Port SEE STORY PAGE 3 The Weather Rain, possibly starting as -FINAL snow or sleet,, today and en- ding late tomorrow. Slowly Krri Bank, Freehold •rising temperatures. Ixmg Branch EDITION 32 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL 95 NO. 114 ,- RED BANK, NJ. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12,1972 TEN CENTS wiinMiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiitiriiiMiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiMiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniMii imiiiiii MiiiiiitiiiiiifiiMitDiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiriMiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiiiii Development Control Bill in Trouble By BEN VAN VLIET the legislation was definitely compromises" if it is ever to approval for major construe-- In the earlier bill, the ad- he said, "is to do something." came law he would resign Because, he said, the bill not in the public interest. be voted out of committee. tion or expansion of industrial ministration of the program He called the bill "the most from the Assembly, leave the would take away from proper- TRENTON - A bill which The vast majority of the 38 Won't Release and major residential devel- would have rested with a significant proposal in the Republican Party and would ty owners their liberty and would give the state Depart- witnesses before the com- "This bill in its present opments in coastal areas. three-member board. field of environmental protec- work "for the overthrow of prosperity. ; ment of Environmental Pro- mittee said the bjll would viol- form," he said, "would never It is similar to a bill pro- Sees Difficulties tion to come before any legis- those who supported the bill." Mr. Black was the first of tection the power to control ate the time-honored concept be released from committee posed last year by Mr. Kean • Even Mr. Kean recognized lature in the history of this several south Jersey officials industrial and residential de- of home rule; would place too — that's obvious from the except that the new version the difficulty the bill faces, state." Violates 'Liberty' to strongly condemn the bill, velopment along the state's much power in the hands of questions that were asked expands the so-called coastal and he told the committee Other witnesses termed the He also told the committee primarily on the grounds that coastal areas is in serious one man, and would compel today." areas; eliminates a flat ban that perhaps they should re- bill discriminatory environ- that if it voted the bill out for it would violate the concept of trouble. industry to leave New Jersey. The bill, sponsored by As- against certain types/flfli^ vise the measure to include mental hysteria. consideration by the full home rule. A day-long parade of wit- Assemblyman John I. sembly Speaker Thomas H. dustries, and places/the ad- ,,.hti best provisions of his And one witness — Assem- House, he would immediately Mr. Kean had anticipated nesses told the Assembly Dawes, R-Mqnmouth, com- Kean, R-Essex, would give ministrafioiTol-the program/' present bill - A-142* - and blyman Kenneth R. Black Jr., introduce a bill striking the this argument in his early tes- Committee on Air, Water Pol- mittee chairman, said the bill the commissioner of Environ- direptfy on the commissione: the earlier version — A-722. R-Glouceser — became so in- words "Liberty and Prospe- timony saying the bill "ob- lution and Health yesterday would "obviously need large mental Protection the right of of Environmental Protection. "The.only thing I ask you," censed he said if the bill be- rity" from the state seal. See Development, Page I Ancient-Rock Search Set on Moon Tonight SPACE CENTER, Houston third Apollo spaceman, Ron- miles of the moon's surface. "I'm out here. Oh, my goUy. and more than they had ex-, (AP) - In the valley of ald E. Evans, also rested. They will collect some 200 Unbelievable! Unbelievable!" nected. Boulders larger than • Taurus-Littrow, a gray geo- Tonight he will operate an ar- pounds of rock. shouted Cernan. panel trucks, coated with logic wonder dotted with auto- ray of science instruments When Cernan first planted "We've got a different glass, and pitted from the im- sized boulders, two Americans and cameras which study the ' his foot on the moon, he said breed of rock up here," said . pact of meteorites, choked the, rested on the moon today. moon from orbit. solemnly, "I'd like to dedicate Schmitt, a Harvard-trained valley floor like icebergs Tonight they search a lunar In one of the most accurate the first step of Apollo 17 to geologist and the first'Ameri- floating on a gray, dead sea., -landslide for perhaps the most moon landings ever achieved, all those who made it pos- can scientist in space. "This They saw glass sparkling in ancient rocks ever seen. Cernan and Schmitt brought sible." is a geologist's paradise if 1 craters and looked long at the Astronauts Eugene A. Cer- Challenger to rest only 300 Then, like children in an un- ever saw one." mountains, which appeared nan and Harrison H. Schmitt feet from their aiming point. believably exciting play- They unloaded the little lu- soft, as though covered with slept late in their craft, A few hours later, Cernan, ground, Ceman and Schmitt nar rover and turned on a fur • •,.','. ••'. '..-• .• ., Challenger. They were bone- then Schmitt, climbed down a frolicked, laughing and sing- television camera, giving Mis- Crater-Pocked tired from a near-perfect lu- ladder to start the first of ing and gliding with Uppity-1 sion Control the first view on The floor was rolling and nar landing and nearly seven three surface excursions toe freedom in the light lunar earth of Taurus-Llttrow pocked with craters of all hours setting up a sophis- which will cover more than 20 gravity. The valley was everything See Moon, page 2 ticated scientific camp and ..» AP Wlrephoto scouting the surrounding ter- STANDOUT WORK — Apollo 1.7 Astronaut Harrison H, Schmitt, left, is rain. \ completely off the ground as M tries to help Eugene A. Cernan remove a Tonight, the 11th and 12th - probe from the surfdee of. the moon; Cernan had trouble getting We drill and perhaps last — men to out of the hole and called on Schmitt to give him a hand. The two moon visit the moon in this century, explorers spent about seven hours on the surface of the moon during the will drive their electric-pow- first EVA. ..-•••... ered ear, Rover, to a mourn. tain slide on the South Massif which spilled rock debris across the valley in some an- Wig cient time. There, they hope to find rocks created in the process by which the moon was formed and shaped, material City Hall Site Plan dating perhaps to lunar begin- nings 4.6 billion years ago. By AL HORAY cil President George Hoffman to upgrade the shopping dis- Study From Orbit and Councilman Jack Taylor trict. He added that the assessed Overhead, alone aboard the LONG BRANCH - John last night met with the at- command ship America, the Manna, Asbury Park at- torney and several of his value of the suggested tract torney, last night indicated clients in city hall. would be "at least three that a group of local business- Local businessmen, Mr. times" the assessed value of men may bring legal action to Manna said, are of the opinion the properties the city would Uprising In prevent the planned new city that a new city hall complex purchase to construct the pro- hall complex from being con- located closer to the down- posed complex at the Broad- structed at the site of the town business area would "do way and Seventh Ave. site. Bordentown present city facility. much to rejuvenate" the sag- He said the planned site is Mr: Manna told The Daily ging economic.picture faced by about four acres ip area and Ends Calmly Register that he will meet downtown merchants in re- the suggested property totals BORDENTOWN (AP) - with the downtown business- cent years. less than two acres. The third major prison up- men to determine what type He added that the removal n Million Price rising to occur in New Jersey ' of action should be initiated to of present structures between Mr. Hoffman also noted that within the past year has en- stall present plans for the pro- Broadway and Union Ave. and present plans for a new city ded without violence or in- MEETING OVER — North Vietnam's Le Due Tho, right, shakes hands with presidential adviser Henry posed new city facility. Third and Rockwell Aves. complex call for a ?2 million jury. Kissinger yesterday, after the end of their meeting at Neullly, near Paris. On left, In doorway, is Xuan would also "remove a blight" price lag. A proposal such as Thuy, chief of North Vietnam's delegation to the Paris peace talks. William J, Porter, U.S. delegate to While the attorney did not But earlier yesterday it ap- Ss indicate the number of city on the business section. the local businessmen seek, peared that the state police the talks, Is at center. -^ v.. businessmen he represents, he Police Headquarters he said, would cost at least $4 were on the verge of storming confirmed that he has been The presence of police head- million. two floors of a wing of the retained by "a group" of local quarters in the vicinity, he In disputing the theory that Bordentown Youth Correction • merchants. Their, aim, he added, would also give local the new complex could aid in Center held by some 90 in- said, is to convince city offi- shoppers the confidence to use See Merchants, page 2 mates. Peace Talk Pace Quickens cials that the planned new the downtown shopping area. The decision to send the po- PARIS (AP) - The pace was made up of technical ex- from South Vietnam, This complex should be construct- City merchants claim that lice in to quell the disturbance in Saigon predicted that Hanoi quickened in the Vietnam perts.
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