PAGE TEW‘B — MANCHESTER EVENING MKRALD. Mamfiegtpr. Conn.. Thurs.. March*' ixtaiMsmitiHHMMMWk.-'-' X c/iu. IT A The weather < A’kt'.-- ■ .* >> S k W i'4 2 ;*Rnl?UAMeiW TARY C O iJ > * G enerally clea r and coW*'^____ tonight; lows in the teens. Mostly — 5 6 m Et >MS5 Th £ sunny Saturday; highs in the 3Qs. £Y ^ HAve IT AMD Probability of precipitation decreasing to near zero tonight ',IL ■ Phone 647-9946 M anchester^A Ctfy o f VUitge Charm 50M&TIME5 T K N 05i. and Saturday. • SlXICiM PAGES for hom o dolivory -rv'»r'%JVsiru''^£V TWOSipenONS MANC^tDOrrER, CONN., F ig p A Y , MARCH IT* 1171 - VOL. X C V n . N o. 141 • ifnivm.>(.T«ik»u< wo iJU TWKim cEN#-r* Tmw/£<i Winttirop Israel DO T H A T EX P LA IN S Dot AU-THAT bed Main canal treaty 7 T H E R E /« e '^ALUAfiCtJND «kg(xl_IN© I s a i^ MILLICNO > C U , HEAR WHEN Bo< strikes OF<SiBBWS MIU-IONiSANP 7HER»NOeC3PX wat COME IN AND SEE OUR IN TH E AIR BILUC3NO AROUND. livli A R O U N P /NP7RILUONS real VOJ. O F(9S?M (S, 5052 again 'k^'l ^ . ready for debate RE Bui PHT'S DHV By Itniled Press Inlernalional ligh WASHINGTON (UPI) - Confident The two amendments, to which The treaty lays out this transition foot Israeli warplanes struck at Palesti­ despite the narrow approval of the v<> Torrijos agreed and were passed by process: am< yard, Quiet >/■ nian targets today and ground forces neutrality treaty. Senate leaders moi neigliborhood, references the Senate, provided for perpetual • 30 months after the treaty comes »im »ti««.i«.i» IWM.WO. ^ -...^ciosOTgar- battled pockets of resistance along a today scheduled debate on the maih Ron w y-Afonvenientiv located, required. $290 monthly. 643- 64-mile front in southern Lebanon. U.S. rights to defend the canal's into force, Panama assumes full 819 ^ ^ p n e 643-8504 5983. Panama Canal pact in hopes of neutrality and priority passage for jurisdiction in the fO-mile-wide U.S. Palestinians said Israeli forces killed ratifying it by mid-April. ArtlelM tor Solo 41 Artlcl»$ tor Silo 41 Artlelii tor S ili 41 ArtIciM lor Sill 41 Man U.S. warships in times of emergency. Canal Zone. HEAT PAID - 2 bedrooms, a top guerrilla military commander RNISHED SLEEPING By a vote of 68 to 32, the Senate Despite the closeness of the vote. • The present Panama Canal NCR CASH REGISTER - COLEMAN MULTI - Purpose SEARS WASHER and Dryer, WHITE BRICK Free standing - Conveniently located. carpeting, laundry facilities, in a lightning raid north of Tyre. Thursday ratified the first of two Chen privileges. For appliances. Only $325. Rental Senate Democratic Leader Robert government and Canal Co., now run Reconditioned, with many utility trailer, cover, sides A-1 condition, selling price fireplace with mantle and Palestinian gunners fired Soviet- • controversial canal treaties and Byrd, D-W,Va., said he was confident totais. Call after 5:30 pm.. and Eureka 12x12 foot flame both. $225. or best offer. accessories, stand up dresser. nan only. Call 649-1133, Assistors, 236-5646, small fee. by the U.S. Army, is replaced by a made Katyusha rockets into northern handed President Carter a substan­ the main treaty, turning the canal 228-3957. retardent tpnt. canopy. Moving. Also. 2 Uniroyal Kitchen Aid hot water dis­ TAG r 7 p.m. 2088 " • Israeli towns and settlements for the joint U.S.-Panamanian Panama Brunswick aih hockey. 6 foot white wall tires, like new. penser. all like brand new. by FAMILY SPECIAL - 3 Charming motifs in easy tial and bitterly fought for diplomatic over to Panama in the year 2000, Canal Commission. bedrooms, laundry facilities, third successive day. Israeli artillery iMOLDED FORMICA top and table. Call 289-6979 after 3 HR78X15. $95. 649-0655. 646- Moved. Call Midge after 8 Clul irlmenli For Pint 53 embroidery trim a set of and political victory. would be approved. • The United States controls the paneled bar with two shelves p.m. 7372, appliances, yard for children. guest towels or )nake stepped up its bonibardment of p.m.. 568-1634. Gan Meanwhile, Panamanian Gen. The second accord is a 14-article commission through Dec. 31, 1989, and four stools. 1175. 646-6028. Kee JKING for anything in real Only $260. Rental Assistors, small panels for bedroom terrorist positions in response. ite rental - apartments, 236-5646, small fee. or bathroom walls. Omar Torrijos warned his nation treaty detailing arrangements by when a Panamanian becomes ad­ Satb Israeli troops dug in for what could would accept no changes in the NEW HOME Sewing Machine f les. multiple dwellings, no Xo. 2088 has transfer be a long stay in the six-mile-deep which the United States yields full ministrator, and U.S. representation - while and aqua, new cabinet, Call J.D. Real Estate •••••••••••••••••••••••••• . 8 motifs: color chart. treaties that would mean “occupa­ sovereignty to Panama in the Canal on the nine-member commission attach m en ts. $100. Call ociates,, Inc. 646-1980. OHIcil-Slorii lor Pint 55 TO ORDER, Sind $1.00 for eadi corridor in sodthern Lebanon, but tion in perpetuity disguised as ST. PATRICK'S DRy SRLE! stttrn plus 25$ for pestift and . Zone within three years, and renders declines from five to four. anytime 569-2348. Kandllnf, Defense Minister Ezer Weizman said morality,” control of the historic waterway at Both foes and supporters professed spre NCHESTER - Main he would consider a U.S. proposal to ANNE CABOT In an exchange of letters dated noon, Dec. 31. 1999. optimism over their chances in the ALUMINUM sheets used as “SAVE LOTS OF OREEN” Mar :et. 2 room apartment, ManchMttr Herald withdraw in favor of a U.N. peace­ printing plates. .007 thick. ted, hot water, appliances, OFFIGE SPACE 11S0 Avt. of Amtricaa March 15 and released by the second round. Satu Now York, N,Y. 10OM keeping force. 23x32". 25 cents each or 5 lor 18. king, no pets Security. 523- FOR RENT Panamanian Embassy shortly after $1. Phone 643-2711. Print Name, Addrtti with ZIp' Israeli combat jet aircraft took off the Senate vote, Torrijos said his 20% OFF TRACTOR! 15% OFFwi mm EquipoM! Sha 250 square feet, center of CODE and Style Naiiber. Man from bases in Israel and streaked government would “carefully study” ,NCHESTER - Four room Manchester, air conditioning and 1978ALBUM witha32-page UNIFORMS WANTED - Cub (Sal* Ends April 30th, 1078) Sire '>arking. Call 643-9551. *'Gih Section" with full over the frontier to attack Palesti­ any reservations written in by the C^ter triumphant Scouts. Boy and Girl Scouts. irtment - Near bus line. directions. Price. $2.00 nian emplacements and silence the Brownies, nurses. East K available. Call 649-2871. Senate. C i^G T O N (UPI) - Smiling ALSO THESE BOOKS AT S1.2S EACH. gunners, reports from the region balloting was National Security Af­ Catholic .School. 849-1225. Let Case compact tractors make Carter had told him to expect the ,d ^''jmphant, President Carter ROOM Duplex - 3 No. Q-11B-BIUE RIBBON QUILTS. said. , fairs adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski. lawn and garden work fun againi Contains sixteen lovely quilts. Senate to attach a number of reser­ ■* ileb , FM passage of the Panama Bounding happily into thd study was TWO 300 AMP Rectifiers - Irooms. Available April AUTOMOTIVE No. 0-117-QUILTS ON PARADE. Although Israeli forces secured Good condition. Good for $260 monthly. Security, Directions lor ilxteea quilts. vations to the treaty and said, “We ' Canal neutrality treaty with happy top aide Hamilton Jordan, who had No. Q-1tl-CRANDM0THER'S FLOW. their major objectives during their have made every effort and hav< plating, or welding. Call 649- A compact tractor should do more than just carry you Irences required. 646-1180, ER QUILTS. 16 faiclnatlng quilts. s telephone calls to Gerald Ford and coordinated the campaign to win 3439 from noon til 6:00 p.m. I for Dick. A u to i For Safe 67 initial 17-hour assault of southern been successful to date in ensuring other key supporters of the accords. around as you mow your lawn. And Case compact trac­ No. Q-119-AMERICA'S FAVORITE Lebanon begun Tuesday the Palesti­ public support for the pacts, and tors let you do more — much more! AFGHANS. A beautiftti telaetien. that these will be consistent with the Carter watched television and BABY FURNITURE, com­ R ROOM Apartment - 426 No. q-120-M ARe A 6IFT. Many nian resistance to the onslaught kept Defense Secretary Harold <Brown. • Till up to 41 inches at a pass with a Case rotary tiller 1968 DODGE POLARA - good Rifts for friends and family. general purposes of our two coun­ listened to the radio in his study off plete golf club set. spring and • Move dirt, gravel, mow. aand. whatever, with Case utility blades. ad Street, no appliances. running condition. 2 new tires, the battle field warm. But Israeli Victim of icy road The jubilant Carter also talked to mattress, and miscellaneous. • Blow ^now with Case snowblowers Security deposit. tries as parties to the treaty.” the Oval Office during the crucial • Sweep and dean your lawn with the Case lawn sweeper and two new snow treads, reports said the intensity of the Vice President Walter Mondale, who Call 646-3987. Tied couple no pets. 643- This tractor-trailer truck was one of the victints of icy road "I hope you will examine them in roll call in the Senate Thursday and • Haul up to 1.000 pounds ol almost anything in a Case dump cart, asking $350.
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