h*kt*rk sarrystrrtter of ?hr Passair Cou-nty I{isttrrical .-s*eiety ElorrninEdal* ' {lil"roir r Halrjdun r lrav'rhnrn* * Littrr: F;rIEs r r r prlslrFton irorth Heledrrrr F,rssaic !kta'.+an Lakcs " Ilrrs=Feci F.rrk Iting"v''+<Nl r Tuttqr:a . ltrrrrsr1ue * tfaync * l#*rs* S{iE{*r€ r l*i*st fhtcrs$n Phone: 973-247-0085 hllp://www.lambertcastle.orgl Volume 5 - lssue 1 President President's Messatle Maryiane Proctor lst Vice Pres.: Annita Zalenski ht lanuary of this year, I became President of the Society by rsote of the Board 2nd Vice Pres.: of Trustees. This transition was preceded W President Michael Blanchfield's Robert Hazekamp ant'Louncement in December thnt he needed to step down fi'om his position due to Treasurer: increasing persorul and business matta's. Michael ltas seraed on the Board of Dorothy Decker Trustees for orter fioe years, with more than four of tltose years as an Officer. He Acting Secretary: will, luweaer, continue to sente on tlu Board as a regular Trustee until ltis term Annita Zalenski expires in 2004. As some of you ntay already knou), the Society ltss in place a rlerfi mansgement Tmstees: team consisting of Director Richnrd Sgritta, Rebecca Doris Bauer Mr. Curator Mrs. L{ichael BlanchfielC Peb'opoulos, and. Librarian Mrs. Kathleen Grimshaw-Haaen. In tlrc montlrc alrcad, Alice Booth we will be deaeloping exhibits and displays that showclse our oast collectiot s, coor- Kenneth Brino dinating eL?ents, andbegin electronically cataloging and digitizing our liWary ul- Luis Colon lections. Our long-term goal is to mske our collections fllore assessable for our George Decker membership and to the many indioiduals afuo aisit Lantbert C^astle ftom Passaic Arlette Keri County afid elsewh$e. ]ohn Pogorelec I **ish to thank tltose who haae offered me their well-wishes and kind words of Maryiane Proctor encoursgenlent duting this period of transition. My relationship with the Society Heriberto Rivera has oknays been ot;er11 rewarding one, mtd it lurs been my honor-and my Edward Smyk prh:ilege-to set-oe on the Passaic County Clifford Swisher Historical Society Board of Trustees. As President, Hononry Life Trustees: its I will make a continuing ffirt to seroe our organization and our Norman Robertson membership to the oay best of my ability. Edward Smyk Hononry Tmstees: Respectfully, Maryi ane Proctor Hazel Spiegelberger Carol Blanchfield Michael Wing Museum Hours: Wednesday through Sunday 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Richard Sgritta Director Library Hours: Wednesday and Friday - 1 p.m.to 4 p.m. The Historic County Second and Fourth Saturday of the month - 1to 4 p.m. is published quarterly by the Passaic County Historical Admission: Adult - $3.OO Society Senior Citizen - $2.O0 Annita Zalenski, Editor Child: 12-18 - $1.5O (under t2tree) e-mail: [email protected] PCHS Member - free LlMerRr CnsrLe, VeLLey Roeo, Parenson, NJ 07S03 New Members Design in Philadelphia. I went to graduate school at the Staff Fashion institute of Technology in Manhattar! where I majored in Museum Studies, with a concentraUon in cos- A s the new tume history. I did my graduate internship at the l-eRoy ADirector of the Historical Society in upstate New York and my first cura- Passaic County Historical torship was at the Rye Historical Society. My plars for the Society\ I"ambert Castle, Passaic County Historical Society include raising the pro- my long-range goal is to fessional standards of our collections management policy, make the organization and creating exhibitions that will represent a more indusive more accessible to the history of the area. It is exciting to be here, and I hope to community-at-large. To meet many of you soon. make that goal a reality, I plan to transform the Board News C-astle into a multi-func- tional "history ceuter" dedicated to interpreting fn recent months, two officers of the Society and one the unique history of ITrustee have been electe by vote of the Board of Passaic County. I hope Trustees to fill unexpired terms. Lr )axuary, Maryiane Director Richard Sgritta to develop innovative Proctor was elected President, filling the position vacated programs that draw by Michael Blanchfield's resignation in December 2002 upon my experience in both history and children's muse- Annita Zalenski was elected by the Board to the office of lst ums. These programs will ta-ke the form of long-term and Vice President at the February meeting. Also elected to the changing exhibitions, mary of which will incorporate inter- Board at the February meeting was Heriberto Rivera, a active components, as well as educational programs and Paterson businessman and Clifton resident. He fills the specral events desigrred especially for families with chil- position fonnerly held by Kuthy Opthof. dren. I also hope to expand the visibility of the Society's his- We warmly welcome Mr. Rivera to the Boar4 and torical research/genealogy library in order that more peo- wish Trustees Maryfane Proctor and Annita Zalenskimuch ple may take advantage of this extraordinary resource. success in their new positions. Over the next few months, I plao to speak with Society member''s, Castle visitors, commulity organizatiors and area school teachers to deternrine what kinds of exhibitions PCHS Annual Meeting ald programs they would like to see at lambert Castle. Their input will help shape the new 'vision" for the Passaic County Historical Society and lambert Castle. If you care .l-h" PCFIS Annual Meeting and Election of Officers to share your thoughts about the new vision for the Society I and Trustees will be held at 7 p^.on Thursday, and Castle, please feel &ee to contact me at (973) 247-W85. May 1, 2003. A1I members in attendance (utith the exception Your comments and suggested are always welcome, and of studott members) and in good standing as of February 1, greatly appreciated. I hope to hear from you. 2003, are eligible to vote. The slate is as follows: Officers: 1-treetings to all President - Ma4riane Proctor Umembers of 1st President - Annita Zalenski the Passaic Courtty 2nd Vice President - Robert Hazekamp Historical Society. I Treasurer - Dorothy Decker have been here only a Secretary - Alice Booth short time, but already I am finding the history Trustee Class of 2006: of Passaic County and Kenneth Brino Lambert C-astle fascinat- Luis Colon ing. I became interested George Decker in history whm I stud- Maryiane Proctor ied the history of art and Edward Smyk Iiterature as part of my fine arts curriculum Following the business portion of the meeting Curator when I was an under- Rebecca Petropopulous and volunteer Harry Nahabedian graduate at Moore will present a program tttled American Antiques Speak Curator Rebecca Petropopulous College of Art and Your Language. Light refreshments will be served. Please mark your calendar ar"rd plan to attend- THr HsroRtc Couxry - MARCH 2oo3l 2 Children's Holiday Party pproximately thirty children attended the delightfuI Children's Holiday Party held at the PCHS last December. The fun-filled afternoon was complete with musical entertainment, dancing, snacks, crafts, a story read by our own lt4rs. Santa Claus (Hanormy Trustee Hazcl Speigelbuger, and a visit from Santa himself (Trustee Cliff Swisher). PCHS Members Annual Holiday Party he well-known Madrigal Singers from Clifton High School presented an oustanding program at the festive Members' Holiday Party on Sunday, December 22,2ffi2. The Choir has a long tradition of excellence and has received national and international acclaim. In recent years they have perforrned at Carnegle Hall, Hershey Park, and Lincoln Center. Madrigal singrng was brought to England from Italy in the 16th Century. Originally, it was an inforrnal tlpe of pri- vate entertainment at the castles and courbry homes of the landed gentry. Frequently, the lords and ladies performed the music themselves as they sat at dinner in the Great HaIl. Lambert Castle with its center court and resounding acoustics was an excellent venue for the singers. Dressed in medieval costumes, they delighted PCFIS members as they sang traditional Chrisbnas songs and carols in several lan- guages. We extend our sincere thanks to the singers and to their Director, Barbara Novak. THr Hrsronrc Courry - MARCH 2oo3 I 3 PCHS Welcomes New Members PCHS welcomes:s the follou.ingfollovying individualsindir"iduals who, as otof FebruaryFebr L,203g,have ioined or reioined the Society. Th.r Robert Bertani John E. P.Surak Gerald Bussacco Grace W. Klie Ruth Braddock Andrew Edwards, |r. Frank C. Davis Christine & Anthony Crilli Marie M. Brewer Angela L. Mecca Stephanie & Chris McEvoy Robert A. Wonack Donna Daly ]ane & Steve Albrecht Biswajeet Roy Robert A. Pine Karen Zalenski Matthew & Lorraine Kiernan |ohn Huber Ackershoek Farnily ]oseph A. Mecca Beatrice Farrell Lois H. Ashby Margaret C. Greenwood Barbara Gille Angelito Cabigao Lenora and Anthony Foti Philip M. Read Kaley M. Calpenter Successful Year-End APPeal sincerely thaxk the following individuals for responding to our year-end appeal. We appreciate their support! \rV" I.H.O.P., Fair Lawn, NJ Virginia Kurris ]oan R. Callahan John H. Marshall ]oalne & Alex Polner Paulette Lipsitz Genevieve Eckert Evelyn V. Waller Lawrence K. Korona Decker ]ack W. Kuepfer |ohn Vander Meulen George & Kathy Margaret D. Meek Arlette Keri DoloresD. Most Marian M. Rauschenbach Marityn Creagan Dr. Thomas D. Dayspring ]ennie Natoli Aagela Molter Mrs.Donald Gray Dr. & Mrs Iohn I.Saccoman |ames D'Antonio Mmy Louise & David ]ohnston Alan D. Bird Donald A. Schnure ]anet Rutan Bowers Bob & |ean ]ohnson Richard Chan Pat Fusaro Rev. Donald J. Sella Marie Cataffo Kristy S. Buchalla Claire C. Salviano Dorothy Everitt ]ames P.I-evendusky Betty Schmitt Jerome Hatch Hazel Spiegelberger ]ames Arthurs |oseph F.
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