La anunciacion C La anunciación C lah ah-noon-theeah-theeAWN C (excerpt from Navidad nuestra [nah-vee-THAD nooAYSS-trah]; music by Ariel Ramírez [ah-reeELL rah-MEE-rehth] and text by F. Luna [(F.) LOO-nah]) La barca C lah BAR-kah C (The Boat) C (excerpt from the suite Impresiones intimas [eem- prayss-YO-nayss een-TEE-mahss] — Intimate Impressions — by Federico Mompou [feh- theh-REE-ko mawm-POOO]) La barcheta C lah bar-KAY-tah C (The Little Boat) C (composition by Hahn [HAHN]) La bas dans le limousin C Là-bas dans le Limousin C lah-bah dah6 luh lee-môô-zeh6 C (excerpt from Chants d'Auvergne [shah6 doh-vehrny’] — Songs of the Auvergne [o-vehrny’], French folk songs collected by Joseph Canteloube [zho-zeff kah6-t’lôôb]) La bas vers leglise C Là-bas, vers l'église C lah-bah, vehr lay-gleez C (excerpt from Cinq mélodies populaires grecques [seh6k may-law-dee paw-pü-lehr greck] — Five Popular Greek Melodies — by Maurice Ravel [mo-reess rah-vell]) La belle helene C La belle Hélène C lah bell ay-lenn C (The Fair Helen) C (an opera, with music by Jacques Offenbach [ZHACK AWF-funn-bahk]; libretto by Henri Meilhac [ah6-ree meh-yack] and Ludovic Halévy [lü-daw-veek ah-lay-vee]) La belle isabeau conte pendant lorage C La belle Isabeau (Conte pendant l’orage) C lah bell ee- zah-bo (kaw6t pah6-dah6 law-rahzh) C (The Lovely Isabeau (Tale During a Storm)) C (poem by Alexandre Dumas [ah-leck-sah6-dr’ dü-mah] set to music by Hector Berlioz [eck-tawr behr-leeawz]) La belle se sied au pied de la tour C lah bell s’-seeeh o peeeh duh lah tôôr C (The Fair Maid Sat at the Foot of the Tower) C (song from Chansons françaises [shah6-saw6 frah6-sezz] by Francis Poulenc [frah6-seess pôô-lah6k]) La belle si nous etions C La belle si nous étions C lah bell see noo-zay-seeaw6 C (Pretty maid, if we were in the wood) C (song from Chansons françaises [shah6-saw6 frah6-sezz] by Francis Poulenc [frah6-seess pôô-lah6k]) La belle voyageuse C lah bell vwah-yah-zhöz C (The Beautiful Traveler) C (a song from the song cycle Irlande [eer-lah6d], with music by Hector Berlioz [eck-tawr behr-leeawz] and text by Thomas Gounet [taw-mah gôô-neh] after Thomas Moore [TAH-muss MÔÔUHR]) La bemol majeur C la bémol majeur C lah bay-mawl mah-zhör C (key of A flat major, French designation) La bemol mayor C LAH bay-MAWL mah-YAWR C (key of A flat major, Spanish designation) La bemol menor C LAH bay-MAWL may-NAWR C (key of a flat minor, Spanish designation) La bemol mineur C la bémol mineur C lah bay-mawl mee-nör C (key of a flat minor, French designation) La bemolle maggiore C la bemolle maggiore C LAH bay-MOHL-lay mahd-JO-ray C (key of A flat major, Italian designation) La bemolle minore C la bemolle minore C LAH bay-MOHL-lay mee-NO-ray C (key of a flat minor, Italian designation) La bergere C La bergère C lah behr-zhehr C (The easy chair) C (character in the opera L'enfant et les sortileges [lah6-fah6 ay leh sawr-tee-lehzh] — The Child and the Fantasies; music by Maurice Ravel [mo-reess rah-vell] and libretto by Sidonie Gabrielle Gauthiers-Villars [see-daw-nee gah-breeell go-teeay-veel-lar]) La biondina in gondoleta C lah beeohn-DEE-nah een gohn-doh-LAY-tah C (The Blonde Girl in the Gondola) C (composition by Hahn) La boheme C La bohème C lah baw-emm C (Bohemian Life — an opera, with music by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]; libretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] and Giuseppe Giacosa [joo-ZAYP-pay jah-KO-zah] after Henri Murger [ah6-ree mür-zhay]) La boiteuse C lah bwah-töz C (The Lame Woman) C (excerpt from the Suite en ré majeur [süeet ah6 ray mah-zhör] — Suite in D Major — by Jean-Philippe Rameau [zhah6-fee-leep rah- mo]) La bonne chanson C La bonne chanson C luh bawn shah6-saw6 C (The Good Song) C (poem by Paul Verlaine [pohl vehr-lenn] set to music by Reynaldo Hahn [ray-NAHL-doh HAHN]) C (poem by Paul Verlaine [pohl vehr-lenn] set to music by Gabriel Fauré [gah-breeell fo-ray]) La borde C Jean-Benjamin de la Borde C zhah6-bah6-zhah-meh6 duh lah bawrd C (known also as Jean-Benjamin-François de la Borde [zhah6-bah6-zhah-meh6-frah6-swah duh lah bawrd]) C (the last name is also spelled Laborde) La caccia C La caccia C lah KAH-chah C (The Hunt) C (allegro [ahl-LAY-gro] number in L’autunno [lahoo-TOON-no] — Autumn) C (from Le quattro stagioni [lay kooAHT-tro stah- JO-nee] — The Four Seasons — by Antonio Vivaldi [ahn-TAW-neeo vee-VAHL-dee]) La cage aux folles C lah kahzh o fawl C (Broadway show with music by Jerry Herman [JEHR-ree HUR-munn]) La calma C lah KAHL-mah C (Calm) C (excerpt from Colectici intim [ko-leck-TEE-see EEN-teem] — Personal Collection — by Vicente Ascencio [vee-SENN-teh ahss-SENN-seeo]) La calunnia C lah kah-LOON-neeah C (Slander) C (aria from the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6 kah-raw6 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo-ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee]) La calunnia e un venticello C La calunnia è un venticello C lah kah-LOON-neeah ay oon vayn-tee-CHAY-lo C (Slander Is a Little Breeze) C (aria from the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6 kah-raw6 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo-ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee]) La cancion del emperador C La canción del Emperador C lah kahn-theeAWN dell aym-pay- rah-THAWR C (composition by Luis de Narváez [looEESS day nar-VAH-ehth] La cantata criolla C La cantata criolla C lah kahn-TAH-tah kree-O-l’yah C (music by Antonio Estévez [ahn-TOH-neeo ayss-TAY-vehth] and libretto by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba [ahl-VEHR-toh ar-VAY-lo tohr-ray-AHL-vah]) La cantata criolla florentino el que canto con el diablo C La cantata criolla, “Florentino, el que cantó con el diablo” C lah kahn-TAH-tuh kree-O-l’yah, “flo-rayn-TEE-no, ell kay kahn- TOH kohn ell deeAH-vlo” C (a cantata [kunn-TAH-tah], with music by Antonio Estévez [ahn- TOH-neeo ayss-TAY-vehth] and libretto by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba [ahl-VEHR-toh ar-VAY- lo tohr-ray-AHL-vah]) La canzone dellamore C La canzone dell'amore C lah kahn-TSO-nay dayl-lah-MO-ray C (song by Cherubini [kay-roo-BEE-nee] and Bixio [BEEK-seeo]) La capricciosa partite diverse sopra una aria dinventione C La capricciosa — partite diverse sopra una aria d’inventione C lah kah-pree-CHO-zah — par-teet dee-vehrss SO-prah OO- nah AH-reeah deh6-vah6-seeawn C (Diverse Variations on an Invented Air) C (composition by Dietrich Buxtehude [DEE-trihh BÔÔK-stuh-hoo-duh]) La capricieuse C lah kah-pree-seeöz C (composition by Sir Edward Elgar [ELL-gar]) La captive C lah kahp-teev C (The Captive Maid (Oriental Song)) C (poem by Victor Hugo [{VICK-tur h’YOO-go} veek-tawr ü-go] set to music by Hector Berlioz [eck-tawr behr- leeawz]) La captive orientale C La captive (orientale) C lah kahp-teev (aw-reeah6-tahl) C (The Captive Maid (Oriental Song)) C (poem by Victor Hugo [{VICK-tur h’YOO-go} veek-tawr ü-go] set to music by Hector Berlioz [eck-tawr behr-leeawz]) La carpe C lah karp C (The carp) C (excerpt from Le bestiaire (ou le cortege d'Orphée) [luh bess-teeehr (ôô luh kawr-tehzh dawr-fay)] — The Bestiary [BESS-chee-eh-ree] (or ‘The Procession of Orpheus [AWR-fee-uss]’) — six songs for voice by Francis Poulenc [frah6-seess pôô-lah6k]) La cathedrale engloutie C La cathédrale engloutie C lah kah-tay-drahl ah6-glôô-tee C (The Submerged Cathedral) C (composition by Claude Debussy [KLOHD deh-büss-see]) La cegueta C lah seh-GHEH-tah C (The Little Blind Girl) C (an excerpt from the suite Suburbis [soo-BÔÔR-biss] — Suburbs — by Federico Mompou [feh-theh-REE-ko mawm- POOO]) La cenerentola C lah chay-nay-RAYN-toh-lah C (Cinderella) C (an opera, with music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Jacopo Ferretti [yah-KO-po fayr-RAYT-tee] after Perrault [pehr-ro]) La cenerentola ossia la bonta in trionfo C La cenerentola ossia la bontà in trionfo C lah chay- nay-RAYN-toh-lah ohss-SEE-ah lah bohn-TAH een tree-OHN-fo C (Cinderella, or ‘Goodness Triumphs’) C (an opera with music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE- nee] and libretto by Jacopo Ferretti [yah-KO-po fayr-RAYT-tee] after Perrault [pehr-ro]) La chanson deve C La chanson d’Ève C luh shah6-saw6 devv C (poems by Charles van Lerberghe [SHAR-luh vunn LEHR-ber-guh] set to music by Gabriel Fauré [gah-breeell fo- ray]) La chanson du fou C lah shah6-saw6 dü fôô C (Song of the Madman) C (poem by Victor Hugo [{VICK-tur h’YOO-go} veek-tawr ü-go] set to music by Georges Bizet [zhawrzh bee- zay]) La chapelle dans les pins C lah shah-pell dah6 leh peh6 C (excerpt from Par monts et par vaux [par maw6 ay par vo] C (compositions by Michel Leclerc [mee-shell luh-klehr]) La chapelle royale C lah shah-pell r’wah-yahl C (Parisian choreographic group) La chatte C lah shaht C (The white cat) C (character in the opera L'enfant et les sortileges [lah6-fah6 ay leh sawr-tee-lehzh] — The Child and the Fantasies; music by Maurice Ravel [mo- reess rah-vell] and libretto by Sidonie Gabrielle Gauthiers-Villars [see-daw-nee gah-breeell go- teeay-veel-lar]) La chauve souris C La chauve-souris C lah shohv-sôô-ree C (The bat) C (character in the opera L'enfant et les sortileges [lah6-fah6 ay leh sawr-tee-lehzh] — The Child and the Fantasies; music by Maurice Ravel [mo-reess rah-vell] and libretto by Sidonie Gabrielle Gauthiers-Villars [see-daw-nee gah-bree-ell go-teeay-veel-lar]) La chaux de fonds C La Chaux-de-Fonds C lah sho-duh-faw6 C (Swiss city) La chaux de fonds suisse C La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse C lah sho-duh-faw6, süeess C (Suisse = Switzerland) La chere blessure C La chère blessure C lah shehr bless-sür C (The Beloved Wound) C (poem by Mme.
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