Administration of George W. Bush, 2007 / Jan. 6 Statement on United States Military Personnel Recommendations From Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates January 5, 2007 I am pleased to accept the recommenda- enemy we face. I am confident that Gen- tions of Secretary Gates for several key po- eral Petraeus has the right experience, lead- sitions in our Nation’s Armed Forces. ership skills, and judgment to be an out- These leaders are accomplished military standing commander of MNF–I. professionals whose experience, skill, and Admiral William J. Fallon, currently the dedication will enable them to successfully commander of U.S. Pacific Command, has lead our troops as they protect our country. earned a reputation as one of our country’s General George Casey has been a strong foremost military strategists. His experience and effective commander of the Multi-Na- and leadership will be critical to helping tional Force in Iraq. I have come to de- our country achieve victory over the radi- pend on his wise counsel and solid judg- cals and extremists who threaten freedom. ment in our efforts to protect the American He will be an excellent commander of U.S. people in the war on terror. I look forward Central Command. to working with him in his new role as Admiral Fallon will succeed General Chief of Staff of the United States Army. John Abizaid, who has overseen some of General Casey will succeed General Peter our military’s most extraordinary efforts to Schoomaker, who has done an outstanding spread freedom and democracy. He has job in helping transform the U.S. Army to earned the respect and admiration of a confront the challenges of the 21st century. grateful nation, and his service is a model I wish General Schoomaker all the best for those who wear our country’s uniform. as he retires from active duty after a distin- As he retires, I express my deep apprecia- guished career. tion for all he has done for America. Lieutenant General Dave Petraeus will succeed General Casey. General Petraeus is a soldier of vision and determination. NOTE: The statement referred to Lt. Gen. His service in Iraq has equipped him with David H. Petraeus, USA, commanding gen- expertise in irregular warfare and stability eral, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and operations and an understanding of the Fort Leavenworth. The President’s Radio Address January 6, 2007 Good morning. Earlier this week, the of the House Nancy Pelosi, House Minority newly elected Members of the House and Leader John Boehner, Senate Majority the Senate took their oaths of office and Leader Harry Reid, and Senate Minority became part of the 110th Congress. I con- Leader Mitch McConnell. I was encour- gratulate them all, and I look forward to aged by our discussions, and I’m confident working with them over the next 2 years. that we can find common ground in our Since the November elections, I’ve had efforts to serve our fellow citizens and to a number of productive meetings with the move our country forward. new leaders in Congress, including Speaker 11 15 2010 15:52 Feb 25, 2011 Jkt 214691 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\214691.001 214691 Jan. 6 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2007 One area where we are already finding Democrats and Republicans saw that our agreement is in our effort to spend the schools were failing too many students, so people’s money wisely. This week, I an- we worked together to pass the No Child nounced that I will submit a 5-year budget Left Behind Act. This good law gave our proposal that will balance the Federal schools new resources, and in return, we budget by 2012, while making the tax relief asked them to show results. By setting high we passed permanent. Some Democrats standards and measuring student progress, have indicated that balancing the budget we’re holding schools accountable for is a top priority for them as well. By hold- teaching every student to read, write, add, ing the line on spending and continuing and subtract. our progrowth policies, we can balance the Since No Child Left Behind was passed, budget and address the most urgent needs we have seen major improvements in stu- of our Nation, which are winning the war dent achievement all across America. In on terror and maintaining a strong national reading, 9-year-olds have made larger gains defense, keeping our economy growing and in the last 5 years of the test than in the creating jobs. previous 28 years. In math, 9-year-olds and We also see bipartisan agreement emerg- 13-year-olds earned the highest scores in ing on reforming the earmark process in the history of the test. And in both reading Congress. Earmarks are spending provisions and math, African American and Hispanic that are often slipped into bills at the last students are scoring higher and starting to minute, so they rarely get debated or dis- close the achievement gap. cussed. Many earmarks divert precious This year, the No Child Left Behind Act funds away from vital priorities like national is up for reauthorization. I’m confident that defense and education to wasteful both parties can work together to help our porkbarrel projects. I appreciate Demo- Nation’s students. By reauthorizing this im- cratic leaders who have pledged to maintain portant legislation, we can help make our our current levels of spending without addi- schools a gateway to opportunity for every tional earmarks this year. And I support child. the temporary moratorium on all new ear- With this new Congress and new year, marks announced by the Democrats. Democrats and Republicans will have many This is a good start, but I believe we opportunities to serve the American people. can do more. This week, I proposed my We must rise to meet those opportunities own earmark reforms, which would make and build a stronger and more compas- the earmark process more transparent, end sionate nation for generations to come. the practice of concealing earmarks in so- Thank you for listening. called report language never included in legislation, and cut the number and costs NOTE: The address was recorded at 7:50 a.m. of earmarks by at least half. These com- on January 5 in the Cabinet Room at the monsense reforms will help prevent billions White House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on of taxpayers’ dollars from being spent on January 6. The transcript was made available unnecessary earmarks. by the Office of the Press Secretary on Janu- Another area where Democrats and Re- ary 5, but was embargoed for release until publicans can work together is in the effort the broadcast. The Office of the Press Sec- to improve our schools. We have done so retary also released a Spanish language tran- before. In my first year as President, script of this address. 12 15 2010 15:52 Feb 25, 2011 Jkt 214691 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\214691.001 214691 Administration of George W. Bush, 2007 / Jan. 8 Remarks Following a Meeting With President Jose Manuel Durao Barroso of the European Commission January 8, 2007 President Bush. I’m very pleased to wel- will help us diversify our energy supplies come back my friend Jose Barroso. Thank and be able to assure future generations you. We just had a great discussion about that the environment of the world will be the importance between—of relations be- better off. tween the United States and the European And so I thought it was a constructive Union. Jose has got a really important job, dialog. Glad to have you back. and I think he’s doing it really well. President Durao Barroso. Thank you very Our discussion was frank; it was open. much, George. It was, indeed, a pleasure We talked about the importance of the to meet again, President Bush. We have transatlantic relationship and how we can now these very regular meetings, and it’s work to improve it. We talked about the always a great occasion to exchange views importance for Europe and the United on such important subjects. States to resolve any differences we have In fact, we have considered bilateral and when it comes to the Doha round for trade, global issues. On bilateral, I underlined the so that we can promote international trade. We both recognize that the best way to importance we give to further—to make help impoverished nations is to complete go further, go faster, to go deeper in our this Doha round and to encourage the economic transatlantic partnership. This is spread of wealth and opportunity through the most important economic relation in open and reasonable and fair trade. the world, the relation between the United Jose and I talked about the Middle East. States of America and the European Union. There’s no question that the Israeli-Pales- And we believe we can achieve more if tinian issue is on a lot of people’s minds. we look at it in a comprehensive manner. We are dedicated to a two-state solution, And I hope that now there will be some two democracies living side by side in concrete work so that in our regular institu- peace. And we talked about ways that we tional summit, between the European need to work together to see if we can’t Union and the United States, we can bring that vision to fruition. achieve some more complete results. We’re going to talk about Darfur here Of course, the most crucial factor is the at lunch.
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