
SEVENTH NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT VOLUME 2 WITH AssOCIATED p APERS ON ISSUES AND FUTURE OF RAIL TRANSIT TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TE 7 -a11a2 .C663 -- no.a v.2 AUS 1 9 200~ 'ORTATI0:--1 RESEARc:tl BOARD 1997 EXFCUTIVF COl\·tMITIEE t .11 ,11rman: David N . Wormley, De.in ot Fng1ne,•r in~. Pcnns;-lv.rn 1:1 Sr:ir,· l ln iv,·rsiry, Univer,i t~· l'c1rk Vice Chairman: Sharon D. Hanks, (;rn,-ral :-.Lin.,gn, AC: Tr,rnsir, <hkbnJ. C:.1l itorni,1 Executive Direcior: Robert E. Skinner, Jr., T rcrn srnrt,ition R,·se.1rc h Bn.ird nri::in J. I.. Berry, l.lovd Vi,·1 1-k r kn cr Rvgt'nr:11 l'rnfr""'· llni,us,tv of Tn,1s ,H D,1 llas Lillian C. Borronc. Din·-:ro r, Po rr C,>1nm.- r.:.- f>l'p:1rtment, The !'ml Aut ho riL v o f t\:cw York ,rnd New Jersey. ~kw Y()rk Cin· (!',1st Ch,1irnrnn . f99S) David C. Burwell, Prnid,·nt, R,1i ls-rn-Tr,1ils C:onserv,111c,·, W,ish, ngtnn, I ).( :. E, Dean Carlson, Scnl'tHY, K.1nsas Dl'p.utmt'nt o t Tr,111s r o rr.11ion, To 1wk:1 James N . Denn, C:011 111 1iss io11c r, ,\·li1 1nc·sot,1 Dc rartmem o! Tr.rnsporr:Hion, Sr. P:1 111 Jo hn W. h shcr, J DScph T St uart l'rofrssor o f Civil Engineeri ng ,rnJ Di rec tor, ;\Tl .SS Fng111<Tr111g R,· sca rd1 Ccmcr, Lehigh t :ni"cr,it 1·. lk thld1rn 1, l\:11 ns:· lva11ia Dennis J. h•z~nald, Ex,·n11 i1·c Dircc·tor, ( ::i pital Di srrict Tr.111 s1,ort,1tio11 :\urhoriry. ,\lh,rny. :\",·w York David I{ , Goode, C.:h :11nn,111, l'rcsid e11L, a11 d C: EO. '.'Jorfolk Southern C:o rr<•r,uion, 1',;or/olk, Virfsin1:1 Delon H:1mptnn, ( :ha 1r111an ,llld CEU. Ddun I lampto11 & A,soci,1tcs, Chartered. \X 'Hhingwn. D.C. I.ester .A. Hncl, H,1rn1 Jr i,n l'n,f,·s,m, lkpa rt1m·11L uf C ivi l E11ginccring, Uni l'crs ity ot Virgini,1. C:h,irlllrrew ill c James I.. Lammie, Dm·,tm, Par;nn, 8nn,h·rhotf, Inc., New Yo rk City Hradlcv I.. Mallon·, S,·ncr,irv of Tr,111, porl:l rio n, C:ommt>nwc,1lt h of l'e11 1is,· h ·,1 11i a , H;irns hu rg Rohen E. ,'viartincz, ~,·,·r,'.l.H)' o f Tr:t 11 ,por1 ,11i on, C:0 111rnon wralrh of Virginic1 . Richmn11d M a rshall \V. J\·1oorc, D1rnTor, l\orrh Dakor:1 Dep:1rrnwm of Tr,111 sport:1 t1<rn, 8 isrn,1rLk Crai~ E. Philip, l'rcsidc11 r. lni,\ra m R.1rgc Co111r any. 1':1,hl'ill c. T,·nncw·c Andrea Riniker, Dq1ut1· Fx,-..:ut i,·c Director, Po rt "f Scartle, Se:rnk, \V,1s hingron John /Vl . .Sa111ucls. V,cc l'rcsidrnt-Opcr,tt inµ. ,\"<'ts, Consolid ,irnl R:1il C<•rpor,nion, l'hiLidcl rh i:t, P,·nnS\'J, •;111 i:1 \V,1ync Sh,1ckdford, ( :ornmi,;ionn, CcorF,,a l kpc11rm,·nt o f Tr:rn,rorrario11, Atlant,1 I.cs Sternrnn, Fx,·,mi"" Di n·o o r, F:ht-Wnr C,lfl'\\':t,· C<>t>rd i11 ,ni11g C:Dun..:i l. St. l.oui,, tv11 s,ouri Joseph M. Su.~sman, .JR F.1,r Pro f<'s~or ,ind Prntcssor nf ( :i, ii a n d E111 ·iro11onu 1L :d Et1ginc:crittg, \lassa.:husetrs lnsr irute ot Tcchnoloby, C:1mhrid gc (P,1sr C: h,1ir 111an, 19')4 ! James \\'. van Lohcn Sels, Dirc-:tor, ( :,1l iiorni,1 I )q,;1rrnwnt ot Tr,rn,portation, 'sanamcnto (l\1,L C h :1 innatt, I ')')(,) Martin \Vach ~, Director, Uni,·~rsiry ot C ,tl itorn i,1 Tr,1n, porr,rnon ( :l'nr,·r, :ind Prnfrsso r nf ( :ivil Engineering ,tnd C iL ) ,11 1d Rq;ional l'L11111 ir:g. Cr:ivn,it)' of C.1iittlrn i,1. lkr kek·,· David I.. Winstead, ~,-uTt:1r,·, \ ·1:irl'Lrnd Dcp:1rr111rnt ni Trans pon,1t1011. B,dtimon: W:,,hingron lnrern:1 rio 11 :1I Airport, :-.Lir,·l,lll d i\-1ikc Aeon, l're,idl'nt, l\.',11ion: 1l A,ph.dt Pa,TlllL'llf As,oci,1tio 11, l.anh.1rn, .\lard,rnd (e x o fti cinl Roy A. Allen. Vi,e l'n·,id c nr , Rc,c:t rd1 :tnd ·1t-,t Dl'p.irtml'nt, ,\s,nci,1t io11 of American R:1 ilro,1,k W,1,h in gton, D.( .. (<'x oHic iol Joe :"-l . Ballard d .r. C,·n .. l lS ,\r11 1,·). C hi t:f of Fng,nl'ns a nd Commander, ll.S. Arm ,· Corp, o f Engittc'l'rs. W:1shi11gwn. D.C. ie x otti,·i<1 I An<lrc-w H. Card, Jr., l'rl'sideitl ,rnJ CH). :\1 11nic·,lll Aurorno hile \1:1t1llt:1crnrcrs ,\ -soci:1tio11, W:1shing1o11, D. C. lex ottici <> I Thorna, J, Donohue, Prr,idrnr and C FO, Amcric111 T rucking ,\ ssoc iarions. Inc., A!t-x,indn,1, V1rgin1a \n ,,flint>) Franc is l:l, Francois, Fxcculi ,·l' Din:dor, Americ.,n A,soci;irion () f St,11 <' I fighw,1 ,· and Tr.rnsr orr:1t1on Ofti,·ia ls. Wa,hi ngtrnl, D.C. 1.n 1,ftiuol D,wid Cardincr, ,\ssisnnr ,\d111in1,t r,Hm , Offi,T of l't,lic,·, l'L1n ni11g :ind Fv:1 lua tit>11, Fnv ironmem,11 Prnrc-:rion Ag,·<Kv, Washington. D.C. IL'X "fti,iP l Alhcrt J. Hcrbcr~er (Vi..:t :\d11 1., ll.S. N ,1\'I, n·u red ), ,\d11 1ini,tr,1t or, J\!aritiml' Adminisrr;Hi on, ll ..'>. Dq,~rrrn l' lll of Tr:111,p<>rtcltl<lll iC X ofticio1 T. R. l .akshm,111a11, Dircdor, Ruree1u t>I T ran,pllrtaLio11 Sr.Hi , ti c,, l l.S. Dep,1 rt111 e 111 ot Tr:111 sporr ;1rion (, .., ofti c ic,I Cordon J. I .inrcm . Admini,tr,ttur. Fnkr,11 Tr,rn , it .-\d1nmi, tr.nion, l l.S. Dep.1 rrn1cnr ot Tr.111sporr,11inn (<', ofti c:inl Ric:1rdn ,\fartinc,, Adminim·,1tor, J'.; ,111unal liigh\\':1)' Tra t ti <.: S,ifrty .Adminisrrarion, U.S. Dcp,1mncnr of Tr;ln'-;r,ort;Hi(Jn (L'X nfhc in! William\\'. Millar, Pn·s1Cknt, Amc,xan Publi ,· Tr,rn, it ,\ ssoci,1tio 11 , \'l'.',1shi 11gton, [)_C. (ex otticio:1 Jolene M. Moliroris, :\d1111n isrr.1tc,r, F,·d,.,.,1I R:11 I road Ad mi11 i,tr;it i,11 1, t:.S. l k pa rt1rn:11 t o f Transpnrt,Hi on IL'X otti c io) Dharmendra K. Sharma, ,\dminisrr:Hn r, Rc,eHch :111 d Sp,Yial l'rogr,1111, ,\d111in i,rr.Hio11, U.S. l)q,a n1m·11L ,,;­ Tr~H1~pnrLHi <111 (t.x ufti ,.:io ! Rodney F. SL11cr, .,\dmini,tr:tlm, l'l'dcral H ighw,1y .\ drnin isrr:Hlon, l i.S. Dep.irrrncnr o f Tr:i 11 ,porr:11i o11 (l'X oftil.'. ioi Barry L Valentine, ,\c11ng Adm ,nisrr:11, ,r, h ·dn,11 ..\, i,lt :0 11 ,\d1111ni,1r.1ti <>11 . l 1.'i. Dcran 11 1c11t of Tr,rns porr,1t1on lex otti c iol CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 8 SEVENTH NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT VOLUME 2 WITH ASSOCIATED PAPERS ON ISSUES AND FUTURE OF RAIL TRANSIT Baltimore, Maryland November 12-15, 1995 Sponsored by Transportation Research Board American Public Transit Association TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD NATIONAL NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS RESEARCH WASHINGTON, D.C. 1997 COUNCIL Conference Proceedings 8 Committee Sponsorship for 1996 Annual Meeting Papers ISS~ 1073-1652 ISBN 0-309-06152-0 GROUP 1-TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION Thumas E Humphrey, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Chairman) Subscriber Categor~· Public Transportation Section VI public transit Subhash R. Mundie, \fondle & Associates Inc. (Chairman) Committee on Rail Transit Systems S. David Phraner, Port Authority of New York and ::,..Jew Jersey Transportation Research Board publications are available by or­ (Chairman), John P. Aurelius, :--J"J Transit Corporation dering individual publications directly from the TRB Business (Secretary), John A, Bailey, Amy Bauer, Paul N, Bay, Jack W. Office or by annual subscription through organizational or indi­ Boorse, Thomas J. Carmichael, Peter Fahrenwald, Alex E. Yidual affiliation with TRB, Affiliates and library subscribers are friedlander, Thomas R. Hickey, Herbert S, Levinson, Richard S. eligible for substantial discounts. For further information or to ob­ Marshmenr, Murphy McCalley, DaYid R, Miller, Jeffrey G. tain a catalog of TRB publications in print, write ro Transporta­ Mora, Lee H. Rogers, John W. Schumann, Ronald C. Sheck, tion Research Board, Business Office, National Research Council, John D. Wilkins, Nigel H. M . Wilson 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418 (tele­ phone 202-334-3214 ). Committee on Commuter Rail Transportation Walter E. Zullig, Jr. Metro-North Commuter Railroad Printed in the United States of America (Chairman), E~manuel S. Horowitz (Vice Chairman), John P. Aurelius, James A. Brown, James W. Burcham, Donald 1\OTIC:E: 'The papers in this report have been reviewed by a group 0, Eisele, Thomas E. Frawley, George Edward (;ray, Steven R. other than the authors according to procedures approved by the Hanson, Thomas R. Hickey, Jack M. Kanarek, Jerome Kirzner, Governing Board of the National Research Council. The views ex­ R. David Minister, Jeffrey G.
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