PICASSO AT THE LAPIN AGILE BY STEVE MARTI N TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE AND DANCE F ACULTY GRADUATE T EACHING AsSISTANTS AND P ART-TIME INSTRUCTORS Dr. orman A. Bert, Chair Sally Allen joe justice Prof. Polly Boersig Jim Bush*/** Shannon Kirgan** Prof. Frederick B. Christoffel Jia-hua Chin** Sara Mat·twig Dr. linda Donahue Kathryn Coleman** jessica Miller Dr. Elizabeth Homan Velida Daniels* Michael Moore Dr. Terry Lewis Cris Edwards Catrin Parker Dr. Jonathan Marks Jack Favere Katherine B. Perrault* Prof. Diana Moore Kris Harrison Brittney Venable Dr. George Sorensen, Emeritus Geoffrey Howard*/** Judd Vermillion** Dr. Louise Stinespring Tiffany Howard Keith West*/** Prof. Peggy Willis-Aarruo Debra justice Patrick White Jimmie Zeigler U NIVERSITY T HEATRE P RODUCTION S TAFF Director of Theatre Frederik B. Christoffel Director of Front-of-House Operations Linda Donalme Audience Relations Specialist Cecilia Carter Business Manager Melissa Doenges Department Secretaty Maty Cervantes Technical Director Robert Gat1drup Costume Shop Supervisor Elizabeth Pollard Master Electrician Jia-hua Chin** Properties Master Laura Pok er** Scene Shop Staff Jia-hua Chin**, Kathryn Coleman**,Zach Elms**, jack Favere, Kim Herd, Shannon Kirgan**, jessica Miller, Catrin Parker, Rhinehart Pierce**, Laura Pok er**, Patrick White, Judd Vermillion** Costume Shop Staff La! on Alexander**, Jenrufer Bourland, Jay CatTales, Kathryn Coleman**,Tiffany Howru·d, Rachel McCain, jessica Miller, Jamie Sorley** Lab Theatre Producer Brittney Venable Promotion Director Keith West**/* Promotion Team Cris Edwards, Kris Harrison, joe Justice, Jimmie Zeigler Box Office Manager Sally Allen Box Office Staff Chuck Clay**, Cris Edwards, Christine Johnston**, Joe justice, Alison Menefee, Brittney Venable House Supervisor Michael Moore Assistant House Supervisor Katherine B. Perrault House Managers Rebecca Fields, Chad Greenough ·Member-Alpha Psi Omega, national honorary theatre fraternity ··Member-United States Institute for Technical Theatre (USITI), TIU Student Chapter +Member-Chi Tau Epsilon, national honorary dance fraternity The Department of Theatre and Dance is a member of the Associtation for Theatre in Higher Education, the Texas Educational Theatre Association, Texas Nonprofit Theatres, Southwest Theatre Association, and the American College Dance Festival Association. TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY THEATRE PICASso ·:· at the ·:· LAPIN AGILE BYSTEVE MARTIN P RODUCED BY S PECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH S AMUEL F RENCH, INC. CAST (IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE) GEOFFREY H owARD FREDDY MICHAEL Moo~ GAsToN SALLY ALLEN GERMAINE A USTIN SANFORD ALBERT EINSTEIN M ELANIE B ELL SUZANNE J.P. SHANKS* SAGOT M ARK V AN FLEET PABLO P ICASSO R YAN PALMER CHARLES D ABERNOW SCHMENDIMAN C HRISTINE j OHNSTON T HE COUNTESS ALISON MENEFEE A FEMALE ADMIRER SHADTYRA A VISITOR DIRECTOR JoNATHAN MARKs CosTUME D ESIGNER S CENIC D ESIGNER POLLY BOERSIG FREDERIK B. CHRISTOFFEL L IGHTING D ESIGNER SOUND D ESIGNER KATHRYN COLEMAN** ]IM B usH*/** THERE WILL B E N o I NTERMISSION D u RJNG THIS P RooucriON The taking of photographs, with or without flash, and the use of video or audio recording equipment are a violation of copyright law and are strictly prohibited. Food and drink are not allowed in the theatre or lobby. Smoking is prohibited throughout the building. Late-comers will be seated by the ushers at the first appropriate interval during the play. For the enjoyment of all patrons, if you have a paging device, please turn it off or leave it, along with your seat number, with the House Manager, who will locate you \vith your message. Please turn off wristwatch alarms and cellular telephones. CHARLES E. MAEDGEN, JR. Charles E. Maedgen, Jr. possessed an encompassing vision, lived with tire­ less energy, loved to accomplish things, and never shrank from taking charge. His closest associates knew him as a "doer." A quiet, unassuming man, he made im­ mense contributions to Texas Tech, Lubbock, and this entire region. After Charles's birth in Temple, Texas, his family moved to Lubbock where his father started Security Bank and Trust in 1917. After graduating from Texas Tech and earning an MBA from Harvard, Charles returned to Lubbock and learned banking from the ground up. He became president of the Lubbock National Bank in 1951 and became its CEO in 1972 shortly before his unexpected death. Although Charles had a passion for all the arts, he loved theatre best. Only his family's need for his service in the bank prevented him from pursuing his secret longing to become an actor. But nothing kept him from supporting the theatre-both at Texas Tech and also in the community-with his influence, his philanthropy, and his presence at performances. As season ticket holders, Charles and his wife Louise attended Tech productions with relish. We invite you to share the spirit of this visionary businessman, this patron of the arts, as you attend this performance in the newly-named Charles E. Maedgen, Jr. Theatre. FAMILY CIRCLE MEMBERS The Texas Tech University Theatre gratefully acknowledges the generous contributions of its Family Circle Members. D ESIGNER's CmcLE, $500 STAR's CIRCLE, $100 H ERB ARMSTRO NG TIM ] ONES REv. AND MRs . BILL M . KENT DIRECTOR'S CIRCLE, $250 R OBERT ]. WAUGH KATHLEEN WEBB W EISS RussELL E. WoMACK ACTOR'S CIRCLE, $85 RALPH R. B RAVOCO GAYLE B URNIS ]OHN AND SARA M c LARTY DR. ]ERRY D. RAMSEY For information on becoming a member of the Texas Tech University Theatre's Family Circle, please call Cecilia Can er, Audience Relations Specialist, at (806) 742-9796. TTUT AUDIENCE SURVEY The Texas Tech University Theatre aims to satisfY the many needs of our audience. Please rake a moment to let us know how we are doing by filling out this brief survey. Once completed, simply deposit this form in the Evaluation Box located in the lobby. You also may give your completed form to one of the ushers. All responses are anonymous and confidential. 1. How did you learn about roday's performance? DSeason Brochure DUniversity Daily DLubbock Magazine DLubbock Avalanche-Journal DCaprock Sun DTelevision Interview DRadio (please list station): _________ DFriend DOther (please explain): ________________ 2. Please rate the service you received at our Box Office: DExcellent DAve rage DPoor Comments: ______________________ 3. O verall, how would you rare your experience at the Texas Tech University Theatre? DBerrer than expected. DAs good as expected. DNot as good as expected. Comments: ______________________ 4. I am a DTech Student OTech Faculty/Staff Member DCommunity Member DVisitor from our of town JoiN THE FAMILY CIRCLE Did you know that 80 percenr of arrs funding in the United States comes from individuals like yourself? Not only does this funding supporr the performance you enjoy roday, bur by joining our Family Circle you ensure the fumre of qualiry productions at the Texas Tech Universiry The­ atre. All contributions ro the Family Circle are placed in the Endowmenr for Thearre Excellence. As a member of the Family Circle, you will be recognized in all the Mainstage programs of the spring season. Moreover, your conrribution is entirely tax deductible. The future of the arts depends on your visionary support. Join the Texas Tech Universiry's Family Circle roday and ensure that the arrs will be available for all West Texans ro enjoy. For more information on becoming a member of the Texas Tech Universiry Thearre's Family Circle, please call Cecilia Carter, Audience Relations Specialist, at (806) 742-9796 or mail donations to: Deparrmenr ofTheatre and Dance, Box 42061, Lubbock, Texas 79409. k ..... ... YEs! I WANT To JOIN THE FAMILY CIRCLE! DANGEL's CIRc LE $5000 DBACKER's CIRCLE $2500 DDESIGNER's CIRCLE $500 DDIRECTOR's CIRCLE $250 D C HECK, MADE PAYABLE To TTUT D STAR's CIRCLE $100 OCt-LARGE: V1sA oR MAsTERCARD (ciRCLE oNE) INCLUDE CREDIT CARD INFORMATION BELOW D A cToR's CIRCLE $85 CARD NUMBER: __________ EXPIRATION DATE: ---- - PRINT DONOR'S NAME: __________________ SIGNATURE: _____________________ MY COMPANY WILL MATCH THIS CONTRIBUTION: _________ ______ NAME _________________________ AD D ~S ______________________ __ CITY/ STATE/ziP ___________________ HOME PHONE ________________________ NOTES FROM THE DIRECTOR Steve Martin Shoots for the Stars Steve Martin- comedian, actor, director, playwright, contributor to The New Yorker- is very serious about the art of painting. In the play you will see tonight, he shows that he can also be very funny about it. It is clear that one of the touchstones for the creation of this piece was a 1905 painting by Pablo Picasso, "At the Lapin Agile." It's a self-portrait, show­ ing the artist in the guise of the clown Harlequin, drinking at the Lapin Agile, standing next to one of his lovers, Germaine; in the background, on guitar and vocals, is Frede, who ran the cabaret for the owner, the celebrated song-stylist Aristide Bruant. For a time, when the painter hung out at the Lapin Agile, the painting also hung there. Much of the avant-garde of Paris hung out at this ramshackle cabaret on the hillside of Montmartre: painters, poets, journalists, humorists, and musi­ cians. Its name- the Nimble Rabbit - came from an intricate visual pun, or rebus, created by the illustrator Andre Gill: a painting of a rabbit jumping out of a pan balancing a bottle, which originally hung above the door, announcing the name of the place, but now hangs inside. To translate the untranslatable puns: lapin a Gill- Gill's rabbit; and La peint A. Gill- A. Gill painteth there. We meet Picasso at the Lapin Agile in 1904, at the dawn of a new era: not only near the start of the century, but as he is about to revolutionize the way mankind thinks about the art of depicting the world through paint on canvas. Others meet him there, too, on this magical evening, notably some similarly seminal historical fi gures who, we can be pretty sure, were not actually in Paris at the time.
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