Macintosh SE ® Overview The Macintosh® SE personal OS/2, and ProDOS formatted Card® software. HyperCard lets computer combines the com- disks. This combination of you organize information on pact design of the Macintosh capabilities makes the Macin- your computer the way you Plus with added power, faster tosh SE an excellent choice for organize it in your mind—by file access, and greater flex- use in multivendor environ- association and with unlimited ibility. ments. cross-references. It includes an internal Adding to the power and The Macintosh SE contin- expansion slot that allows you versatility of the Macintosh SE ues to offer the benefits that to customize the system to is Apple’s multitasking operat- characterize all Macintosh meet your needs, and it offers a ing system, MultiFinderTM. computers: a consistent user choice of three storage con- MultiFinder allows you to open interface and intuitive design figurations. multiple applications concur- that make the Macintosh easy The Macintosh SE uses the rently and perform background to learn and use. Apple® FDHD™ Internal Drive, a tasks—such as printing docu- The Macintosh SE is com- high-capacity 3.5-inch floppy ments on laser printers—while patible with existing Macintosh disk drive capable of reading you continue to work in an hardware and software, and 400K, 800K, and 1.4-megabyte application. lets you share files with other Macintosh disks. In addition, In addition to the system members of the Macintosh the FDHD drive lets you read software, the Macintosh SE is family of computers. from and write to MS-DOS, packaged with Apple’s Hyper- Features Benefits Macintosh SE expansion slot Allows you to customize a system with accessory access port with products such as accelerator cards, external monitor adapters, MS- DOS coprocessor cards, networking cards, communications cards, or a 5.25-inch MS-DOS disk drive control- ler card. Lets you install internal cards without modifying the system. Provides an easy way for external devices to be connected to cards plugged in to the expansion slot. ................................................................................................................................. Apple FDHD Internal Drive Provides almost twice the storage capacity of existing 800K disks (1.4 megabytes). Allows you to conveniently transfer data files between Macintosh, MS-DOS, OS/2, and Apple II systems using the Apple File Exchange software. Offers compatibility with existing 800K and 400K Macintosh disks. ................................................................................................................................. Three options for built-in Increases storage capacity with a storage: An FDHD drive and one of second internal disk drive that re- the following: a second FDHD quires no additional desk space. floppy disk drive, a Macintosh Minimizes disk swapping and, with Internal Hard Disk 20SC, or a a hard disk, provides ample storage Macintosh Internal Hard Disk 40SC for all applications and files. Significantly speeds program/data storage and retrieval using hard disk option. ................................................................................................................................. Macintosh user interface: mouse, Makes applications easy to learn icons, windows, and pull-down and intuitive. menus Provides a consistent interface across applications. Reduces training and support costs. ................................................................................................................................. Compact design with a high- Offers an economical, compact resolution 9-inch screen system that requires little requires little desk space and is easy to set up and transport. ................................................................................................................................. MultiFinder multitasking Lets you easily integrate informa- operating system tion from multiple applications by cutting and pasting. Lets you move quickly and easily between applications. Allows you to continue working with applications while performing some tasks in the background, such as print spooling to an Apple Laser- Writer® printer or downloading remote files. ................................................................................................................................. 68000 microprocessor Provides compatibility with existing Macintosh software. Features Benefits Improved processing speed Completes work such as recalcu- relative to the Macintosh Plus lations or repagination more quickly. ................................................................................................................................. 1 or 2 megabytes of RAM, ex- Lets you work with large amounts pandable to 4 megabytes (the of data, and run most available Macintosh SE with 40-megabyte hard software applications. disk comes standard with 2 mega- Provides memory-expansion bytes of RAM) options sufficient for running mul- tiple applications concurrently under MultiFinder, and for running mem- ory-intensive software applications. ................................................................................................................................. 256K of ROM that includes: The Hierarchical File System —Hierarchical File System organizes storage for documents and —Drivers for the FDHD disk drive, allows easy access to files. AppleTalk® network system, Apple The SCSI interface supports high- Desktop Bus™, and SCSI connector performance peripherals. —Macintosh Toolbox QuickDraw provides the consis- —QuickDraw™ graphics tent interface throughout the Macin- tosh family. ................................................................................................................................. Advanced graphics capability, Lets you produce professional- including on-screen integration of quality reports, newsletters, and text and graphics business forms that integrate text and graphics. Ensures fidelity between what you see on the screen and what you get on the printed page. ................................................................................................................................. Seven built-in ports (one SCSI, Makes it easy to expand your one drive, two serial, two Apple system with additional peripherals. Desktop Bus, one sound) Provides access to LocalTalk™ networks, allowing you to connect the Macintosh SE to other computers and to LaserWriter printers through the AppleTalk network system. Supports up to seven high-speed SCSI peripherals. Provides connections for Apple Desktop Bus devices, such as a keyboard, hand-controlled pointing device (such as a mouse or track- ball), or graphics tablet. ................................................................................................................................. Apple Desktop Bus interface Allows daisy-chaining of up to 16 Apple Desktop Bus devices. ................................................................................................................................. Keyboard options Apple Keyboard includes a —Apple Keyboard numeric keypad and cursor keys for —Apple Extended Keyboard efficient operation. Apple Extended Keyboard also includes 15 function keys, letting you work effectively with alternate operating systems, terminal-emula- tion programs, and other data communications applications. Product Details Configuration Upgrade path for Macintosh SE Operating system software Three Macintosh SE systems are computers with 800K disk drives Macintosh system software available: An upgrade path is available for the includes: —The Macintosh SE CPU (includes standard 68000-based Macintosh SE. —System Tools 6.0.3 or higher (the the CPU, 1 megabyte of RAM, two Macintosh operating system) and 1.4-megabyte FDHD floppy disk Expansion slot Finder™ 6.1 or higher drives, and mouse) The high-performance expansion —Printer disk (the printer drivers for —The Macintosh SE Hard Disk 20 slot supports one “SE-Bus” card. all Apple printers) CPU (includes the CPU, 1 megabyte (Note: The expansion slot is not —Utility disks, which include utilities of RAM, an internal 20-megabyte compatible with Macintosh SE/30 or such as Apple File Exchange, HD SC SCSI hard disk, one 1.4-megabyte NuBus™ expansion cards.) Setup, Disk First Aid™, and Font D/A FDHD floppy disk drive, and Mover mouse) —The Macintosh SE Hard Disk 40 HyperCard CPU (includes the CPU, 2 megabytes HyperCard software is included. of RAM, an internal 40-megabyte SCSI hard disk, one 1.4-megabyte FDHD floppy disk drive, and mouse) The keyboard and other periph- eral devices are packaged and sold separately. RAM The Macintosh SE can be up- graded to 4 megabytes of RAM. Performance Overall performance is 15 percent to 20 percent faster than that of the Macintosh Plus. Hard disk perform- ance is up to two times faster with the Macintosh SE than with the Macintosh Plus. SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) SCSI is a high-performance interface for connecting the com- puter to a hard disk and other mass- storage peripherals. Up to seven SCSI peripherals (including an internal hard disk) can be connected to the Macintosh SE. Network support The Macintosh SE serial ports include full support for connection to the AppleTalk network system. Technical Specifications Processor Mouse Clock/Calendar MC68000; 32-bit internal Mechanical tracking; CMOS custom chip with architecture; 7.83-mega- optical shaft encoding at seven-year lithium battery hertz clock speed 3.94 pulses
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