ISSN 1195-8898 PI~ ~ CMOS LETIN ..... ·.·ce c;; ..... - SCMO Cmradiall Mereorolog i f .:~1 BUL La Socibe callOdiellJl{! dl' mirtO/dogie et d 'ochlllogrnpilie April / avril 2000 Vol. 28 No.2 Temperature Fie. Id , August 1998 Cruise 9829 19 18 17 200 16 15 14 ~ 400 13 .D -0 12 ~ J:: 11 -0.. 10 oa.> 600 9 8 7 800 6 5 4 3 1000t==~====:=:1 O~O;;-O ----E5~00D--- 2 Distance along Line P (km) CMOS Bulletin SCMO Canadian Meteorological "at the service of its: members au service de ses membres" and Oceanographic SOCiety (CMOS) Editor I RBdacteur: Paul-Andre Bolduc Societe canadienne de meteorologie Marine Environmental Data Service Department of Fisheries and Oceans et d'oceanographie (SCMO) 12082 - 200 Kent Street Ottawa, Ontario, K1A OE6, Canada president I President ,. (613) 990-0231; Fax (613) 993-4658 Dr. Ian D. Rutherford E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: (613) 723-4757; Fax: (613) 723-9582 Canadian Publications Product Sales Agreement II066922B E-mail: [email protected] Envols de publications canadiennes NumIYo de convention ~8 Vice-President I Vice-president Cover page: Temperature field along Line-P in the Dr. Peter A. Taylor North-East Pacific Ocean as measured in August­ Department of Earth and Atmospheric SCience September 1998 (Cruise # 9829) from the Canadian Coast York UniverSity Guard Ship J/P Tully. To find more about the feature Tel: (416) 736-2100 ext. 77707; Fax: (416) 736-5817 shown here, read the article on page 54 . E-mail: [email protected] Treasyrer I Tr6sorier Page couverture: Champ de temperature Ie long de Mr. Richard Stoddart la ligne-P dans I'ocean du Pacifique nord-est tel que Tel: (613) 825-9405; mesure en aoOt-septembre 1998 (numero de croisiere E-mail: [email protected] 9829) par Ie navire de la Garde C6tiere du Canada, Ie J/P Tully. La profondeur est exprimee en decibar et la Corresponding Secretarv I Secnltaire-correspondant distance Ie long de la ligne-P en kilometre. Pour en savoir Mr. Paul Delannoy plus sur Ie phtinomime presente ici, lire I'article en page Ottawa Regional Centre, Environment Canada 54. Tel: (613) 990-5581 ; Fax: (613) 241-8889 E-mail: [email protected] CMOS Executive Office Recording Secretarv I Secretaire d'assembhle Mr. Rob Cross Bureau de la SCMO Meteorological Service of Canada Tel: (819) 997-3840; Fax (819) 994-8841 Suite112, McDonald Building E-mail: [email protected] University of Ottawa 150 Louis-Pasteur Ave. Past-President I President ex-officio Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1 N 6N5 Mr. Bill Pugsley [email protected] Tel: (613) 731-0145; Fax: phone first homepage: E-mail: [email protected] page d'accueil: Dr. Neil Campbell Councillors-at-Iarge I Consejllers Executive Director - Directeur executif 1) Mr. Eldon Oja Tel: (613) 990-0300; Fax: (613) 993- Environment Canada, Thunder Bay Regional Centre 4658 Tel: (807) 346-8022; Fax: (807) 346-8663 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]. 2) Dr. Clive Mason Department of Fisheries & Oceans Dr. Richard Asselin Tel: (902) 426-6927; Fax: (902) 426-7827 Director of Publications E-mail: [email protected] Directeur des publications Tel: (613) 991-0151; Fax: (613) 993- 3) Dr. Susan Allen 4658 Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences E-mail: [email protected] Oceanography-EOS, University of British Columbia Tel: (604) 822-6091; Fax: (604) 822-2828 E-mail: [email protected] - ii - ... .from the President's Desk Volume 28 No. 2 April 2000 - avril 2000 The federal budget at the end of February contained quite a bit of Inside I En Bref good news for science, not the least of which was the announcement of from the President's desk $60M for CMOS to establish a new by Ian Rutherford p. 33 granting agency, The Canadian News Release from McGill University p. 34 Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences. Suffice it to Articles say that this development opens up a whole new role for CMOS, a first Canadian Disasters: an Historical Survey for a scientific society and by R. Jones p. 35 something that will have to be carefully designed and managed. Preliminary work to establish the Foundation has A Multi-Scale Conceptual Model of Severe been a major preoccupation of the Executive and Council Thunderstorms by G.S. Strong p. 45 in February and March. The Foundation will be up and running some time this spring and will disburse the $60M Eddies in the Gulf of Alaska in research grants spread over a six-year period. It is by W. Crawford and F. Whitney p. 54 hoped that additional funding can be obtained to expand Our regular sections I Nos chroniques regulieres the program and extend it in time. In Memoriam p. 57 There were several other elements of the budget that are significant for science in general and our sciences in News -Nouvelles p. 59 particular. In the latter category is the announcement of extended funding of $21 OM for the Climate Change Action CMOS-Accredited Consultants - Fund that Will extend its life from three years to six. In the Experts-Conseils accredites de la SCMO p. 64 first phase, about 10% of the fund was available to support climate science. Hopefully this will continue. A new Printed in Ottawa, Ontario, by M.O.M. Printing Imprime sousles presses de M.O.M. Printing, Ottawa, Ontario. Sustainable Development Technology Fund of $1 OOM will stimulate new environmental technologies. The budget provides $900M over five years through the granting councils to establish and sustain 2000 Canada Research Further to the NSERC Reallocations Exercise issue Chairs by 2004-2005. University departments ' of discussed in the previous Bulletin , I can now report that meteorology and oceanography will be challenged to take Vice-President Peter Taylor will make a presentation to the advantage of these. On the research infrastructure side, GeoCanada2000 meeting on behalf of CMOS. The the budget provides a further $900M to the Canada Scientific Committee under Chairman Charles Lin will draft Foundation for Innovation to support awards out to 2005. a CMOS position paper that will be made available for Finally, tax assistance to students and new funding for comment in April and finalised following GeoCanada2000 scholarships and study grants will make it easier for and a special session on a vision for the atmospheric and students in all disciplines to continue their studies. oceanic sciences to be held at our Congress in Victoria. The paper will be submitted in June to the Earth Sciences Toutes les bonnes nouvelles mentionnees ci-dessus visent Liaison Committee (ESLC) as a contribution to improving a supporter la recherche dans les universites. Par contre, the Vision Statement to be drafted by the ESLC for the il ne faudrait pas oublier la recherche fa ite au sein du earth sciences group. Everyone will have a chance to gouvernement qui supporte la prestation des services au contribute, either at the session in Victoria or through the public et I'elaboration des politiques. Le gouvernement est CMOS web-site. aussi responsable pour les observations systematiques et I'echantillonnage des variables environnementales la Back in early February, Past-President Bill Pugsley, gestion des donnees, etc., activites .qui sont a la bas~ de Executive Director Neil Campbell and I were granted a nos sciences. Le budget contenait peu de mesures meeting with Environment Minister David Anderson. The destinees a renforcer la capacite scientifique des question of CMOS establishing CFCAS was not discussed ministeres. Le Partenariat en faveur des sciences et de la but it was an opportunity to put forward a number of points technologie (PAGSE-PFST) a, depuis quelques annees, of CMOS concem. We suggested that the current exercise fait des representations dans ce sens, mais jusqu'a present of rethinking the role of the Meteorological Service of sans beaucoup de succes. Le temps est peut-etre arrive Canada would be an opportunity to reconsider the pour les membres de la SCMO de parler pUbliquement de recommendations of the Altemative Service Delivery Study la necessite de reinvestir dans les ministeres scientifiques and to address some policy issues of concern. We pointed du gouvernement. out that there is significant frustration within the meteorological and oceanographic private sector with the - 33- CMOS Bulletin SCMO Vol.28 No.2 commercial service activities of MSC. We also mentioned News Release the need for more resources for govemment monitoring and research in support of climate and weather concems, McGill University's Lawrence A. Mysak, a specialist in including problems with automation of weather observing ocean and climate dynamics, has been elected a Fellow of and the slowness of implementing the Doppler weather the American Geophysical Union for radar network. We noted our dissatisfaction with the responses of the Canadian Radio and Television "Having attained acknowledged eminence in Commission and the Canadian Association of Broadcasters to the pos~ion put forward two years ago by John Reid and one or more branches of geophysics". Bill Pugsley that broadcasters should be required by law or regulation to promptly disseminate weather wamings. The number of Fellows elected each year is limited to no more than 0.1 % of the total membership of AGU. The Ian D. Rutherford, President / President presentation of his Fellow's Certificate will be made at the CMOS/SCMO Fall Meeting of AGU in San Francisco. - Professor Mysak holds the Canada Steamship Lines Chair Announcement of Meteorology in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at McGill University in Montneal.
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