Bits" to Nik'sPiks." Why? Mainly because I by Dr. David Yaseen. Hours are from noon to 7 p.m. in the Hall of Governors and the symposium is 7 p.m. don't write about GSU exclusively like my predecessor; I truly like my to 8:30p.m. in theHall of Honors. Questions? Call Rita Nagy at 534-4557. colwnn to be eclectic. Another newly decorated piece is the column itself. Now I'm going to include a section of my own comment before1 Fund Finder - Scholarship Search software available at reference desk in the University Library. I give ideas on places to go andthi ngs to do. ENJOY! Boraand Blues - Modern KlezmerJazz Festis Saturday, February 19 at 7 p.m. Anita M. Stone JCC's Earthquakes. Record breaking days below freezing. Blizzards. Is Charlene Davis Memorial Theater is Located at 3400 West 196th Street in Flossmoor. Tickets are $10 with this the beginning of the end or is Nature trying to tell us she's pissed advancedpurchase (708-799-7650) or $13 at the door. off? Prairie State CoUege Writer's Club is seeking peorns, short stories, and art work for it's new literary Whatever the answer, I'm just glad I'm not part of the masochistic magazine - The Arcanum. Send toPSC Writer's Club, 202 S. Halsted. Chicago Heights. IL. 60� II or call television crews aroundthe nation who haverisked their health(no t to 708-709-3535. mention their lives) to cover these"News-breaking stories." I can't say I that I myself did not indulge in their masochistic charm. I spent my Graduate Assistants Needed for Winter Trimester -Please apply at the Dean's office in the College of entire Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday laying in front of the television Business andPublic Administration. with my eyes glued to the devastation. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN was the chant that sang through my head when conversation or destruction Student Life Ad\isory Council's Special E\·ents Committee is looking for student members to ass1st in scenesbecame dull My regular exercise routine was even skipped for planning the 1994 African American History Month activities. Call Rita Nagy at 53�455� for more fear that I might miss some big calamity. 1 information. I know it sounds sad, but my story is one that can be shared by GSU Job Locator, Joanne Sandberg, helps students in finding 11art time emtliO)ment on and millions of people across the United States. This past week I don't off-campus.Call Ext. 5700or stop by during office hours. Monday through Friday 8.30 a.m to 5 p m (Some know what was more important. being a cameraman or thePresident. extended hours available.) OLD VEHICLE =TAX WRITE-OFF ..The National Kidney Foun­ Full-Time Jobs Li ·ted Outside Room E1500 (Dh·ision of Humanities and Social Sen ices) Or visit dation of Illinois, Inc. is accepting donated vehicles for an auto cam­ Career Services in room C3500. Hours arc Monday through Thursday 8:30a.m. to 7 p.m.. Friday 8.30 a.m. paign. Thevalue of the vehicle donated can beused for your tax records to 5 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. as a donation. To donate, call 1-312-663-3103 or 1-800-9-KIDNEY. NKF will send you and Auto Donor Forn1.. arrange for their tower to , Free Housing Info and Assistance. Visit room A2100 or call 534-4550 and ask forPaula. pick-up the \'Chicle free of charge. and you will receive your receipt andTax Deduction Form. Cars. trucks, vans, motorcycles. andtrailers Research lnternsbi(lSand/or Partisan Staff Internships and/or Science Writing Internships in the lllinois arc accepted. 1 General Assembly. Call Kent Redfield in Springfield (217) 786-6602 . Applications deadline is March I. GOTTAPLOW! El AlmandarizUndergraduation Science Fellowships in Hcrpctoloro. Dr. Scholl Graduate and Undcr- graduateScience Scholarships at the LincolnPark ZoologicalGardens in Chicago for Summer 199-l.Deadline 1 for all applications is March 14. For information write to Science Fellowships. Director of Conser. ation and l-I Science. LincolnPark Zoological Gardens, 2200 North Cannon Drive. Chicago, IL. 60614. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. GSU Gospel Choir meets on Tuesdays at 7:30pm. in room E2117. All Professional and AspiringMusicians: GSU Jazz Ensemble meets Wedncsda� nights 7 to 9 p.m. in f the University Theater or call Ext. 4010. I CELEBRATION -1994 by Pam Bax On January 17, New Faith Baptist Church in Matteson welcomed MODEL UN TEAM READYING FOR N.Y. GSU President Paula Wolff as the keynote speaker for the celebration Iby T. Dean Fidao tutelage (POLS)), the GSU team Committees). andDean Fidan and of the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr .• martyr to the cause of civil' GSU's AmericanModel United put together and helped pass a Bill Jones (Security Council) rights for all African Americans in the United States. Keynote speaker' ·Nations team is gearing up for an­ joint-resolution while effectively In SUllllll<1I) "we have a strong for the GSU celebration of Dr.
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