Virginia, there is an N.C._State Technician .. .- North Carolmn Starr; Urrlvmsltvs Student Newspaper 8:NO? 1920 e0 e o -......'..—.__.... l Volume LXlV,Nun1pex 68 MOllddY Marl" ll: 1% Rdlfilgl! Nurth‘CarOlina Phone 737 2411 2412 '1'.§|“W"haw-em,»’39-.4... StaffphotobyGregHatemaTomNter WolfpaCk wins ACC tournament, Hillstrough erupts State uses rules, tools StUdents to tame Ralph and Co. party by William Terry Kelley think the competition is so fierce that Sports Editor we can't be friends. What can I say after win that isn‘t a cliche? We ran the court ATLANTA —— If there had been no well. All season long we’ve had the by Shelley Hendrick“- three-point rule, the final score would adversity of catching up. but this News Editor ring have been Virginia 14‘. State 69. But we came out of thegate strong." Honking horns fill the air. hordes of the Wolfpack had the rules and they State will have to alter its style in people line the sidewalks. toilet paper had the tools to use them. and State tournament play. streaks through the sky and beat Virginia 81-78 here Sunday after- “As far as the NCAA Tournament firecrackers pop. In noon to win its first ACC title since is concerned. I am concerned because That is how Hillsborough Street I 11 1974. we play a different style from what looks and sounds when State fans ex- The win gives State an automatic will be played in the tournament.” press their approval of Wolfpack ac bid into the NCAA field where it will Valvano said. “We are used to using complishments. and. indeed. that was and play Pepperdine Friday in the West the three-point shot quite a bit and how l-iillsborough Street looked Sun- II Dr. Regional at Corvalis. Ore. State joins have a good 30-second defense. We day afternoon. after State‘s ACC tour- or Maryland. Virginia and North will have to adjust our defensive and nament win. Carolina from the ACC in the NCAA offensive concepts this week in our Cars rolled down Hillsborough field. preparation." Street honking. while the occupants For the Pack, it was a dream come State was able to contain Sampson jubilantly waved and yelled to the true as it stopped a seven-game UVa. more in the second half. holding him people lining the sidewalks. Those winning streak over State. For to only six points and three rebounds. people on the sidewalk waved and Virginia and Ralph Sampson. it was Sampson did not score over the final yelled right back with equal en- the last hurrah fallen short as Samp 7:48 of the game. thusiasm. son completed his fourth year at "I knew that would be the assign People could be seen with rolls of Virginia without an ACC title. ment ofthe day." Bailey said. “There's toilet paper in hand. and toilet paper State was led by all—ACC forward no way to stop Ralph Sampson. You whizzed through the air with its Thurl Bailey with 24 points and all— just try to control him. A key to winn- streamers filling the sky and stray ACC guard and Everette Case (MVP) ing was controlling Ralph Sampson." ends getting caught in tree branches. award winner Sidney Lowe with 18 “We were fronting Ralph." said Popping firecrackers mingled with points. State center Cozeil McQueen. “We the blaring horns. m Virginia's 24-point output by Samp were trying to deny him the ball. We The area was a site exploding with mas?- son and 19-point effort by Othell were stripping him when he touched State pride. Wilson were simply not enough. the ball. Sometimes we were getting Fans chanted. “N.C. State. NC. The Wolfpack bolted to a 12-1 lead shots. but sometimes we were getting State. NC. Statelll" in the opening minutes. but the the ball out of his hands. Terry Gan- Someone. from one of the cars pass WW Cavaliers rallied with nine straight non stripped him a couple of times. ing by, poked a trumpet out a window X1 10 points and eventually took a 19-18 When you beat Ralph. you've done it and played State's fight song. The lead with nine minutes left in the half. all. There are only three teams that * crowd responded exuberantly and on N13 The lead changed six more times in have beaten them — North Carolina cue. 9 to the half before the Cavs pulled to a twice. us and some other school way Screaming and yelling was not the -y or six-point advantage. off (Chaminadel." behavior of everyone bordering Terry Gannon canned a 2Sfooter to State was able to go to the inside Hillsborough Street. some people pull the Pack to within 40-37 at inter- more in the second half. The Pack did quietly stood and watched. but their mission. a better job on the boards, and Thurl faces were beaming in accordance work Lowe's 12 firsthalf points and Gan- Bailey opened up for 16 second-period with the joyful pulse that was felt non's nine countered Sampson's points. Lorenzo Charles pulled 12 re- throughout the crowd. 18-point. nine-rebound firsthalf stat. bounds. six in each half. to aid State Everyone was in the mood for a But the Cavaliers’ 25-12 rebound ad- inside. celebration. vantage told the story as second shots “We decided to go inside." Charles Even Mother Nature. by Virginia haunted the Pack. said. “To win a basketball game. you All last week it was rainy. cold. an “First of all. I want to say Terry have to win it inside and out. The in- altogether pretty miserable week. Holland is a classy coach," said State Yet. ‘suddenly. Sunday the sun coach Jim Valvano after winning his shone through. ‘ first ACC title. “I think sometimes we (See ‘81-76'. page a; Someone was on our side. J. A suggestion was made to close Hillsborough Street from Dan Allen Drive to Pullen Road so people could be in the streets. The police were determined to keep Pep Rally traffic moving on Hillsborough Street. "Where would we put them (the cars)?" was a question asked by A pep rally will be held today steps, so please keep the steps Raleigh Police Officer CM. Poole. “if for the ACC champion Wolfpack clear for the team. Everybody we could (close the street). we would." at 3:30 on the brickyard. The come out and help congratulate be said. team will stand on the library our great basketball team! Another officer said "We will keep the streets open." because. according to the officer. it was policy. inside Either the crowd did not know of this policy. did not care about the A time for a change. Page 9. — Roundtrippers take 5 of 8. Page 7. policy or a little bit of both -— whatever the reason the people [in — Dairy prices lower at State. Page 3. -— Women fall to Terps in tourney, ing the street did their own thing. get NCAA bid. Page 8. Shortly after the officer made his — Destiny plays 'foIk-rock fusion.’ for the Day: By an— comment. the crowd poured into the Page 4. nihilating desires you annihilate street. the mind. Every man without Statf photo by Clayton Brinkley The police eventually officially clos~ - Robert Hazard plays it safe. Page passions has within him no prin- Leader of the Pack ed off Hillsborough Street from 5- ciplc of action, nor motive to Enterprise Street and Gardner act. Street. l — "How‘sweet it is." Page 6. — Claude Adrien Helvetius Sidney Lowe, the ACC tournament MVP, cuts down the nets after State's 81-78 win over the Vlrglnla Cavellers In the j w: '— championship game Sunday in Atlanta. (See ‘Wolfpach'. page 7) 2/ March 14. was 9:21"... A paper that is entirely the product ofthe student body becomes at once the official organ through which the thoughts. the activity and in fact the very life ofthe campus are registered. It is the mouthpiece through which the students themselves talk. College life without its journal is blank. Technician. vol. 1. no. LFeb. 1. 1m Scapegoat Burford resigns; EPA needs real leadership Spring Break has always been the time she would only have more difficulties in fo changes. Students recommit to their running the EPA. Because of the con- vows of studying instead of partying, and troversy surrounding the agency, she said seniors begin to remember the past, pro- she resigned because “it was getting to the bably forgetting the present and hoping point where I couldn’t do my job for the future. The Reagan administration anymore." Whether or not Burford was also saw the need for a change. But it doing an adequate job is hindsight. The didn’t have to make one because the pro~ administration needed someone to run blem apparently resolved itself. Director the EPA efficiently, and, with every move of the Environmental Protection Agency under close examination by the public Anne Gorsuch Burford resigned. coupled with Congressional scrutiny, Burford was no longer that person. She “l resigned because i felt i had become recognized that fact and resigned. the issue,” Burford said. Perhaps Burford However, the Reagan administration ‘ ”A“ . 4.," speaks the truth, but she only became the must not think that the problem of the w 1': issue because the media and the controversy surrounding the EPA is solv- American public needed a scapegoat to ed simply because of Burford’s resigna- take the blame for the agency’s controver- tion; it hardly appeases the public uncer- Wolfpack claims ACC title sial toxic waste clean-up program.
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