DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2020, PUNE, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM NEXT ROUND TOMORROW, GOVT EXPLORES WAY OUT FarmerunionsbegintalkswithCentre;say ` 85 per kilo notopanel,agreetorevertwithobjections ` 114 per kilo ` 139 per kilo We proposeda Haryanaally JJP suggests: ` 62 per Dozen panel, but unions Why not addaline on MSP said talk to all, Chautala said. says Agriculture SUKHBIRSIWACH Dushyant's younger brother CHANDIGARH,DECEMBER1 and JJP leader Digvijaysaid the MinisterTomar JJPwoulddecideits "futurestrat- WITH MOSTofthe 10 JJP MLAs egy"depending on talksbe- coming out in supportofthe tween farmers and the Centre. HARIKISHANSHARMA protesting farmers, theBJP ally The farmers aredemanding &LIZMATHEW in Haryana Tuesdaybackedtheir that either the MSP guarantee NEWDELHI,DECEMBER1 Farmer leaders withCabinetministers at Vigyan Bhawanin demand forassured MSP for be weaved intothe current Delhi Tuesday. Tashi Tobgyal crops. JJP chief AjaySingh farm laws or aseparatelaw be MOVINGTOresolve the standoff Chautala, the father of Haryana introducedtoensurethe same. with farmers protesting at the Deputy Chief MinisterDushyant On Tuesday, severalJJP MLAs, On adversereaction gatesofDelhi againstnewly en- Rabi sowing over, farmers Chautala, said the Centreshould some of whom have acted farm laws,the Centre consider inclusion of MSPs in the been backing the farmers' ob- openedtalksTuesdaywith farm laws."What is the problem jectionstothe new claimfrom Chennai, farmer representativeswho, have timeontheir side in writing one line?" Ajay CONTINUEDONPAGE2 while notwarming up to itssug- gestion of forming acommittee ment,onthe other hand, has Centre says no need to look into their demands, HARISHDAMODARAN ruledout anyrollback, or even BUSINESSASUSUAL agreedtocontinuethe dialogue. NEWDELHI,DECEMBER1 putting on hold the implemen- Trudeau backs protest; Following the meeting that tation of the newlaws. Forit, BY UNNY to stop vaccine trial lasted three-and-halfhours in MOSTNEGOTIATIONS startfrom theseActs, whichrelate to dis- ‘ill-informed’, says India Vigyan BhavaninNew Delhi, maximalistpositions. It mantling the monop- Union AgricultureMinister isn’t anydifferent in the olyofAPMC Ethics committee, regulatorinplace NarendraSingh Tomar,who led current standoff between ED (Agricultural Produce SHUBHAJITROY the talkswith the farmers, told the Centreand farmer MarketCommittee) NEWDELHI,DECEMBER1 to probeany adverse event, says govt reporters: “The meeting was unions over the three mandis in sale and EXPLAIN E● good, and we have decidedto agricultural reform legis- purchase of crops, en- AS CANADIAN Prime Minister ‘Situation is hold the next round of talkson lations. abling contract farm- Justin Trudeaucame out in sup- concerning’ KAUNAINSHERIFFM December 3. We wanted asmall The farmer body representa- ing and doing away withstock- portofthe protesting farmers, NEWDELHI,DECEMBER1 group to be constituted,but the tives, mostlyfromPunjab and holding restrictions in foodstuffs, India respondedsharplyon farmer leaders wanted the talks Haryana, aredemanding acom- represent astatement of itscom- Tuesdayagainst“ill-informed from India aboutthe protestby UNDERLININGTHATseveral to be held with everyone. We do pleterepeal of the “kala kanoon mitment to economic reforms. comments” on the “internal af- farmers. The situation is con- checks areinplacetotrack ad- nothaveaproblem with it.” (blacklaws)”.Ifthatisn't enough, On Monday, the Prime fairs of ademocratic country”. cerning. We areall very worried verse reactions reportedinclin- Tomar,Railway Minister theyalso want the minimum Minister, at apublic rallyin SpeakingtoCanadian-Sikh about familyand friends. We ical trials forthe Covidvaccine Piyush Goyaland Ministerof supportprice (MSP) forcrops to Varanasi,denouncedthe oppo- community leadersatanonline knowthat’s arealityfor many of candidatebeing developedby State(Commerce and Industry) be made an entitlement, with nentsofthe newlawsfor spread- event on the occasion of you. Letmeremind you, Canada Serum Institute of India(SII), the At SerumInstitute of India SPORTSPERSONSTO SomPrakash spoketorepresen- the full forceoflaw rather than a ing “misinformation” and “fear” Gurpurab, Trudeausaid: “I will always be theretodefend CentreTuesday saidits initial as- on Monday. Reuters RETURN AWARDS IN tativesof35farmer unions who merepolicy announcement. among farmers. would be remiss if Ididn’t start the rightsofpeaceful protesters. sessment “did notnecessitate PROTEST PAGE 11 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 The NarendraModi govern- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 by recognising the news coming CONTINUEDONPAGE2 stoppage” afteraChennai-based trial participant sought compen- ICMR and SII arethe Indian sation of Rs 5crore from the partners of the vaccine being de- Punecompanyfor suffering a velopedbyOxfordUniversity THE CITY “severe adverse reaction”. and AstraZeneca. On Sunday, SII DDC Phase 2: South In name of conversion, UP ‘love In itsfirstpublic remarksover had said the trial participant’s al- the notice, the government also legation was“malicious”,his said that it has no role to play in medicalconditionwas not Kashmir pulls down jihad’ law targets inter-faith unions suchclaims filedanywherein linked to the vaccine trial, and the country. “ICMR has no role in that it would seek damages of Rs Shifts burden of proof, keeps ‘allurement’ wide open endorsing or notendorsingale- 100crore. Valley turnout to 33% galclaim filedanywhere in the “What is important to re- The Uttar Pradesh Prohibition purpose of unlawful conversion” country,”Union Health Secretary member is that adverse events percentageinPulwama APURVAVISHWANATH of UnlawfulConversionof or “vice-versa” willbe“deemed Rajesh Bhushan said. do occur withdrugs, vaccines,or BASHAARAT was8.67per cent, the BENGALURU,DECEMBER1 ReligionOrdinance, 2020,prom- null and void” by afamilycourt 7-KM CHASELEADS ICMR chief Dr Balram anyother health intervention. It MASOOD,NAVEED lowest,justlikein ulgatedlastweek,in the name of unlessaprior sanction to convert POLICE TO 190-KG Bhargava said the initial assess- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 IQBAL, Phase I. SHIFTINGthe burden of proof of seeking to endconversion and marryisreceived from the SANDALWOOD ment conducted by the regula- ARUNSHARMA Compared withthe alawful religious conversion through unlawful means, specif- districtmagistrate. STASH, POSSIBLE toronthe basis of documents NOT SPOKEN OF ZAINAGEER 41 percent turnout in from the converted to his/her icallyprohibitsany conversion “Thereisnolegal basisfor SMUGGLINGRACKET sent to it by independent moni- (SOPORE),JOURIAN, the Valleyinthe first partner;defining “allurement” formarriage, even if it is with the prohibiting conversions, even toring bodies “did notnecessi- VACCINATING ENTIRE DECISION PAGE 6 DECEMBER1 2020 phase, the Election in sweeping terms; disregarding consent of the individual except solely formarriage,” said Jayna tate stoppageofthesetrials”. COUNTRY: GOVT P12 J&K Commission said onlya agency of the person converting; when prior sanctionisobtained Kothari, senior advocateand co- AFTER AN encouraging DISTRICT, thirdoftotal voters cast different jail terms depending on from the state. founderofCentrefor Lawand firstphase of the LOCAL POLLS their votesinthe sec- gender;legitimising the intru- Section 3ofthe Ordinance, Policy Research,aBengaluru- DistrictDevelopment ond phase. In Jammu, sion of the stateand thirdparties being seenasatemplatebymany basedlegal advocacygroup. “By Naval version of BrahMos tested from Council (DDC) polls, the the turnoutwas significantly in the choice of who an individ- BJP-ruledstates, prohibitsany involvingthe state, the police Kashmir Division sawadip in higher at 65.54per cent, placing ual wishestomarry –the new unlawful conversion and conver- and the familyofthe individuals voter turnoutintwo districtsin the overall poll percentageofthe Uttar Pradesh “love jihad law” sion generallyfor marriage. Its seeking to marry,the lawat- destroyer warship in BayofBengal south —Anantnag and Shopian Union territoryat48.62 percent. raises severalquestions of Section 6specifies that “anymar- tempts to onlystopall inter-faith —inthe second phase. Polling CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Constitutional propriety. riagethat takesplace forthe sole CONTINUEDONPAGE2 EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE PUNE, DECEMBER 1 MAHARASHTRA: GRADUATES’ &TEACHERS’ CONSTITUENCY POLLS Public office hastoface criticism, THE NAVALversion of the BrahMos missile wassuccess- Despite pandemic, Pune dist fullytest-firedonTuesday allow youth to express: Bombay HC morning from the Indian sees higher voter turnout Navy’s Rajput-class destroyer Holey(38), aNaviMumbai resi- ing to public mischief)and 153A INS Ranvijay, hitting adecom- voting percentagesaw aconsid- EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE dent who wasbooked by the (promotingenmity between dif- missionedtargetshipinthe EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE erable jumpcompared to the MUMBAI,DECEMBER1 MumbaiandPalgharpoliceforal- ferent groups) of the Indian Penal BayofBengal,aspartofaseries PUNE,DECEMBER1 percentagerecordedduringthe legedly makingoffensive remarks Code and provisions of the IT Act. of testsofthe supersonic cruise lastelection six years ago, said STATINGTHATa“publicofficeina on social media againstChief On October30, thecourthad missile. ‘The missile performedhighlycomplexmanoeuvres and hit VOTINGFOR the graduates' and election officials. democracy” has to face criticism, MinisterUddhavThackeray and directed Holeytoappear before
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