Family Genealogy SURNAME INDEX to date 12­31­2015 A A A) Misc, VF Abbey A) Abbey 1, VF Abbott A) Abbott 2, VF A) Abbott, Benj. & Augustine 1, VF W) Woodruff Genealogy (Abbott), HC* Abell A) Abell 1, VF Acker C) Descendants of Henry C. Clark (Acker), SC* Adair A) Ancestral History of Thelma D. Adair (Gander), HC Adams A) Adams 1, VF A) Adams, Abner, Zerviah 3, VF A) Adams and Griswold (Riggins), HC A) Adams Family (Adams), HC* A) Adams, Frank 2, VF H) Early Connecticut Holcomb's in Ashtabula Co., Trumbull Co., OH and PA (Holcomb), HC* R) Root­Adams­McDonald­Hotling; Root­Hallam­Atwater­Guest Genealogy (Dubach), SC W) Wright Genealogy, Moses Wright (Adams), SC Addicott A) Addicott, Beer 1, VF A) Addicott, Hersel 2, VF Addicott, James Henry Early Settler 1850, An/Cert #078, An/Cert #079 Addington Grantham & Skinner Genealogy MFM #1513336, Mfm Btm Drw Grantham & Skinner Genealogy MFM #1513337, Mfm Btm Drw Addison S) Peter Simpkins Family Genealogy (Simpkins), HC* Adset A) Adset 1, VF Aho A) Aho 1, VF G) Desendants of Casper Goodiel (Aho), SC* Aiken A) Aiken 1, VF L) Linkswilers of Louisiana (Martin), HC S) Seegar/Sager and Delp Genealogy (Williams), SC Ainger A) Ainger 1, VF Akeley A) Akeley 1, VF 1 Family Genealogy SURNAME INDEX to date 12­31­2015 Alanko Berry, Gloucester Richard Heritage 1908, An/Cert #105 Brainard, David Pioneer 1820, An/Cert #109 Iloranta, Heikki Nestori Heritage 1919, An/Cert #106 I) The Iloranta and Soukka Families in America (Alanko), SC K) Klingman Family History (Alanko), SC* Albert A) Albert 1, VF Alden A) Alden, David 1, VF Alderman A) Alderman 1, VF A) Alderman 2, VF A) Alderman 3, VF A) Aldermans in America (Parker), SC A) Descendants of William Alderman. Volume II (Spear), HC* A) Descendants of William Alderman. Volume I (Spear), HC* A) Genealogy of Alderman Family (Wiswell), SC* H) Harvey and Allied Families: McCalmont, Carle, Hubbard, Dalin, Alderman, SC Aldrich A) Aldrich 1, VF C) George Lathrop Cooley & Clara Elizabeth Hall (Aldrich), HC* H) Branches of the Hall Family in America (Aldrich), SC Alexander A) Alexander 1, VF A) Alexanders of Mendon, MA (Alexander), HC* A) American Patriot..The New Frontier, Alexander, Sprague & Related Families, Vol. II (Fonde/Groff), HC* A) American Patriot vs Hessian Mercenary Fourteen Generations of the Arnolds, the Maughts, the Richards, and related familes 1550­1991, Vol I (Fonde/Groff), HC* Alferink A) Alferink / Habicht 1, VF Alford A) Alford 1, VF Alfred D) DePue/Alfred 1, VF Alger A) Alger, Wm. C. 1, VF Alhberg C) Castle/Hartman, Ahlberg/Hakala (Castle), SC Allar B) Brown, Charles & Deborah Allar 3, VF Allds A) Allds 1, VF K) Alfred Kirk and Allds, Jacoby, Kirk, Hall, Heasley, Roach & Rutkowski (Kirk), HC * Allee A) Allee 1, VF 2 Family Genealogy SURNAME INDEX to date 12­31­2015 Allein Frayer, Edward L. Early Settler 1850, An/Cert #178 Allen A) Allen 10, VF A) Allen 2, VF A) Allen 5, VF A) Allen 9, VF A) Allen / Allyn 6, VF A) Allen, Allyn 7, VF A) Allen, Florence 1, VF A) Allen/Gregory 11, VF A) Allen, Hiram 4, VF A) Allyn/Allen Genealogy (Allyn), SC A) Descendants of Allen ­ Ralph, George, Samuel (Winters/Austin), SC C) Cooper­Curtice Genealogy (Swanson), SC Allens A) Allens 3, VF Allyn A) Allen / Allyn 6, VF A) Allen, Allyn 7, VF A) Allyn 7, VF A) Allyn/Allen Genealogy (Allyn), SC Ambrose A) Ambrose 1, VF Ames A) Ames 1, VF A) Ames 2, VF A) William Ames and Richard Ames 1799­1959 (Ames), SC Amick A) Amick 1, VF Amidon A) Amidon Family (Best), HC* A) Ralph W. Amidon (Amidon), HC* H) Harris and Lesuer Families, included families of Amidon, Matteson, Miller, Sisson, Lockwood, Howard, Jenness, Mathewson, Davis and other Families (Davis), SC K) Descendants of John Thomas Klumph 1729­1818 (Klumph), HC Amory L) History of the Linzee Family and Penfold, Hood, Amory, Hunt, Tilden, Browne, Wooldridge, Evans Families Vol. II (Linzee), HC* Amsden A) Amsden 1, VF A) Amsden 2, VF Amy O) Owens, Leonora E. Linfoot ­ Photo Album Collection ca 1925­1936, CD Anderson A) Anderson 1, VF A) Anderson, Zenader 1, VF 3 Family Genealogy SURNAME INDEX to date 12­31­2015 H) Hamilton, Anderson, Miller Reunion 1912­1932 (Miller), SC N) Nikula Family Tree (Anderson), SC W) Workman Family History (Anderson), HC* Andress A) John and Mary Andress (Andrews), SC* M) Montgomery / Andress 3, VF Andrews A) Andrews 1, VF A) Andrews / Andrus 2, VF A) Andrews, Lyman P. 3, VF A) History and Genealogy of the Andrews, Kelsey, Gaut, Morse and Related Families, HC* A) John and Mary Andress (Andrews), SC* B) Ancestors and Descendants of Havilah and Dorcas Gale Bunnell (Andrews), SC* G) Ancestors & Descendants of Elijah Gleason and wives (1) Cynthia Johnson (2) Betsey Davis (Andrews), HC* M) Study of Metcalfs, Andrews, and Smith (Metcalf), HC* S) Bible Records from Family Bible of Sweinhart, Stamets, Burrows, Felt, Reichelderfer, Sanford, Moulton­Andrews, Barnes, Clark, Cooke (Cook)­Wilcox, Dunbar­Sheldon­Hewin, Irish­Barton, Kille, McKinsey, Westcott, Wilgus, Wright (unknown), SC Andrus A) Andrews / Andrus 2, VF A) Andrus 1, VF A) Andrus 2, VF A) Andrus 3, VF Anger A) Anger 1, VF Annala A) Annala 1, VF Annick A) Annick, Wm., Jr. 1, VF Anthony A) Anthony 1, VF S) Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony (Holland/Gordon), HC* Antrim A) Antrim, Lewis 1, VF Appleby A) Appleby 1, VF Arcaro A) Arcaro 1, VF Archer A) Archer Family of England, New York and Ohio (Shively), SC* Ardman A) Ardman 1, VF Armstrong A) Armstrong 1, VF A) Armstrong 2, VF DeWolf, Otis & Minerva Early Settler 1840, An/Cert #034 4 Family Genealogy SURNAME INDEX to date 12­31­2015 Arner A) Arner 1, VF U) Udell & Udall Families in America (Arner), HC* Arnold A) American Patriot vs Hessian Mercenary Fourteen Generations of the Arnolds, the Maughts, the Richards, and related familes 1550­1991, Vol I (Fonde/Groff), HC* A) Arnold 1, VF Arnott O) Owens, Leonora E. Linfoot ­ Photo Album Collection ca 1925­1936, CD Arthur A) Arthur 1, VF A) Arthur 2, VF Artman A) Artman 1, VF Arvidson A) Arvidson 1, VF Ash A) Ash, Hannah 1, VF Ashcraft H) Huttons of Southern Indiana 1765­1998 ­ Bruce, Jackson, Drehobl, Ashcraft, Fines (Hutton), HC* Ashley A) Ancestors & Descendants of Solomon L. Ashley and Sarah H. 'nee:French' Ashley (Jameson), HC* A) Ashley 1, VF A) Ashley 2, VF A) Ashley, Shadrick 3, VF Ashton B) Sketch History of Bone, Pyle, Ashton, Bailey, Kiger Families (Kiger), SC* Askew A) Askew 4, VF Askins A) Askins, Joseph 1, VF Askue A) Askue, Irene 3, VF Askue, Thomas Centennial 1870, An/Cert #148 Aspinwall A) Aspinwall 1, VF Asque A) Asque 1, VF A) Asque 2, VF Atkin A) Atkin 1, VF A) Atkin 2, VF A) Atkin, John 4, VF A) Some Descendants of Robert Atkin of Harpersfield, Ashtabula Co., OH 1798­1875 (Pillar), SC M) Mueller Papers ­ Atkin, Hunt, Hall, Hartwell (Mueller), HC Atkins 5 Family Genealogy SURNAME INDEX to date 12­31­2015 A) Atkins 3, VF A) Atkins 4, VF A) Atkins Family, SC A) Atkins, Robert Pioneer 1820, An/Cert #230 Atwatar A) Atwatar 2, VF Atwater A) Atwater 1, VF A) Atwater/Seymour (Atwater), SC F) Farr Family Condensed History, Three Chapters (Atwater), SC L) Large, Farr, Polley, Atwater (Atwater), HC P) Polly­Farr­Atwater Families ( unknown ), HC R) Root­Adams­McDonald­Hotling; Root­Hallam­Atwater­Guest Genealogy (Dubach), SC Atwell L) Lee / Atwell 2, VF August A) August 1, VF A) Genealogy of the August Family ­ Descendants of Benjamin August and Mary Miller (Curtis), HC* Augustine A) Augustine 1, VF Ault A) Ault 1, VF Austin A) Austin 1, VF A) Austin 2, VF A) Austin Families of America (Butler) 1598­1984, HC A) Austin Family (Austin), SC* A) Descendants of Allen ­ Ralph, George, Samuel (Winters/Austin), SC A) One Hundred and Sixty Allied Families (Austin), HC* A) The Austin Families of America 1598 1984 (Butler), HC B) Brown Family, East Trumbull, OH (Austin), SC J) Jewett/Austin/Lamb 2, VF Avery A) Avery, John A. 1, VF A) Our Ancestors ­ Miners, Averys, Strongs, Morgans (Gardner), SC* C) Case, Miller, Smith, Miner, Bigelow, LeGrand, Gallup, Avery, Latham, Denison, Starr, Chace and others (Miller), SC L) Gulicks­Avery­Shipman­Lowrey (Gulick), HC Ayers A) Ayers 1, VF B B B) Misc, VF Babb B) Babb 1, VF 6 Family Genealogy SURNAME INDEX to date 12­31­2015 Babbitt B) Babbitt 1, VF Babcock B) Babcock 1, VF B) Babcock 2, VF B) Babcock/Wolcott/Norris (Rolf), SC B) John W. Babcock of Orwell Twp ­ A Branch of His Family Tree, Hurlburt, Lampson, Robbins, Wolcott, and others (Pauley), SC* D) The Hiram Draper Family, includes Martin Fitch, Babcock, Woodruff (Draper), SC Bachelor B) Bachelor 1, VF Backus B) Babkus 2, VF B) Backus 1, VF Bacon B) Bacon 1, VF H) Holmes, Mayes, Beckwith, Richel, Watrous, Bush, Harrington, Stebbins, Williams, Taylor, Day, Hall, Smith, Thompson, Bacon, Duemling (unknown), SC W) Wetmore / Roberts / Bacon / Hall 1, VF Badger B) Badger, Joseph 1, VF B) Badger, Joseph, Rev. 2, VF Baffa B) Baffa 1, VF Bagley W) Descendants of Herman & Anna Bagley Webster (Webster), SC Bailey Bailey, Andrew Early Settler 1832, An/Cert #130, An/Cert #131, An/Cert #132, An/Cert #133 Bailey, Caleb & Betsey Hills Early Settler 1836, An/Cert #052, An/Cert #053, An/Cert #054 Bailey, Gurdon Pioneer 1822, An/Cert #098, An/Cert #099, An/Cert #100, An/Cert #101 B) Ancestors of Stuart Meade Bailey (Bailey), HC* B) Andrew Bailey (Bailey), HC B) Bailey 1, VF B) Bailey 2, VF B) Bailey Family, SC B) Bailey Family ­ Descendants of William Bayly (Bailey), HC* B) Bailey Genealogy ­ Descendants of Thomas Bayley/Bailey of Weymouth, MA (Bailey), HC* B) Bayly­Baily­Bailey 1530­2000 (Bailey), HC* B) Bayly Family Groups ­ IGI CT, MA, VA (Bailey), HC B) Genealogy of Johnathan Bailey ­ Family of Groton, New London Co., CT (Bailey), HC* B) Genealogy of the Baily Family ­ Taken from Bayly, Baily, Bailey Family (Bailey), HC B) Name and Family of Bailey (Bailey), HC B) Sketch History of Bone, Pyle, Ashton, Bailey, Kiger Families (Kiger), SC* B) Stewart Bailey Family (Bailey), HC* B) Thibeau Bailey Family History, SC John E.
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