S. of Shri Mali Chikkapapanna; B. June 5, 1937; M. Shrimati Kenchamma, 1 D.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1980 to 2-4-1986

S. of Shri Mali Chikkapapanna; B. June 5, 1937; M. Shrimati Kenchamma, 1 D.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1980 to 2-4-1986

M MADDANNA, SHRI M. : Studied upto B.A.; Congress (I) (Karnataka); s. of Shri Mali Chikkapapanna; b. June 5, 1937; m. Shrimati Kenchamma, 1 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1980 to 2-4-1986. Per. Add. : 5, III Cross, Annayappa Block, Kumara Park West, Bangalore (Karnataka). MADHAVAN, SHRI K. K. : B.A., LL.B.; Congress (U) (Kerala); s. of Shri Kunhan; b. July 23, 1917; m. Shrimati Devi, 1 s. and 1 d.; Member, (i) Kerala Legislative Assembly, 1965 and (ii) Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1976 to 2-4-1982; Died. Obit. on 21-10-1999. MADHAVAN, SHRI S. : B.Com., B.L.; A.I.A.D.M.K. (Tamil Nadu); s .of Shri Selliah Pillai; b . October 3, 1933; m. Shrimati Dhanalakshmi, 1 s. and 2 d.; Member, Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly, 1962-76 and 1984-87; Minister, Government of Tamil Nadu, 1967-76; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1990 to 2-4- 1996. Per. Add. : 17, Sixth Main Road, Raja Annamalai Puram, Madras (Tamil Nadu). MADNI, SHRI MAULANA ASAD : Fazil (equivalent to M.A. in Islamic Theology); Congress (I) (Uttar Pradesh); s. of Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madni; b. 1928; m. Shrimati Barirah Bano, 4 s. and 2 d.; Vice-President, U.P.C.C.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1968 to 2-4-1974, 5-7-1980 to 4-7-1986 and 3-4-1988 to 2-4-1994. Per. Add . : Madani Manzil , Deoband , District Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh). MAHABIR PRASAD, DR. : M.A., Ph.D.; Janata Party (Bihar); s. of Shri Sahdev Yadav; b. 1939; m. Shrimati Chandra Kala Devi, 2 s. and 2 d.; Member, Bihar Legislative Assembly, 1967, 1969 and 1977; Minister, Government of Bihar, 1968-71 and 1977-79; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1982 to 19-1-1985. Per. Add. : Kirtipur, Post Office Baghras, Via. Ke Nadiyaani District Darbhanga (Bihar). MAHAJAN, SHRI PRAMOD : B.Sc (Physics), M.A.(Pol. Science), B.A.(Journalism); B.J.P. (Maharashtra); s. of Shri Venkatesh Devidas Mahajan; b. October 30, 1949; m. Shrimati Rekha Pramod Mahajan, 1 s. and 1 d.; Member, (i) Lok Sabha, 1996-97 and (ii) Rajya Sabha, 5-7-1986 to 4-7-1992, 5-7-1992 to 9-5-1996 and 57-1998 till date; Minister of Defence, 1996; Political Advisor to Prime Minister, April 1998; Minister of Information and Broadcasting with additional charge of Food Processing Industries, December, 1998October, 1999, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, 1999 to 2003; Chairman, Committee on Transport and Tourism, 1994-96; General Secretary, State unit of B.J.P., Maharashtra, 1978-85; All India Secretary, B.J.P., 1983-85; General Secretary, Bhartiya Janata Party, 1986-87; 1992-98 and 2003 till date. Per. Add. : 1501, Purna Worli, Sagar Co-operative Housing Society, Pochkhanwala Marg, Worli, Mumbai-400025 (Maharashtra). MAHAJAN, SHRIMATI SUMITRA : Middle ; I .N .L .D . (Haryana); d. of Shri Mool Chand Taneja; b. August 8, 1940; m. late Shri Om Prakash Mahajan, 2 s. and 3 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 10-4-2002 till date. Per. Add. : Kothi No. 157, Sector-15, Hissar (Haryana). MAHANTA, DR. (SHRIMATI) JOYASREE GOSWAMI : M.Sc. (Zoology), Ph.D.; A.G.P. (Assam); d. of late Shri Ramesh Chandra Goswami; b. January 1, 1960; m. Shri Prafulla Kumar Mahanta, 2 s. and 1 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 24-8- 1999 to 14-6-2001; Author of a few books. Per. Add . : (i ) 63, Old M .L .A . Hostel Complex , Dispur , Guwahati -781006 (Assam) and (ii) Village Uluoni, P.O. Bengena Ati, Kaliabor, Nagaon (Assam). MAHANTI, SHRI BHAIRAB CHANDRA : B.A.; Congress (I) (Orissa); s. of Shri Kulamani Mahanti; b. July 13, 1913; m. Shrimati Gitanjali Mahanti, 3 s.; Member, Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1946-57 and 1971-72; Minister, Government of Orissa, 1952-56; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1974 to 2-4-1980; Died. Obit. on 25-7-1980. MAHANTI, SHRI BINOY KUMAR : B.A.; Congress (Orissa); s. of Shri Balunkeshwar Mahanti; b. January 20, 1933; Bachelor; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1964 to 2- 4-1970 and 3-4-1970 to 2-4-1976; General Secretary/President, I.N.T.U.C., Orissa; General Secretary, A.I.C.C.; Died. Obit. on 18-11-1985. MAHAPATRA, SHRI BHAGIRATHI : M.A., B.L.; Congress (Orissa); s. of Shri Durga Charan Mahapatra; b. May 24, 1892; m. Shrimati Sarla Devi, 1 s.; Member, (i) Central Legislative Assembly, 1945-47 and (ii ) Rajya Sabha, 3- 4 - 1 9 56 to 2- 4 - 1 9 62; Died. Obit. on 4-8-1975. MAHAPATRO, SHRI LAKSHMANA : B.A., LL.B.; C.P.I. (Orissa ) ; s . of Shri Borojo Mahapatro , b . June 7, 1923 ; m. Shrimati Ratnamani Mahapatro , 1 s . and 1 d . ; Member, (i) Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1961-73 and (ii) Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1974 to 2-4-1980; Died. Obit. on 22-8-1983. MAHARAJ, DR. SWAMI SAKSHIJI : Vedant Visharad (Inter), Shastri (B.A.), Acharya (M.A.), Vidya Varidhi (Ph.D.); S.P. (Uttar Pradesh); s. of Shri Swami Atmanandji Maharaj; b. January 12, 1956; Unmarried; Member, (i) Lok Sabha, 1991-96, 1996-97 and 1998-99 and (ii) Rajya Sabha, 3-4-2000 till date; Author of a few spiritual books. Per. Add. : (i) Govind Hari Ashram, Sant Colony, Vrindavan, Mathura (Uttar Pradesh) (ii) Veerangana Avantibai Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Sikohabad Road, Etah, District Etah (Uttar Pradesh). MAHAVIR, DR. BHAI : M.A., Ph. D. (Economics); B.J.P. (Madhya Pradesh ) ; s . of Shri Bhai Parmanand ; b . October 3 0 , 1 9 2 2 ; m. Shrimati Krishna Kumari, 2 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 16-4-1968 to 15-4-1974 and 10-4-1978 to 9-4- 1984; Chairman, Committee on Subordinate Legislation, Rajya Sabha, 1982-84; General Secretary, All India Jana Sangh, 1951; President, Bhartiya Jana Sangh, Delhi, 1968-69; Vice-President, All India Bhartiya Jana Sangh; Author of a number of books on Economics. Per. Add. : 389/D/S, New Rajendra Nagar, New Delhi. MAHENDRA PRASAD, SHRI : Graduation with honours in Economics; **(Bihar); s. of late Shri Baliram Sharma; b. January 8, 1940; Member, (i) Lok Sabha, 1980- 84 and (ii) Rajya Sabha, 31-1-1985 to 6-7-1986 and 7-7-1986 to 6-7-1992, 27- 8-1993 to 24-11-1994 and 3-4-2000 till date; First and only person till date to be elected Member of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and nominated Member of Rajya Sabha. Per. Add. : (i) Village Govindpur, P.O. Modanganj, P.S. Ghoshi, District Jehanabad (Bihar) (ii) 67, Patliputra Colony, Patna, (Bihar). MAHESH SARAN, SHRI : B.A., LL.B.; Congress (Bihar); s. of Munshi Iswar Saran; b. 1896; m. Shrimati Nand Kumari Devi, 1 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1954 to 2-4-1960 and 3-4-1960 to 29-11-1965; Died. Obit. on 29-11-1965. MAHESHWARI, SHRI P. K. : M.A.(Public Administration), B.Com.; I.N.C. (Madhya Pradesh); s. of Shri Ramgopalji Maheshwari; b . August 31, 1942 ; m . Shrimati Brij Maheshwari , 3 s . ; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-2000 till date. Per. Add. : (i) Nava Bharat Kutir, Civil Lines, Panchmari District Hoshangabad (Madhya Pradesh) (ii) Nava Bharat Nilayam, E/3-22, Arera Colony, Bhopal- 462016 (Madhya Pradesh). MAHESHWARI, SHRIMATI SARLA : M .A . ; C .P.I . (M ) (West Bengal); d. of Shri Harish Bhadani; b. July 21, 1954; m. Shri Arun Maheshwari, 1 s. and 1 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1990 to 2-4-1996 and 19-8-1999 till date; Author of a number of books and booklets. Per. Add. : CF-204, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700064 (West Bengal). MAHESWARAPPA, SHRI K . G . : B.A., LL.B.; J.D. (Karnataka); s. of Shri Mahadevappa; b. April 24, 1928; m. Shrimati Suvarna, 1 d.; Member, (i) Karnataka Legislative Assembly, 1983-85 and (ii) Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1986 to 2-4- 1992. Per. Add. : 135, V Block, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore (Karnataka). MAHIDA, SHRI HARISINH BHAGUBAVA : B.A., LL.B.; Congress (I) (Gujarat); s. of Shri Bhagubava Mahida; b. May 19, 1919; m. Shrimati Sitaben Mahida, 2 s. and 1 d.; Member, (i) Bombay Legislative Assembly 1952-60 and (ii) Gujarat Legislative Assembly, 1960-62 and 1972-74; Minister, Government of Gujarat; Member, Rajya Sabha, 14-8-1975 to 13-8-1981 and 14-8-1981 to 15-3-1985; Died. Obit. on 27-11-1995. MAHIDA, SHRI U. N. : B.E. (Civil), M.I.E.; IND. (Gujarat); s . of Shri Narsinhbava Mahida Thakore ; b . April 2 0 , 1 9 0 4 ; m. Shrimati Surajkunvarba Mahida, 2 s.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1968 to 2-4-1974; Author of books on scientific subject; Died. Obit. on 4-3-1991. MAHISHI, DR. (SHRIMATI) SAROJINI : M.A., LL.B., Ph. D., D. Litt.; Janata Party (Karnataka); d. of Shri Bindurao Mahishi; b. March 3, 1927; Unmarried; Member, Lok Sabha, 1962-67, 1967-70 and 1971-77; Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, Deputy Minister/Minister of State holding portfolios of Tourism and Civil Aviation and Law, Justice and Company Affairs, 1967-76; Member on the Panel of Chairmen, Lok Sabha, for three years; Member, Rajya Sabha, 8-9- 1983 to 9-4-1984 and 10-4-1984 to 9-4-1990; Vice-Chairman, Rajya Sabha, 1984-85; Author of a number of books in Kannada, Hindi and English. Per. Add. : Ram Nagar, Hosyallapur Road, Dharwar (Karnataka). MAHTHA, SHRI SRI NARAYAN : Congress (Bihar); s. of Shri Vishwanath Mahtha; b. June 11, 1901; Member, (i) Bihar Legislative Council, 1930-36, (ii) Council of State, 1937-47, (iii) Constituent Assembly, (iv) Provisional Parliament and (v) Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1952 to 6-10-1956; Died.

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