A Course in Combinatorial Optimization Alexander Schrijver CWI, Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Department of Mathematics, University of Amsterdam, Plantage Muidergracht 24, 1018 TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. February 7, 2003 copyright c A. Schrijver Contents 1. Shortest paths and trees 4 1.1. Shortest paths with nonnegative lengths 4 1.2. Speeding up Dijkstra's algorithm with heaps 6 1.3. Shortest paths with arbitrary lengths 9 1.4. Minimum spanning trees 14 2. Polytopes, polyhedra, Farkas' lemma, and linear programming 18 2.1. Convex sets 18 2.2. Polytopes and polyhedra 19 2.3. Farkas' lemma 23 2.4. Linear programming 25 3. Matchings and covers in bipartite graphs 30 3.1. Matchings, covers, and Gallai's theorem 30 3.2. K}onig's theorems 31 3.3. Cardinality bipartite matching algorithm 33 3.4. Weighted bipartite matching 35 3.5. The matching polytope 38 4. Menger's theorem, flows, and circulations 41 4.1. Menger's theorem 41 4.2. Path packing algorithmically 43 4.3. Flows in networks 46 4.4. Finding a maximum flow 47 4.5. Speeding up the maximum flow algorithm 51 4.6. Circulations 54 4.7. Minimum-cost flows 55 5. Nonbipartite matching 61 5.1. Tutte's 1-factor theorem and the Tutte-Berge formula 61 5.2. Cardinality matching algorithm 63 5.3. Weighted matching algorithm 66 5.4. The matching polytope 70 5.5. The Cunningham-Marsh formula 72 6. Problems, algorithms, and running time 74 6.1. Introduction 74 6.2. Words 75 6.3. Problems 76 6.4. Algorithms and running time 76 6.5. The class NP 77 6.7. NP-completeness 78 6.8. NP-completeness of the satisfiability problem 78 6.9. NP-completeness of some other problems 80 6.10. Turing machines 82 7. Cliques, cocliques, and colourings 84 7.1. Introduction 84 7.2. Edge-colourings of bipartite graphs 87 7.3. Partially ordered sets 91 7.4. Perfect graphs 94 7.5. Chordal graphs 97 8. Integer linear programming and totally unimodular matrices 100 8.1. Integer linear programming 100 8.2. Totally unimodular matrices 101 8.3. Totally unimodular matrices from bipartite graphs 104 8.4. Totally unimodular matrices from directed graphs 108 9. Multicommodity flows and disjoint paths 111 9.1. Introduction 111 9.2. Two commodities 114 9.3. Disjoint paths in acyclic directed graphs 117 9.4. Vertex-disjoint paths in planar graphs 119 9.5. Edge-disjoint paths in planar graphs 124 9.6. A column generation technique for multicommodity flows 126 10. Matroids 129 10.1. Matroids and the greedy algorithm 129 10.2. Equivalent axioms for matroids 131 10.3. Examples of matroids 134 10.4. Two technical lemmas 136 10.5. Matroid intersection 137 10.6. Weighted matroid intersection 141 10.7. Matroids and polyhedra 144 References 148 Name index 155 Subject index 157 4 Chapter 1. Shortest paths and trees 1. Shortest paths and trees 1.1. Shortest paths with nonnegative lengths Let D = (V; A) be a directed graph, and let s; t V . A path is a sequence P = (v ; a ; v ; : : : ; a ; v ) 2 0 1 1 m m where ai is an arc from vi−1 to vi for i = 1; : : : ; m. If s = v0 and t = vm, the vertices s and t are the starting and end vertex of P , respectively, and P is called an s t path. The length of P is m. The distance from s to t is the minimum length of any s t path. −(If no s t path exists, we set the distance from s to t equal to .) − − 1 It is not difficult to determine the distance from s to t: Let Vi denote the set of vertices of D at distance i from s. Note that for each i: (1) Vi+1 is equal to the set of vertices v V (V0 V1 Vi) for which (u; v) A for some u V . 2 n [ [ · · · [ 2 2 i This gives us directly an algorithm for determining the sets V : we set V := s and next we i 0 f g determine with rule (1) the sets V1; V2; : : : successively, until Vi+1 = . In fact, it gives a linear-time algorithm: ; Theorem 1.1. The algorithm has running time O( A ). j j Proof. Directly from the description. In fact the algorithm finds the distance from s to all vertices reachable from s. Moreover, it gives the shortest paths. These can be described by a rooted (directed) tree T = (V 0; A0), with root s, such that V 0 is the set of vertices reachable in D from s and such that for each u; v V 0, each directed u v path in T is a shortest u v path in D.1 2 Indeed,−when we reach a vertex t in the− algorithm, we store the arc by which t is reached. Then at the end of the algorithm, all stored arcs form a rooted tree with this property. There is also a trivial min-max relation characterizing the minimum length of an s t path. To this end, call a subset A0 of A an s t cut if A0 = δout(U) for some subset U of V satisfying− s U and t U.2 Then the following was−observed by Robacker [1956]: 2 62 Theorem 1.2. The minimum length of an s t path is equal to the maximum number of pairwise disjoint s t cuts. − − Proof. Trivially, the minimum is at least the maximum, since each s t path intersects each s t cut in an arc. The fact that the minimum is equal to the maximum follo− ws by considering the s − t out − cuts δ (Ui) for i = 0; : : : ; d 1, where d is the distance from s to t and where Ui is the set of vertices of distance at most i from− s. This can be generalized to the case where arcs have a certain `length'. For any `length' function l : A Q and any path P = (v ; a ; v ; : : : ; a ; v ), let l(P ) be the length of P . That is: ! + 0 1 1 m m m (2) l(P ) := l(a): Xi=1 Now the distance from s to t (with respect to l) is equal to the minimum length of any s t path. If no s t path exists, the distance is + . − − 1 1A rooted tree, with root s, is a directed graph such that the underlying undirected graph is a tree and such that each vertex t 6= s has indegree 1. Thus each vertex t is reachable from s by a unique directed s − t path. 2δout(U) and δin(U) denote the sets of arcs leaving and entering U, respectively. Section 1.1. Shortest paths with nonnegative lengths 5 Again there is an easy algorithm, due to Dijkstra [1959], to find a minimum-length s t path for all t. Start with U := V and set f(s) := 0 and f(v) = if v = s. Next apply the follo− wing iteratively: 1 6 (3) Find u U minimizing f(u) over u U. For each a = (u; v) A for which f(v) > f2(u) + l(a), reset f(v) := f(u) +2l(a). Reset U := U u . 2 n f g We stop if U = . Then: ; Theorem 1.3. The final function f gives the distances from s. Proof. Let dist(v) denote the distance from s to v, for any vertex v. Trivially, f(v) dist(v) for all v, throughout the iterations. We prove that throughout the iterations, f(v) = dist≥(v) for each v V U. At the start of the algorithm this is trivial (as U = V ). 2Considern any iteration (3). It suffices to show that f(u) = dist(u) for the chosen u U. Suppose 2 f(u) > dist(u). Let s = v0; v1; : : : ; vk = u be a shortest s u path. Let i be the smallest index with v U. − i 2 Then f(vi) = dist(vi). Indeed, if i = 0, then f(vi) = f(s) = 0 = dist(s) = dist(vi). If i > 0, then (as v V U): i−1 2 n (4) f(v ) f(v ) + l(v ; v ) = dist(v ) + l(v ; v ) = dist(v ): i ≤ i−1 i−1 i i−1 i−1 i i This implies f(v ) dist(v ) dist(u) < f(u), contradicting the choice of u. i ≤ i ≤ Clearly, the number of iterations is V , while each iteration takes O( V ) time. So the algorithm has a running time O( V 2). In fact, byj storingj for each vertex v the lastj arcj a for which (3) applied we find a rooted tree Tj =j (V 0; A0) with root s such that V 0 is the set of vertices reachable from s and such that for each u; v V 0, each directed u v path in T is a shortest u v path in D. Thus we have: 2 − − Theorem 1.4. Given a directed graph D = (V; A), s; t V , and a length function l : A Q+, a shortest s t path can be found in time O( V 2). 2 ! − j j Proof. See above. For an improvement, see Section 1.2. A weighted version of Theorem 1.2 is as follows: Theorem 1.5. Let D = (V; A) be a directed graph, s; t V , and let l : A Z+. Then the minimum length of an s t path is equal to the maximum number 2k of s t cuts C ; !: : : ; C (repetition allowed) − − 1 k such that each arc a is in at most l(a) of the cuts Ci.
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