¿. ; . r Nues West student suspected ofhaving TB Library Board foresees NiIs West High School wasteachers Monday morning thatstudentsFthruary2 negative impact of tax caps infoimed on the afternoon ofFri- thepossibility exists that this sta- The studeat who is suspected day. Feb. 17 by the Suburban dent may haveTß. ofbeing infected has been home . by lcatbleeuQuirtfeld. Cook County Tuberculosis Clin- Students were itotified earlysince Wednesday. Feb. 15 and is TheCook County property taxalaff that lb ilbeary will he able ic that one of Ihuir smdents isTuesday morning. Feb. 21, asnot expected to return to Nues cap recently signed into law by to maintain in the coming years, sUon1ysuspcled of having tu-school was notin session onWest sutil the disease is non- Governor Jim Edgar was one of theteuntees slated. berviilosis(TB). Monday due to à Tearher 1usd-infectious or determined not to be themain subjects ofdisciiustoaàt Beginning in 1996. property Whileitwiltnotbcknowncon-tute Day. Studrutu wmc told inTB (or asimilar infectious ail- the Febmary 15 meeting ofNileulax increases will be limited to Clasivelythatthiaindivjduaj lain- theirhomeeooms and a letter rx- menI). Public Library District Board of five percent,or the rate nf lutta- fectedwithTB for approximatelyptaining the situation was sent A press renfermes offering Trustees. üon whichever is less. Mthough four weeks, the District and homewith them. Afollow up let-further information tonic place at The lax cap wilt significandyhailed as a welcome relief for inhoo1 notified in writing allterwasmailedtotlieparentsofall Continued on Page 28 impact the levels of service and Continued on Page 28 Nués C!UFE 231995 New feesneeded to maintain course edition ot ii:i(j Fee increase at ui Tam 'tees'off 8746 N. Shèrmer. Road, Nues, Illinois 60714 -(708) 966-3900 seniorgolférs voI_ 38,NO 35, TIWBUGLETriURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 1995 50 per copy by Kathleen Qnirsfeld Several senior citizens, ac- air staff, cqnipsaent, safety, ese- knowledged trogne golfers at the prnses_ for cisemirats, tandneap- Tans Ijoif Corner, voicedtheir ing and replacement of equip- After 30years,HiIIãry comptaints to theNiten Park Dia- mesi were also compared before trict Board at its meeting on Feb. making the derision to raise fees 2t about the Beatdn plans toin- atTam. aîné as crease the greens feen$l for each Elimination of the SesiorNon- áia rosad fer t995 Thefees will be Resident Rate at Tom also met raised to $13.50 per non-resident with objections by some of the seniçr citizen player for ainegolfers present. Gesa saId that holen, upleom $10. the change was initiated doe to - GolfOperationsManager, complaints from NOes residents Greg Gene jsstified the increase who had disapproved of this dis- stating that the course had to ho declino. ran like a business.The ente -Director Tim Roysler, speak- changes to ha implemented were iag en hchalfofthel'ark District aeCessary mordre to maintaintheBoard, stated thattheparkdislrict highstaadnrdn oftheeourse was left with no choice whende- Cesa farther said that othercidiag to increase golf charges. area golf courses werepolled in "Itwas eislscrthat(rsisiagfees) or order to determinO the amount of letting the gotfcourse start to de- their fers asid how nmnch they toriorate.' werotoriseifl 1995. Faótoes such Continued on Page 28 First Lady speaks to1,000 aine East Highstudents ilyRosemaryTtrio ilittary Rodham Clinton ce- come by the Marching Band and - tamed to the scheot she anendedan emotional rendition of the for three years Feb. 15 for n trip school Alma Mater by the 14- k down Memos)' Laso and tookmember : Demonaireschoral 1,000 verycxcitedteenagerswith groop,Ctmton spenithe half hoar assembly praising the school she - hor.Theytovedthetsip. - 'She did the same things weeehait loved and remembering her doing sow,' said David CMstie,days there. senior football starnad ose ofthe She recalled the first day near- li student leaders chosen by ty 30 years ago, when Maine Baal Principal Carol Grenier for apri- was 'a very intimidating place for vate inlerview with theFisstLady afreshman," andthedaysthereaf- beforeshenppcaeedjathe ter when she "flourished ' and schools aaditorinni at what maymadcsomebeatfeisnds. have been the most exciting as- Like most Americans who sembty in Maine East Nighweeo ative tiren, Clinton con re- Schoatshistosy, member exactly where she was Bat she djdn't come off hIscawhen shehgard thenewa of Freni- First Lady to-senior class presi-dentjghnF.Kgnnedysastasnina- drnt lrleidiLapin, 17, who ted thetion--rightthcrein tlseMainellast PlcdgrofAllegianccaod satnestauditorium; - io th Pmsidestn wifo on stage. She taidshercceiveda 'superb a- "lt was like meeting sameone'seducation" at Maine- Bast and mom and chitchatlingwith her, prnisedhertencherx"whoexpect- - shrsaid. ed a lot bat wem always there to From her privileged poajijon,help." She spoke of Mr. Paul - (Phono by Mike lieue» Lapin noticed tisaI Clinton nordCarlson,herformerhjstory leach- neither notecards nor peepaneder, who invited her to come back Marching Bandbehindher; -iiu Rodham Clinton told 1,000 Maine East/ugh Schoolalu- speech. 'ltcainn from the heart,"to Maine Bast. "10e inspired me, - : With the argued with use, provoked me, dents tocherish fheirhighachoolyeafaFeb. l5on a return visillo theschoolafteralmost3Oyear$.Cies-Lopinsaid. Aftcr a rousing ftghtsong wel- Continued on Page 2$- dthe schooihadbeen ieftinsuchgoodhand$" . - PAGEIS TBEBUGLE,THGBSDAY,BRUARY 23;195 THEBUGLE, ThU050AY,-FEBRUARY 23, tfls - PAGE 19 -SOCIAL SECURIT Lfl----- e. Phoenix Group FEBRUARY 24 Reporting W. 22nd St., Oak Brook Music giro Over 35 at 6:30 p.m. on - to hear speaker St.PETER'S SINGLES CLUB willbeprovidrdby Music in Mo- Tnrsduy, Feb. 28, at the Nhwber- changes in living The Pharsic Support Grvup All singles over4S are inviteddus. The event isalso co- O' Library, 60 W. Wallon SL, 'Ita1y' to uaend the following dances.sponsored by Northwest Singles Chicago. - Maiñe South Club-takes trip to invitesallseparated, divarced arrangements and widowed pnrsans tomeetFi-i- SL Peter's singles dance Friday, Association, Yousg Suburban Evenl co-chsiryeople arr Ivtax- - byJosepli Zurawski Singles mrd Singles & Co. Ad- doy, March 3 at 730 p.m. TheFeb. 24 ut 9 p.m. at the Golden is0 Humowilz and Arden Nugler, - lust when was the lasttimo for the dab, also believes Gino's Po- you Imow that if you re- place is McDonnell Hall (tawevFlame, 6417 Higgins and Salar- missioawillbe$5. A light kosher dinner will be - ceive Supplemental Security In- you look a too-mite trip and end- is "Very Italian:"In lookisg al level af the Clssreh) of Our Lady day, Feb. 25 at9p.m. atthe Ceyu- For mom informados, callserved. Cost is $15 in advance; - come (SSI). you have a respon tal Palace, 5600 W. Fullerton. (70ll) 209-2066. od op more than 6,000 milesmany of Ilse labels inthn grocery siblity of Perpetual Help, 1127 Church $20 at the timor. There will br no - to report changes in your- - - away? Earhdanceis$5. solicitation of funds. To make - Ask any member ofand dcli,Dominic discovered, St., inGleaview. - - Maine South's Italian livingarrungementstous? This is For h.trttser information call - Club and, "they're all Ilatiauprodscts" simi- FatherRich Jokubik 1mm FEBRUARY 28 reservations orformore informa- without.hesitaLiag, you will pral,-lar to (be ones he remembers eat- notdifficultatull. AUyou need to (312) 334-2589. JUFSINGLES OVER 35 lins, colt lOFaI (3 12) 444-2912, know is what to report, when to 0.L.P.H. will apeale an "Spiritual ably be informed it was on one ofing by hisgraudpartints' home. Puthtarecaverisg, a sense af pas- . FEBRUARY 25 MichnelA.Sandborg, the - their field taips from theschool in Weber says that shopowner report, and how to repoit sibility." COMBINED CLUB SINGLES Anti-Defamation Leagne's Park Ridge to Chicago's 'Little The changes in your living or- Mes and warnen nfall ages ate All singles 0er invited to the(AOL) Midwest civil tights di- Italy" on North MorIrai AvrnoeBartocci "is very good with kids. rangements you needle report in- wotcame. Refreshments will bnCombined Club Singles dunce ut rector, will be the guest speakerat inChicago. His osplasatioss of what Italians dude: - srrvrd. Directisquities Im (708)llp.m.ou Suwrday,Feb.25,otthn55 educational event held by the Stella Weber, sponsor of theest oro escelleal and accurate." . If you move or change your 673-341 1 er(708) 259-1675. Marriott Oak Brook Hotel, 1401 Jewish United Fondu (10F) Sin- club,selected Gino BurtuccisShefindu Ibesludenls are mostat- address; dcli, grocery, pasta shop and Latentive and credits Bartucci for . Ifsomeone moves into or out Boruboriera, an Italian gift shopbeing "really committed to his of your household, someone in which also sells ourneroas Italianpeople. Hrhasbroughtapieeeof your-household dies, or-if sorne- ncwspapnrs and magazines, for athe peninsula here and he really one in yourhousrhold has ababy; - visitby club rnombnrs. has dose a lot for his commuai- . Ifyoagrthelpwith food utit- Tho rotos and ierms listed obsvo am sahiecl ts chango wilCos ssmo. Ratos are upda od each Thursday by 3 p.m. lar rho lallawin5 weokseditians. - With iludislinclly Ilolian archi- t)'. " - ities,reat,ormortguge; or Those lvstilUlisns oro Illinsis Rosidantial Murlgaso Li005sees More than an annual . If you enter or leave a resi- recLure, its arrangements, a 'fia- LOAN - DOWN vor" that seems easy so absorb. fleidteip - dentiat institution, hospital, INSTITUTION TERM RATE POINTS APR Weber explains the shops aro Other stops on a typical field skilled nursing facitily, nursing TYPE PAYMENT "very typical of Italy. They con- trip for Maine South's tialina homo, intermediate cure facility, - AAA HOME FINANCE Fixed 30 9.000 0.00% Voy a teno sense of shopping- inClub include the Italian Cultural halfway house, jail, prison. pub- 3619 W. Devon Ave. Fixed 15 8.750 0.00% Italy.It rewinds mn of beingCenter in Stone Park, the Italian lic emergency shelteror any other American Sports Hail of Paree, kindofinstitution; and/or Chicago. IL 60659 - Fixed 20 9.000 0.00% - back in my home lows. Every- thing is oirthensie." and lunch atliozo's Reslorante in Ifyouloave theUniled Slates.
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