TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1961 Average Daily Net Ppcaa Ron The Weather Matttitggter Eitiftting P er tlM Week Xaded FereeHt of O. K W eelharl I', •eptembw M. IM l Clearlag, pooler toalght..- ed by the Episcopal A ll Salntp’ UblMi A K L C IO ; and Jtogan Oorp. JTooeph Salaiar, a natlM> of 88 to 48, oettttMed fraet Rt Cuba, will discuss “ Comratiniam i2th Circuit Missioit until ha finlahed secondary Pfwldent Sanl M. SOvarstelii. 13,369 LayDelegatie Rogers Corp., WUrlpMl er vaOeya. TbUredey i and Catkolicism in Cuba,” at an school. Meoiber ef the After completing a two-year sec­ AeUt open mbetlnr of'th e Guild o f Our . B«u « h ^ e( OrealatleB ohol, high 80. o f Man- Lady of St. Bartholomew’s parish ondary agricultural course-and a Rogers Officials L aiii BaaRufM Manche»ter~^A City of Villafie Chatm Court Cases At St. Mary’s twro-year secondary normal school Unions Sign l|g»^»cka. iTeteraaa o f toniiht at 8 at the Buckley School. P r i c M , m L o w I W « rr l,4vOnqMMor & kltclMii course, he was assigned to teach Cited by Union MU|l.!l]UBlilky kt S pjn. at th« Hiss Marlene T. Forde, daughter Tim othy D. Chaokas, vice gov­ among hla people. He taught in Sorvleo T1iaf'« Rtfttr MLANOHE8TEB SESSION grade schools iii various parts of New Contract VOL. LXXXl, NO. 1. (THIRTY-TWO PA6£S—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1961' (Olaeelllea A ^'***hig ea 80) PRICE FIVE CENTS WW Home, Mancbeater of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Forde, ernor of the Mountain Province in Monday Caaeo the sub-province o f Bontoc for nine r*** “ ~ Htoeewai will be riven to 105 Oak St., is enrolled as a fresh­ th e' Philippines, will be a guest A labor union AirpriMd two _ VKW to kelp defray expenses Alexandier Bilta, Willimantie, years. The Rogers Corp. of Rogers, man at Simmons College, Boston. was fined 8150 for operating a , company officials last night by Of rodecoratlnr the ladies meetinc speaker at St. Marjr's Episcopal He joined the clerical force of Manchester and Willimantie and Potterton's She is a 1961 graduate of Man­ motor vehicle while under the in- Church at 9 and 11 a.m. services the Provincial Govemor’a office making them, paid up life-time ISO Oeater 81,—Cor. o f Ohoreh ~ public la Invited. Its three union locals last night Kennedy Signs chester High School. flu ^ce of alchohol. a/ter the llbOratlon of the PhiUp- honorary tneiinbers of one o f Ita Meet Friday State News on Sunday. signed a two-year contract call­ Roger Boyce of North Cov­ TTie former joumaUst and teach­ p^es in World Wkr H. He served lo < ^ . Members of W esley Circle, entry was fined WS for following er was a lay delegate from the mis­ there for nine years untU he was ing for wage Increases from 7 to Saul M. Silverstein, president, Bill with Cuts WSCS, o f South Methodist Church, too closely. sionary district of the Philippines promoted to the position of secre­ 17 cents during that span, wrlth and Milton E. Yeoman, personnel Roundup wfll meet tonight at 8 at the home Eleanor Crafts of 97 Princeton to ,the 60th general convention of tary to the Provincial Board. In dlm tor, both of Rogers Cofp., Aluminum China Cautions UN improved fringe benefits. o f Mrs. Roderick McCann, 160 St. was fined S25 for pa.ssing a the' Episcopal Church which Just this post from 1953 to 1959, he w'ere given official union cards and In School Aid Benton St. - Co-hostesses nnll be standing school bus. concluded in Detroit. demonstrated his ability in Jour­ A t Manchester, plant workers lapel pins by the United Paper- Winiows $11.95 Mrs. Robert Gordon Jr. and Mrs. George Howard of HazardvUle The 44-year-old visitor lives in nalism and administration. will have Increases up to 17 cents makers and Paperworkers Inter­ Marshall Hodge. Miss Virginia was fined *30 for speeding. Bontoc, the most central town: of Mr. Chaokes was elected .vice by 1963; in the Rogers plant, 13 national A F L -d O after the Mgn- Washington, Oct. 4 (4*)— Democratg Win Perkins will show color slides of Jerome Robert H I of 82 W. Cen­ the Cordillera Range in nortljeni governor of the province for a cents; and in the Willimantie ing of a twro-year contract at the Doors $29.95 President Kennedy has signed her vacation cruise to Nassau and ter St. was fined $15 for failure four-year term ending in 1964- Be plant, 7 cults per hour. Log Cabin In Lebanon. into law “ with extreme reluc­ Colchester Vole HalU. to obey a stop sign and $15 for is married and the father of four On average, wages w ill be boost­ Silverstein, who in 1959 wras tance” a bill containing the operating a motor vehicle without sons and one daughter. This is his ed 12 cents per hour, with cm awarded the McCauUffe Medal of Jal. Doors $59.95 Talk Donald L. McLagan, son of Mr. a license. first visit to the United States. ployes fringe benefits coming to the Diocesan Labor Institute of the remains o f his aid to educa­ Colchester, pet. 4 (JP)— ‘Bullies’ and Mrs. Richard H. McLagan. 65 George Lathrop of 42 Franklin He wdll speak in the Episcopal another two cents over the life Arichdiocese of Hartford, wras Plus lastallaUeB. tion program. Democrat Robert G. Qark Oxford St., and Christopher J. St. was fined $15 for failure to Dioceses of Michigan, Alabama, span of the contract, which ex­ cited by John M. Loiseile, presi­ The measure: (1) extends for won the post of Colchester’s McNeill, son of Mr. and Mrs. o ^ y a stop sign. Cionnectlcut, Texas and California tends from last Sunday to Oct. 1, dent of the local Oak Lodge No. 43 MANCHESTER Washington, Oct. 4 (A V -ti** “ “ •.1 two years the program oi aid for first sel'cctman yesterday by Blakely R. McNeill. 171 S. Main Robert Lee of East Hartford and before leaving for home about Dec. 1963. oi; the UPP, for "spreading the the Berlin threat and a generally school districts crowded with ' AWNING CO. President Kennedy and Soviet tougher communist stance world­ a 67-vote margin over Repub­ St., have pledged to Phi Kappa Psi Ronald Lee of 52 Cooper Hill St. 1. The new agreement between la­ gospel of mature and sophisticated children of federal personnel and PHONE M l 9-8091 Foreign Minister Andrei Gro­ wide. fraternity at Trinity College, Hart­ were fined $15 each on intoxication bor and management discontinues industrial relations.” (2) cMitinues for two years the lican Edwin Stebbins. Chen Blasts Joining the White House confer­ ford. counts. cost-of-living and productivity myko will confer Friday on- National Defense Education Act. Clark polled 967 votes to Steb­ Datid Masse, Bolton, was fined the Berlin situation. ence, which lasted about two hours', ’The former, known as the im­ bins’ 904 in the biennial town elec­ $60 for evading responsibility. A Dramatists Name plans at all plants,, but will im­ were Rusk. Secretary of Defense Four students from Manchester prove the company’s pension plan The White House announced the pacted areas program, carries tion. and Vemon are enrolled as fresh­ charge of reckless driting was Robert S. McNamara and Gen. L y­ about $300 million a year in’ U.S. Michael J. Stula, Democrat who Plan to Add to provide retirement benefits of expected appointment time today. man L. Lemnltzer, chairmen of the men at Springfield College. Spring- nolled. Production Staff Prealdentiai press secretary grants. ’The Defense Education has held the first selectman poat Jacinto Melendreraa of 14 Linden $2.25 per month per year of serv­ Joint Chiefs of Staff. Act. which provides loans to col­ field, Mass. ’They are Robert Reid, ice and 100 per cent vesting after Pierre Salinger declined to go Into for the past 10 years, declined to son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reid, St. was fined $75 for speeding. The production staff for the You’ll get a thrin, too, the nature of subjects to be -dis­ Norstad’s visit was described as lege students and aids to teaching seek another term. Jessie Morgan, Willimantie, was 15 years of service. China Reds 28 Marble St.; Marsh Potter, son Little Theatw of Menohester’s cussed. The conference was ar­ one of his frequent trips to Wash­ of science, mathematics and for­ fined $35 for speeding. Other fringe benefits are double when you see the heels, of Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood B. Pot­ ranged Os a followup to those in ington for consultation. He was re­ eign languages, has been costing iVeir WiUiam O’Connell of 109 Sum­ coming presentation of "Bom time plus holiday pay to,most em­ ported to feel that the NATO build­ about $250 million a year. Pact at Colt 9 By MAX HAKBEL80N ter, 57 Cooper HUl St.: M. J. Mc- without nails, put on with New York between Gromyko and Hartford, Oct. 4 (A>)—A 33- mit St. was fined $15 for failure to Yesterday” w-as anounced last ployes for holiday work',, lost time Secretary of State Dean Rusk. up is coming slong fairly well, al­ It was all Congress granted the Cuiry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred month-contract providing wage in­ United Nations, N. Y „ Oct. McCurry. 51 N. Elm St., all of obey a stop sign. night by Betty Lundberg, produc­ due to mutually agreed furloughs Seeking to determine whether there though some of the smiUler coun­ President of the ambitious fed- Richard Oliver of 146 Bissell St, our New AUTO-SOLER, creases totaling up to 24 cents an 4 (JP)— Nationalist China Manchester, and Art Holgerson, tion chaiiman.
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