ALAMEDA COUNTY HEALTH CARE SERVICES AGENCY AGENDA _____ December 15, 2020 COLLEEN CHAWLA, Director OFFICE OF AGENCY DIRECTOR 1000 San Leandro Blvd., Suite 300 San Leandro, CA 94577 TEL (510) 618-3452 FAX (510) 351-1367 November 10, 2020 The Honorable Board of Supervisors County Administration Building 1221 Oak Street Oakland, CA 94612 Dear Board Members: SUBJECT: AWARD NEW CONTRACTS TO A POOL OF VENDORS FOR BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CARE TRAINING SERVICES; MASTER CONTRACT NO. 901951; AMOUNT: $49,500 RECOMMENDATION: Approve a new Master Contract No. 901951 for the provision of behavioral health-focused training services for Alameda County Behavioral Health and community-based constituent groups and programs, for the term of 10/1/20 – 06/30/22, in the pooled amount not to exceed $49,500, with the following pool of vendors: A. A Better Way, Inc. (Principal: Shahnaz Mazandarani; Location: Berkeley) Procurement Contract No. 21082; B. Angelyne Arellano (Location: Oakland) Procurement Contract No. 21084; C. Ellen Muir, Systems Coaching & Consulting (Principal: Ellen Muir; Location: San Leandro) Procurement Contract No. 21085; D. Ian Brennan (Location: Walnut Creek) Procurement Contract No. 21086; E. Mind Matters LLC (Principal: Deepa Abraham, PhD; Location: Dublin) Procurement Contract No. 21087; F. Public Health Institute (Principal: Darneshia Blackmon; Location: Oakland) Procurement Contract No. 21088; G. Seneca Family of Agencies (Principal: Ken Berrick; Location: Oakland) Procurement Contract No. 21089; SUMMARY/DISCUSSION: Alameda County Behavioral Health (ACBH) intends to engage a pool of behavioral health-focused trainers who are able and willing to partner with the department’s Training Unit (TU) to provide, on an as-needed basis, a variety of high quality, behavioral health-focused training services to ACBH departmental staff and community-based constituent groups. Training topics cover a wide variety of major themes including wellness, recovery, and resiliency; providing culturally and linguistically responsive services; co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions; healing trauma; mental health first aide; prevention and early intervention subjects; crisis intervention; preventing, de-escalating, & managing aggressive behavior; legal and ethical issues; and specialized behavioral health therapeutic techniques. These services are intended to supplement internal training resources. A qualified pool of trainers has been selected to perform services based on the particular training focus/topic and related services required, availability, expertise, and cost. The Honorable Board of Supervisors September 29, 2020 Page 2 of 3 The estimated total number of hours of contracted training services required is approximately 120 hours per fiscal year to be shared among all Contractors. An average estimate of 30 to 40 participants may attend each training class with upwards of 70 to 90 participants depending on the topic. The Training Unit (TU) of ACBH is located at 2000 Embarcadero in Oakland. The TU has been providing behavioral health-focused training services, including clinical and nonclinical subjects, for more than eight years to ACBH’s nearly 2,800 County and non-County staff as well as other public sector agencies and external business organizations on a charge-back or fee-for-service basis. These training services are funded in part by the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). MHSA was passed by California’s voters in November 2004. MHSA provides dedicated funding for services and programs that promote wellness, recovery, and resiliency for adults and older adults with severe mental illness, and for children and youth with serious emotional disturbances and their family members. The TU works to fulfill the MHSA-related training goals, including increasing general and specific skills and competencies throughout the ACBH workforce by developing trainings that will strengthen and expand the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to work in diverse staffing roles across the system. Specifically, in alignment with MHSA goals and outcomes, the TU: Identifies training priorities that increase performance capabilities and capacities to meet consumer/client, family, departmental, organizational, and system needs; Improves alignment of system-wide training activities to maximize individual and team learning, resources and desired outcomes; and Creates and utilizes a training evaluation methodology that measures individual, team/program, and organizational outcomes. Your Board’s approval of these recommendations will allow ACBH to continue to provide quality training services for staff in the field of behavioral health, including ACBH’s nearly 2,800 county and contracted provider staff. SELECTION CRITERIA: An Informal Request for Quotation (IRFQ #HCSA-0120) was released by the Health Care Services Agency on behalf of ACBH on May 27, 2020. The opportunity was emailed to 187 organizations/entities including 83 organizations from the Alameda County Small, Local and Emerging Business (SLEB) Program under NAICS Codes 611430 and 624190. Seven bid proposals were received by the due date of June 16, 2020. Upon review, all bids met the minimum bidder qualifications and the corresponding quotations were evaluated by HCSA procurement staff to determine the lowest responsible bidders. Further evaluation indicated that all bids met the full scope requirements as stated in IRFQ #HCSA-0120. All seven bidders returned signed acceptance letters indicating their acceptance to be included in the training pool. From the seven contractors currently in the pool, four are SLEB and three were approved and issued SLEB waivers by General Services Agency due to either its expertise in the field and/or non-profit organizations that customarily provides direct services on behalf of the County. Bidders are ranked in the order of the bidder’s respective lowest cost bid as reflected in the table below: The Honorable Board of Supervisors September 29, 2020 Page 3 of 3 EVALUATION SUMMARY Ranking Vendor Quote/Hr Location Certification Type SLEB Status 1 Angelyne Arellano, Oakland, Cert. No. 19-00080; Licensed Marriage & $200 Certified Emerging CA Exp. 09/30/21 Family Therapist 2 Ellen Muir, Systems Oakland, Cert. No. 18-00088; Coaching & $225/$200 Certified Emerging CA Exp 09/30/21 Consulting 3 Public Health Oakland, Non-Certified Waiver No. 7064; $260 Institute CA Local Exp. 06/30/22 4 Mind Matters, LLC Cert. No. 10-00215; $375 Dublin, CA Certified Small Exp. 07/03/21 5 Seneca Family of Oakland, Non-Certified Waiver No. 7063; $350/$425 Agencies CA Local Exp. 06/30/22 6 A Better Way, Inc Berkeley, Cert. No. 09-00305; $380/$475 Certified Small CA Exp. 10/31/21 7 Ian Brennan Walnut Non-Certified Waiver No. 6928; $375 Creek, CA Local Exp. 06/30/22 FINANCING Funding for these contracts are from the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), already included in the ACBH FY 20-21 Approved Budget. Approval of these recommendations will have no impact on net County costs. VISION 2026 GOAL The provision of training services for instructor-led behavioral health-focused trainings meets the 10X goal of Healthcare for All in support of the shared vision of a Thriving & Resilient Population. Sincerely, Colleen Chawla, Director Health Care Services Agency CC/ld/rvo Master Contract No. 901951 Procurement Contract No. 21082 COUNTY OF ALAMEDA STANDARD SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement, dated as of Del'e.ffi\;:e .. \5J2.t>2.b , is by and between the County of Alameda, hereinafter referred to as the "County", and A Better Way, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor". WITNESSETH Whereas, County desires to obtain behavioral health care training services which are more fully described in Exhibit A hereto ("Definition Services"); and Whereas, Contractor is professionally qualified to provide such services and is willing to provide same to County; and p Now, therefore it is agreed that County does hereby retain Contractor to provide ' behavioral health care training services, and Contractor accepts such engagement, on the tJ General Terms and Conditions hereinafter specified in this Agreement, the Additional - Provisions attached hereto, and the following described exhibits, all of which are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference: Exhibit A Definition of Services Exhibit A-1 Specific Requirements Exhibit A-2 Deliverables/Reports Exhibit A-3 Description of Services Exhibit B Payment Terms Exhibit C Insurance Requirements Exhibit D Debarment and Suspension Certification Exhibit E HIP AA Business Associate Agreement The term of this Agreement shall be from October 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022. The compensation payable to Contractor hereunder shall not exceed the pooled amount of Forty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred dollars ($49,500) for the term of this Agreement. Page 1of46 Master Contract No. 901951 Procurement Contract No. 21082 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. COUNTY OF ALAMEDA A BETTER WAY, INC. lnDocuSlgned by: By:_..... L_0-5~~!•48'!e!ffl,,..'li"~t5'5E;t!l•s""'" · ·,....· ------­ Signature Signature Name: ~ - , t ncx\~ \Jo..\\t., Name: David Channer (Printed) (Printed) Title: President of the Board of Supervisors Title: President/CEO 11/12/2020 Date:------------ Approved as to Form: DONNA R. ZIEGLER, County Counsel By signing above, signatory warrants and represents that he/she executed this frDocuSlgned by: Agreement in his/her authorized By: ___L.:~s_.....~ ......=·7·0GU;£~UIOJ,~;;~F----
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