Your Want Ad The Zip Code Is Easy To Place- <or Mountainside is Just Phone 6867700 07092 CiQ! (Newspaper Fot The Borough Of Mountainside Snond Clou Psitogi F*'ibii%Ftf!d E a i Tfiyf iday tiy TFuftiaf Pghl!%*i'^q tof F VOL, IB-NQ,44 Poid at Miunislnilda, N,J, MOUNT AINSIDI, NJ., THURSDAY, OCTOBiR 7, 1976 5 New P' p District School Board votes some charges for field trips BY ABNKR OOl.l) was explained hy Hetty Ruffle^ Dayton Merac hmk superintendent of schools said the PisregRfding fhe advice of its enunset the hhrBrian Hfld head "f the fiiifru f ^ Title t dikincl will wli additional funds for rwit v«> Regional High School District Hoard nf program fnr disadvantaged ^tudenl*; She said i'i tnniinue and expand the program Education Tuesdsv night vqied to charge it \M11 prnvidn hji*m instruction in F* nghsh and Hoard mi-mhern and guidance department students for part nf the cost nf field trips mathematics fnr 21S youngsters from Daylnn administrators disrusged ways io end what planned later this month at Jonathan naytnn Rrearley Johnson and Cov Imngstnn they termed «r, Imhalance in course Regional High School in Springfield and pavM Hrginniil in Berkeley Heights tn bring ihom up scheduling Thu unuifl eliminate situations Brearley Regional in Kenilworth i'> minimum levels of proficiency uherr ,i youngsler might he listed for tun Franz J Kknk, board attorney, warned that The program vull cover all four years at the fnghsh tnurses cine semester for example the decision rum counter to a policy high bLhouls and will be provided for students and two study periods or two science courses established by the ptate rnmmissioner of diagnosed as most in need of help Dr (Continue) on pig, )) education in IWMi, hut widely disrega(Hi.H hi school districts until this year That ruling jays that a school may not require students to pay for trips which me baoically part of the curriculum An appeal on the basis nf ihn! ruling lasl ipring threatened in prevent a trip for Springfield eighth graders, who are not part of the Regional High School District That dispute was settled for the moment when the hoard returned funds received from parents anri students Voluntary contributions, mostly from the same parents, were then presented to defray costs of the trip, and it was held Skok said that a final decision on the matter is expected loon On the basis of preliminary rulings, however, he said that the high school board would be in clear violation of state policy if it charged Its students for the two coming trips. Despite his warning, the board unanimously SERVICE FROM SCOUTS — Corn on Ihi cob was among th# David Iselbron and Brian Miske look on. Supervising at rear approved the' two trips One is for 20 special delicacies served by local Soy Scouts at a refreshment stand art lob loll, assistant scoutmaster, and Dick Miske, education students from Dayton, Brearley and at the Bicentennial program Saturday. Above, chef Ken scoutmaster, Arthur L. Johnson Regional in Clark to ipend Murray lerves Don Greeley, while John Agay, Scott Haln, {AndRich Studios) Oct. 15-17 at the Orange YMCA camp In Stillwater. Each student will pay $10, and the board will contribute $12.50 for each youngster The other trip is planned by Dayton teacher GOP incumbents David Cowdln, who will take 47 students and several chaperones to visit points of historical pledge to continue interest in Boston on Oct IS The cost to each student is $18, commitment to all Skok said the board could go ahead with its plans despite his comment, unless a challenge Addressing I Republican campaign meeting is filed, at thi home of Mr, and Mrs, John O'Connell, Charles Vltale of Kenilworth, board Mountainside Couneilmen Nicholas Bradshaw president, stated, "If we go ahead, the worst and Abe Suckno discussed their campaign the commissioner can do is give ui all deten- theme; "a eontinuid commitment to Moun- tion." tainside." • •• • - -o-o- Bradshaw and Suckno, both candidates for IN OTHER BUSINESS before an audience of reelection, pledged to continue to represent all a dozen district residents Tuesday night at Mountainside residents and to continue their Breafley, the board.approved an application efforts to preserve Mountainside from en- for m,i94 In state funds. The money will be croachment by any county, state or federal used to provide "compensatory education" for agency, students in urgent need of special help. Bradshaw and Suekno invited all Moun- The project to run from December to June, tainside residents to use the time between now RiFUND' FOR HOMiOWNIRS—Robert Koser. fox aiSBisor for fhs ioreugh of and Election Day to become better acquainted Mountainside, explains filing process for the new N. J. 'Homestead Tax Rebate' to a with them ai Republican candidates for 'Room Service" local homBowner, Forms for claiming the rabates, snacfBel os part of the stott Borough Council, income tern law, ore available at Borough Hall, Rt. 22, and must b« filed with A series of coffees has been scheduled to give to be produced by the assessor by the property owners on or before Nov. 1, Senior citizens, who residents an opportunity on a neighborhood already receive a property tax deduction, also are eligible for the new rebate. basis to visit and have Informal discussions with reelection candidates Bradshaw and Drama Players Poyments ore to be mode ismi-annually, with the first scheduled in April, Suckno, Any resident wishing to find the date (Photo-Graphics) and location of the nearest coffee was invited to Drama coach Joseph F, Trinity this week call the coffee chairman, Mrs, John Connolly, announced that "Room Service," a comedy in at 232-1887, three acts by John Murray and Allen Bgretz, Hoffman calls for inspections has been selected as the All-School Players' annual presentation in Halsey Hall at Jonathan Dayton Regional High School at 8 p.m. on Nov. Pumpkins bring 12 and 13. made by outside agencies' The production goes into rehearsal this week Eli Hoffman, candidate for Borough Council,. inspections performed by an outside agency on sound of music with a tentative cast that include!: Mark spoke lait week before the Mountainside a fee basis, with the costs to be covered by There will be "broom-mobiles" bearing Farinella (Sasha), Robert Gilbert (Miller), Democratic Club on some local administrative permit fees. In lieu of having a full-time pumpkins in the future of Mountainside and Robert Sohwalb (Cribble), John Haleeky problems and possible solutions. professional inspector on the town payroll, this (Binlon), Stu Gelwarg (Faker), Alan Effron Springfield residents on Saturday, Oct. 16 As part of his prepared remarks, heissuM, seems to be the best way of having such On, that day^jwo_weekB before Halloween. (Wagner-^—Melanie-Turehin-iGhriitinalT- ^hl MituliellSlater (Davish OwyiiEnglibll (Hilda), thhp following follstatement : "AmnnA e thhe servi^ee any cfcrs with members of the Jonathan Dayton Mountainside must provide are those of in- appearance or conflict of interest, GQLONIAt COWGIRL— Carolyn Ryan, in her early American costume, tqkts aside- Regional High School Choral Parent! Society Jay, Hizio (Jenkins), Paul Rtiter (Hogarth), Bill Zimmerman (Blake), Barbara spections to Insure compliance with building Hoffman added that while exploring the saddle rid* on 'Smoke/,', one of the ponies which carried youngsters around the and students will be out selling pumpkins for and other codes. We are fortunate in having various facets of municipal government in the fairgrounds at Saturday's 'Salute to the'American States' Bicentennial gala. conversion into Jack O'Lantems d pies. Bongiovanni (Dr. Glass) and Joan Dempster an (Messenger), had, to my knowledge, effective enforcement of weeks ahead, he intends to be constructive in Admiring the steed are Amy Klell (left) and Wendy Goldber. (AndRlih Studios) Proceeds will benefit the Choral Society's those codes for many years, his evaluations. He will also continue to em- retreat weekends, concert tours and music and "Room Service" was first produced by phasize the importance of giving both parlies summer vocal training scholarships, George Abbott at the Cort Theater in New York "However, I am disturbed by the fact that representation in Borough Hall, he said. Coohalrpirsons for the fund raiser are Mrs. City in 1937 with a cast which included Sam some of those who do the inspections also do the John Connolly and John Farfhella, both of Levene (Miller), Eddie Albert (Davis) and same type of work, as contractors in town. The Mountainside, Betty Field (Hilda). natural question which arises is 'Who Inspects The Dayton Thespian Society Drama Club the inspectors?' Even if a different local in- Recreation group officers are: president, Owyn English; spector or' employee does so, any such secretary, Mitch Slater; vice-president, John "Arrangement is too cozy." plans tennis night Blood bank slated Halecky, and treasurer, Bill Zimmerman. "Upon my election to Borough Council, I Tickets can be ohtained from cast members or intend to investigate the feasability of having Registration begins on Monday for the at the door for $1.50. building, plumbing, electrical and other such season's first tennis night to be sponsored by by Red Cross unit the Mountainside Recreation Commission The evening of tennis is scheduled for Saturday, The Westfield-Mountainside Chapter of the Nov. 13 American Red Cross will hold a blood bank The tennis night offers couples an evening of Wednesday, Oct. 20, at the Presbyterian tennis and socializing at the Mountainside Church In Westfield. Indoor Tennis Center. Play will start at 8 and A spokesman said,."With the summer behind continue until 1. The registration fee of $19 per us and its increased usage of blood, we are couple includes court time, sardv/iches, asking the residents of Westfield-Mountainside dessert and coffee.
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