Decorated Holiday Cookies DecoratedHolidayHoliday Holiday Trays Trays Cookies DecoratedHolidayHoliday Holiday Hours Hours Cookies All Holiday cookies decorated in Royal Icing. ButterButter Cookie CookieAll HolidayTray Tray cookies decorated in Royal Icing.$30.95$30.95 Sunday,Sunday,All December HolidayDecember cookies22nd 22nd decorated7:30am7:30am -in4:00pm- 4:00pmRoyal Icing. Individually bag + curl ribbon add $1.00/cookie A Acolorful colorful displayIndividually display of of four fourbag dozen +dozen curl butter ribbonbutter cookies addcookies $1.00/cookie sms.m$17.95.$17.95 Individually bag + curl ribbon add $1.00/cookie onon a aholiday holiday tray. tray. Monday,Monday, December December 23rd 23rd 6:306:30-6:00pm-6:00pm Personalize with name add $ .25/cookie Personalize with name add $ .25/cookie Personalize with name add $ .25/cookie CombinationCombination Tray Tray $37.95$37.95 Tuesday,Tuesday, December December 24th 24th 7:007:00-1:00pm-1:00pm Holly $2.00 Snowgirl $2.55 CutCut-outs,-Hollyouts, Spritz, Spritz, $2.00 Thumbprints, Thumbprints, and andSnowgirl $2.55Sm Sm.$21.95.$21.95 Holly $2.00 Snowgirl $2.55 RussianRussian Tea Tea Cakes. Cakes. 54 54 pieces. pieces. Wednesday,Wednesday, December December 25th 25thCLOSEDCLOSED Candy $2.20 Snowflake $2.55 Candy $2.20 Snowflake $2.55 Thursday,CandyThursday, $2.20 December December 26th 26th SnowflakeCLOSEDCLOSED $2.55 SamplerSampler Tray Tray $38.95$38.95 Cookies,Cookies, Candies, Candies, and and Bars Bars arranged arranged on on a afoil foil Candy Cane $2.20 Christmas Cupcake $2.70 HHoolliiddaayyDDeelliigghhttss Candy Cane $2.20 Christmas Cupcake $2.70 Candy Cane $2.20 Christmas Cupcake $2.70 Friday,Friday, December December 27th 27th 6:30am6:30am-6:00pm-6:00pm tray.tray. 45 45 pieces. pieces. Gingerbread Man $2.20 Winter Hat $2.55 Gingerbread Man $2.20 Winter Hat $2.55 Gingerbread Man $2.20 Winter Hat $2.55 Tuesday,Tuesday, December December 31st 31st 6:30am6:30am-5:00pm-5:00pm BarBar Tray Tray lg$60.95lg$60.95 22001199 Stocking $2.20 “JOY” $2.80 Stocking $2.20 “JOY” $2.80 A Adelicious deliciousStocking assortment assortment $2.20 of of our our favorite favorite“JOY bars ”bars $2.80 on on a a smsm$31.95$31.95 Wednesday,Wednesday, January January 1st 1st CLOSEDCLOSED servingserving tray, tray, cut cut 1” 1” x 2”.x 2”. (Lg (Lg 84 84 pieces, pieces, Sm Sm 42) 42) Mitten $2.10 Happy Holidays $2.80 Mitten $2.10 Happy Holidays $2.80 Mitten $2.10 Happy Holidays $2.80 Thursday,Thursday, January January 2nd 2nd 6:30am6:30am-6:00pm-6:00pm MixedMixed Berry Berry Holiday Holiday Log Log SpecialtySpecialty Bread Bread Tray Tray $22.95$22.95 Santa Belly $2.20 Polar Bear $2.80 Santa Belly $2.20 Polar Bear $2.80 FiveFive ofSanta of our our most Belly most popular popular$2.20 breads breads slicedPolar sliced andBear and $2.80 ComeCome visit visit our our store store to to see see the the Present $2.40 Lg Snowman $3.25 arrangedarrangedPresent on on a $2.40atray. tray. Lg Snowman $3.25 Present $2.40 Lg Snowman $3.25 ChocolateChocolate Lovers Lovers Cookie Cookie Tray Tray $29.95$29.95 Reindeer $2.40 Ugly Xmas Sweater $3.25 Reindeer $2.40 Ugly Xmas Sweater $3.25 3636 pieces piecesReindeer with with chocolate chocolate$2.40 delight delight and andUgly a afancy fancy Xmas bow! bow! Sweater $3.25 giantgiant Gingerbread Gingerbread display! display! Wreath $2.55 Santa Face $3.85 Wreath $2.55 Santa Face $3.85 Wreath $2.55 Santa Face $3.85 JumboJumbo Gourmet Gourmet Office Office Tray Tray $87.95$87.95 Vintage Ornament $3.00 Penguin $2.55 TenTen items Vintageitems individually individually Ornament wrapped wrapped$3.00 on Penguinon a agift gift tray. tray.$2.55 VintageShopShop Ornament Our Our $3.00Online Online Penguin Store! Store! $2.55 EuropeanEuropean Fancy Fancy Cookie Cookie Tray Tray $26.95$26.95 Shop.dorothyannbakery.comShop.dorothyannbakery.com ExtraExtra fancy fancy cookie cookie delicacies. delicacies. GiftGift Cards Cards Also Also Available! Available! FancyFancy Gift Gift Cookie Cookie Tray Tray LgLg$28.95$28.95 WhiteWhite cake, cake, white white chocolate chocolate mousse mousse and and berries berries inside. inside. BakerBaker’s’ bests best selection selection beautifully beautifully wrapped wrapped in in GiftsGifts from from $5.00 $5.00 and and up up available available all all season! season! DecoratedDecorated with with winter winter blue blue and and purple purple snowflakes, snowflakes, SmSm$20.95$20.95 snowmensnowmen and and pinecones. pinecones. Serves Serves 16 16-20-20 cellophanecellophane with with a a bow. bow. GiveGive to to family family and and friends! friends! $36.95$36.95 TakeTake n ’n Bake’ Bake Cookies Cookies $27.50$27.50 3 3dozen dozen frozen frozen cut cut-outs-outs to to bake bake at at home. home. ChristmasChristmas Logs Logs (Buche (Buche de de Nöel) Nöel) Stocking Stuffers *Gift Wrapped with Ribbons* CookiesCookiesStocking for for Santa Santa Stuffers *Gift Wrapped with Ribbons* $17.95$17.95 Stocking Stuffers *Gift Wrapped with Ribbons* 1 1dozen dozen cookies, cookies, colored colored frosting frosting and and sprinkles sprinkles Gingerbread boys & girls $3.99 Snowglobe $4.50 Gingerbread boys & girls $3.99 Snowglobe $4.50 onon a atrayGingerbread tray ready ready to to boysdecorate decorate & girls for for $3.99Santa Santa Snowglobe $4.50 710710 Commerce Commerce Drive, Drive, Suite Suite 100 100 Snowman $4.25 Bringing Home the Tree $4.50 SnowmanDietary Dietary $4.25 Restrictions Restrictions Bringing Home the Tree $4.50 Snowman Woodbury, $4.25Woodbury, MN MNBringing 55125 55125 Home the Tree $4.50 Ugly Xmas Sweaters $4.25 Vintage Ornament $4.00 RaspberryRaspberryUgly Xmas Mascarpone Mascarpone Sweaters Cup* $4.25Cup* Chocolate Chocolate Vintage Ganache GanacheOrnament Cup* Cup* $4.00 Ugly XmasPhone SweatersPhone (651) (651) $4.25 731 731 - 3323Vintage-3323 Ornament $4.00 Brownie*Brownie* Raspberry Raspberry or or Chocolate Chocolate Sweet Sweet Breads* Breads* www.dorothyannbakery.comwww.dorothyannbakery.com Gift Cookie Boxes *Gift Wrapped with Ribbons* NGAGiftNGA WhiteCookie White Cupcakes* Cupcakes* Boxes *Gift NGA NGA Wrapped Choc Choc with Cupcakes*# Cupcakes*# Ribbons* Gift CookieWe WeBoxes are are located *Giftlocated Wrapped in in with Ribbons* A selection of hand decorated cookies, gift wrapped in A selection of hand decorated cookies, gift wrapped in A selectionCrossroadsCrossroads of hand Commercedecorated Commerce cookies, Center Center gift wrapped in SmallSmall $20.95, $20.95, serves serves 8 -810-10 TripleTriple Chocolate Chocolate Mousse Mousse Dessert Dessert Shots* Shots* ) ) large and small size white boxes - perfect for gift giving! large and small size white boxes - perfect for gift giving! large(1 and(1 block block small West West size of of Samwhite Sam’s ’boxesClub/Supers Club/Super - perfect Target Target for gift giving! LargeLarge $35.95, $35.95, serves serves 16 16-20-20 Meringues*#Meringues*# Chocolate Chocolate Chews*# Chews*# Monster Monster Cookies* Cookies* Shop online at shop.dorothyannbakery.com for designs! Shop online at shop.dorothyannbakery.com for designs! Shop onlineRegularRegular at shop.dorothyannbakery.comStore Store Hours Hours for designs! OurOur moist moist chocolate chocolate cake, cake, rolled rolled in in vanilla vanilla or or mint mint cream cream filling,filling, then then frosted frosted in in our our rich rich chocolate chocolate fudge. fudge. Large Large CoconutCoconut Macaroons*# Macaroons*# Midnight Midnight Flourless Flourless Cake* Cake* MondayMonday-Friday-Friday 6:30am6:30am - 6:00pm - 6:00pm loglog decorated decorated with with red red poinsettias, poinsettias, pine pine cones, cones, holly, holly, VeganVegan Kit Kit Kat Kat Bars*# Bars*# SaturdaySaturday 6:30am6:30am - 5:00pm - 5:00pm ribbonribbon and and adorned adorned with with a afondant fondant plaque. plaque. Small Small log log Edible Image Cookie 3” $22.50/dozen, 4” $30.00/dozen Edible Image Cookie 3” $22.50/dozen, 4” $30.00/dozen Edible Image Cookie 3” $22.50/dozen, 4” $30.00/dozen decorateddecorated with with holly holly and and a aHoliday Holiday Greeting. Greeting. *No*No Gluten Gluten Added Added #Dairy #Dairy Free Free SundaySunday 7:30am7:30am - 2:00pm - 2:00pm GourmetGourmetGourmet Confections Confections Confections D’Ann’sD’Ann’sD’Ann’s Divine Divine Divine Desserts Desserts Desserts CoffeeCoffeeCoffee Cakes Cakes Cakes Holiday Cookies Holiday Cookies Holiday Cookies JulekagaJulekagaJulekaga $6.79$6.79$6.79 PeanutPeanutPeanut Brittle Brittle Brittle 8 8oz. oz.8 oz. $6.99$6.99$6.99 AA traditional traditionalA traditional Christmas Christmas Christmas bread bread bread Butter Spritz / “S” ‘s Butter Spritz / “S” ‘s sweetenedsweetenedsweetened with with with candied candied candied fruit fruit fruit and and andjuicy juicy juicy Butter Spritz / “S” ‘s CashewCashewCashew Crunch, Crunch, Crunch, Victorian Victorian Victorian Almond Almond Almond Brittle Brittle Brittle 8 8oz. oz. 8 oz. $9.99$9.99$9.99 $6.84/dozen $6.84/dozen $6.84/dozen raisins.raisins.raisins. Glazed Glazed Glazed and and anddecorated decorated decorated with with with fruit. fruit. fruit. EnglishEnglishEnglish Toffee Toffee Toffee 8 8oz. oz.8 oz. $10.49$10.49$10.49 Flavored Spritz: Flavored Spritz: Flavored Spritz: OldOldOld Fashioned Fashioned Fashioned Cheese Cheese Cheese Coffeecake Coffeecake Coffeecake $8.99$8.99$8.99 Almond, Lemon, or Double Chocolate , Almond, Lemon, or Double Chocolate , Almond, Lemon, or Double Chocolate , DD’Ann’DAnn’Ann’s’ sDessert ’Desserts Dessert Bark Bark Bark 6 6oz. oz.6 oz. $9.95$9.95$9.95 OurOurOur holiday holiday holiday specialty specialty specialty is is an anis Old an Old OldWorld World World Neapolitan $6.96/dozen Neapolitan $6.96/dozen Neapolitan $6.96/dozen GourmetGourmetGourmet Candy Candy Candy Tray Tray Tray $28.49$28.49$28.49 RaspberryRaspberryRaspberry secretsecretsecret recipe recipe recipe of of sweet ofsweet sweet dough dough dough with with with a a a MidnightMidnightMidnight BerryBerryBerry Glam Glam Glam Cheesecake Cheesecake Cheesecake Russian Tea Cakes: Our holiday ChocolateChocolateChocolate AlmondAlmondAlmond Original Original Original cheesecake cheesecake cheesecake poured poured poured deliciousdeliciousdelicious sweet sweet sweet baker baker baker’s’ scheese ’cheeses cheese filling.
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