Sept. 22 / Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 emissions to reach the targets we set for 2020 sions. We seek an agreement that will allow all and our long-term goal for 2050. nations to grow and raise living standards with- But those rapidly growing developing na- out endangering the planet. By developing and tions that will produce nearly all the growth in disseminating clean technology and sharing global carbon emissions in the decades ahead our know-how, we can help developing nations must do their part as well. Some of these na- leapfrog dirty energy technologies and reduce tions have already made great strides with the dangerous emissions. development and deployment of clean energy. Mr. Secretary, as we meet here today, the Still, they need to commit to strong measures good news is that after too many years of inac- at home and agree to stand behind those com- tion and denial, there’s finally widespread rec- mitments, just as the developed nations must ognition of the urgency of the challenge be- stand behind their own. We cannot meet this fore us. We know what needs to be done. We challenge unless all the largest emitters of know that our planet’s future depends on a greenhouse gas pollution act together. There’s global commitment to permanently reduce no other way. greenhouse gas pollution. We know that if we We must also energize our efforts to put put the right rules and incentives in place, we other developing nations, especially the poor- will unleash the creative power of our best sci- est and most vulnerable, on a path to sustained entists and engineers and entrepreneurs to growth. These nations do not have the same build a better world. And so many nations resources to combat climate change as coun- have already taken the first step on the journey tries like the United States or China do, but towards that goal. they have the most immediate stake in a solu- But the journey is long, and the journey is tion. For these are the nations that are already hard. And we don’t have much time left to living with the unfolding effects of a warming make that journey. It’s a journey that will re- planet: famine, drought, disappearing coastal quire each of us to persevere through setbacks villages, and the conflicts that arise from and fight for every inch of progress, even when scarce resources. Their future is no longer a it comes in fits and starts. So let us begin. For choice between a growing economy and a if we are flexible and pragmatic, if we can re- cleaner planet, because their survival depends solve to work tirelessly in common effort, then on both. It will do little good to alleviate pov- we will achieve our common purpose: a world erty if you can no longer harvest your crops or that is safer, cleaner, and healthier than the find drinkable water. one we found, and a future that is worthy of And that is why we have a responsibility to our children. provide the financial and technical assistance Thank you very much. needed to help these nations adapt to the im- pacts of climate change and pursue low-car- NOTE: The President spoke at 9:46 a.m. at bon development. United Nations Headquarters. In his remarks, What we are seeking, after all, is not simply he referred to Secretary-General Ban Ki- an agreement to limit greenhouse gas emis- moon of the United Nations. Remarks Prior to a Meeting With Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority in New York City September 22, 2009 Please be seated, members of the delega- want to thank them both for appearing here tions. I have just concluded frank and produc- today. I am now looking forward to this oppor- tive bilateral meetings with both Prime Minis- tunity to hold the first meeting among the ter Netanyahu and President Abbas. And I three of us since we took office. 1434 Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 / Sept. 22 As I said throughout my campaign and at the And so my message to these two leaders is beginning of my administration, the United clear: Despite all the obstacles, despite all the States is committed to a just, lasting, and com- history, despite all the mistrust, we have to find prehensive peace in the Middle East. That in- a way forward. We have to summon the will to cludes a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian break the deadlock that has trapped generations conflict that results in two states, Israel and Pal- of Israelis and Palestinians in an endless cycle of estine, in which both the Israeli people and the conflict and suffering. We cannot continue the Palestinian people can live in peace and security same pattern of taking tentative steps forward and realize their aspirations for a better life for and then stepping back. Success depends on all sides acting with a sense of urgency, and that is their children. why I have asked Secretary Clinton and Senator That is why my Secretary of State, Hillary Mitchell to carry forward the work that we do Clinton, and my Special Envoy, George Mitch- here today. ell, have worked tirelessly to create the context Senator Mitchell will meet with the Israeli for permanent status negotiations. And we have and Palestinian negotiators next week. I’ve made progress since I took office in January and asked the Prime Minister and the President to since Israelis—Israel’s Government took office continue these intensive discussions by sending in April, but we still have much further to go. their teams back to Washington next week, and Palestinians have strengthened their efforts I’ve asked the Secretary of State to report to me on security, but they need to do more to stop in- on the status of these negotiations in mid-Octo- citement and to move forward with negotia- ber. tions. Israelis have facilitated greater freedom All of us know this will not be easy, but we of movement for the Palestinians and have dis- are here today because it is the right thing to cussed important steps to restrain settlement do. I look forward to speaking with my col- activity, but they need to translate these discus- leagues. I’m committed to pressing ahead in the sions into real action on this and other issues. weeks and months and years to come, because And it remains important for the Arab States to it is absolutely critical that we get this issue re- take concrete steps to promote peace. solved. It’s not just critical for the Israelis and the Palestinians, it’s critical for the world. It is Simply put, it is past time to talk about start- in the interests of the United States, and we are ing negotiations; it is time to move forward. It is going to work as hard as necessary to accom- time to show the flexibility and common sense plish our goals. Thanks. and sense of compromise that’s necessary to achieve our goals. Permanent status negotia- NOTE: The President spoke at 12:26 p.m. at the tions must begin and begin soon. And more im- Waldorf Astoria Hotel. In his remarks, he re- portantly, we must give those negotiations the ferred to U.S. Special Envoy for Middle East opportunity to succeed. Peace George J. Mitchell. Remarks Prior to a Meeting With President Hu Jintao of China in New York City September 22, 2009 President Obama. We welcome your delega- both had excellent meetings with Chairman Wu tion to New York. I’m sorry that I didn’t have a 2 weeks ago in the White House. I should also chance to see you in L’Aquila, but your Coun- mention that Vice Premier Wang showed me cilor, Dai, did an excellent job representing his jump shot, which is excellent. [Laughter] your country. How do you say “basketball shot” in Chinese? I also have to say that I enjoyed seeing Vice [Laughter] Premier Wang as well as Councilor Dai at the As you know, I’m committed to pursuing a SED meeting. And Vice President Biden and I genuinely cooperative and comprehensive 1435.
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