20- EVENING HERALD. Mon.. Feb. 11, 1980 1-:;. : : ; i R - 30I-TON p 4 0 business. U sj w i-j b a g ! Heritage Elects Director Town, 991. ilanrltPHtfr In announcing the election, bank MANCHESTER - Dr. Byrl N. president Wiliiam H. Hale said, "Dr. University and a doctorate from Boyce of the University of Connec­ Boyce's nationaliy known expertise Pennsylvania State University. He ticut has been eiected to the board of in our business wili make him a has authored dozens of books and ar­ directors of Heritage Savings and vaiuabie asset on our board. Banking ticles on real estate finance and has Loan Association. is undergoing significant changes, held leadership positions in several Boyce, a national figure in real es­ and the successfui banks of the '80s professional societies including the pjie Appeal tate financing educational circles, wiii need a gret deal of vision at the Society of Real Estate Appraisers fEufntnu heads the executive education senior management and board leveis. and the presidency of the American program at UConn which serves the Dr. Boyce wili have an important Reai Estate and Urban Economics savings and loan business nationally role in our planning as we grow in the Association. [vol. XCIX. No. 113 — Manchester. Conn., Tuesday, February 12, 19M~ • Since 1861 • 20» Single Copy • 15« Home Delivered — the School for Executive develop­ '80s." Heritage Savings is a $100 million Un Merger ----------- ment of the Institute for Financial Dr. Boyce holds bachelor of asset savings and loan association Education. He is also professor of science and master of business ad­ with seven offices in Hartford and $2,000 ending, which is $15,000. finance and real estate at UConn. ministration degrees from Indiana Tolland counties. Byrl N. Boyce By MARY KITZMANN Herald Reporter But a foreman was hired at the old salary using a previous applicant list. MANCHESTER - The town’s The town says they merely went back District refusal to allow a planned union to the existing job, and so used the Gerber Instrument Names President merger, and passing over the ton available list. bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University. finisher for a position has led to SOUTH WINDSOR - H. Joseph Gerber has Four vice-presidents for the Gerber Scien­ The union is charging unfair hiring Charles M. Hevenor has been named GSI's' state labor appeals by town tnanage- ERA Reale Estate President Jim Jackson congratulates Daniel F. announced that Robert J. Maerz has been ap­ tific Instrument Co. have also been appointed. practices. According to sources, Favored David R. Ryan has been appointed vice- vice-president of systems. Hevenor joined ment and the union. Reale and Michelle M. Miranda, Manager, on completion of a recent pointed president of the Gerber Scientific John Fedora would have applied for Instrument Co., a wholly owned subsidiary of president of marketing. Ryan has been the Gerber in 1966, as manager of engineering Town management has refused to the sanitary foreman position, if he ERA real estate seminar. Gerber Scientific Inc. Gerber continues as sales manager for Gerber since joining the software. He holds a bachelor’s degree from allow the merger of Local 991 of the had known it was available. He was president and chairman of the board of the company in 1975. Ryan holds a bachelor's John Hopkins University. American Federation of State, Coun­ not qualified for the supervisor posi­ In Suit Richard J, Lech, former controller for GSI, parent corporation, Gerber Scientific Inc. degree in electrical engineering and a ty and Muncipal Employees and the tion. has been named vice president controller.; Before joining GSI as a vice-president in master's degree in business administration Muncipal Employees Group until Fedora, a maintenance mechanic, Reale Firm Joins ERA from Cornell University and is a member of Lech joined Gerber in 1972 as a cost accoun­ legal Questions are answered. 1965. Maerz was with Litton Industries. He is then applied for the highway foreman Relat<‘d Hlory on page 8 the I.E.E.E. and the Association for Com­ tant and holds a bachelor’s degree and' Previously, the town had agreed to an engineering graduate of the Rensselaer position and finished first on the town master's in business administration degree' the merger. Robert Weiss, town MANCHESTER-ERA Daniel R. Reale said Reale "protects the homeowner Polytechnic Institute and a veteran of the U.S. puting Machinery. tests. But he was passed over in Richard F. McGann will assume the position from American International College. He is a Inc.. 175 Main St., has joined Electronic against the operational failure of major Army. He is a member of the American Socie­ manager, notified union officials of favor of the number four man, David member of the National Association of Ac­ By CHARLIE MAYNARD Realty Associates Inc., a nationwide home components including the central ty of Mechanical Engineers, Sigma Xi of vice-president of manufacturing. McGann the decision to block the merger in a Chagnot. home marketing service, it was an­ heating, electric air conditioning, plum­ Engineering Fraternity and the City Club of joined GSI in 1968 and has been the manufac­ countants. letter Feb, 6. “This is another instance where Herald Reporter nounced by Daniel F. Reale. president. bing and electrical system, built-in Hartford. turing manager since 1970. He holds a The union has already prepared its they have not chosen the top MANCHESTER — The Connecticut As an ERA real estate broker. Reale appliances, water heaters, and softeners case against the town for the State finisher,” Fuller said, “ As far as Supreme Court has ruled in favor of •said he will be able to offer such consumer and accessible sheet metal ducts.” -m-r Labor Relations Board. Robert I’m concerned they're fooling with the Eighth Utilities District in a dis­ aids as ERA Reat Estate’s two home Home Sellers Protection coverage I'lp -v tp f* r\£ |tT 1 P 4 I I t T I P P I * ® SINUS SUFFERERS Fuller, president, said other options their own system.” pute with the town over a consolida­ begins 15 days after the home is listed for V? A . » were also being explored. tion procedure. protection plan and Home Sellers Protec­ good howi (of youl EndMiv* now "hurd cof«“ SYNA-CLEAR DocongottOMl Fuller said the union wants the tion—as well as photo-by-wire listings and sale with an ERA Real Estate Broker, for tabloli oct imtOAtly and conlinvouily to droin and door oil noial-dnut covitiot. The union officials met last night In a decision released Monday WINDSOR LOCKS - Ralph H. Martin Martin, a director and a vice president sanitary foreman position reposted. a nationwide relocation system. up to six months or until the home is sold. O n * "hard cor«** labial givai you up lo 8 houri raliaf from pain and prottwra of with Council 4, the union’s regional Werbner said the position, and that of night, the court declared that provi­ and George E. Batzei have been appointed of the corporation since joining Dexter in congtftiion. AUowi you lo broolha aaiily— ilopt walary a yti and runny nott. You division, to prepare another case in­ ERA Real EsUte. the fastest-growing The coverage is identical to the buyer's 1964, is president of the C.H. Dexter Divi­ highway foreman, has already been sion regarding consolidation in the to the newly created positions of senior can buy 9YNA-CLEAR AT LIGGETT PARKADE PHARMACY without volving the town’s hiring policy. national home marketing service, will plan," Reale said. sion vn Windsor Locks. n— 6 for a proacrlptlon. Satlafactlon guarantaod by makar. Try It todayl filled, and the town will take no town charter prevailed over any vice president, Dexter Corp., it was an­ The union contends the sanitary have more than 45.000 sales associates in ERA-Dainiel F. REALE Inc. has been Batzei, who has been a vice president further action. parallel provisions in the 1957 Home nounced by Chairman David L. Coffin. At foreman position was not advertised, more than 4.500 offices nationwide by the serving home buyers and sellers in the and director of the Dexter Corp. since Inlrodudory In a meeting yesterday, the town Rule Act. the same time it was announced that $]so and individuals who were qualified end of 1980. according to Reale. Manchester area for the past six years. 1971, is president of the Midland Division officials refused to allow Local 991 David T- Emott and Peggy K. Grodd have Offer Worth did not have the opportunity to apply. In essence, the court said con­ •'The Home Buyers Protection Plan. " in Waukegan, III. representation of Fedora, a MEG been named assistant secretary and assis­ Cut out Ihii o d — lake lo tiora litlad. Purchaia on* pack of SYNA-CLEAl I 2 ’i ond The position was advertised as a solidation could take place by a vote member. Fedora and union officials tant treasurer, respectively. rocotva one more SYNA>ClEA8 12*Pack Fra*. santitary supervisor. The change was of the electors of the Eighth District left the meeting. reQuested by Jay Giles, public works and not by a townWide vote. It was a “We’ve got them on about a half a Insurance Award director, and Steve Werbner, per­ setback for pro-consolidation forces dozen things,” Fuller said. “What which had petitioned residents from sonnel director, saying no one had they’re saying is that they make the Large Brush Fire VERNON—Charles Sullivan Jr. has been named the both sides to establish a consolida­ applied for the foreman’s job.
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