5 October 2014 No 23/24 ISSN 1664-7963 Current Concerns PO Box CH-8044 Zurich Current Concerns Switzerland The international journal for independent thought, ethical standards, moral responsibility, Phone: +41 44 350 65 50 Fax: +41 44 350 65 51 and for the promotion and respect of public international law, human rights and humanitarian law E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.currentconcerns.ch English Edition of Zeit-Fragen “Where there are conflicts, we have a very important role” The long Swiss humanitarian tradition Interview with Ambassador Martin Dahinden thk. At the end to global challenges such as food securi- What we have accomplished is that we of the month ty, water scarcity or climate change. Fur- are now more broadly supported than be- September the thermore, there are many events that have fore. Today, there is less criticism on the Director of the shaped this time. In 2008, the financial development cooperation. The Parliament Swiss Agen- and economic crisis began, and we saw has increased the credits. This is an ac- cy for Devel- the great humanitarian catastrophe in knowledgment of our work and the im- opment and Haiti, the Arab spring and the outbreak of provements we have made. For me per- Cooperation the conflict in Syria. These were all im- sonally, it is also a success that we have (SDC), Am- portant events in this period. A milestone done well in the examination of the OECD bassador Mar- that I particularly like to remember was countries. The OECD has acknowledged tin Dahinden, the 50th anniversary of the SDC. During that the two bodies, the SECO and the is leaving Swit- one year, namely 2011, we have reflect- SDC, which operate the Federal Govern- Martin Dahinden zerland and is ed the history of our organisation in 50 ment’s development work, do a very good (picture thk) new Swiss Am- to 100 events. There I talked to different job. bassador to the people who played a role in different stag- USA. Despite his big workload and his es in the history of the SDC. This was also You had previously mentioned the work planning of the move to the USA he gave the occasion to think about half a century, in fragile contexts. I think, this is an ac- “Current Concerns” the opportunity for where we came from, what we’ve accom- cent that was developed during your ten- an interview in which he answers ques- plished and where we want to go. ure. What has caused the SDC to engage tions about his work with SDC and more in such a difficult environment? This generally about development coopera- After 6 years you have certainly drawn is something unique, I do not know any tion. a balance. What was successful, what country that engages in such contexts. wasn’t? What have been the important There are two main reasons. In the past Current Concerns: After 6 years you will steps in the development of the SDC for few years we saw in conflict regions, in be leaving the SDC and will be Swiss Am- you? What has given you the most satis- fragile contexts, that no progress has been bassador to the USA. To me it seems a faction? made as to curbing poverty. If your man- big step from the commitment in develop- What I take with me and what I like to date is to overcome poverty, you come to ing countries to Ambassador in an eco- remember, these are especially the many the conclusion that the commitment must nomically advanced country. How do you encounters I had on site with differ- be intensified. The second is that Switzer- feel about that? ent people. I have come to places where land does not pursue any power politics Martin Dahinden: The work in the USA you do not get otherwise: To the slums and thus has opportunities at its disposal will be quite different from the work here in Latin America, to regions of disas- that other countries do not have. Take Af- at the SDC, that is quite clear. But given ter such as Haiti immediately after the ghanistan: When a country is engaged in my background I am a diplomat and I have earthquake, Afghanistan, etc. In addi- a military conflict, it certainly has fewer had a lot of different missions. That’s the tion, there are the many encounters with opportunities to act in a humanitarian one side, the other is, of course, that I was the people there, the conversations, the context simultaneously. But there is also concerned with the USA in different situ- disputes. This sticks in my memory. It is fragility that has nothing to do with con- ations, they played a big role in all regions important when working in Berne that flicts of this latter type, such as in Haiti. where we were working. Also, many is- you always stay in contact with the af- But where there are conflicts, we have a sues that have preoccupied me as Director flicted people in the countries and ulti- very important role to play. This builds on of SDC, will occupy me in the future, in- mately see and visualize why our work is the long Swiss humanitarian tradition, of cluding financial market issues, free trade, useful. The second, and this is very ob- course. etc. As a director I did not “just” have to vious, are all the colleagues here. We are deal with the projects and programes. But working in this framework, in a team. This is also a plea for neutrality, against obviously, it is a different task. It is a very big team. This is also what embedding Switzerland in a power block. troubles me most, leaving all the staff be- The neutrality gives us room for maneu- What did you perceive as the greatest hind. I was very impressed by the profes- vre. We are perceived as a country that challenge in the last 6 years with SDC? sionalism and above all by the great dedi- has no hidden agenda and pursues no There were a number of different chal- cation of the staff who were able to adapt power politics. This is an important scope lenges. One of the bigger ones was to pre- to difficult environments. The people at of action and should be exploited. pare the SDC for two new core themes, the SDC work out of conviction. This is which we are pursuing now. One is the not just some job. This has influenced the greater engagement in fragile contexts, culture of the entire organisation. I ap- and the other is to make a contribution preciated that very much. continued on page 3 No 23/24 5 October 2014 Current Concerns Page 2 Making the world more humane by Thomas Kaiser What started with the desperate cry “Tutti neva Convention reflects the first attempt to that peace and justice can only be attained fratelli” – “all brothers” and the spontane- set limits to war by rules. This is still an im- if the people want it and also demand it. ous care for the wounded after the bloody portant humanitarian cause today, but also a Hence everyone is needed, we all can con- battle of Solferino in 1859 found its liter- corner stone for the rule of law.” Thus Mar- tribute to the realisation of this great goal, ary and humane reflection in the book “A tin Dahinden outlined the close connec- if we want to. Just as Wilhelm Tell said in Memory of Solferino”, published by the tion between the rule of law principle and the desperate situation of the people of Uri Swiss travelling salesman Henry Dunant in the humanitarian commitment of Switzer- in Friedrich Schiller’s drama: “Hands built 1862. In his writing, the author suggested land. Switzerland was the leading nation it; hands can tear it down”. Which simply the foundation of an international aid organ- in working out the next three Geneva Con- means that humans can decide their own isation providing relief for the unspeakable ventions; it has convened the correspond- fate: what humans have created, humans sufferings of the wounded on the battlefield, ing diplomatic conferences and it has a spe- can change. This conviction determined the with the help of volunteers. Any wound- cial obligation as depositary state. Federal commitment of Jean Mohr, who at almost ed soldier, friend or foe, should be consid- Councillor Didier Burkhalter, OSCE Chair- 90 years of age can now look back at an im- ered a human being who should receive the person-in-Office, in his speech at the NATO pressive work, in which he touches humans necessary aid, for the sake of charity and summit in Newpoint, demanded that a solu- with his pictures and inspires them to act. compassion. To realize this vision, Dunant tion of the Ukraine conflict may never be a The exhibition is impressive and espe- founded, as early as 1863, an organisation, military one but one based on negotiations cially recommendable in the context of the International Committee for Relief to which can only be found “with Russia” and peace education at school. On its home- the Wounded which later entered history may not be directed “against Russia”. This page, the Swiss Federal Department for as the “International Committee of the Red is just the spirit in keeping with the Swiss Foreign Affairs FDFA provides concepts Cross”, short ICRC. It were the founders of humanitarian tradition which is oriented to- for how to work on the subject with stu- this now largest international aid organisa- wards peace and negotiations and not to- dents.
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