Associated Press Offices Moved to New Building Nerve Center of Huge News Network Shifted To Rockefeller Center P> the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Dec. 17.—1The gen- eral offices of the Associated Press, nerve center of Its 285,000-mile net- work of leased news wires, moved tonight to the new 15-story Asso- ciated Press Building In Rockefeller Center. OPEN EVERY NIGHH The change of headquarters—the third in the A. P.’s modern life—pre- sented a major operation of herculean proportions, but service to its 1.350 newspaper members was not interrupted. News and wirephotos continued to move without interruption and all of the auxiliary services of the largest news service in the world functioned as usual. As the seventh and latest unit in the multimlllion-dollar skyscraper group of midtown Fifth avenue, the Plaid Blanket A. P. Building epitomizes the motif Comforts All colors. Not less Oil of speed in modern communication. $1 * 70x80-inch than rayon 80.98 The new site is four blocks north 5% wool. Double B taffeta. Five lovely ^ end two blocks west from the build- thickness. color combinations. ing at 383 Madison avenue, where since 1923 the A. P. has carried on the gigantic task of collecting and i redistributing news from all over the world. Timing Essential. But distance. In this case, was secondary to timing. The switchover of an elaborate maze of telegraph and telephone wires, wirephoto equipment, bat- teries of automatic speed printers, typewriters, desks and heavily- laden reference flies was timed for completion within nine hours—a procedure requiring perfect syn- chronization. in a private message to the entire 1j Associated Press staff respecting the Toastmaster Set Schick Dryshavcr of the new occupancy building. Kent Fully Cooper, general said: guaranteed, manager, comes in $10.50 "The Associated Press heavy Building leather case. A to which the New York offices 2-Slice Toastmaster tray and 2 dandy gift for dad or brother. shortly are to move is a monument attractive dishes. to its newspaper members and its * employes. Through 90 years they have striven an 3-Piece Bedroom mutually that accu- Maple Outfit Complete 10-1 rate, unbiased chronicle of events, and Charming design solidly built of heavy tupola in rich golden « Specially assembled to ref interestingly recorded, be available — _ comfortably * • finish. Includes bed and to newspaper readers. * what large chest, dresser. Hardwood interiors As shown studio couch that opens to full and attractive clear you have aided in accomplishing in plate mirrors. A timely Christmas special that chair, end table, coffee table, bridge, fk the past must continue into must see to the you fully appreciate. smoker, knee-hole desk and matching future so that ‘By the Associated Press' shall as iVo prevail long as the Money Down! Easy Credit Terms! iVo Money Donn rights of a free press continue to make possible an uncensored, un- fettered collection and dissemina- tion of truthful news.” Weeks of Preparations. Weeks of skillfully-planned prepa- rations for the change-over guarded against any interruption in the event of a major news “break,” with Cocktail Tabic Corona Typewriter engineers rigging a complete dupli- Pedestal For the student cation of transmitting and base, black receiving walnut fin- ssr.88 we suggest the equipment and wires to A. P glass top, protect | gk^ Corona ZEPHYR member 1 ish over solid newspapers in every State gum- in wood. complete with carrying case. the Union, in Canada, Cuba Mexico and South America. The general news wires and the I London cables were toTie kept in op- eration at the old Madison Avenue i headquarters until after their new counterparts were in operation at Rockefeller Center. The fourth floor of the new build- ing. comprising 34,000 square feet in area, will be the future center of operations for the A. P. Engineers who installed the labyrinth of wires 1 called the setup the most compli- cated they had ever seen. In the huge, air-conditioned and sound-proof news room alone, more than 15 miles of wire have been in- stalled to effect the virtually in- j stantaneous transmission of latest j Kitchen Cabinet Gov. Winthrop Desk news bulletins to newspapers across Well designed Well appointed, the Nation. SI °jjjjl to accommodate faithful reproduc- Five Power Lines. every need. tion in walnut or Power lines in triplicate will guard White or green and ivory enamel. mahogany finish on gumwood. against failure, and for the first pr time in any building in New York, 8g.»5 the system has been safeguarded Full by having all five city power lines JOO-ineK-i entering the main switchboard. wide to the jx With this precaution, engineers ond 23A yds. Ion pointed out. New York City might (Floor length be bombed or swept by fire, flood or Soteen lined cn hurricane and the chances would be complete with! I almost negligible that all five power bocks. Lotest de stations would be cut off. orators colors; £ The Associated Press will utilize he fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh 10-Pc. Room Outfit 2Vi-Yotd t oors of the new building, with the Grip-Arm Living Long Curtsies. Ifr- 00 fth floor allotted to the foreign A two-piece grip-arm suite featuring guaranteed spring construe- comb'nation Roc 2ws agencies which news tion, wood, grip arms and serviceable tapestry. exchange tailoring, secretary, in ith the A. P.—the Japanese Domei, coffee table, lamp table, occasional chair, desk chair, junior, weave drop bridge ecru. rench Havas, British Reuters, offl- and table lamp. Here's enough to tastefully refurnish your living r;al Soviet Russian Tass and the Coffee Table Cocktail Smoker room at the usual price of a suite alone. Canadian Press, as well as the New Vo Down! »• - York office of La Nacion of Buenos Handsomely carved Heavy weighted base, Money Easy Credit Terms! black enamel and *1 Aires. solid mahogany chrome trim. Conven- On the fourth, the "news” floor, frame. G'ass tray. ient table top. there will be not only all the wires, but also the domestic and foreign news departments, the financial,1 sports. Sunday, feature and photo- graphic departments, as well as the library with its thousands Upon thousands of filed stories. This move was the third in the TDYLAND SPECIALS tt of the A. ■- long history P„ dating * back to 1848. when news was carried from incoming ships by carrier pigeons and courier before the ad- vent of the telephone, cable, wire- less and radio. In that year the proprietors of six New York newspapers-, including James Gordon Bennett of the Her- ald. Horace Greeley of the Tribune and Beach Brothers of the Sun, ABC Washer Chifforobe “mutually agreed to associate for the purpose of collecting and receiv- Fully guaranteed S/flQ.50 Walnut fintsh $1^.88 ing telegraphic and other intelli- to give perfect ‘—M-mV with handy cloth- f gence.” performance. ing compartment Relieve washday with this and five drawers. Christmas Day Broadcast. drudgery spacious efficient machine. The first general agent of the co- operative news association was Dr. Alexander Jones, an experienced journalist, who had done reporting Bicycle Chevrolet Auto on both sides of the Atlantic, and he Velocipede set up an office—at a salary of $20 a week—in a drab building at Broad- B *4‘®* way and Liberty street. Two as- nnm $2*691 Sftol sistants made up the entire staff in frame, bright encmd rubMlor MMl IMtit. Ail-mtfalcoBtlnisfists.oeoHy cMKmtioi this humble beginning of the Asso- Urge rubber #res, fMthrt in «nam«i. S«iirf Prm foiling wMe nMw/>j» ciated Press, which leaped ahead as type *»rb»g teat. "Ak« Mf«fc wiioob. Nicety Unified telegraph wires were strung across new frontiers until today they en- compass the globe. Thus, when Mahatma Gandhi was released from jail in an obscurd^n- dia town some years ago, the first person he met was James Mills, an 2-Burner Oil Associated Press correspondent. o s r Gandhi remarked: Electric T a t e Christmas Tree I at in Heater "When stand the gates of Finished heavy $1.29 Regular $2.00 values^ Circulating heaven. I suppose the first person 111 chrome and enamel. B^ Complete with lights. see will be a correspondent of the A practical and inex- Splendid for decora- Associated Press.” pensive home gift. tion purposes. On Christmas Day the new Asso- ciated Press IJuilding will be dedi- $0.88 cated with a National Broadcasting Co. dramatization of news important A stove that a stories covered by the Associated dandy supplies plenti- Press since its founding 90 years tude of warm, moist air. Unusually ago. Byron Price, executive news in Attractive editor, will speak. inexpensive operation. Part of the broadcast will be the modem cabinet, nicely finished. annual N. B. C.-A. P. dramatization of the major news stories of 1938 as selected by Associated Press editors. .
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