The Orthodox Lutheran Volume I June, 1952 Number 8 The Sevenfold Gifts “And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.” The sevenfold blessing, symbolized by seven flames, is listed in Isaiah 11:2 as - Spirit, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge, and Fear of God. Luther’s Hymn to 0 blessed Light, Thou Trinity And undivided Unity: The “rriune God The fiery sun has sunk from sight, Fill Thou our hearts with heav’nly One of the best-known teachers light. of the ancient Church was Ambrose, bishop of Milan, in Northern Italy. Thee with a song we praise at morn, He was the man whom Augustine, Thee with a prayer at eve adorn, afterwards bishop of Hippo, in Our simple song will worship Thee Northern Italy, praised with such a grateful heart because he rescued Now and throughout eternity. him from his life of error and sin About three years b e for e his and showed him the beauty and power of the salvation wrought by death, Luther translated the beauti- Jesus, the only Redeemer of man- ful hymn and added a third stanza kind. to emphasize the fact that its stately Ambrose was a highly gifted poet. verses are addressed to the Holy Some of his hymns have been used Trinity. For it is a Vesper hymn of throughout the centuries and still praise to the Holy Trinity. serve to edify thousands of Chris- Stanza 1 describes a heart that tians. The mighty hymn known as desires to be set aglow with heaven- Te Deum is ascribed to him, and he ly light as the glory of day fades is the author of the Ambrosian into darkness. Stanza 2 tells of the Liturgy, a form of service still used Christian’s need for continual praise in Milan. to the Holy Trinity. And stanza 3 Of the shorter hymns of Ambrose is a very effective doxology. one of the best-known is that which The hymn, in Luther’s translation, opens with the words 0 lux be&a appeared first in Klug’s hymn-book Trin,ifafis (Thou art three in unity, of 1543 and was quickly included or, as in the Lutheran Hymnal, No. in o t h e r collections as well. Its 564, 0 Trinity, most blessed Light). counterpart, with the same meter In the original hymn there were and rhyme-scheme, is No. 541 in only two stanzas which, in literal the Lutheran Hymnal, which is a translation, read: morning hymn. P. E. K. Church Work Booming in Minneapolis Many and varied are the reports ticularly because of the correct and concerning t h e activities of Holy ‘complete application of the text to Trinity and its pastor. Contrary to problems at hand. The afternoon fictitious reports, the facts reveal and evening were spent in con- that not the majority, but, to our ference, with our Church Board and present knowledge, only eight souls, their wives, plus o t h e r s at the who joined our church, left again, Parsonage in Navarre on beautiful and that happened within a week. Minnetonka Lake. Our pastor, We thank and praise God the however, during this time was again Spirit for moving others to see the in Frederic, Wisconsin, where we truth and affiliate with us and be- are having services and trust that come active and satisfied in our a congregation can be organized. In fellowship. Also it has been our joy addition, we a r e contemplating a and privilege to confirm t h r e e beginning in two more places soon. adults on Palm Sunday. On June God-willing, Holy Trinity w i 11 8 we shall confirm six children. erect a new school-parish building In each regular meeting of the during the spring and summer. The congregation applications for mem- plans, now almost completed, in- bership are presented by the Board clude five full-size classrooms, a of Elders, serving as the Mission large library, a large utility room, Committee a n d Examining Com- a suite of offices and an auditorium mittee, thru the Church Board, and seating a b o u t 800, including a thus our Lord “daily addeth”. kitchen, organ and choir loft, and a The matter of membership in the large sanctuary. Immediately after O.L.C. continues to be a cause of Christmas six most desirable lots much joy and satisfaction. On Sun- were located, bought with cash in day, May 11, we were honored with six weeks. Thereupon an organ was the presence of t h e Conference purchased for use in the American Board. In the morning service the Legion Hall where we hold ser- Rev. W. H. McLaughlin, President vices and meetings regularly with of th.e O.L.C., delivered a splendid splendid facilities. sermon, which was enjoyed par- Members of Holy Trinity have The Orthodox Lutheran Volume I June, 1952 Number 8 Official organ of the ORTHODOX Officers of The Orthodox Lutheran L U T H E R A N CONFERENCE and Conference edited by an Editorial Board, elected President, Rev. W. H. McLaughlin, by the Conference. M.S.T., Rt. 1, Elberfeld, Indiana 0 Vice President, Rev. P. E. Kretz- mann, Ph. D., D. D., Ed. D., Cuba, This publication will a p p e a r Missouri monthly at a subscription price of $2 per year. Kindly make checks Secretary, Rev. Albert M. Schup- and money orders payable to THE mann, B. S., Route 2, Plymouth, ORTHODOX LUTHERAN, Okabena, Nebraska Minnesota. Treasurer, Mr. F. J. Niebruegge, Kindly address all correspondence Route I, Box 350, Clayton 24, MO. and any article intended for pub- Board Member-at-Large, Mr. H. A. lication to THE ORTHODOX LUTH- Strumpler, 3817 Hartford St., St. ERAN, Okabena, Minnesota. Louis 16, MO. - 98 - resolved, in the fear of God and trusting in His abiding grace, to Send In Names have all things in readiness for the For Sample Copies opening of our school in a modern building, air-conditioned, and located We will be pleased fo send sample in a fine setting, directly opposite copies of the Orthodox Lutheran to from the large North Side Junior any address any reader will send in. High School, away from commercial Send in as many names as you wish districts but with favorable trans- on a postal card or in a leffer. Such portation facilities. At least two sample copies are free. rooms will be needed and put into 0 operation at once to care for the enrollment in elementary s c h o o 1 Is the OzLC Growing? work. Kindergarten is desirable What success in numbers did those soon. Efforts are being made to men expect who 1 as t September locate a suitable parsonage near the formed the Orthodox Lutheran Con- new church plant. ference? They did not set any goals. May we, in all humility, say that No church group whose only busi- our organization, the purchase of ness is to preach the Word ever sets ideal property, our plans to acquire any goal of numbers. more advantageous property, our The OLC people are pledged to hopes to erect a beautiful plant so the Old Missouri doctrinal position, soon, all are results of faith based and such people should never expect upon the Clear Word, the sacred and to gain great numbers. The trend sweet promises of the Gospel. Our of t.he times is away from the old prayers have- been answered beyond ways; the spirit of the day is com- human expectations. Our future promise to please men, attract mem- success and joy is assured by the bers by compromise. And therefore all-sufficient grace of God working men of the OLC or any group like it in us, through US, and for us. To in either Lutheran or Reformed God be all honor and glory! ! circles s h 10u 1 d understand that We suggest this motto for all our growth will be slow and the way congregations: “Ye are bought with will be rough. a price: Therefore glorify God in But the OLC is gaining congrega- your body and in your spirit which tions one by one. What size it will are Gods.” Nor shall we forget the be five or ten years from now no remarks of Gamaliel: “If this plan mortal man can predict. Growth of or undertaking is of men, it will a Christian church group is in the fail; but if it is of God, you will hands of the Lord who gave no not be able to overthrow them (it).” other orders than that the Word The annual Mission Festival will should be taught. be observed on June 22 with Dr. 0 Paul E. Kretzmann, Vice President There are few passages from Holy of the Conference preaching in the Writ which have been more sadly morning service, and the Rev. %. G. misinterpreted and misapplied of Schupmann, member of the Higher late years than that which gives Education Board, preaching in the promise of a more abundant life. afternoon service. These festivities are to take place on the property of our president, Mr. A. F. Berg, ORTHODOX LUTHERAN CON- on the shores of Lake Independence, FERENCE for which we plan a full near Maple Plain, Minn. social a n d especially educational It is our hope and sincere prayer program, concerning which you will that many of you will be with us read details in the July issue of then and especially on August 24, the ORTHODOX LUTHERAN.
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