Vol. XII Issue 4 Harrison High School June 2008 Verdict In: Law Day Guilty of Being A Hit! Allie Citarella Staff Reporter It was a full half-century ago “Law Day,” yet today the tradition still rule of law and is used as an occasion as well as by Supervisor of Secondary when President Dwight D. Eisenhower continues throughout our great nation. for legal education in schools rather Social Studies Josh Elder. and then President of the American First created to celebrate a Capitalist than in courthouses. Once the welcoming remarks Bar Association Charles S. Rhyne Society (as opposed to a Communist This year’s Law Day at Harrison and presentations of awards to hon- proclaimed May 1, 1958 as the first one), today the tradition celebrates the High School was another tremendous ored guests were done, the mock success. Several high school mock trial tournament officially began. It trial teams and their advisors partici- was an intense two hours full of com- pated in a tournament that displayed a petitive presentations, and the panel great commitment to the furtherance of of eminent attorneys from the legal the law. Participants this year came to community that were on hand to judge Harrison from all around Westchester, the trial witnessed students at their including Ardsley High School, Sale- best. Technically Harrison High School sian High School, The German School, won, but we also had a “home school and Gorton High School. Events were advantage.” Every school present did coordinated by faculty members Tiffany a significant job defending its particular Garner and Veronica Sullivan. This side of the case. year’s mock trial was a negligence After lunch, there was a brief case involving a hit-and-run accident. Student Awards Ceremony. The Law Day celebration warmed Some of the attorneys present up with registration and a welcoming that day included: Harrison Town breakfast prior to the opening ceremo- Attorney Frank P. Allegretti, Esq., nies. This year’s keynote speaker was Harrison Town Justice the Honorable County Executive Andrew J. Spano, Ronald Bianchi, Jeffrey S. Goldstein, a distinguished leader recognized Esq., Harrison Deputy Village Attorney nationally for his groundbreaking ac- Jonathan D. Kraut, Esq., attorney for complishments. Other notable and the Harrison Central School District distinguished speakers that day in- Emily J. Lucas, Esq., Harrison Town cluded Mayor Joan Walsh, Harrison Justice the Honorable Marc J. Lust, Chief of Police David Hall, President of Mitchell G. Mandell, Esq., and Andrew the Harrison Board of Education David Spatz, Esq. All of these esteemed law Singer, Secretary of the Harrison Edu- professionals generously gave their cational Foundation Laurie Fried, and time and effort toward making another Superintendent of Schools Louis N. Law Day at Harrison High School a Wool. In addition, the attendees were great success. addressed by Principal Dr. James Ruck County Executive Andy Spano addresses the Law Day 2008 audience. Courtesy of Mr. Andy Nicol Eco-Friendly “Veggie Van” Visits HHS Rebecca Wandel Staff Writer What’s green and goes on veg- used vegetable oil picked up at the shown about global warming and the more Emma Glass also had positive etable oil? That was the question local McDonald’s and from some of effects of pollution on the environment. things to say about it: “The Veggie Van asked in the advertisement teaser for Playland’s greasiest eating options Eleventh grader Dominique Cuce said, is a great way to help the environment Westchester’s “Veggie Van,” a van that (where up to 10,000 gallons of veg- “I think it is a really good way to use a and use up something that would have runs purely on bio-diesel fuel. Many etable oil is used each year). All this renewable energy source, especially just been thrown out anyway.” students got to see and experience this vegetable oil is given free of charge since gas prices are so high.” Sopho- (Continued on Page 2) van firsthand when it visited Harrison for the fueling of these Veggie Vans High School this past month. and other vehicles that are going to The van is completely green on be used here in Westchester County. the outside and figuratively green on The vegetable oil is then cleaned and the inside, providing the road with an treated and brought straight to the en- eco-friendly mode of transportation. gine. The vegetable oil needs first to It spent the day at the high school, be heated up. This is done with diesel providing a cool place for some of the fuel, but once it is warmed up enough science classes and others to learn to run the van, the van runs solely on about many of the benefits of bio-diesel the vegetable oil. Westchester County fuel and the use of other renewable hopes to run some of its snowplows energy sources. and pick-up trucks on this bio-diesel Westchester’s new ”Veggie Van” fuel. That would be great, as bio-diesel was designed by county graphic artist fuel produces only about 20% of the Ruthann Pisano. It runs purely on pollutants of a normal diesel engine. bio-diesel fuel as opposed to regular This Veggie Van is actually for diesel fuel. What exactly is bio-diesel? educational purposes and serves as Surprisingly, bio-diesel fuel is actually a mobile classroom where DVDs are Ms. Cain and her students explored the “Veggie Van.” Courtesy of Ms. Carolyn Munter Husky Herald - Page 1 Revolutionary Van Runs on Vegetable Oil (Continued From Page 1) Not only is this van informative, about global warming and alterna- it also smells great. When driving tive fuels, and how such alternative by, you can be lucky enough to get a fuels can help save the planet, it whiff of French fries or Chinese food, also teaches how such alternatives a big improvement over the harsh, can help save money in your wallet. Westchester County’s own “Veggie Van.” Courtesy of V.O. Tech USA.com strong smell of diesel fuel emitted With gas and diesel prices soaring from regular buses. There also is an as summer approaches, the lure of educator guy who rides along with an affordable alternative renewable the van to various locales. He knows energy source that can be put into everything there is to know about this full effect by the average car owner Inspiring Guest Speaker process. He says that if you have a sounds very attractive! diesel engine, you can run your car At a time when so many past on bio-diesel fuel. He claims it is an attempts at avoiding fossil fuels have Barbosa Touts Action easy conversion. failed –the electric car, for instance With the price of diesel fuel was completely destroyed by the oil climbing higher and higher, this would companies in its attempt to rise in Through Leadership To be good news for many. Perhaps in certain markets -- this option seems the near future, we’ll all be buying to offer a viable solution. It appears to diesel engine cars or cars capable of be working well within the county and HHS’ Hispanic Students running on an alternative renewable can certainly work for the individual energy sources. Vehicles such as car owner. The next step will be to Judy Florio the Veggie Van are revolutionary in make this renewable energy source Staff Writer the way that they offer a reasonable available to the public so that people next step toward saving an environ- can make this progressive move In early May, Mr. Gustavo Bar- the idea is not only to excel in things ment that is in such dire need of being ahead toward ultimately helping to bosa, the House Principal of New Ro- such as sports and hobbies, but also saved. Not only does this van teach save our planet. chelle High School visited our school to become an active learner. to speak directly to HHS’ Hispanic During the powerful presentation, youth. Mr. Gustavo was inspired to Mr. Barbosa spoke of several alarming come speak to the students of Harrison statistics, such as that, in the last 40 High after escorting Valentina Cortes, years, 40-60 % of Hispanic students The Husky Herald one of our own fabulous juniors, to the have dropped out of high school, or Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute that some 35 % of Latinos will have Staff 2007 - 2008 held at Fordham University. While repeated a grade by the age of 18. at the conference, Mr. Barbosa gave One of the biggest concerns in the Meredith Cusick – a presentation about issues that the Hispanic community is education, and Editor-in-chief Hispanic Community is currently fac- Mr. Barbosa continued to enforce the Andy Peng – News Editor ing, and recommended a program of importance of education, and how with “action through leadership.” Valentina, education comes a good job and good Hank Rubenstein – Sports Editor inspired by Mr. Barbosa’s message, pay. Mr. Barbosa stressed how hard Taryn Brandes & Kelly Lavin – Features Editors lead a campaign to have him speak work in school now will pay off later. He Andrea Pagano - Fashion Editor and present to our own Hispanic told the Hispanic students that, if they students. did not get an education, they might David Laskin - Food Editor All of the Hispanic students at end up like some Latinos that get ar- Chris Vaughan - Music Editor Harrison High received an invitation rested for trafficking in drugs. to this presentation. The turnout was Mr. Barbosa concluded his rel- Arielle Lhotan – Graphics Editor fantastic, with a large majority of the evant and interesting presentation JamiAnn Plekon - Photography Editor student Hispanic population in atten- by showing a slide that featured pro- dance that afternoon.
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