Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton Daily Leader Newspapers 7-20-1937 Fulton Daily Leader, July 20, 1937 Fulton Daily Leader Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl Recommended Citation Fulton Daily Leader, "Fulton Daily Leader, July 20, 1937" (1937). Fulton Daily Leader. 68. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/fdl/68 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton Daily Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Weather Guess Subscription Rates KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE:— By Carrier Per Year 14.01 Generally warmer fair, slightly Three Mon& $1.118 Tuesday and Wednesday. FULTON DAILY LEADER. By Mail, One Year $3.00 "Aews that is New" The Daily Leader is in its 38th. year . /las been Fulton's Leading Paper all this time. "News that is ESTABLISHED 1898. Fuhim. Kentucky, Tuesday Afternoon, July 20, 1937. Volume 111.—No. 178. THE Police Say They Shot Strikers HARVESTING A NEW FARM CROP Eden Reviews World Conflicts; i4 LISTENING After Being Knocked Pawn POST -1 . Pleads Prayerfully For Peace Chicago, July 19—(AP 1.—Two Casey said, and from WHAT'S BECOME of the old his prone London. July 19 (API—Foreign have no intention of challenging policemen told a coroner's jury in- position he fashioned hay rides young folks shot. Secretary Anthony Eden pleaded those of others." vestigating the slaying of ten men :Coroner Frank used to take? If you want to know J Walah said he prayerfully for peace today as he He held out the facilities of in the Memorial nay steel strike had been told one how the new-fashioned hay rides of the police- reviewed the world's conflicts, es- British diplomacy to arbitrate the riot they shot attackers after be- men injureatain the riot are performed, be around the Officer pecially those in Spain and the Far Sino-Japanese dispute and cited as ing-knocked to the ground. Philip obtained evidence First Baptist Church the early NA and East, for the House of Commons. examples of international friend- The officers' testimony con- a narcqeil hod been given part of tonight and watch about some Warning that the Spanish civil ship the Anglo-Italian Mediterran- cluded a. day of diapute over The of the ribddra before the march twenty members of the Senior B. on was carried the seeds of still great- ean agreement, - Anglo-Aemican over the number ot slain demon- the plant. Walsh instructed Y. P. U. load up for a hay ride. Igoe er disaster, Eden said in reference trade talks and "steadily growing strators shot in the back. A uni- and his informant to efltaear% Years ago they loaded into a wa- at to the meeting tomorrow of the confidence" between France and on physician said seven had been the inquest tomorrow. gon and drove about six miles be- sub-committee of the 27-nations Britain. wooncled in that manner. The Attorneys for the steel workers fore spreading a lunch which it non-intervention committee seek- Eden also redirected attention to coroner's pathologist, who ex- organizing cozimittee, which took all day to cook, but my-- call- ing to isolate that war: the League of Nations, whose pres- amined the bodies, said only one ed the strike at Republic how good it did taste. Nowadays. Steel tige waned after Japan's Manchuri- had been shot daleetly from the Corp, plants May 26, and assis- "Whatever their difaiculties, they load into a truck, drive about an expedition and Italy's conquest rear. tants to the state's attorney whatever their preoccupations, !My miles in less time than it of Ethiopia. Officers Walter P. Oakers, 46. wrangled over the testimony whatever their provocations, I pray took them to drive six miles, eat of said he was knocked down by 'a Dr. Lawrence. operat- that nations who begin their work "The League of Nations at a roadside inn, restaurant or Jacques, who is blow from a pick handle and look- ed the strikers first aid station. tomorrow will never forget the al- neither dead nor moribund," what have you. This hay ride may he ed up to see another man about Dr. Jacques said he was ternative. It should be their sign- said and emphasized its concilia- riot be wholly new-fashioned in- "cer- to kirk him in the face. tain six men were post to success." tory rather than coercive powers. asmuch as the lunch is being tak- shot from be- hind, and I believe the seventh "The outlook isn't wholly black," en, but the hay riders are using a "I rolled over and fired five The subcommittee is to begin also." he told theaCommons as govern- truck instead of a wagon, and times in rapid succession directly study of a British compromise plan / ment supporters occasionatly inter- they will travel about fifty miles at him," Oakes testified "The man Dr. J. for control of the conflict. J. Kearn. chief coroner's rupted with cheers. "There are to a point on Realfoot before staggered and fell back." physician since 1928, who said he British rearmament, the foreign storm clouds but there are also spreading their lunch. Officer Lloyd C. Casey said had conducted more than 8,000 secreairy streased was only for de- patches of blue sky. The atmos- 4. • • three men attacked him and that post mortem examinations, testi- fense and "while we are determin- phere is less tense and lowering DO YOU want he was knocked down after break- fied only to go down- to one of the slain men was ed to defend our own rights we than a year ago." Golden Pond in Trigg county and ing his night stick on one. Then shot directly from the rear. Seve- be postmaster? Well, all you've got a man approached with a club to ral, he said, had been shoe from to do is pass which meat hook Was attached, the examination _the side and others from the front. Which will be held at Hopkinsville. Makes Public Newspapers The United States Civil Service Chmmisilion has announced an Flood Control examination to fill a contemplated Hunt For Lost Wagner Letter Asked To Bar vacancy in the posillon of fourth Scouping up dead grasshoppers class postmaster at. this post of- Bill Is Passed; Fliers Harvesting a now fare crop—grasahopperc The insect plague again fice. Applications will close July Given Up is destroying ripening crops in certain sections of western United Scoring Idea Closed Shops A30. Nnw. if you are interested, get States. Farmers Oesperately strive to kill off the insects to save blanks from the postmaster. And what crops they can. This man is scooping up dead grasshoppers. No Opposition gathered In his tlehis by • "harvester" which picks them to Golden Pond • and By Naval Craft up and Avers Bill Is A "Greatly James G. Stahlman Pushes get your kills them off. If you don't happen Dangerous to know —Central Press Precedent" And Battle On Where Golden Pond is --well, you I 82-1,877.0(X) Measure For .Aircraft carrier Steams To- Urges Vote Against It Guild were either born since 1933, or Lower Ohio River Sent ward Mainland After Mak- you are a "dry." Mike Sullivan, Jr., Albany, N. Y., July 19 Detroit, July 19-4APi—James To Senate ing Wide Search I Mrs. Annie Gregory • te 41) Of Ocean New York's Democratic Governor G. Stahlman, Nashville, Tenn. —a. CIRCUIT COURT Cleat J11111111- Maintains Lead Passes Away. president of the Arnericali, News- Washington, July - 18-4AP).— Los Angeles. July 19 -George garbeit R. Lehman Inday called Attebery will be at the City Na-k House paper Publialqrs hatted/awn. ab- The passed and sent to the Palmer President Roosevelt's Putnam, husband of Ame- Mike Supreme tional Bank again 'tomorrow to Senate Sullivan Jr , maintains his Mrs. Annie H. Gregory beloved pealed today to members of the today a dill to authorize a lia Earhart, who with navigator Court reorganization plan Issue 1937-38 drivers license to the lead today in the Baby Popula- citizen of Fulton, passed away "a National Editorial Association to $24,877.000 flood control program Capt. Frederick Noonan has been people at this end of the county. rity contest, with a total of 620,268 Monday, July 19. 1937, at 5 o'clock greatly dangerous precedent." affiliate im, opposition to a "clos- for the lower Ohio river basin. given up for dead in the South If you have not already gotten votes. The standing today is as p. m. at her home on Carr street ed news or editorial shop." The bill also would authorize Seas, plans to continue the search Later the Governor's secretary yours, do so tomorrow, as this will follows: after an illness of two years, from ISEphlmhh, who was named preliminary flood control exami- for the missing pair in a charter- said "scores" of congratulatory be your last opportunity of ob- Mike Sullivan, Jr --------620,243 a heart attack. Mrs. Gregory has chairman of "the newspaper nations and surveys on more than ed yacht, Arrigo Balboni, South- taining same without driving to Harold Gene Bynum 579.905 been - confined to her bed for telegrams were being received by committee" at a meeting of pub- fifty streams in a score of states. ern California aviation enthusiast, the Hickman. The deadline Jere Wilson 573.158 past two years, the man whom Roosevelt, lishers and editors in Chicago is August It went through without a dis- said today.
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