CareCare forfor thethe WildWild IndiaIndia PresentsPresents KnowKnow YourYour WildWild AnimalsAnimals Look,Look, somesome animalanimal inin thethe bushbush Identify-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --???????????? CanCan youyou ???? IdentifyIdentify allall otherother WildWild AnimalsAnimals IfIfIf YesYesYes------Keep------Keep itit upup IfIfIf NoNoNo PleasePlease HaveHave aa looklook Let'sLet'sLet's beginbeginbegin thisthisthis lessonlessonlesson fromfromfrom WildWildWild MammalsMammalsMammals ofofof IndiaIndiaIndia WildWild MammalsMammals ofof IndiaIndia WhatWhat isis aa MammalMammal ?? DistinctiveDistinctive characterscharacters ÄÄMammaryMammary GlandsGlands oror MilkMilk producingproducing glands.glands. ÄÄ AnimalAnimal withwith hairshairs (except(except marinemarine mammals:mammals: WhalesWhales andand Dolphins)Dolphins) ÄÄSkeletonSkeleton oror bonybony frameworkframework onon thethe body.body. ÄÄNails,Nails, clawsclaws andand teeth.teeth. WildWild MammalsMammals ofof IndiaIndia WhatWhat isis aa MammalMammal ?? DistinctiveDistinctive characterscharacters ÄÄ LowerLower JawJaw directlydirectly hingedhinged toto skull.skull. ÄÄ HeartHeart andand lungslungs areare separatedseparated fromfrom intestineintestine byby muscularmuscularmuscular partition.partition. ÄÄ DoDo notnot produceproduce eggs,eggs, givegive birthbirth toto youngyoung onesones (except(except MonotremesMonotremes && Marsupians).Marsupians). CarnivoresCarnivoresCarnivores MostMost charismatic,charismatic, powerful,powerful, magnificentmagnificent andand beautifulbeautiful WildWild CatsCats Family:-Family:- Felidae Felidae AAA ---TIGERTIGER TIGER BBB ---CHEETAHCHEETAH CHEETAH CCC ---LIONLION LION DDD ---SNOWSNOW SNOW LEOPARDLEOPARDLEOPARD EEE ---LEOPARDLEOPARD LEOPARD (TENDUA)(TENDUA)(TENDUA) FFF ---DESARTDESART DESART CATCATCAT FelidaeFelidae AsianAsian CheetahCheetah AcinonyxAcinonyx jubatusjubatus FelidaeFelidae AsianAsian CheetahCheetah AcinonyxAcinonyx jubatusjubatus FelidaeFelidae LeopardLeopard PantheraPanthera parduspardus Character Panther (Leopard) Cheetah Scientific Name Panthera Pardus Acinonyx jabutus Occurrence Occurs throughout India Extinct, Last shot down in 1957. Other Genus is found in S.Africa Built Strong and Heavy Sleek and slim with long legs Skin Has close-set rosettes Has solid black spots Head Strong and Wide Long neck, small head with black scar on either side of the face from eyes to mouth. Claws Retractile into sheaths Claws are non-retractile and claw sheath absent. Run Fast but not as Cheetah Fastest wild animal FelidaeFelidae SnowSnow LeopardLeoLeopardpard PantheraPanthera UnciaUncia FelidaeFelidae CloudedClouded LeopardLeopard NeofelisNeofelis nebulosanebulosa FelidaeFelidae CloudedClouded LeopardLeopard NeofelisNeofelis nebulosanebulosa FelidaeFelidae BengalBengal TigerTiger PantheraPanthera tigristigris FelidaeFelidae BengalBengal TigerTiger PantheraPanthera tigristigris tigristigris FelidaeFelidae LionLion PantheraPanthera leoleo FelidaeFelidae LionLion PantheraPanthera leoleo FelidaeFelidae CaracalCaracal FelisFelis caracalcaracal FelidaeFelidae LeopardLeopard CatCat FelisFelis bengalensisbengalensis FelidaeFelidae JungleJungle CatCat FelisFelis chauschaus FelidaeFelidae DesertDesert CatCat FelisFelis libycalibyca FelidaeFelidae FishingFishing CatCat FelisFelis viverrinaviverrina FelidaeFelidae GoldenGolden CatCat FelisFelis temminckitemmincki FelidaeFelidae LynxLynx FelisFelis lynxlynx FelidaeFelidae MarbledMarbled CatCat FelisFelis mormoratamormorata FelidaeFelidae PallasPallasPallas’s’’ss CatCat FelisFelis manulmanul FelidaeFelidae RustyRusty SpottedSpotted CatCat PrionailurusPrionailurus rubiginosarubiginosa NearestNearestNearest relativerelativerelative ofofof CatCatCat CCCiiivetsvetsvets Civets,Civets,Civets, PalmPalmPalm civet,civet,civet, LinsangsLinsangsLinsangs andandand BearBearBear CatsCatsCats Family:-Family:- Viverridae Viverridae CivetsCivets LargeLarge IndianIndian CivetCivet ViverraViverra zibethazibetha CivetsCivets SmallSmall IndianIndian CivetCivet ViverriculaViverricula indicaindica CivetsCivets CommonCommon PalmPalm CivetCivet oror ToddyToddy CatCat ParadoxurusParadoxurushermaphroditus hermaphroditus CivetsCivets SpottedSpotted linsanglinsang oror TigerTiger civetcivecivett PrionodonPrionodon pardicolorpardicolor HimalayanHimalayan PalmPalm CivetCivet PagumaPaguma larvatalarvata BinturongBinturong oror BearBear catcat ArctictisArctictis binturongbinturong AgainAgainAgain CarnivoresCarnivoresCarnivores CareCare forfor thethe WildWild IndiaIndia DogsDogs WildWildWild Dogs,Dogs,Dogs, RedRedRed fox,fox,fox, IndianIndianIndian Fox,Fox,Fox, JackalJackalJackal andandand WolfWolfWolf Family:-Family:- Canidae Canidae CanidaeCanidae DholeDhole oror IndianIndian WildWild DogDog CuonCuon alpinusalpinus CanidaeCanidae IndianIndian FoxFox VulpesVulpesbengalensis bengalensis CanidaeCanidae RedRed FoxFox VulpesVulpesvulpes vulpes CanidaeCanidae JackalJackal CanisCanisaureus aureus CanidaeCanidae WolfWolf CanisCanislupus lupus HyenaHyena NeitherNeither DogDog nornor CatCat The Scavenger Family:-Family:- Hyaenidae Hyaenidae StripedStriped HyenaHyena HyaenaHyaenahyaena hyaena PandaPanda A HerbivoreinGroupofCarnivores RedRed PandaPanda oror CatCat bearbear Sub-Family:-Procyonidae RedRed PandaPanda AilurusAilurusfulgens fulgens BearBear Family:- Ursidae Family:- Ursidae SlothSloth BearBear MelursusMelursus ursinusursinus BearBear HimalayanHimalayan BlackBlack BearBear SelenarctosSelenarctosthibetanus thibetanus BrownBrown BearBear UrsusUrsus arctosarctos MongooseMongoose CommonCommon IndianIndian MongooseMongoose Family:-Herpestidae HerpestsHerpestsedwardsi edwardsi HerpestsHerpests vitticollisvitticollis MongooseMongoose StripedStripedStriped-necked--neckednecked MongooseMongoose SmallSmall IndianIndian MongooseMongoose H.H. auropunctusauropunctus CrabeatingCrabeating MongooseMongoose H.H. urvaurva CareCare forfor thethe WildWild IndiaIndia OttersOtters,, Weasels,Weasels, MartensMartens,, FerretsFerretsFerrets-badgers--badgersbadgers,, RatelsRatels andand BadgersBadgers Family:-MustelidaeFamily:-Mustelidae OtterOtter CommonCommon OtterOtter LutraLutra lutralutra OtterOtter SmoothSmooth IndianIndian OtterOtter LutraLutra perspicillataperspicillata OtterOtter ClawlessClawless Otter/IndianOtter/Indian SmallSmall-clawed-clawed OtterOtter AonyxAonyx cinereacinerea MartenMarten BeachBeach oror StoneStone MartenMarten MartesMartes foinafoina YellowYellow-throat-throat MartenMarten MartenMarten MartesMartes flavigulaflavigula WeaselWeasel HimalayanHimalayan WeaselWeasel oror SiberianSiberian WeaselWeasel MustelaMustela sibiricasibirica BadgersBadgers MarbledMarbled PolecatPolecat VormelaVormela peregusnaperegusna HogHog-Badger-Badger ArctonyxArctonyxcollaris collaris BadgersBadgers Melogale personata Melogale moschata FerretFerret BadgersBadgers BadgersBadgers RatelRatel oror HoneyHoney BadgerBadger MellivoraMellivoracapensis capensis HerbivoresHerbivoresHerbivores MostMost beautifulbeautiful creature,creature, letlet themthem livelive Deer,Deer,Deer, GazellesGazelles ,, AntelopesAntelopesAntelopes Oxen,Oxen,Oxen, SheepSheepSheep andandand GoatGoatGoat Family:-Family:- Bovidae Bovidae Characters Deer AntelopesAntelopes,, GazellesGazelles They are called horns, hollow Horns They are called antlers, they are They are called horns, hollow with a core of bone covered by solid, bony & have branches, fall with a core of bone covered by hard tissue, permanent do not and re-grow every year, only hard tissue, permanent do not have branches, only males males have antlers have branches, only males havehave horns. horns. All antelopes have glands Gland under eyes Only Sambar has glands under All antelopes have glands under the eyes. the eyes. under the eyes. Live in open and grasslands. Occurrence Prefer dense forested habitat. Live in open and grasslands. Black buck, Chowsingha, Representative Spotted deer, Sambar, Mouse Black buck, Chowsingha, deer, Barking deer, Barasingha Nilgai,Nilgai, Chinkara Chinkara DeerDeer BarasinghaBarasingha CervusCervus duvauceliduvauceli DeerDeer BarasinghaBarasingha FemaleFemale CervusCervus duvauceliduvauceli DeerDeer SambarSambar CervusCervus unicolorunicolor DeerDeer SambarSambar FemaleFemale CervusCervus unicolorunicolor DeerDeer AntlersAntlers BarasinghaBarasingha SambarSambar DeerDeer CheetalCheetal oror SpottedSpotted DeerDeer AxisAxis axisaxis DeerDeer Axis axis Axis axis Axis axis CheetalCheetal oror SpottedSpotted DeerDeer FemaleFemale withwith sucklingsuckling fawnfawn DeerDeer Barking Deer or Muntjac BarkingBarking DeerDeer oror MuntjacMuntjac MuntiacusMuntiacus muntjakmuntjak DeerDeer FemaleFemale BarkingBarking DeerDeer MuntiacusMuntiacus muntjakmuntjak DeerDeer ThaminThamin oror BrowBrowBrow-antler--antlerantler DeerDeer CervusCervus eldieldi DeerDeer KashmirKashmir stagstag oror HangulHangul CervusCervus elaphuselaphus hangluhanglu DeerDeer HogHog DeerDeer AxisAxis porcinusporcinus DeerDeer MuskMusk deerdeer MoschusMoschus moschiferusmoschiferus DeerDeer MouseMouse deerdeer IndianIndian ChevrotainChevrotain Indian Chevrotain TragulusTragulus meminnameminna.
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