D156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð DAILY DIGEST March 3, 1998 S. Con. Res. 78, relating to the indictment and Mountain View, California; Michael Dell, Dell Com- prosecution of Saddam Hussein for war crimes and puter Corporation, Round Rock, Texas; Douglas J. other crimes against humanity; Burgum, Great Plains Software, Fargo, North Da- S. Res. 174, to state the sense of the Senate that kota; and Stewart Alsop II, New Enterprise Associ- Thailand is a key partner and friend of the United ates, Menlo Park, California. States, has committed itself to executing its respon- Hearings were recessed subject to call. sibilities under its arrangements with the Inter- national Monetary Fund, and that the United States INFECTIOUS DISEASES should be prepared to ensure continued close bilat- Committee on Labor and Human Resources: Subcommit- eral relations; tee on Public Health and Safety concluded hearings H.R. 1116, to provide for the conveyance of the to examine how certain infectious diseases are a con- reversionary interest of the United States in certain tinuing threat to the health of United States citizens lands to the Clint Independent School District and and of people around the world and the United the Fabens Independent School District; and States response to promote the international effort to The nominations of Robert T. Grey, Jr., of Vir- combat emerging diseases, after receiving testimony ginia, for the rank of Ambassador during his tenure from David Satcher, Assistant Secretary for Health/ of service as United States Representative to the U.S. Surgeon General, Anthony S. Fauci, Director, Conference on Disarmament, and three Foreign Serv- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, ice Officer promotion lists. National Institutes of Health, and Stephen Blount, Associate Director for Global Health, Centers for SOFTWARE INDUSTRY Disease Control and Prevention, all of the Depart- Committee on the Judiciary: Committee held hearings ment of Health and Human Services; David to examine the state of competition in the computer Brandling-Bennett, Pan American Health Organiza- software industry, focusing on market power and tion/World Health Organization, Washington, D.C.; structural change in the software industry and the Fredia S. Wadley, Tennessee Department of Health, role of antitrust laws in high-technology industries, Nashville; Joan Baumback, New Mexico Department receiving testimony from Bill Gates, Microsoft Cor- of Health, Las Cruces; Herbert A. Pigman, Rotary poration, Redmond, Washington; Scott McNealy, International, Evanston, Illinois; and Christopher J.L. Sun Microsystems, Inc., Palo Alto, California; James Murray, Harvard University School of Public Health, Barksdale, Netscape Communications Corporation, Cambridge, Massachusetts. h House of Representatives H. Res. 376, providing for consideration of H.R. Chamber Action 856, to provide a process leading to full self-govern- Bills Introduced: 14 public bills, H.R. 3303±3316; ment for Puerto Rico (H. Rept. 105±426). Page H754 and 2 resolutions, H. Con. Res. 231±232, were in- Speaker Pro Tempore: Read a letter from the troduced. Pages H754±55 Speaker wherein he designated Representative Reports Filed: Reports were filed as follows: Snowbarger to act as Speaker pro tempore for today. Supplemental report on H.R. 217, to amend title Page H693 IV of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Recess: The House recessed at 1:22 p.m. and recon- Act to consolidate the Federal programs for housing vened at 2:00 p.m. Page H700 assistance for the homeless into a block grant pro- gram that ensures that States and communities are Suspensions: The House agreed to suspend the rules provided sufficient flexibility to use assistance and pass the following measures: amounts effectively (H. Rept. 105±407 Part 2); Homeless Housing Programs Consolidation and H.R. 992, to end the Tucker Act shuffle, amend- Flexibility Act: H.R. 217, amended, to amend title ed (H. Rept. 105±424); IV of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance H.R. 2369, to amend the Communications Act of Act to consolidate the Federal programs for housing 1934 to strengthen and clarify prohibitions on elec- assistance for the homeless into a block grant pro- tronic eavesdropping, amended (H. Rept. 105±425); gram that ensures that States and communities are and provided sufficient flexibility to use assistance March 3, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð DAILY DIGEST D157 amounts effectively (passed by a yea and nay vote of James T. Gordon of Georgia, Mr. Brian H. Graff of 386 yeas to 23 nays, Roll No. 26), Virginia, Mr. Matthew Greenwald of Washington, Pages H703±722, H730±31 D.C., Mr. Brent R. Harris of California, Mr. Donald Sam Nunn Federal Center: H.R. 613, to des- K. Hill of Georgia, Ms. Amy M. Holmes of Wash- ignate the Federal building located at 100 Alabama ington, D.C., Ms. Karen A. Jordan of Alaska, Mr. Street NW, in Atlanta, Georgia, as the ``Sam Nunn John Kimpel of Massachusetts, Mrs. Beth Kobliner Federal Center'' and agreed to amend the title. Sub- of New York, Mr. Gerald Letendre of New Hamp- sequently, the House passed S. 347, a similar Senate- shire, Mr. Ronald Lyons of Ohio, Mrs. Patricia De passed bill, after striking all after the enacting clause L. Marvil of Virginia, Mr. Philip Matthews of Con- and inserting in lieu thereof the text of H.R. 613. necticut, Mr. Thomas J. McInerney of Connecticut, Agreed to amend the title; and H.R. 613 was laid Mr. Kevin M. McRaith of Minnesota, Ms. Rita D. on the table. Pages H722±24 Metras of New York, Ms. Lena Moore of Washing- ton, D.C., Ms. Dana Muir of Michigan, Ms. Heather Recess: The House recessed at 4:17 p.m. and recon- Nauert of Washington, D.C., Mr. Jeffrey M. Pollock vened at 5:00 p.m. Page H730 of New Hampshire, Ms. Pati Robinson of Washing- Presidential Messages: Read the following mes- ton, Ms. Andrea Batista Schlesinger of New York, sages from the President: Mr. Eugene Schweikert of South Carolina, Mr. Housing and Urban Development: Message Charles Schwab of California, Ms. Victoria L. Swaja wherein he transmitted the 32nd Annual Report of of Arizona, Mr. Richard Thau of New York, Ms. the Department of Housing and Urban Development Sandra R. Turner of Florida, Mrs. Sunny Warren of which covers calendar year 1996Ðreferred to the Georgia, Mr. Albert Zapanta of Virginia, and Mr. Committee on Banking and Financial Services; Roger Zion of Indiana. Pages H736±37 Page H731 Quorum CallsÐVotes: One yea-and-nay vote de- Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee: veloped during the proceedings of the House today Message wherein he transmitted the Seventh Bien- and appears on pages H730±31. There were no nial Report of the Interagency Arctic Research Pol- quorum calls. icy CommitteeÐreferred to the Committee on Adjournment: Met at 12:30 p.m. and adjourned at Science; and Page H731 8:45 p.m. National Drug Control Strategy: Message where- in he transmitted the 1998 National Drug Control Committee Meetings StrategyÐreferred to the Committees on Judiciary, Agriculture, Banking and Financial Services, Com- USDA YEAR 2000 COMPLIANCE merce, Education and the Workforce, Government ENHANCEMENT ACT Reform and Oversight, International Relations, Na- Committee on Agriculture: Subcommittee on Depart- tional Security, Resources, Transportation and Infra- ment Operations, Nutrition, and Foreign Agriculture structure, Veterans' Affairs, and Ways and Means. approved for full Committee action amended H.R. Pages H731±32 3280, USDA Year 2000 Compliance Enhancement National Summit on Retirement Savings: The Act. Chair announced the Speaker's appointment of the Prior to this action, the Subcommittee held a following participants on the part of the House to hearing on this legislation. Testimony was heard the National Summit on Retirement Savings: Rep- from Representative Latham; Anne Thomson Reed, resentative Fawell, Ms. Meredith Bagby of New Chief Information Officer, USDA; and Joel York, Mr. James E. Bayne of Texas, Mr. Carroll A. Willemssen, Director, Civil Agencies Information Campbell, Jr. of South Carolina, Ms. Joyce Campbell System, Accountant and Information Management of Washington, D.C., Ms. Hilda Cannon of Georgia, Division, GAO. Mr. Christopher W. Clement of Arizona, Mr. Ben- jamin Tanner Domenech of Virginia, Mr. Clinton A. AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOPMENT, Demetriou of Georgia, Mr. Pete duPont of Delaware, FDA, AND RELATED AGENCIES Mr. Adam Dubitsky of Washington, D.C., Ms. Lynn APPROPRIATIONS D. Dudley of Washington, D.C., Mr. Ric Edelman Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Agri- of Virginia, Mr. John N. Erlenborn of Maryland, Ms. culture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Admin- Shannon Evans of Nevada, Mr. Peter J. Ferrara of istration, and Related Agencies held a hearing on Virginia, Mr. Ray Gaydos of Washington, D.C., Mr. Rural Development. Testimony was heard from Jill Craig Gholston of Texas, Mr. Arthur Glatfelter of Long Thompson, Under Secretary, Rural Develop- Pennsylvania, Mr. Dylan Glenn of Georgia, Mr. ment, USDA..
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