U3 The Final Enemy Conversion Guide Introduction: In 1983, TSR published the module named “The Final Enemy” with the module code “U3”! It was written by #a$e %! &"owne and #on Tu"nbull, and illustrated by #a$e #e 'euw and (eith )a"kinson! It consisted o+ a ,8 pa-e booklet and tri.+old co$e" with maps! This con$e"sion -uide allows #/s to "un the o"i-inal module with 0th Edition "ules and p"o$ides "e+e"ence sheets +o" encounte"s! An adventure for four to six 3rd– 4th level characters by MARK STOUT Sample file DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Real s, the dragon a !ersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast !roduct na es, and their res!e"tive logos are trade arks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other "ountries$ %his &ork "ontains aterial that is "o!yright Wizards of the Coast and(or other authors$ Such aterial is used &ith !ermission under the Co unity Content Agree ent for Dungeon )asters Guild$ All other original aterial in this &ork is "o!yright *+,- .y )ark Stout and !ublished under the Co unity Content Agree ent for Dungeon )asters Guild$ Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 3 T1E FI23' E2E/4 C627ERSI62 G I#E 1 Sample file Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 3 T1E FI23' E2E/4 C627ERSI62 G I#E 9 U3: The Final Enemy liBard+ol* were desperate +or allies in thei" +i-ht, and a-reed to wo"* with the inhabitants o+ Saltmarsh! Introduction &oth Saltmarsh and the liBard+ol* need time to ready thei" +orces, so the ad$enturers are once more called upon to To use this con$ersion -uide you will need a copy o+ “ 3 The help! They will conduct a reconnaissance o+ the +ormer Final Enemy”, ori-inally a$ailable in hard.copy and now +or liBard+ol* +ortress, assess the strength and preparedness o+ sale in Di-ital +ormat at www!dndclassics.com! the sahua-in, and report back to Saltmarsh! The mission is This document -i$es #/s ad$ice to con$ert the module extremely dangerous, but success will -i$e the alliance a to the latest 0th Edition rules and -uidance on prepa"ing the $ital ad$anta-e a-ainst the sahua-in. 1opefully the ad$enture. 3 list o+ encounters pro$ide a quick in--ame ad$anta-e will be enou-h to deal such a blow to the reference. /ost creatures refer to stat blocks in the #;# 0e sahua-in that they lea$e and ne$er return. /onster /anual! 3 +ew creatures ha$e +ull stat blocks in the Special Creatures section at the end o+ this con$ersion -uide. )a-e listin-s may re+er to abbre$iations: // =/onster Con$e"ting to the Realms /anual>, CR =Challen-e ratin->, and #/G =Dun-eon /aster Guide)! 3ll other pa-e number re+er to the locations in the This brief -uide outlines a +ew thematic chan-es and ori-inal ?The Final Enemy" module. (ey text is in bold +or additions to bring “The Final Enemy” into the Fo"-otten easy scanning! /a-ic items are noted in italics! Realms world o+ FaerCn. Find more in+ormation about this and other early edition Saltmarsh is patterned a+ter a typical &ritish +ishin- con$ersions at www!classicmodulestoday! com! town, and so can +it in anywhere along a temperate climate coastline. 6n the Swo"d Coast, Saltmarsh can be placed anywhere between Daterdeep and Candlekeep! Re+e"ence Sheet I+ you?re -oing to run the entire three module arc, place Saltmarsh +ar away +rom the bi- cities. This ma*es it so the For con$enience, there is a Reference Sheet at the end o+ this ad$enturers are the ones who need to ta*e care o+ the document which summariBes the *ey information you?ll problems, since help is too +ar away to respond in time. need during the -ame onto one concise sheet. 4ou can print The sahua-in +ortress should be located approximately this onto a single, double-sided pa-e =perhaps on colored 0E miles south o+ Saltmarsh along the Sword 5oast. cardstock> as a handy tool that you can use alongside a hard copy o+ the module. 3+ter reading this document, all you?ll need to run the -ame is the ori-inal module, the /onster /anual, the Reference Sheet, and optionally any notes or $isuals you?$e prepared! 3d$entu"e Summa"y Sample file The ad$enturers ha$e come to, or are +rom, the sea side town o+ Saltmarsh! They were hired to in$esti-ate strange happenin-s at an abandoned mansion a +ew miles out o+ town. 3lthou-h rumors said the mansion was haunted, the truth was the mansion was being used as the land base +or a quite pro+itable smu--ling operation. The ad$enturers defeated the smu--lers and thei" leader, but disco$ered thei" ship was due to arri$e shortly! The ad$enturers, along with two excise men +"om Saltmarsh, rowed out to the ship! In a su"prise attack, they defeated the smu--lers and seiBed their ship, puttin- an end to the operation +or -ood! 1owe$er this brou-ht e$en more questions, as they disco$ered the presence o+ liBard+ol* on the ship! In$oices +ound indicated the sale o+ a la"-e amount o+ arms and armor to the liBard+ol*, as well as a map showing their lair +ri-htenin-ly close to Saltmarsh! The ad$enturers in$esti-ated the liBard+ol* lair, only to disco$er the liBard+ol* were armin- themsel$es to ta*e back thei" home +rom the enemy to e$erything that swims in the sea or wal*s on the land, the dreaded sahua-in. The Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. 3 T1E FI23' E2E/4 C627ERSI62 G I#E 3.
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