Tennessee Directory of Radio Fax: (865) 521 -8923. Web Site: www.wmen10124.com. Licensee: Waddell. VP; Stacey Lane, gen mgr: Jim Freeman, stn mgr, prom mgr WRVW(FM)- Aug 31, 1962: 107.5 mhz; 58 kw. 1,234 ft. TL: N36 15 Thomas H. Moffit Jr. (acq 1995; $16000) *Net: USA. Format: & progmg dir; Jerry Monday, adv mgr: Harold Branam, mus dir; Andrea 50 W86 47 38. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. 55 Music Sq. W., Nashville News/talk. Target aud: 25 -54; blue collar men & women. Thomas Loveday, news dir; Charles Hudson. chief of engrg. (37203). (615) 664 -2400. Fax: (615) 664-2457. Web Site: Moffit Jr., Ares; John T. Hanna, gen mgr; David Wells, opns mgr; Sam www.1075theriver.com. Licensee: Clear Channel Comm. Group Truan, progmg VP. owner: AMFM Inc. (acq 7- 10-99; grps0 *Net: ABC/C. Rep: Sentry. Lafayette Format: CHR. News staff: one; news progmg 4 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-49. Dave Alpert, gen mgr; Charlie Quinn, pens mgr; Becky Elkin, WNFZ(FM )-See Oak Ridge Brenner, gen sls mgr; Virginia nati mgr; Keith WEEN(AM)- Nov 3, 1958: 1460 khz; 1 kw -D, 138 w -N. TL: N36 32 sls dir; Carl Julian, sls 06 W86 00 27. Box 160 (37083). (615) 666-2169. Fax: (615) Kaufman, prom mgr; Jimmy Steele, progmg dir; Jenifer Hotchiss, WNOX(AM)- Mar 23, 1953: 990 khz; 10 kw -U, DA -N. TL N36 02 37 666-8056. Licensee: Lafayette Broadcasting Inc. Net: CNN. Format: news din, Michael Buckner, pub affrs din, Mike Gideon, chief of engrg. W83 53 54. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.4711 Old Kingston Pike (37919). Box Country. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Billie G. 11167 (37939). (865) 588 -6511. Fax: (865) 558.4218. Web Site: Speck, pres & gen mgr; Linda McDonald, mus dir; Steve Speck, gen www.newstalk99.com. Licensee: Dick Broadcasting Co. Inc. of Ten- Lenoir City sls mgr, progmg dir & news dir; Ivan Davis, chief of engrg. nessee. (group owner) Net: ABC /I, BRN. Rep: Katz. Format: WBLC(AM) - June 15. 1965: 1360 khz; 1 kw -D. TL: N35 47 32 W84 Newsrtalk. News staff: 8; news progmg 28 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. 17 45. Suite 2, 620 Campbell Station Rd., Knoxville (37933 -2250). Box *James A. Dick, chmn; James A. Dick Jr., pres; Bobby Denton, sr VP WLCT(FM)- July 1, 1995: 102.1 mhz; 2.5 kw. 325 ft. TL: N36 32 06 24250, Knoxville (423) 675 -4105. Fax: (423) 675 -4859. E -mail & gen mgr; Mike Hammond, opns mgr & progmg dir; Ed Brantley, gen W86 00 27. Stereo. Hm opn: 5AM -11PM. Box 160 (37083). 231 west105 @aol.com. Licensee: MetroWest Radio LLC. (group owner. sls mgr; Steve Queisser, mktg mgr & prom mgr; Les Acree, mus dir; Chaffin Rd. (37083). (615) 666 -2169. Fax: (615) 666 -8056. Licensee: acq 10.27-98; $65,000) Format: Oldies. Target aud: 35 plus. Channing Smith, news dir; Tim Berry, chief of engrg. Lafayette Broadcasting Co. Inc. Format: Country. Target aud: 20-60. Beverly, gen mgr; Billie G. Speck, pres & gen mgr, Deborah Pedigo, mktg mgr; Bill Douglas Home. CEO: Mike Margy Ragsdale mgr; Speck, adv dir; Steve Speck, opns mgr & asst music dir, [von Davis, opns mgr, Alex Carroll, gen sls Jeff Loveday, chief of engrg WIVKFM -Co -owned with WNOX. Dec 16, 1965: 107.7 mhz; 91 kw. chief of engrg. Rates: S8.65: 8.65: 8.65: 8.65. *Rates: $6; 6; 6; 4. 2,053 ft. TL: N35 48 41 W83 40 10. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Fax: (423) 588-3725. Web Site: www.wívk.com. Format: C&W. James A. Dick, WKZX- FM- Listing follows WLIL(AM). CEO; Allen Dick, pres; Dave Hendedight, CFO; Bobby Denton, exec VP; Mike Hammond, opns dir & news dir; Steve Queisser, prom dir; Lawrenceburg WLIL(AM)- May 30, 1950: 730 khz; 1 kw-D, 280 w-N. IL: N35 4612 Les Acree, progmg dir; Chns Huff, mus dir. W84 16 47. Hrs opn: 24. Box 340, 406 E. Broadway (37771). (423) 'WAWI(FM)-NoI on air, target date. unknown: 89.7 mhz; 6 kw. 148 986 -7536. (423) 986 -7561. Fax: (423) 986 -1716. Licensee: B.P ft. TL: N35 16 04 W87 19 25. Box 3206, American Family Radio, WOKI-FM -(Oak Ridge). Apr 20, 1974: 100.3 mhz; 100 kw. 2,001 ft. Broadcasters L.L.C. (acq 8 -01-00; $1 million with co- located FM) Tupelo, MS (38803). (662) 844-8888. Fax: (662) 842 -6791. Web Site: TL: N36 11 53 W84 13 51. Stereo. Box 11167 (37939). 4711 Old Net: CNN. Rep: Keystone (unwired net): Rgnl Reps. Format: www.afr.net. Licensee: American Family Association. Group owner: Kingston Pike (37919). (865) 588 -6511. Fax: (865) 909 -9337. Web Country. Target aud: General; adults. Spec grog: Black one hr, far American Family Radio Format: Relg. Marvin Sanders, gen mgr. Site: www.eagle100.com. Licensee: Oak Ridge FM Inc. Net: one hr, gospel 18 hrs, American Indian one hr wkly. Glenn A. McNish ABC/FM, CBS. Format: Roll hits 70s, 805, 90s. Target aud: 25-54; Sr., stn mgr & news dir; Mark Herzog, VP, gen mgr & mus dir, Bob general. *Bobby Denton, VP; David Hendedight, gen mgr; Steve WDXE(AM)- July 21, 1951: 1370 khz; 1 kw -D, 44 w -N. TL: N35 15 Crane, chief of engrg. Rates: $50; 50: 50: 40. Queisser, prom mgr; Tim Sheehan, progmg dir, Mike Hammond, news 25 W87 18 24. 122 N. Military Ave. (38464). (931) 762 -4411. Fax: dir. (931) 762-4789. Licensee: H-M -S Broadcasting Co. (acq 1 -1 -74) WKZX-FM-Co -owned with WLIL(AM). Sept 19. 1967: 93.5 mhz: 6 *Net: ABC/D; Tenn. Radio Net. Rep: Midsouth. Format: C &W. kw. 165 ft. TL: N35 46 12 W84 16 47. Box 340, 406 E. Broadway *Milton D. Griffin, stn mgr & gen sls mgr, Ron Fischer, progmg din WRJZ(AM)- Feb 12, 1927: 620 khz; 5 kw -U, DA-N. TL: N35 59 24 (37771). Format: Country John Parris. chief of engrg. Jack Cheatwood, news dir; Phillip Kemper, chief of engrg. W83 50 15. Hm opn: 24. Christian Media Ctr., 1621 E. Magnolia Ave. (37917). (865) 525-0620. (865) 525-9005. Fax: (865) 521 -8923. Lewisburg Licensee: Tennessee Media Associates. (acq 10 -84) Net: USA, WDXE -FM- Aug 28. 1964: 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. 290 ft. TL N35 15 25 Moody. Rep: Salem. Format: Christian, talk. News progmg 5 hrs wkly. W87 18 24. Format: Adult contemp. Jack Cheatwood, progmg dir. WAXO(AM)- Sept 1, 1980: 1220 khz; 1 kw -D. TL: N35 25 42 W86 Target aud: 25-54; white collar men & woman. 46 22. 217 W. Commerce St. (37091). (931) 359-6641. Fax: (9311 Marshall WLLX(FM) -Listing follows WWLX. 270-9290. Licensee: County Radio Corp. (acq 9.1 -82; 'WUOT(FM)- October 1949: 91.9 mhz; 100 kw. 1,580 ft. TL: N36 00 $250,000: FTR: 8-23 -82) *Net: USA. Format: Country. Spec grog: 19 W83 56 23. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Univ. of Tennessee, 209 Gospel 12 hrs wkly. Bob Smartt, pres, gen mgr & gen sis mgr. WWLX(AM)- June 21, 1987: 590 khz; 600 w -D, 133 -N. Communications Bldg. (37996- 0322). (865) 974 -5375. Fax: (865) w TL N3512 Sharann Smartt, progmg din Dale Howard, chief of engrg. 18 W87 19 39. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Box 156 (38464). (931) 762-6200. 974 -3941. E -mail: wuot @utk.edu. Web Site: www.wuot.org. Licensee: Fax: (931) 762 -6200. Licensee: Roger W. Wright dba Prospect University of Tennessee. Net: PRI, NPR. Wash atty: Cohn & Marks. WJJM(AM)- May 15, 1947: 1490 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N35 26 58 W86 Communications. Net: ABC/1. Format: C&W. News staff: one: news Format: Class, jazz, news. News staff: one; news progmg 30 hrs wkly. 46 55. Box 2025, 344 E. Church St. (37091). (931) 359-4511. Fax: progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec grog: Oldies R &R 8 Target aud: 35-54. Spec prog: Folk. *Regina Dean, gen mgr; S.D. (931) 270 -9556. Licensee: Martha M. Lingner, executrix. (acq 7- 19-891 hrs, old country 8 hrs wkly. Janet Wright, gen sis mgr & prom mgr; Williamson, opns mgr; C. Zane Hagy, dev dir, sis dir & mktg VP; Zane Net ABC; Tenn. Radio Net. Rep: Keystone (unwired net). Format: Dan Hollander, progmg dir; Michele Gobble, news dir: Roger Wright, Hagy, prom mgr & adv mgr; Daniel Berry, progmg dir; Norris Dryer, Country. Target aud: 25 -65. Martha M. Lingner, pres; Doug Cheek. pres, gen mgr & chief of engrg. mus dir; Mike Murrell, Chief of engrg. gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Chris Bates, prom mgr & progmg dir; Don Roden, chief of engrg. 'WUTK -FM- Jan 4, 1982: 90.3 mhz; 800 w. 23 ft. TL: N35 57 09 W83 WLLX(FM) -Co -owned with WWLX. May 1991: 97.5 mhz: 2.3 kw. 535 Feb 20, 1969: mhz; kw. 115 N35 55 34. Stereo. Univ. of Tenn., P -103 Andy Holt Tower (37996). (865) ft. TL: N35 12 18 W87 19 39. 1212 N. Locust Ave. (38464). E -mail: WJJM FM- 94.3 3 ft. IL 27 03 W86 46 Hrs oon: 17. Cheek adv 974-2229. Fax: (865) 974-2814. Web Site: www.wutkradio.com. [email protected]. Format: Country. News staff: one. Target aud: 57. Stereo. Doug dir. Licensee: University of Tennessee. (acq 8- 31 -88) Format: New rock. 25 -54. Janet Wright, mktg mgr & adv mgr, Dan Hollander, mus dir; Target aud: 18 -24; students. *Barbara Moore, gen mgr; Liz Wilson, Roger Wright, stn mgr, opns mgr & pub affrs dir.
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