Appendices Appendix FEIR-A Draft EIR Comment Letters .""',. .• , .. ' ::~:. .-i..: . .!, , ", ... " STAT EOF CAL I FOR N I A Governor's Office of Planning and Research State Clearinghouse and Planning Unit"· Edmiuld G. Brown Jf. .Governor . ':::'." July 26, 2016 Sergio Ibarra City of Los Angeles -200 N.Spring Street,Room750- ----, ------- _. __ . -- " .. _- .. " ~- - -. __ .... Los J\ngeles, CA 90012 . Subject: McCadden Project . SCH#: 2015101001 . Dear Sergio Ibarra: The State Clearinghouse sub~itted the ah·ove named Draft EIR to selected state agencies· for review.. On . the enclosed Document Details Report-please note that the Clearinghouse.has listed t.he state agencies that _.. i . reviewed your document. The review period closed. on July 25,20 16~ and the cOmlnents from the .. responding agency (ies) is (are) enclosed. Ifthis coniment package is not in order, -please notify the State. Clearinghouse immediately. Please refer to the pr9ject'sJ~tt~digit state Clearinghouse nump.er in future correspondence sothatwe .ma.YresI?~_n~ 1?.\'<:'I?-.I'tly: . .... ,.... Please note that Section211 04( c) ofthe Ca,lifornia Public.Resources Code states that: "A responsible or other public agency shall only make substantive comments regarding those .. activities involved in a project which are within an area ofexpertise of the agency or whiph.are':. required to be carried out or approved by the agency .. Those comments shall be supported by specific documentation:" These cqmments are forwarded for use in-preparing your final envir.onmental document. Should you need more information or. clarification of the. enclosed comments, werecommend that you contac;t the COll).ill.enting agency.directlY.. ... .. ::._.'. ..... ,'. This letter acknowledges that you liavectilliplied ~iththeStateClearinghouse review requirements for . draft environmental documents, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. Please contact the· State Clearinghouse at (916) 445-0613 if you have any questions regarding the environmental review process. t., ." Sin~erelY' 4 .. .. ~?1!:#1lAf1!M- ... ", ~. , ~. - ... /, ..... Scott Morgan' . Director, State Clearinghouse Enclosures cc: Resources Agency . 1400 TENTH STREET P.O. BOX 3044 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95812-3044 TEL (916) 445-0613 FAX (916) 323-3018 www.opr.ca.gov . '=;.':" .: .. ;'J . ,,' ; ~ • .' Document Details Report State Clearinghouse,Data,Base I ...._., .' , , I I SCH#2015101001 '-J;" Project Title McCadden Project . Lead Agency, Los Angeles, City of Type EIR Draft EIR Description The Project includes the development of 100 affordable housing units ·for seniors; up to 35 affordable housing units for young people, and approximately 69,250 sf LGBT facility, including a senior and: youth center, administrative offices, accessory recreational space, a kitchenlservicearea, transitional living and emergency guest rooms, and retail. These uses would comprise approximately 185.. 560 sf of· new floor area and would be provided within three new buildings thafwould range in heightfrom.20.to , , 75 feet In addition, 350 parking spaces would be provided in two subterranean parking levels: Outdoor areas inClude plazas, courtyards and gardens. An existing 28,600 sf office building and surface parking areas would be removed to allow the proposed uses. Lead Agency Contact Name Sergio Ibarra Agency City of Los Angeles Phone (213) 978-1333 Fax email I Address 20Q N. Spring Street, Room 750 City Los Angeles State CA Zip 9001.2 Project Location County Los Angeles City ,LosAngeles, City of Region" Lat / Long 34~ 5' 27" N/118°20'14", W ' . f: Cross Streets Santa Monica Boulevard arid N. McCadden Place Parcel No. ' 5q32021 029; 5532021028; 5532021 ,. .. Township Range, , Section Base Proximity to: Highways US 101 Airports Railways' . Waterways ' Schools Fairfax HS; Hollywood HS, ,,' " " Land Use Limited Manufacturing t'[Q]iVl 1-1 VL-SN/Office and Surface Parkirig Project Issues Air Quality; Geologic/Seismic; Noise; Public Services; Traffic/Circulation; Water Supply; Landuse; Cumulative Effects; Other Issues; AestheticNisual " ' Reviewing Resources Agency; Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 5; Department of Parks and Recreation; '. I Agencies California Highway Patrol; Office of Emergency Services, California; Caltrans, District 7; Department of Housing and Community Development; Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region4; Native American Heritage Commission Date Received 06/09/2016 Start of Review 06/09/2016 End of Review 07/25/2016 Note: Blanks in data fields result from insufficient information provided by lead agency. 'STATEOF CALlFORNIA:::CALlFORNIA STATE 'rRANSPORTA nON 'AGENCY 'EDMUNDO ,BROWN Jr. Governor DEPARTMENTOF'TRANSPORTATION DISTRlCT7-0FFICE OF TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 100 s: MAINSTREET,'MSI6 LOS. ANGELES, CA90012 . ~ PHON.E (213) 897-9}40 Seriolls (/rollglll: FAX (213) 897-1337 " Help save wafer! www.dot.ca.gov July 22,2016 GovemOfSOfficeOfP/anning&ResearCh Sergio Ibarra JUL 22 2016 Department of City 'Planning STATECLEAR ,"'" City Hi=\l1"City of Los Angeles. , ,'NGHOUSE 200 North SpringBtreet, Room750 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Clc,o-I 07 /A~/;'(jl~( RE: McCadden Project SCH #2015101001 IGRlCEQANo.160621MB Vic. LA-2·JO.95 Dear ML Ibarra: . -:; " Thank you for including ,the California Departmentdf Transportation (CciltraIis)· in'the environmental review'process forthe Draft Ep.vironmental Jmpact Report{DEIR). The proposed project is :amixeduseprojectthat 'would serve as the new 'headquarters for 'the , i LGB! center, as well as provide servicesandaffbrdable hoUsing for at-risk seniors and 'young adults intheLGBT'community. In addition to affordable housing, ,the Prqject inc1udes:program space for senior and youth services, including media Classrooms,. accessory -recreational, space, administrative officesandretail space thatwOlild serve projectresidentfi, employees, clients and , guests. .,r,.", ', .. - . ," '.:. Thenearest'State facility to theproposed:projeCt'is US";lOl:',freeway. Calh'ans .does~not ;expect project approval tOTesult in 'a direct-adverse impact tothe, State facility. CEiltrans requests that all vehicleaccess'to the project be provided' viaLas,Palmas.Avenue and McOadden Place, If you ,have 'any ,questions or wouHl like to schedule a meeting, ,please feel ;free to contact Melanie ,Bradford, the project coordinator at (213) ,897-9446 :and :refer to IGRfCEQA No. 160621MB;, SIncerely, .~.~~ DIANNA WATSO'N, Chief LD.,IGRlCEQA Review Branch cc: S~otfM()i:gan,>State Clearinghouse' "Prd~ide'tl;sl!fo;.\;iISlaillable; ilUegra/ed Itnd'ejjicieJ7t irallspqr/alioll system fa ellhallce CaJijomia','s·eCO/lomy'olld,livabiliD'" 'STATEOF CALlFORNIA:::CALlFORNIA STATE 'rRANSPORTA nON 'AGENCY 'EDMUNDO ,BROWN Jr. Governor DEPARTMENTOF'TRANSPORTATION DISTRlCT7-0FFICE OF TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 100 s: MAINSTREET,'MSI6 LOS. ANGELES, CA90012 . ~ PHON.E (213) 897-9}40 Seriolls (/rollglll: FAX (213) 897-1337 " Help save wafer! www.dot.ca.gov July 22,2016 GovemOfSOfficeOfP/anning&ResearCh Sergio Ibarra JUL 22 2016 Department of City 'Planning STATECLEAR ,"'" City Hi=\l1"City of Los Angeles. , ,'NGHOUSE 200 North SpringBtreet, Room750 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Clc,o-I 07 /A~/;'(jl~( RE: McCadden Project SCH #2015101001 IGRlCEQANo.160621MB Vic. LA-2·JO.95 Dear ML Ibarra: . -:; " Thank you for including ,the California Departmentdf Transportation (CciltraIis)· in'the environmental review'process forthe Draft Ep.vironmental Jmpact Report{DEIR). The proposed project is :amixeduseprojectthat 'would serve as the new 'headquarters for 'the , i LGB! center, as well as provide servicesandaffbrdable hoUsing for at-risk seniors and 'young adults intheLGBT'community. In addition to affordable housing, ,the Prqject inc1udes:program space for senior and youth services, including media Classrooms,. accessory -recreational, space, administrative officesandretail space thatwOlild serve projectresidentfi, employees, clients and , guests. .,r,.", ', .. - . ," '.:. Thenearest'State facility to theproposed:projeCt'is US";lOl:',freeway. Calh'ans .does~not ;expect project approval tOTesult in 'a direct-adverse impact tothe, State facility. CEiltrans requests that all vehicleaccess'to the project be provided' viaLas,Palmas.Avenue and McOadden Place, If you ,have 'any ,questions or wouHl like to schedule a meeting, ,please feel ;free to contact Melanie ,Bradford, the project coordinator at (213) ,897-9446 :and :refer to IGRfCEQA No. 160621MB;, SIncerely, .~.~~ DIANNA WATSO'N, Chief LD.,IGRlCEQA Review Branch cc: S~otfM()i:gan,>State Clearinghouse' "Prd~ide'tl;sl!fo;.\;iISlaillable; ilUegra/ed Itnd'ejjicieJ7t irallspqr/alioll system fa ellhallce CaJijomia','s·eCO/lomy'olld,livabiliD'" FORM GEN. 160 (Rev. 8-12) CITY OF LOS ANGELES INTER-DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE: June 23, 2016 RECEuVEC CIlY OF LOS ANGELE8 TO: Vincent P. Bertoni, Director of Planning JUL 082016 Department of City Planning ENVIRONMENTAL Attn: Sergio Ibarra, Associate Environmental Planner UNIT Department of City Planning FROM: Ali Poosti, Division Manager (}j Wastewater Engineering Services Division · LA Sanitation SUBJECT: PROJECT NAME - MCCADDEN PROJECT - NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AVAILABILITY OF DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT This is in response to your June 9, 2016 letter requesting a review of your proposed mixed-use project located at 1119-113 9 N. McCadden Place, 1118-1136 N. McCadden Place and 6719-6733 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angles, 90028. LA Sanitation has conducted a preliminary evaluation of the potential impacts to the wastewater and stormwater systems
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