Friday, April 15, 2011 THE JEWISH PRESS Page 67 Community Currents In recent news… emony. It marked the start of a multi-year research up the courage to get the meeting with a major do- project devoted to the Jews of Zamosc. The long-term nor to saying the right things once one gets one’s Synagogue In Zamosc Consecrated plan is for the synagogue to become the signature foot in the door. landmark of a whole Chassidic Route dedicated to Participants included over 150 community rab- A the 17th century Renaissance synagogue in highlighting the region’s Jewish heritage. bis and outreach professionals. Among them was a the Polish city of Zamosc was re-consecrated last young Russian rabbi from Tula, a few hundred ki- week at a ceremony attended by leaders of the Safety Belts To Protect Shul Goers lometres south of Moscow, who set out with very lit- Jewish community in Poland; representatives of tle resources and constructed the building blocks of international Jewish organizations, including the Congregation Shomrei Torah of Fair Lawn, NJ, his community; a student outreach rabbi who brings World Jewish Congress; Polish offi cials and for- recently announced a safety program for its mem- in hundreds of unaffi liated Jewish youth from the eign diplomats, including the German and U.S. bers. In an effort to help cars see Orthodox Jews vast university campuses in Creteil, near Paris; ambassadors. walking to and from shul on Shabbos and Yom Tov, and a young Turkish Jew looking to provide a new The synagogue, considered one of the most spec- the shul will be issuing refl ective belts. Carol Weiss- spark for community life in the historic communi- tacular monuments of Jewish heritage in Poland and mann, a leading sales person for Weichert Realtors ty of Istanbul. the only Renaissance-era synagogue in the country, of Fair Lawn, has sponsored the belts. Hulya was set up last year and has already held was restored by the Foundation for the Preservation In addition to the Refl ective Belt program, Shom- similar though smaller events for young rabbis in of Jewish Heritage in Poland. Until 2005, the sanc- rei Torah has been encouraging its members to use Luxembourg and Paris; it also created a think-tank tuary, which was in dire need of repair, was used as caution when crossing streets, especially in the dark for generating new ideas and resources for commu- the municipal library. hours when driver visibility is limited. The shul has nities. The concept is the brainchild of the Matanel Before World War II, some 12,000 Jews lived in also requested that the borough install a sign in the Foundation which has long been involved in sup- Zamosc. They accounted for 45 percent of the city’s middle of Morlot Avenue at the closest crosswalk to porting European-wide projects for Jewish commu- total population. Most of them perished in the Nazi warn drivers to look out for pedestrians. nity development. death camps Belzec and Sobibor. In a moving speech, Israeli Knesset member Issac Herzog recalled his Hulya Holds Three-Day Event Upcoming events… own family’s connection with Zamosc. “This is a vic- On Jewish Future tory against those who desecrated this house of wor- On April 14, NextAct will hold a panel discus- ship,” he said. A three-day event, entitled “Outreach: The Fu- sion and lecture on employment and career tran- Among the speakers was the city’s mayor Marcin ture of the Jewish Community,” was held just out- sitions for people age 50 and above. Led by Lynne Zamoyski, a descendent of Jan Zamoyski who estab- side Paris last week. Sponsored by Hulya, an or- Morton, a globally-recognized executive coach and lished the city and invited Sephardic Jews to settle ganisation set up to give Jewish spiritual leaders expert on talent management and author of Inte- there in 1588. He recalled the days before the par- and outreach professionals tools and guidance to grated and Integrative Talent Management: A Stra- tition of Poland in the 18th century, when the city run their communities, the event featured fund- tegic HR Framework, the panel also includes Diane was known both for its beauty and the many nation- raising workshops at which top fundraisers from Levine of The Transition Network and Nancy Perl- alities and religions that lived there. the United States, Canada and Israel addressed man, manager of Process, Program, and Funding An International Research Conference, “History the participants. Topics ranged from how to orga- Development for the Synagogue Leadership Initia- and Culture of the Jews in Zamosc and the Zamosc nise a successful dinner event to writing grant ap- tive, a department of the UJA Federation of North- Region,” opened in the synagogue following the cer- plications for foundations and from how to pluck ern New Jersey. NextAct will be held at UJA, 130 East 59th Street (7th fl oor) in Manhattan from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. The cost is $15 and pre-registration is Reviving Sara Schenirer’s Batya Program required. Contact Sara Tornay at 212-273-5304 or [email protected]. “I’ve spoken for hundreds of different events “If you want to live, you have to give,” Benisch and organizations, but this touches me in a spe- declared. “If you stop giving, you are no longer liv- * * * cial way more than anything else,” Pearl Benisch ing. You are just existing.” She didn’t just exhort, On April 18 and 19, Chabad of the Upper East repeated emotionally. “It brings me back, more she empowered. “In order to give, you have to pos- Side will host Pesach sedarim with Rabbi Ben Tzion than 70 years ago, when I myself ran Batya sess. And you have to know what you possess. Be and Chanie Krasnianski and family. For more infor- groups. I can’t believe today are bringing that proud of it! You don’t even realize how much you mation or to reserve a spot ($80 per adult and $45 back again, running groups called Batya for Jew- have; how great you are!” per child), call 212-717-4613 or visit www.chabadup- ish girls.” Benisch reminded the group that it’s not arro- pereastside.com. While many people are familiar with Bnos gance to be proud of who you are – it’s a necessi- groups, not too many are aware that Sarah Sche- ty. It’s the only way to grow and to give. * * * nirer established another youth group known as Although advanced in years, Benisch said, “I Emunah Men is holding days of fun – paint- Batya. Pearl Benisch was a leader of the Batya am young. I may not be a youngster, but I am balling, rope courses and rides – at Ring Homestead, groups in Poland and it was her publications that young. We are all young and we will stay young. in Middletown, NY this chol hamoed – Thursday, inspired the name for Batya of today. Because that means we’re still growing, we’re still April 21, Friday, April 22, and Sunday, April 24. Ko- Founded on the principles Sara Schenirer producing.” sher for Passover snacks and drinks will be avail- taught – that every Jewish girl can belong and The branch leaders were treated to stories from able for sale. For more information, email Emunah- grow in Judaism when exposed to its warmth and before, during and after the war. They heard Sar- [email protected] or go to www. beauty – Batya nowadays reaches out to those who ah Schenirer’s particular advice to Benisch when Emunah.org, where one can also register online. were not privileged to be raised in Torah homes. she struggled with how much time to invest in a Proceeds will benefi t the children and families cared With branches in seven different communities, girl in her Batya group who was not from a shom- for by Emunah. Batya has 12 weekly programs involving over 200 er Shabbos home. “When the kerosene lamp burns teenage girls in the tri-state area. Each of these it makes the glass chimney turn black and you can programs is run by dedicated branch leaders and no longer see the light. But you need to take that staffed by devoted reps, all volunteers from local lamp and wash it, get rid of the black – the gar- Material for communities. bage from the outside world – and you’ll see the Lat month, branch leaders from New York light inside still shines brightly!” and New Jersey gathered for a night of appre- Batya girls gather on a weekly basis for fun Community Currents ciation, chizuk and planning in Khal Keser Yis- activities, one-on-one learning, and group discus- roel Mordechai in Flatbush. Benisch, a nonage- sions – all conducted in a very relaxed, cozy envi- may be submitted narian Holocaust survivor and renowned speak- ronment. The relationships that are created and er graciously joined for the evening. A compelling the positive exposure to Judaism keeps the girls orator, Benisch brought the girls back in time to coming back for more and inspires them to enhance via e-mail to: prewar Europe and the greatness of her mentor, their Jewish knowledge and observance. For more Sara Schenirer. information, visit www.batyagirls.org. [email protected] Finally, a low-cost way to get your business online IN UNDER 3 WEEKS Page 68 THE JEWISH PRESS Friday, April 15, 2011 Community Currents Last month, Rabbi Eliyahu Teitz, associate head of school of the JEC in Elizabeth, hosted an Arrowsmith Principals’ Session. Annette Goodman, chief edu- Bracha Neuman, a teach- Children from the Chabad Center of Passaic County ‘s Rock cation offi cer, Arrowsmith Pro- er in the Arrowsmith Pro- Shabbat Wednesday Afternoon program dress up for Purim.
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