April 3, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E681 vulnerable children, those who are part of the leaders when I have visited Even Start pro- ants—former Congressman Teno Roncalio. Even Start program. grams. Adults marveled at the change in their Congressman Roncalio died on March 30 at These children’s families qualify for Even children’s feeling about reading and learning the age of 87. He will be forever remembered Start because they are low socioeconomic when they were able to make reading together for a body of legislative accomplishments that families who may also be English learners. a daily activity. One mother told me how she truly benefitted the state he loved so well. Program liaisons work with the families from thought she couldn’t help her 5 year old with Known to all in Wyoming as simply Teno, the children’s infancy until they are in school. reading, but, thanks to the program, she real- the Congressman was born in 1916 in Rock Even Start funds approximately 1,400 pro- ized that reading together enabled them to Springs, WY, the eighth of nine children of an grams and serves approximately 50,000 fami- help each other with the words each didn’t immigrant Italian family. He attended the Uni- lies across the Nation. know. versity of Wyoming, graduated in 1939, and Without this existing William F. Goodling All children deserve an even start. This bill then went to Washington to work for Wyoming Even Start Family Literacy Program, these will assure that Even Start facilitators will be Senator Joe Mahoney. He enrolled in Catholic children would arrive for their first day of well-trained to help parents learn the skills that University Law School, only to have his stud- school without the literacy skills to compete at enable their children to be competitive at the ies interrupted by World War II. He served that starting line. They are unlikely ever to starting line. with distinction in the 18th infantry, and saw catch up, even if they are able to be served f combat in seven campaigns including Africa, in the Head Start program before actually en- Italy, France and Germany. He earned a Sil- tering school, unless the adults who work with AUBURN UNIVERSITY SWIM TEAM ver Star for gallantry during the D–Day Inva- them in these critical early years learn literacy sion at Normandy. teaching skills and learn to value the role of HON. MIKE ROGERS After World War II, he returned to his be- education. OF ALABAMA loved state and earned a law degree at the Over 86 percent of parents in the Even Start IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES University of Wyoming. After practicing law program have not completed high school upon and serving a stint as a deputy county attor- Thursday, April 3, 2003 entering the program (compared with about 27 ney, he was elected to Congress first in 1964 percent of Head Start parents). Eighty percent Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, last and then, after losing a Senate race, won our of participants have a family income below week the Auburn University swim team domi- House seat again in 1970. He served another $15,000 and over 40 percent have income nated the NCAA Swimming and Diving Cham- four terms with distinction, retiring in 1978. below $6,000. This is clearly a high-needs pionships by winning the men’s national title. During his time in Congress, Teno worked population. The Tigers routed their nearest competitors diligently on critically important issues to Wyo- What the program offers is both literacy- by 196.5 points and qualified 11 swimmers for training classes for the children and family lit- ming. He helped boost Wyoming’s share of the championship finals and four more for the mineral royalties, a driving force in our state’s eracy programs for the parents. Children par- consolation finals. This was the men’s team ticipating in Even Start are provided with age- economy to this day. He wrote legislation to third national title ever. create a number of recreational areas in the appropriate educational services to ensure But the men were diving on the heels of the that they will achieve at a level similar to that state, including Flaming Gorge, Big Horn Can- Auburn women’s swim team, who during the of their age peers who come from socio-eco- yon and Fossil Butte. After he left Congress, previous week, won their first-ever National nomically enriched backgrounds. he continued to serve Wyoming, acting as Liaison advisors work with each family to Championship. Special Master in the adjudication of water promote strong literacy support experiences, Mr. Speaker, these young men and women rights on the Big-Horn-Big Wind River. His to help parents learn ways they can develop symbolize the strength of the human spirit and commitment to environmental concerns and their own English literacy skills, and to provide the joy of achievement. Let us congratulate preserving the beauty and history of Wyoming support groups for parents to share the chal- them for their victories by acclaiming together constitute a lasting contribution to the state. lenges and skills of parenting. in the House: ‘‘WAR EAGLE!’’ Only last year, the Wyoming congressional In developing their own literacy, adults in Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for your consider- delegation was successful in securing ap- these family literacy programs tend to partici- ation of these Americans. As a tribute for the proval of legislation to name the United States pate longer than those in regular adult edu- families of these proud young men and Post Office in Rock Springs in Teno’s honor. cation programs because they can link their lit- women, please enter their names into the It was a privilege to have a part in recognizing eracy growth to that of their children. They not CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: a man with such a distinguished career of de- only see benefits in improved literacy skills but Auburn University Men’s Swim Team: Lyle voted public service to our state. also reduced dependency on federal/state as- Babcock, Chad Barlow, Seth Barry, George My thoughts and prayers are with Teno’s sistance programs and enhanced employment Bovell, Fred Bousquet, Will Brandt, Matt Brick- family. He was a man of great heart and com- opportunities. Most importantly, they are em- er, Kurt Cady, Patrick Calhoun, Justin Caron, passion who will truly be missed. Though he powered to be successful as their child’s first James Galloway, Mark Gangloff, Caesar Gar- is gone, his legacy in Wyoming will live for- and most important teacher. cia, Derek Gibb, Joseph Gonzales, Andy ever. This bill will set aside funding to establish Haidinyak. f nationwide programs to assist in the training of Auburn University Women’s Swim Team: program directors and facilitators in recently Jenni Anderson, Maggie Bowen, Sally Brown, CHILD ABDUCTION PREVENTION developed, research-based literacy training Demerae Christianson, Eileen Coparropa, ACT skills. Kirsty Coventry, Lauren Duerk, Magda President Bush has declared his support for Dyszkiewicz, Erin Gayle, Margaret Hoelzer, SPEECH OF helping parents, day-care centers, and Kelly Jones, Heather Kemp, Jana Kolukanova, HON. SHEILA JACKSON-LEE preschools teach more learning skills to chil- Rachel Korth, Alessandra Lawless, Leslie OF TEXAS dren before they get to kindergarten. Even Lunsmann, Cassidy Maxwell, Jeri Moss, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Start provides just such a program for parents Kelsey Patterson, Ashley Rubenstein, Becky to develop the literacy skills that enable them Short, Laura Swander, Erin Volcan, Amy Thursday, March 27, 2003 to perform this task. Because of new legisla- Wheatley. The House in Committee of the Whole tion, particularly the new qualifications for per- f House on the State of the Union had under sonnel, performance objectives, and ‘‘scientif- consideration the bill (H.R. 1104) to prevent ically-based reading research’’ requirements TRIBUTE TO FORMER child abductions, and for other purposes: for instructional programs, local Even Start CONGRESSMAN TENO RONCALIO Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Chair- programs also need to benefit from this type man, I rise in reluctant support of H.R. 1104, of high-quality training. HON. BARBARA CUBIN the Child Abduction Prevention Act. I support I have requested an evaluation to provide a OF WYOMING H.R. 1104 reluctantly because while the reso- longitudinal look at the achievement of chil- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lution improves upon the AMBER Alert sys- dren assisted by the program because I be- tem, it is not a clean AMBER Alert Bill. Thursday, April 3, 2003 lieve that evaluation must be embedded in all The provisions of H.R. 1104 that improve such programs. Mrs. CUBIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise with sad- the AMBER Alert system are critical steps in It is overwhelming to bear heart-felt expres- ness today to note the passing of one of Wyo- making America safer for children. The sions of appreciation for the program and its ming’s most prominent and able public serv- AMBER Alert provisions of H.R. 1104 direct VerDate Jan 31 2003 02:50 Apr 05, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03AP8.078 E03PT1 E682 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 3, 2003 the Attorney General to assign a National through his dedicated commitment to our com- to enhance each student’s life. He strived to Amber Alert Coordinator. The Coordinator will munity. instill in his students a strong and positive establish minimum standards for the issuance Since completing his 2-year role as presi- sense of self worth. of AMBER Alerts, including the extent of dis- dent of the FCFB, Mr.
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