1919. CO..._J(lJ{E~SIONAL llEUOl{D-· HOUSE. 7969 The f'Pnntor from Nevn<la [1\rr. PITTMAN] an~l the . 'enator Assr. Surg.· Glf'a~on C. Lake to be pa:,;se<l n. ~ tant sm·geon. from Tennes&>e [Mr. SHIELDS] ai~e detained. on official husiness. Asst. Surg. William S. B<>an to be passed assist:ant surgeon. The result was aunouuce(l-yeas 34, nays 47, as follows; Asst. Sm·". ·Thomas B. H. Anllerson to· be · passed assi~tant YEAS-~4. sur~eon. Ball Frelingbuy eu McCormick Poind£>xter Dr. CJarencc A. Ransom to be a sistant surgeon. Borah Gorp .McLean Rf>ed Dr. Guy l\lcM. Parkhurst to be assistant surgeon. Calder Gronna A loses Shennan CappN" Hat·cfing Myers Tbomas POSTMASTERS. C'n rn m ins Jones, WaslJ. 1'\ew ·wadsworth Curtis Kenyon Newberry WalRb. Mass. INDIANA. Elkins En ox Non·is Watsan harlie 0 . .Alton, ~fil.an. Fernald La Follette Page France Lodge Phipps ~A.YS-47. Ashurst H en(lerson McNary Smith, S.C. HOUSE. OF REPRESENTATIVES. Chamberlain Hitchcock Nelsan Smoot ~olt Johnson, S. Dak. Nugent :::lp<•ncer WEDNESD..!Y, Culberson Jones., N.Mex. OvNman StM"ling November 5, 1'919. Dial Eellogg OwPn Swanson Edge Kendrick Pb£>lan Townsend The House met at 12 o'clock noon. FIPtcher I< eyes Ransflell T1·ammt>U The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the fol­ Gay I~ing Robinson Underwood lowing prayer : GPrry Kirby 8 1"f'PIJard Walsh, Mont. Hale Len root Simmons Williams 0 Thou who art the center and circumference, the all in a~ Harris Me umber Smith, .~riz. Wolcott the- A1pha and Omega, the same yesterday, to-day, and forever, Harrison McKellar Smith, (:a. creating. recreating, upholding, directing the destiny of men and NOT VOTING-15. of nations, open Thou our perceptions, that we may see clearly BnnkhNld Fall l'ittman .. tanley the way, and give us the coura~e t(} wnlk therein, that our Bcel1bam John. on, Calif. Pomerene Sut'· erJan<l Jives may harmonize with the great eternal plan, that Thy Brand£'~ llartln ~hields Warren Dillingl:iam l'enrosc SmHh.. Md. kingdom may come and Thy will be done in earth as in hf'nven. So 1\lr. J,A Fou.F.'ITE's arnenrlmPnt was rejected. WP faintly bPar, we dimly see, In •li1Iering phrase we pray ; 1\Ir. LA FOLLETTE obtaln~d the floor. But, dim or dear, we own in 'fbee, ~fr. LODGE. Wfll the Senator allow me to ask for the print- Tlie Light, tlie Trutli, tlie Way I in~ of a docum()nt? Amen. 1\Ir. LA FOLLETTE. CE'rtninly. The Journal of the proceedings of Monllay, November 3, was 1\Ir. LODGE. I have here a compilation of notPS exchang"f>d . rea,d and approved. bE>twePD the C'.,.ennan pPace dele;!ation and the alli~d and asso- ciated powers, respecting thf' conditions of peace presPnted to REQUEST TO ADDREss THE HOUSE. Germany. They are very important papers, many of which have Mr. CLARK of l\1issourl. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- not heen printert, and I think they would mnke a very valuahle sent that the gentleman from Louisillna, Dr. AswELL, be per· public document. I n.sk that they may be printed as a public mitted to addr~ss the Honse for 35 minutes. doC'lllllt>nt. The SPEAKER. This being CalenDar Wednesday, the Chair The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objectiont it is so ordered. thinks that there must be unanimous consent to uispeu e \vith [S. Doc. ~o. 149.) the regular business of Calendar Wednesday. The gentleman Mr. LA FOLLETTE arldressed the Senate. After having can put it in that form. spoken for 1 hour and 40 minutes, l\Ir. CLARK of ?\lissom·i. I move that the businegg o1: Cnlen- Mr. LODGE. I underRtand that the Senator from Wisconsin dar Wednesday be dispen ed with for 35 minutes and that the can not conc·Jude to-night. gentleman from Louisiana [l\Ir. AswnL} be peJ'mitted to con- Mr. LA FOLLETTE. I can not conclude to-night. sume the time for 35 minutes in audressing the House. EXECUTIVE SESSION WITH CLOSED DOORS. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from 1\Iissouri asks unani- mous consent-- lUr. LODGE. I move that the Senate go into secret executive l\lr. MADDEN. I make the point of order that the Chair ·ession. can not entertain a . motion o.f that sort on Calemlat· Wednesday The motion was agreed to, and the doors were closed. After under the rule. 10 minutes spent in ~oeret executive session, the doors were re- 1\Ir. CLAHK of Missouri. What is the reason? opened. 1\Ir. MADDEN. You can not make that h-incl of a motion. '.fREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY. The SPEAKER. The gelltleman is asking unanimous con- The St>nate, as in Committee of the Whole and in open execu- sent. tive sPssion, resumed the ronsideration at the treaty of peace Mr. 1\IADDEN. Tbat is different. with Germany. The SPEAKER. The Chair was putting it as a reque t for RECESS. unanimous consent. :Mr. LODGE. 1 move that the Senate take a recess until to- Mr. 1\lADDEN. I understood that the gentleman move(] it. The SPEAKER. The Chair will put it ns a request for morrow morning at 11 o'clock. unanimous consent The gentleman from Missouri asks unanl· The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 oYcJock and 5 minutes mous consent that the business of Calendar Wednesday be dis­ p. m.) thP Senate took a recess until to-morrow, Thursday, pensed with for 35 minutes to allow the gentleman from Louis­ November 6, 1919t at 11 o'clock a. m. iana [Mr. AswELL] to address the Bouse for 35 minutes. Is there objeetlon? CONFIRMATIONS. l\!1·. l\10NDELL. l\Ir. Speaker, reserving the right to object, a parliamentary inquiry. l\ly impression is that the present Executlt~c nominations cmJfitLmed by the Senate November 5 Speaker and the former Speaker have both held that a unani­ (legislative day, N01Jembcr 8), 1919. mous-eonsent request can not be submitted on Calendar \Ve<lnes­ u_ rTED STftTES DisTRic-T ;runoEs. day. Is not that true? Euwin Y. WPbb to he United States district judge, western The SPEAKER. That is, on the ground that the busine. s of district of North Carolina. Calendar Wednesday must be dispensed with, but this is a re­ John W. Peck to be United States district judge, southern quest for unanimous consent to dispense with the business of uistrict of Ohio. Calendar Wednesday for that length of time. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. Mr. MONDELL. But the rule is that the busjness of Calendar Wednesday can only be dispensed with by a two-thirds vote. Pa~ eu .Asst. urg. Edward R. 1\lar~haa to be surgeon, Mr. CLARK of Missouri. Unanimous consent is more than Passed Asst. Surg. Emil Krulish to be surgeon. two-thirds. Asst. Surg. Ro. coe Roy Spencer to be passed assistant surgeon. Asst. Surg. Charles Jo eph McDevitt to be passed assistant Mr. ANDERSON. Mr. Speaker, I think it is bad practice to have these speeches coming in on Calendar Wednesday, and . urgeon. therefore I object. A~st Surg. Sanucrs Lenis Christian to be passed assistant surgeon. The SPElAKER. The gentleman from J\Unnesota object~. Asst. Surg. 'Va1ter ·n ..per Teufel to be passed a5'Sistant sur- ORDER OF nuslNEBs. gcon. :Air. MONDELL. .~.Jr. Speaker, the call rests with the Cum- Asst. Surg. Henry v_ \Vildman to be passeu a sistant surgeon. mittee on l\1ilitary A1Iairs. They have a few bills of not wry .Asst. Surg_ Herbert A. ~veneer to be passed assistant ~eon.. great importance, but still bills that ought to be passed. :\Iy 7970 CONGRESS!ON AL -- ~RECORD-HOUSE. NoYEl\fBER 5, .. hope is that these bill· may be uisposed of in about two hours, October 22, 1919 : and tltnt we may then go to the Unnnimous < 'onsent Calendar. H. n. 7 478. An act to amend sections 5200 and G202 of the If tlle bu~iness of that committee is dispose(] 11f at a reasonably Revised Statutes of the Unitetl States as amended by a·cts of early hour this afternoon, I intend to move to suspenu the busi­ June 22, 1906, and September 24, 1918; and · nes. of Calendar Wednesday for the balan<:<'- of the day and go H. R. 8624. An act to amend an act entitled "A..n act to pro­ to the Unanimous Consent Calendar. vide further for the national secmity and defense by encourag­ MESSAGE FRO)! THE SENATE. ing the production, conserving the supply, and controlling the A message from the Senate, by 1\fr. Dudley, its enrolling clerk, distribution of food products and fuel," approved August 10, announced that the Senate had passed bills of the following titles, 1917, and to regulate rents in the District of Columbia. • in "'hidl the concurrence of the House of Representatives was October 27, 1919: . II. R. 7138. An act granting a franking privilege to ·Edith reque ted: - Carow Roosevelt. · S. 3263. An act to authorize the construction of flood-control aml improvement works in Minnesota River and Big Stone Lake, November 4, 1919 : between the States of l\Iinnesota and South Dakota; H. R. 9205. An act making appropi·ia tions to supply <lefieien­ S. 3125. An net autbot·izing the Secretary of War to transfer cies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, and prior fiscal years, and for otb~r purposes. .. - · certain surpJus machine tools an~ other equipment to the Fed-_ The message further announced thaLbills and joint resolu­ ei·al Boru~d for Vocational Education; aud tions of the following numbers and titles, having been presented S.
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