The Institute Report olume XXI. Number 1 Vir inia I\liIitarv Institute Newsletter Se temher 3, 1993 A native of Atlantic Beach, New York, Mr. Miller is a 22 year veteran of the United States Air Force. In addition to his B.A. from VMI, he earned both M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in history from the University of Denver while in the service. He has held several executive positions in the private sector and was special a'lsistant in the Air Force secre­ tariat. He retired in 1990 as vice-presi­ dent and general manager of Amperif EdwardA.Miller,1r. '50A Corporation. He has since been research­ ing and writing, primarily on contributions made by Black Americans to the nation. His book, Gullah Statesman:Robert A touch ofhistory. Mary Morson Sexton, daughter ofNew Market Smalls and His Times, 1839-1915, has been accepted for publi­ cadet A. A. Morson, Class of 1865, speaks with Rats from C calion by the University of South Carolina Press. He currently Company during cadre week at VMI. Matriculation 1993 brought resides in Alexandria, Virginia. 351 new cadets to the Institute. Pictured with Mrs. Sexton is Lt. Mr. Roberts, a native ofTaylorsville, Col. Keith Gibson, director ofVMI Museum Programs. North Carolina. graduated from Hampden Sydney College and earned his LL.B. Four members appointed to Board ofVisitors from the University ofRichmond in 1957. Three VMI alumni are among the four newest members He is currently a partner with the law appointed to the Board of Visitors by Virginia Governor, L. t1nn of Mays and Valentine in Rich­ Douglas Wilder. mond, Virginia and has served as a sub­ The four appointees are Mr. Michael C. Brooks, VMI class stitutejudgefor Henrico County General of 1959; Mr. Edward A. Miller, Jr., class of1950A; Mr. Jamesc. District Court since 1967. In the 1989­ Roberts; ~md Mr. 11lOmas A. Saunders, III, class of 1958. 1990 edition of The Best Lawyers in Those who completed terms on the Board and rotated off America, Mr. Roberts was listed under were Mr. 1110mas N. Downing, class of 1940; Brig. Gen. Eliza­ James C. Roberts four separate categories. He is past presi­ beth P. Hoisington, USA Ret.; Dr. Robert Q. Marston, class of dent ofthe Virginia State B arAssociation and is a trustee orboard 1944; and Mr. A. Courtland Spotts, III, class of 1951. member on foundations of several civic organizations. Mr. Brooks is a retired United States Air Force engineer and Mr. Saunders, a native of Ivor, Virginia, received his B.S. in former Chainmm and President of Par­ electrical engineering from VMI. Fol­ sons Brinckerhoff Construction Ser­ lowing service in the United States vices, Inc. He has over 30 years of Army, he worked briefly in the research construction mmlagement experience division ofAllis Chabners Manufactur­ on major trmlsportation projects in Asia, ing Company. He returned to school the Middle E.:'1st, Canada, mld the United earning his M.B.A. from the University States. He is also a founder mld past of Virginia in 1967 and embarked on a president of the Construction Manage­ 22 year career with Morgan Stanley's ment Association ofAmerica. A native corporate finance department. For 15 ofSalisbury, Marylmld, he holds a B.S. years he was managing director and degree in civil engineering from VMI chairman of the company's Leverage and a M.S. degree ill engineering from Equity Fund II. Now a general partner of Thomas A. Saunders, III, '58 Michael C. Brooks '59 Texa.<;A & M University. He now lives Saunders Karp and Company, he maintains residence in both on the northern neck of Virginia at Merry Point. New York City and Long Island, New York. .. a!(e, e ns I U e ~por, eptcm er ,1993 Col. Wetmore dies Court Case Update 29 year veteran of faculty At its annual smnmer meeting held in Richmond, Va., the Col. Stanley I. Wetmore, Jr., VMI Board of Visitors adopted a resolution direeting VMI member of the VMI faculty since attorneys to draft a plan to present to the Board for its consider­ 1964 and professor ofchemistry died ation on September 25. at his home in Lexington on May 30 The plan must be in accordance with the ruling of the Fourth 1993. Circuit Court of Appeals which remanded the case to Judge Col. Wetmore received his B.S. Jackson L. Kiser in October, 1992 and presented four options for degree in chemistry and M.S. in or­ VMI: ganic chemistry from Rensselaer 1) admit women 2) become a private college 3) creation of Polytechnic Institute and spent two a parallel program for women 4) other creative options years in private industry before com­ At a scheduling conference held in Federal District Court in ing to VMI. He earned his Ph.D. in Roanoke, Va. on August 9, JudgeKiser told VMI attorneys to organic chemistry from the State present the plan to him no later than September 27. Judge Kiser Col. Stanley I. Wetmore, Jr. University of New York at Buffalo also ordered Governor Wilder to approve the plan or to submit an in 1973. alternative plan. During his tenure at VMI, Col. Wetmore was on nmnerous The hearing on the plan is January 6, 1994. committees, was chairman of the chemistry department from 1983 through 1988, and was director of research for the VMI Research Laooratories, Inc. (VMIRL). He had held this Post with the VMIRL, a non-prom corporation established in 1963 to encourage and promote faculty research, since 1985. Among his honors were a faculty research grant for the study of ethanol for The VMI Post was used as a farm crops and a National Science Foundation Faculty Fellow­ stand-in for West Point during ship. JuneandJuly I993forthefilming He also served as chairman of the Blue Ridge Section of the of "Conduct Unbecoming: The American Chemical Society and was a driving force behind the Johnson Whittaker Story," an Rockbridge Area Christmas Basket Program for 20 years. originalmovieforSlwwtime, the He is survived by his wife Carol Ann Wetmore, Lexington; cable television nwvie channel. I.hmghter and son-in-law Donna and Todd McCullough, VMI Here thedirector, W&Lgraduate '86, Newport News; son Douglas, Blacksburg; two grandsons, Harry Moses, explains what he Tyler and Ryan McCullough; lUld his parents, Mr. and Mrs. wants to Kevin Hershberger '95, Stanley J. Wetmore of Roanoke. who was the "cadet wrangler" In lieu ofHowers, donations may be made to the Rockbridge during filming at the Institute. County Area Hospice or the American Cancer Society. Photo by Kathryn Wise Cincinnati Lecture to be held Sept. 15 VMI's mmual Cincinnati Lecture will be delivered this year by Dr. Jeremy M. Black, Senior Lecturer in history at the University of Durhmn in England. The lecture, which is open to The InstitutiFRepo11 iSi)u15lislled the public, will be Wednes(L'lY, Sept. 15 at 7:30 p.m. ill Jackson Office, Vifginta . Memorial Hall. duiingthe a<:::ldeInic Dr. Black, who was educated at Cambridge and Oxford itemS,ishould be ameCU:d universities, is a distinguished histOli,Ul with 23 published books RelationsOffire, to his credit. He is widely known for his work on eighteenth­ te1ephone"7()~=464- century Britain, eUld his latest book is entitled The War in 15th i>f month.S America. He has taught at Durham since 1980 and lectured widely in Europe and the United States. His many honors include being selected as a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. Dr. Black will be lecturing on the British view of the American Revolution, particularly the military dimension of the war. VMI to again host Middle East Conference Beginning on September 12, VMI will host a three-day conference focusing on current U.S. policy interests in the Middle East. Coordinated by VMI's International Studies Program, this conference will bring to the Institute a number of scholars and policy makers with considerable experience in this area. Entitled "The Middle E.:'lst & The Third Millennium: Chal­ lenges to the U.S. Interests and Policies," the conference has been planned and coordinated by Col. Patrick M. Mayerchak, professor of political science and director of the international studies program and Col. Thomas W. Davis, professor ofhistory and chairman of the foreign study committee. These professors have worked in conjunction with Dr. John Duke Anthony, VMI '62, president and chiefexecutive oftlceroftheNational Council 011 U.S.- Arab Relations. The keynote speaker for the conference will be Dr. Ralph Distinguishedsummervisitors. State sefUltorsBenjaminJ. Lambert Braibanti - J mnes B. Duke Professor ofPolitical Science Emeri­ (D. Richnwnd) 9th district (seated) arulJaneH. Woods (R. Fairfax) tus, Duke University; founding director of the Arabian and 34thdistrict talk to high school students participating in the College Islamic Development Studies Progrmn at Duke University and Orientation Workshop held at VMl during the summer. The three­ founding president ofthe American Institute ofPakistan Studies. week VMUCOW programJocuses on minority, male, high school He mld twenty-eight other experts will participate in six panel students in an effort to direct their attention on achieving greater presentations during the conference, with discussions covering a success during the remaining year(s) of high school. and on wide range of cultural, economic, and strategic topics. preparing for the college of their choice. Col. James H. Coale, In addition to VMI, conference sponsors include AT&T, professor ofphysical education, is the director ofthe program. Mobil Corporation, National Council on U.S. -Arab Relations, Virginia Committee on U.S.-Arab Relations, GeorgeC. Marshall Nell Byers Memorial Scholarship initiated Foundation and Future Management Consultants. For further An anonymous donor has made a gift ofnearly $15,000 to the information, contact the International Studies Progrmn at 464­ VMI Foundation, Inc.
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