Index A Aloha Bowl (Honolulu), 72 B Aaron's Dive Shop (Oahu), 214 Aloha Classic Wave Bailey House Museum Shop INDEX A-Bay (Anaehoomalu Bay; Big Championships (Maui), 70 (Wailuku), 553–554 Island), 354, 356 Aloha Festivals, 70 Bailey House Museum Abundant Life Natural Foods Aloha Festivals' Poke Contest (Wailuku), 530 (Hilo), 416–417 (Big Island), 70 Bailey's Antiques & Aloha Shirts Academy Shop (Honolulu), 285 Aloha Kayak (Big Island), 363 (Honolulu), 281 Access Aloha Travel, 84 Aloha Tower Marketplace Baldwin Beach Park (Maui), 511 Accommodations. See also (Honolulu), 260, 287 Baldwin Home Museum specifi c islands; and nightlife, 293 (Lahaina), 533, 555 Accommodations Index restaurants, 184 Bamboo forests (Maui), 521, 547 best, 14–21 American Automobile Bamboo Pantry (Molokai), 601 types of, 101–103 Association (AAA), 729 Bambulei (Kauai), 722–723 Ackerman Gallery (Big Island), American Express, 728 Bank of Hawaii (Honolulu), 255 413 Big Island, 308 Banks, 728 Activities & Attractions Honolulu, 139 Banyan Drive (Hilo), 396 Association of Hawaii Gold Maui, 433 Banyan Tree (Lahaina), 534 Card, 96 America the Beautiful Access Banyan Veranda (Honolulu), 294 Activities desks, 93 Pass, 84–85 Banzai Pipeline (Oahu), 278 Activity Connection, 93 America the Beautiful Senior Barking Sands Beach (Kauai), Admissions Day, 69 Pass, 86 678 Agnes Portuguese Bake Shop Anaehoomalu Bay (A-Bay; Big Barnes & Noble (Honolulu), (Kailua), 290 Island), 354, 356 281–282 Agricultural screening at the ANARA Spa (Kauai), 644 Bar 35 (Honolulu), 294 airports, 75 Ancient Hawaiian Fish Ponds Basically Books (Hilo), 415 Ahihi-Kinau Natural Preserve (Big Island), 386 Beaches. See also Watersports; (Maui), 514 An Evening at Kahua Ranch and specifi c islands Ahuena Heiau (Big Island), (Big Island), 420 best, 2 380–381 Anini Beach County Park Big Island, 353–358 Airplane and helicopter tours (Kauai), 680–681 Lanai, 616–618 Big Island, 407 Anini Beach (Kauai), 689 Maui, 500–508 Kauai, 710–712 Anna Bannana's (Honolulu), 295 Oahu, 200–210 Maui, 531 Antique Alley (Honolulu), 281 Bears' Coff ee (Hilo), 339 Oahu, 232 Antiques and collectibles, Oahu Bed & breakfasts, 102 Air travel, 74–76 Honolulu, 281 Bellows Field Beach Park Akaka Falls (Big Island), 392 The Windward Coast, 290 (Oahu), 212 Alakai Swamp Trail (Kauai), 695 Antiques & Orchids (Big Island), Bentley's Home & Garden Ala Moana (Oahu) 411–412 Collection (Big Island), 414 accommodations, 163–165 Aoki's (Haleiwa), 291 Big Beach (Oneloa Beach; brief description of, 133 Area codes, 728 Maui), 505 restaurants, 178–184 Arizona Memorial at Pearl Big Island, 299–422 Ala Moana Beach Park (Oahu), Harbor (Oahu), 242–243 accommodations, 309–332 200 Arnott's Lodge (Big Island), 368 The Hamakua Coast, Ala Moana Center (Oahu), ARTafterDARK (Honolulu), 296 324–326 286–287 Art Night (Lahaina), 555 Hawaii Volcanoes National Ala Wai Municipal Golf Course As Hawi Turns (Big Island), 413 Park, 329–330 (Waikiki), 226 Asian Grocery (Honolulu), Hilo, 326–329 Alii Antiques of Kailua II 282–283 The Kohala Coast, 318–323 (Oahu), 290 A Taste of Lahaina (Maui), 70 The Kona Coast, 309–318 Alii Antiques of Kailua (Oahu), Atlantis Submarines South Kona, 316–318 290 COPYRIGHTEDBig Island, 366 MATERIALSouth Point, 331–332 Alii Fish Pond (Molokai), 599 Maui, 516 Upcountry Kona, 314–318 Alii Gardens Marketplace (Big Oahu, 216 Waimea, 323–324 Island), 409 ATMs (automated-teller American Express, 308 Aliiolani Hale (Honolulu), 265 machines), 78, 728 arriving in, 300 Allerton Garden of the National A Touch of Molokai (Molokai), beaches, 353–358 Tropical Botanical Garden 603 brief description of regions of, (Kauai), 705 ATV Adventure at Kahua Ranch 302–306 Aloha Beach Service (Oahu), (Big Island), 420 dentists, 308 210, 216 Avanti, 280–281 doctors, 308 Awaawapuhi Trail (Kauai), Frommer's favorite 694–695 experiences, 360 getting around, 307–308 737 115_632369-bindex.indd5_632369-bindex.indd 773737 110/22/100/22/10 33:10:10 PPMM Big Island (cont.) Bishop Museum (Honolulu), 235 Camp Mokuleia (Oahu), 225 golf and other outdoor Black Pot (Kauai), 681 Camp Sloggett (Kauai), 696 activities, 371–377 Black Rock at Kaanapali (Maui), Cannons Beach (Kauai), 689 hiking, 367–371 513 Canyon Trail (Kauai), 693–694 hospitals, 308 Blue Hawaiian Helicopters, Captain Andy's Sailing nightlife, 418–422 407, 531 Adventures (Kauai), 685 INDEX police, 308 Blue Hawaiian (Kauai), 711–712 Captain Bob's Adventure post offi ces, 308 Boating (boat rentals and Cruises (Oahu), 211 restaurants, 332–353 charters), 94. See also Captain Cook Baking Company The Hamakua Coast, Fishing; Kayaking; Whale- (Big Island), 411 346–347 watching Captain Dan McSweeney's Hawaii Volcanoes National Big Island, 359–362 Year-Round Whale- Park, 351–353 Kauai, 684–686 Watching Adventures (Big Hilo, 347–351 Maui, 508–511 Island), 359 The Kohala Coast, 341 Oahu, 211 Captain Zodiac (Big Island), The Kona Coast, 333–341 Body boarding (boogie 359–360 North Kohala, 344 boarding) & bodysurfi ng, 94 Capt. Steve's Rafting Excursions South Kona, 339–341 Big Island, 362 (Maui), 513, 517 South Point/Naalehu, 353 Kauai, 686 Caretaker's Cottage (Kauai), Waimea, 344–345 Maui, 511 696 shops and galleries, 408–418 Molokai, 586 Car rentals, 76 sights and attractions, 377–408 Oahu, 212 responsible tourism and, 88 Hamakua Coast, 392 Bon Dance & Lantern Ceremony Car travel, 76–77 Hawaii Volcanoes National (Maui), 69 driving rules, 76–77 Park, 401–407 Bong Brothers (Big Island), 339 driving safety, 83 Hilo, 396–400 Bong Brothers Store (Big Caverns (wreck site), 688 for kids, 385 Island), 411 Celebration of the Arts Kona Coast, 377–384 BookEnds (Kailua), 290 (Maui), 67 Mauna Kea, 389–392 Booking agencies, 103 Celestial Natural Foods North Kohala, 387–389 Books, recommended, 51–52 (Haleiwa), 291 Upcountry Kona, 382 Bookstores, Honolulu (Oahu), Cellphones, 100 Waipio Valley, 394–396 281–282 Centipedes, 79 suggested itinerary, 111–114 Borders (Honolulu), 282 Central Bakery (Lanai), 627 visitor information, 300, 302 Boss Frog's Dive and Surf Central Maui watersports, 359–367 Shops, Maui, 508 accommodations, 434–435 weather conditions, 308 BottomTime Hawaii (Big Island), nightlife, 568 Big Island Audio Tour, 378 363 restaurants, 471–474 Big Island Candies, 417 Bowfi n Submarine Museum & shopping, 552–555 Big Island Comedy Club, 421 Park (Pearl Harbor), sights and attractions, 528–532 Big Island Snuba Tours (Big 243–244 Central Oahu (Ewa Plain) Island), 365 Box jellyfi sh, 82 brief description of, 137 Big Island Visitors Bureau, 300 Broke da Mouth Cookies golf, 228–229 Big Kahuna Rentals (Waikiki), (Kahului), 478 sights and attractions, 274–280 231 Brothers Cazimero (Honolulu), Chain of Craters Road (Big Big Wind Kite Factory & 294 Island), 401 Plantation Gallery Brown-Kobayashi (Wailuku), Chai's Island Bistro (Honolulu), (Molokai), 603 554 294 Bike Hawaii, 231 Buddha Day (Maui), 67 Chamberlain House (Honolulu), The Bike Shop (Honolulu), 289 Buff alo's Big Board Classic, 66 266 Biking Business hours, 729 Chinaman's Hat (Oahu), 271 Big Island, 374–375 Chinatown (Honolulu), 134–135 Kauai, 701–702 C shopping, 257 Lanai, 622 Cafe Laufer (Honolulu), 282 walking tour, 253–261 Maui, 526–527 Cake Works (Honolulu), 282 Chinatown Cultural Plaza Molokai, 592 Calendar of events, 65–72 (Honolulu), 257 Oahu, 231 Camping and wilderness Chinese New Year (Maui), 65 Billabong Pro Maui (Maui), 71 cabins, 94 Ching Young Village Shopping Birding, Kauai, 702–703 Big Island, 369–371 Center (Kauai), 725 Bird of Paradise Unique Hulopoe Beach Park (Lanai), Cindy's Lei Shoppe (Honolulu), Antiques (Wailuku), 554 621 285 Birds and birding, 46–47, 93–94 Kauai, 696–697 The Cliff s (Oahu), 217 Big Island, 375–376 Maui, 520 Climate, 63 Bird-watching, Kauai, 688, 715 Molokai, 589 Clothing, packing tips, 72 Oahu, 223–225 738 115_632369-bindex.indd5_632369-bindex.indd 773838 110/22/100/22/10 33:10:10 PPMM The Coconut Coast (Kauai), Diving, 97 Edibles 635–636 Big Island, 363–364 Central Maui, 554–555 accommodations, 650–655 Kauai, 688–689 Hilo (Big Island), 416 beach, 680 Lanai, 619 Kauai, 718–722 INDEX hiking, 697 Maui, 512–513 Maui, 562 restaurants, 670–672 Molokai, 586–587 Molokai, 602, 603 shopping, 722–724 Oahu, 212–214 Oahu, 282–285, 291 sightseeing, 712–713 Doctors, Oahu, 139 Ed Robinson's Diving Coconut Island (Hilo), 396, 398 Dole Pineapple Plantation Adventures (Maui), 512 Coff ee Country Driving Tour (Oahu), 276 Elements (Big Island), 413 (Big Island), 378 Don Quijote (Oahu), 283 Elleair Maui Golf Club Coff ees of Hawaii (Molokai), 593 Dovetail Gallery & Design (Big (Maui), 525 Coff ees of Hawaii Plantation Island), 410 Ellison S. Onizuka Space Center Store and Espresso Bar Down to Earth (Honolulu), 284 (Big Island), 378–379 (Molokai), 602–603 Down to Earth Natural Foods Emalani Festival (Kauai), 70 Collectibles and Fine Junque (Maui), 554 Embassies and consulates, 729 (Kauai), 722 Downtown, 184 Emergencies, 730 Collections (Maui), 560 Dragon Mama (Hilo), 415–416 Maui, 434 Condos, 102 Dream Dinners (Honolulu), 179 Oahu, 139 The Contemporary Museum Drinking laws, 729 E Noa Tours (Oahu), 232 (Honolulu), 250 Driving rules, 76–77 Entry requirements, 72–74 The Contemporary Museum Driving safety, 83 Environmental initiatives, Shop (Honolulu), 285–286 Driving tours, Big Island, 378 ongoing, 86–87 Coral reefs, 47–48 Duc's Bistro (Honolulu), 295 Executive Chef (Honolulu), 282 Cost Less Imports (Kahului), 553 Duke Kahanamoku Beach Creation-A Polynesian Odyssey (Oahu), 200 F (Honolulu), 296 Duke's OceanFest Hoolaulea Fagan's Cross (Maui), 549 Credit cards, 78–79
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