13TH INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION BEOGRAD DAVORIN JENKO JAN 30 ⁄ FEB 04 2016 Since 2004, we’ve been holding our annual International Competition Davorin Jenko, unique in many ways. The Competition has No Age Limit. The event is addressed to students, coming from public and private music institutions worldwide, as well as young artists on the threshold of an international career. competition.msdjenko.edu.rs Daniel Rivera (Argentina/Italy) / Susanna Spaemann (Austria) / Jokut Mihailović (Serbia). /. Liudmila. Synagovskaya (Russia) / Martin Kasík (Czech Republic) / Lidija Malahotky Has (Slovenia) / Ivanka Kordić (Croatia) / Arjana Kuriu Grubi (Macedonia) / Helena Davidović (Srbia) / Srdjan Dalagija (Serbia) Piano Competition Jury / Žiri The candidates for Piano Solo and Piano Duo disciplines will be judged by an international jury consisting of renowned soloists and music educators. / Kandidate u disciplinama Klavir i Klavirski duo ocenjuje međunarodni žiri sastavljen od eminentnih solista i pedagoga. HÉCTOR ALEJANDRO DANIEL RIVERA DAVORIN JENKO 2016 Daniel Rivera was born in 1952 in Rosario performed in the most important theaters Martha Argerich, Rivera comes in piano (Argentina), in a family strictly connected to in Italy and abroad. His natural talent and duo (two pianos and piano 4 hands) in the the music world. He came to Italy in 1973 virtuosity allowed him to face broad range Teatro Ponchielli of Cremona, Teatro Lirico with a scholarship obtained by winning of the pianistic repertoire, from classics to in Cagliari, Catanzaro’s Politeama Theatre, the competition organized by the National contemporary music. His repertoire con- Teatro Nuovo Giovanni di Udine, Piano Festi- Fund for Arts and the Mozarteum Argentino. sists of more than 50 concerts for piano val of Pietrasanta and Ascoli Piceno up the After achieving the Italian Diploma with and orchestra, performed in tours with Ital- memorable concert on 19 and 20 October cum laude at the Cherubini conservatory ian and foreign orchestras. His memorable 2012, at the Teatro El Circulo of Rosario in Florence, he completed his studies with recordings include Beethoven’s Hammerk- (Argentina) which will be released four CDs Alessandro Specchi in Florence and with lavier Sonate, Aroldo in Italia together with with live recordings. Currently, he teaches Ludwig Hoffman in Munich. In September Aldo Bennici (Ricordi,) as well as his live at the Istituto di Alta Cultura Musicale P. 2006 he received the title of Artista distin- recording of Boulez’s Premiere Sonate. In Mascagni in Livorno, where he holds a pi- guido e Ambasciatore della Musica from the 2002, at the Festival di Musica dall’Europa ano faculty chair. More over, he is actually Municipal Council of the city of Rosario, to in Volpedo, he presented, in a world pre- General Director since september 2014 of honour his artistic career on a national level miere performance, the transcription of the Harmonia Piano Accademy in Vecchiano as well as abroad. In 2005 he celebrated 30 the Sagra della Primavera by Stravinsky, a (Pisa, Italy). In 2010 he played with Martha years of career in pianism and was awarded transcription made by Sam Raphling that Argerich in his home town and live concerts the Tasto d’argento prize, instituted by the he personally revised and completed. The have come out on four CD’s live. In the last International Pianistic Festival Echos, and Argentinian pianist Martha Argerich invited December (2015) played again with Martha reserved for pianists that distinguish them- him personally for play this transcription at Argerich for the reopening of the Teatro selves in the international concert scene. the prestigious Progetto Martha Argerich Petrarca of Arezzo in tribute to the twenty He was awarded three first absolute prize in Lugano in 2009. Since that time, the link years of the death of the great Arturo Bene- in several international competitions. He with the legendary Argentine pianist, turns detti Michelangeli. is a highly esteemed pianist and he has into an intense artistic collaboration. With Daniel Rivera je rođen 1952. u Ovi rezultati su mu otvorili put ka za promociju i razvoj mladih tal- muzičkoj porodici. Godine 1973. vrlo uspešnoj koncertnoj karijeri. enata. Rivera je profesor klavira osvojio je nagradu Vincenzo Nastupa na velikim scenama u na Visokom institutu za umet- Scaramuzza u organizaciji Na- Italiji i inostranstvu: Teatro Colón nost i muziku Pietro Mascagni u cionalne zadužbine za umet- u Buenos Airesu, Philharmonic Livornu (Italija). Pored nastave nost Argentine, kao i nagradu Hall u Kijevu, Queen Elizabeth i koncertne karijere, često je Mozarteum. Stipendija koju Hall u Londonu, Park Music Hall prisutan i u žiriju nacionalnih i je tada dobio omogućava mu u Dalasu, Musikverein u Beču. međunarodnih takmičenja. Do- studije u Firenci, gde je 1975. Zapažena je njegova prirodna bitnik je nagrade Srebrni ključ diplomirao na Konzervatori- virtuoznost, posebno u interpre- 2005. godine na Međunarodnom jumu Luigi Cherubini sa najvišim tacijama Listovih dela. U 2002. pijanističkom festivalu Echos ocenama. Učestvovao je na ne- godini, na Evropskom festivalu za 30 godina koncertne kari- koliko međunarodnih takmičenja muzike u Volpedu, izveo je svet- jere. Naziv Ambasador muzike i i osvojio visoke nagrade: prve sku premijeru Sem Raphlingove izuzetni umetnik dodijeljen mu je na Konkursu Rina Sala Gallo transkripcije Posvećenja proleća od strane Opštinskog veća rod- (Monza 1974), Ettore Pozzoli Igora Stravinskog. Na poziv velike nog grada Rosario (Argentina) (Milano, 1975) i Cata Monti (Trst, argentinske pijanistkinje Marthe u junu 2006. Pored brojnih CD 1977); druge nagrade na Konkur- Argerich, izvodi isto delo u okviru izdanja, snimao je za RAI, RTSI i sima Busoni (Bolzano 1976) i prestižnog Progetto Martha Ar- Cologne Radio. Dino Ciani (Milano, 1977); treću gerich u Luganu. Nedavno je, u nagradu na Beethovenovom okviru projekta velike pijanistkin- takmičenju u Beču 1981, i druge. je, pokrenuo umetničku saradnju PIANO COMPETITION JURY 5 DAVORIN JENKO 2016 SUSANNA SPAEMANN IS ARTISTIC DIRECTOR OF Susanna Spaemann je umetnički direktor THE INTERNATIONAL PIANO FESTIVAL VIENNA međunarodnog klavirskog festivala Mladi pi- YOUNG PIANISTS, FOUNDED BY HER IN 2005. BORN janisti Beča koji je osnovala 2005. Rođena IN MUENSTER, GERMANY, SHE STUDIED PIANO je u Minsteru, u Nemačkoj, gde je učila kla- PERFORMANCE WITH ANTON CZJZEK AND PIANO vir sa Antonom Czizekom, a pedagogiju kla- PEDAGOGY WITH BRIAN LAMPORT AT THE MO- vira sa Brajanom Lamportom na Mocarteu- ZARTEUM UNIVERSITY IN SALZBURG, AUSTRIA. mu u Salzburgu. Na Univerzitetu za muziku AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MUSIC AND PERFORM- i izvođačke umetnosti u Beču usavršavala ING ARTS IN VIENNA, SUSANNA SPAEMANN COM- se sa Haraldom Osbergom i Klarom Harer- PLETED HER STUDIES WITH HARALD OSSBERGER Barani. Obučavala se u oblasti psihologije i AND KLÁRA HARRER-BARANYI. SHE RECEIVED mentalnog treninga za muzičare na odseku ADVANCED TRAINING IN THE FIELDS OF PHysI- Medicina umetnosti na Univerzitetu muzike OLOGY AND MENTAL TRAINING FOR MUSICIANS u Berlinu. Uticaji Petera Fojhtvangera, Noela AT THE DEPARTMENT OF PERFORMING ARTS Floresa, Pol Badura-Škode i drugih nastavl- MEDICINE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MUSIC IN BER- jaju da utiču na njeno sviranje i podučavanje. LIN. THE INFLUENCE OF PETER FEUCHTWANGER, Živi u Beču, a drži koncerte širom Evrope i u NOEL FLORES, PAUL BADURA-SKODA AND OTH- Japanu kao solista, kamerni muzičar i kore- ERS CONTINUES TO INFORM BOTH HER PLAYING petitor. Od 2000. radi kao professor na Pra- AND TEACHING. SETTLED IN VIENNA, SHE CON- jner konzervatorijumu muzike i drame u Beču, CERTIZES THROUGHOUT EUROPE AND JAPAN AS A gde podučava klavir i kamernu muziku. Ne- SOLOIST, CHAMBER MUSICIAN AND LIED ACCOM- koliko njenih studenata su dobitnici nagrada PANIST. IN 2000, SUSANNA SPAEMANN WAS AP- državnih i međunarodnih takmičenja. Veoma POINTED AS PIANO PROFESSOR AT THE PRAYNER je zahtevna kao pedagog u radu sa talento- CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ARTS vanim mladim pijanistima. Često drži časove IN VIENNA, WHERE SHE TEACHES PIANO AND na master studijama i učestvuje u radu žirija CHAMBER MUSIC. SEVERAL OF HER STUDENTS na mnogim takmičenjima (Blitner u Austriji, ARE PRIZE WINNERS OF NATIONAL AND INTER- Minhner u Nemačkoj, Brin de Herbe Orleans u NATIONAL COMPLETIONS. ALWAYS CONCERNED Francuskoj, Ahorn u Japanu). TO EMPHASIZE THE INDIVIDUALITY OF EACH OF HER STUDENTS THROUGH HER TEACHING, SHE IS MUCH IN DEMAND AS A PEDAGOGUE FOR EX- CEPTIONALLY GIFTED YOUNG PIANISTS. SUSANNA SPAEMANN IS FREQUENTLY INVITED TO HOLD MASTER CLASSES AND TO ACT AS A JURY MEMBER IN VARIOUS PIANO COMPETITIONS IN AND OUT- SIDE EUROPE, SUCH AS BLÜTHNER PIANO COMPE- TITION IN AUSTRIA, MÜNCHNER KLAVIERPODIUM IN GERMANY, BRIN D'HERBE ORLÉANS IN FRANCE, AHORN PIANO COMPETITION IN JAPAN, DAVORIN JENKO IN SERBIA. 6 PIANO COMPETITION JURY SUSANNA SPAEMANN MARTIN KASÍK DAVORIN JENKO 2016 Martin Kasík studied with Monika Tugendliebová at the Janáček conservatory in Ostrava, and subse- quently with Ivan Klánský at the Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Prague. He widened his musical prospect by attending masterclass of Lazar Berman, Garrick Ohlson, Christian Zacharias, Paul Badura - Skoda and others. The winner of several domestic and international contests, and the recipi- ent of a number of prestigious awards, he has to his credit laureateships from the 1998 Prague Spring International Music Competition, the 1999 Young Concert Artists Competition, the 2000 Davidoff Prix, the 2002 Harmonie Magazine
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