February 11 2019

February 11 2019

2010 NATIONAL SICNINC DAY CINTRAL TEXAS SICNIIS BASEBAU Coy"'-· Anderson. uni"t'rsitY of Texas at Isaac Davia., Elgin. TeXilS Midwestern State Dallas A&M4<.ingsvilE'! J.ed Herrick, Hutto, Trinity Andrew Conzales, Elgin, Justin Henry, E.ast View, ObM socaR (girt,) Tetnple COiiege JC AnnoBri.....,cedarPatk. J.lco Gtady, Elgll\ o.tlos Cody Jackson. Logo Vista. Houston Ba!)bst BapbStUnoveMy SOuthW<!Stem ~.. Darting. Round ~--.\li!ndogrift. J....,ilh Johns, LBJ, Arizona Rock. Uli't'Cf"Sity of Texas at Le TOlmCau Univ. Christian uni-v. Dallas Aundoy Jchnson, LBJ. Cisoo oaohM•-· IIASl(fTBAU(girls) JC Elgin.u,ivc,>ityof Ma-Edlef,RoundRock. oe,in Jone$.L8J. HDUSron·V$ctoria Univc,>ity of Texas at Oalas Nortflwt>srem (Ol<la.) Slate Lauren....,-. HomahGroff, Round Rock. Yan!n ltal)'an..-m, Hendridcson. University of H;irdin-Simmons Vandegrift:. Carnegie Melon Texas at Dal.las Joely,,Knigh~ Geoqjetown. (Pa.)Univ. Oldahoma City Univ. SOfTIIAl.L - Smith, Georgetown. Mcl'he<SOn (l<an.) College Kaylee e«dol. Elgin. MCMl.lT)'Univ. 8Brant- -ICemp·-·. Hendri<kson. Anget,na con.go Kaylas«o,Rll<MldRDck. tdd'hcrson (t<an.) College Altm CAthy, Elgin. Univl'r'si~ Hendrix (Nk.) COlcge -K,riey. McNci. of ~.xa.s at Dallas Arizona State N;cole Garcia. HclmCkson. IIASKITBAU. (boys) sam Latham.. McNeil, Texas Texas A&M·KinQsvillc WIIISa><.RllUldRock. t.uth<.Yan La"Shondra Houston, NVOS Uni\ocrsity of Texas at Oalas Kris uws. Ccclar Ridoc. Cl>artcr. Coastal B<nd eon.,. Rood, Regents, Univet,ity of the Pacmc COll<ge HamiltQn (N.V.) College (Calif.) -.,.Aaby,Cedarl'arl<, Cooper IAalce, Bowle, Tulsa U,ive~ofT.,... otOollos FOOTBALL l!ollenLNhl, RoundRock. Andrff Rodriguez, Austin EricArelano, SlonyPow._ W()St.TexasA&M H,!#1, Angel,na COiiege East Texas Baptist - .. ~ Stony Po~ --AusbnHogh, Brian Batts, LBJ. UT•~an roxas A&M commt'r"ro COiorado State Basin Jalfon M.l)'S. 1-Uto, DJ. Bill>_, Hutto. Nonh Hardin-Simmons TRACK (boys) Dakota Stale Shelby Moclrano, LBJ.Sul AndrewHolt. taooVista. l(Jm Bishop. Stony Point. liossStatc Hutchi"500 (Kan.)¢¢ Midwestern State Etllin Monln. Cedar Ridoc. Donte Bourgeo;s.t.BJ. HC1Nard Payne TENNIS(girk) UT.f'crmian B.-lsin Mted Ontivef'os. Stony Point, Mylos ltnklb, He,,dn<k<on. Concordia (Wis.) COiiege of Olar1eston (S.C.) Slel)henf.AuSbn Juan Quezada. Austin Hi~ ---RachelHorowrtz.LBJ,-c. Maniws Brown, Rould Rock. B11mJC lllMdson (N.c.J College Air Force Academy Shaylon­ ICeogMMcCam,We!il.Joe. WIITyter Brydon. JlegenlS. Hendrid<son. Kilgon,COll<ge UTSA Washington arid LOO Malthtw sanders, t. , JetlWri!,hl.- .Hcoor DawilYM Brown. ~dar - ~ Mory Hatdift.Baytor (N.Y.)COllego Ridge• .,;cJv.t'Slem Statc IIOft Sm>ns. East View. Swatl Yalliogadda. LBJ. Jolvl --o.AuslinHi!I,, Abilene Cmstian HCIPkin.s urw. CiS<X>JC Se;an Browlt-Nlxon, t.. Vandegrift.West T"""" A&M TRACK ANO RUD (girts) 16. Missouri Southern Zach Smith, Rt-gents. ...,,,, OeMaio, Georgetown. _,, 11,yce. Regents, MIT -­Woshingn,n and Lee (Va.) lnca,oote\Y<lrd len!miahey.,., Anderson. Dalton Spercer. LBJ, N3varrO Brianna l.opoz, Cedor Ridge. um> JC i.o.u1;ne(OhiO)Coll<ge Aki! Cl1a'MS. Coda, Ridge. Cooper Tylor• Ande!Son. Jooy - · Hutto, Cul..,. Stod<ton COiiege Tr'inity westrexasA&M Tyler Cleveland, Stcny Pont. Anocl<>Statc --Hardin,SS'nlnons SanMarcos. VOLI.EY8AU. ....,Thom.>sCOllns. Rocnd Kaltb Wenson. Im - • &. C<h C.,,ltfflS. 5an Maroos. Rock. Doane (Nob.) Univ. McNccseSta.tc Texas Lutheran Chase Coou, S!OflY - Jc,slohWNUlngton. ccaa, cassle cox. CCdar Ridge. SOUthwcstem Parl<.Te><as-"""'1ian8asin Keiser (Fla.) U,iv. (»dy Cyr, Smithville. Kansas ll'ey-.Cedar Ridge. Sholby Epley, Cedar Palk. wesleyan Mary Hardin-8"YIOf Temple Collcgo Edgemnllilanl-Williams, SWIMMflG (boys) BroNJya Jd,nson, ROUld Cecbr Ridlje, Blinn JC ...., Hammer, 1/Mdeg,itt. Rock, Hardill--Simmons layn<Dominy.llfio,),ng MiSSOUi Shyeann Lampllin, San SOrings. Oordt (IOwa) Colloge U Pio«y, Rl!ge,ttS, MIT Marcos. Lee Colk>ge Caleb Fottsl Hutto. T...., SOCCER (boys) MiriahWliams,Taylor, ~rmian Basin JO<hSlcoclls.. Bowic, McUltain Vil'W Collcgc SIGNS OF THE TIMES From left, Ul"nl'ffi) senior football players Chad Wolf (preferred walk on, Texas), Kaleb Wenson (McNeese State University), and Sean Brown-Nixon (Missouri Southern State) signed letters of intent to play collegiate football Feb. 6 al High School. (PHOTO COURTESY UN. v,,.,s ISDJ Llke Jravi, '60, Bowie 51: The Bulldos were right where they wanted to be midway through the fourtb quarter at District 25-6Arival!..;!-. '!::....;.. on Friday. They had trailed by as many as nine points in the first half and faced a seven-point deficit early in the final quarter but were down only 51-48 with4:57. But instead of making its run, Bowie watched the Cavaliers run away with a nine-point victory to secure second place in the district. The Cavs (30-4, 12-3) sank 9 of 12 free throws when the game was still in doubt as neither team registered a field goal after Bowie senior M'elijah Wesley's 3-pointer at the 5:28 mark. Bowie (20-9, 10-5) got 11 points apiece from junior Ethan Walker and sophomore Coleton Benson as it clinched third place in the district. L.u..: ':'1 ... u started four seniors in its final home game of the season - Brett Baty (13 points), David Gregory (nine), Luke Depperschmidt (eight) and Bennett Mohn (seven). Junior John Wetter had 13 points. John Harris, AA-S correspondent PREP BASKETBALL BOYS __ _ ··-··- •• un TPl',"S"' BOWIE SI - 111, U U - 51 lib- 15 u 1115 - a lowie: - U.8dl 5, - U. Wallccr ILw.sleyl.0,-,,S.l-cl:(l~). 1, ;• ,S: --1.<lttpy'J. Ungon 6. _,, ll, ...,._ 7, 8"1y 13. McR«l •- - 2'-4 (12 )). GIRLS W!D&m4',AUSTIN HIGH 35 taln"ll, i!s 12 7 12 15 - 4' Alstil~ 9 14 1 5 - 35 . L.Jlli..il:Hol.- U.Fuc:hs9, S.OOYin 9.B.D<Wll.-l.C-...10. - 24-10. Alslil Hfllic -4. ,,1oy1.-.11, SWiltl.-8.-l.llcri22· U, -,UIL GIRLS.F&u PUYOFF SCHEDULE --... - .. CyllftS>llaJICll.5:JO p.nu1-... Austln LBJ.._ -Ti¥y. 6 p.m. at Oripe1lng Springs -_..__TBD,.._ __ Qn)'OO.&p .m. at Hays COdarRldgtws.l.UglUnlQM. 7pat Bttnham Bowie.._--,. 7 p.m.at canyon CCCIM' PMk 'f'S. MUor. 7PA it Ct<IM Ridge -tn>d<ou ws.-.. Cluapioft. 1 .,_.._ at san ~-... -•.... 7p.m.11Llborty Hil -~ ... c,p,m .S.7p.m.atA&M Coftsofidlo,d Umpas&sws.-8p.&at-Clty I.OCl<hartws.SU-lltlfflll'S McmorW. 7 p.m. at Sl..it l'tlugfflifltv<.-._ 7 p.m.uH,ndrlekson Aous,.s.USIVl,w,7p.m.atAl>llndRocl< T-.,,FN.U Austin.._ coawn,- &p.m. at san Dril>Pino Spriogs .,_ sa.Aatoaio waga,,r.a p.m.atl.dlmaa -i.:i · ... -.7p.a.atHa,s t.lborty HI ws. c..yoo ...,. 7 p.&at orlpe1ing Springs - ,s. co.tort. k1.S p.m. atlOMSOII City lfflltrlclcsarg '5.s.lido. kltpA at BU,gor Vls11AJ,1go,s.Cyp,-m$tlr"'9',T81> Herceg a state swimming qualifier ByThomas Jones 100 freestyle), Rouse's Sophia Westrnre. ljo...s@sutlesm:u>,00m Rivas (50 freestyle, 100 free­ The girls JOO butterfly style) and East View's Virginia includes Guerra of Wesfm.e, Seven Pflugerville school Lutz (50 freestyle). Evelyn Ngo of Westwood, district swimmers have quali­ More Class 5A girls qualifi­ Arianna Lax of Bowie and fied for this weekend's UIL ers include LBJ's Willa Scanlon Audrey Dieckert of Round swimming and diving state (!-meter diving), Bumet 's Rock. The boys JOO includes championships, which will AngelaOrosco (I -meter diving), Ethan Riser and Joshua Louie take place Friday and Saturday Bumet's Zoe Nicholl (I-meter of Westwood. at the Lee and Joe Jamail Texas diving), Glenn's Charlotte The girls 100 freestyle Swimming Center in Austin. Langdoo (100 butterfly), Cedar includes the top two qualifi­ Ana Herceg of Weiss, the Park's Stella Shipps (100 but­ ers in the state in Anderson's defending state Class SA girls terfly), Dripping Springs' Collins and Wesu='s Wheal. 200-yard freestyle champion, Lydia Evans (500 freestyle, Westwood' Truong, Cedar qualified in the Class SA 200 100 breaststroke), LBJ's Alex Ridge's Burchett, Vandegrift's and 500 freestyle events. Watson (500 freestyle), Elgin's Birlin and Marie Taylor ot Herceg, a sophomore, was Becca Rivers (100 backstroke, Defending state Class SA girls 200-yard freestyle champion Ana Anderson will also competein also a state runner -up in the 500 freestyle), Cedar Park's Herceg qualified in the Class SA 200 and SOO freestyle events at this the race. The boys 100 free­ 500 freestyle last year. Addison Leavitt (JOO back­ weekend's UIL swimming and diving state championships. IJOl<N style will include Vandegrift's Pflugerville sends six Class stroke), McCaUwn's Zoe Lynch GUTIERRWfOR AMERICAN-STATESMAN) Hammer, Anderson's Lance 5A state qualifiers to the meet. (JOO breaststroke), Butler and McNeil's Fox Pope. Paisley Tramp qualified for Qu.-tlifying girls relay teams include Bumet's Tanner Keltch the second-fastest qualifying The girls 500 freestyle the 200 individual medley and include Cedar Park (200 (1-meterdiving),Georgetown's lime in the state a t 1:47.98. includes Rausch of r:.ii.« 100 backstroke, while Nicole medley, 200 freestyle), LBJ Greyson Alarcon (100 but­ Round Rock's Karen Yin will if, , . ;, while the boys 500 Willis will compete in two (200 freestyle, 400 freestyle), terfly, 100 backstroke), LBJ's joinberintherace. Wes!:" e's freestyle includes Velasquez individual events as well - the Gateway Prep (200 freestyle) Aloin Jung (100 butterfly, JOO Jaden Luo has the second­ of West~,, Gavin Moak of 200 IM and 500 freestyle.

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