Cooperative Extension Bringing the University to You Home Landscaping Guide Western Area Offices Incline Village/Washoe County John Cobourn, Water Resource Specialist 865 Tahoe Blvd., Suite 110 for P.O. Box 8208 Incline Village, NV 89452-8208 Phone: (775) 832-4144 Email: [email protected] Lake Tahoe and Vicinity Reno/Washoe County Home Landscaping Guide for Lake Tahoe and Vicinity and Tahoe Lake for Guide Landscaping Home Kerrie Badertscher, Horticulturist Sue Donaldson, Water Quality Specialist 5305 Mill St. P.O. Box 11130 Reno, NV 89520-0027 Home Landscaping Guide for Lake Tahoe and Vicinity Phone: (775) 784-4848 SPONSORED BY: Douglas County Steve Lewis, Extension Educator Backyard Conservation Program of: Ed Smith, Natural Resource Specialist Nevada Tahoe Conservation District 1329 Waterloo Lane Tahoe Resource Conservation District Gardnerville, NV 89410 USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service P.O. Box 338 Minden, NV 89423-0338 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region Phone: (775) 782-9960 California Tahoe Conservancy Carson City/Storey County JoAnne Skelly, Extension Educator Incline Village General Improvement District, Waste Not 2621 Northgate Lane, Suite 15 Carson City, NV 89706-1619 Lake Tahoe Environmental Education Coalition Phone: (775) 887-2252 .Nevada Division of Environmental Protection Nevada Division of State Lands, Lake Tahoe License Plate Program Tahoe Regional Planning Agency University of California Cooperative Extention University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Mission of Cooperative Extension To discover, develop, disseminate, preserve and Cooperative Extension use knowledge to strengthen the social, eco- Bringing the University to You nomic and environmental well-being of people. Educational Bulletin–06–01 (Replaces EB–02–01 & EB–00–01) $5.00 Who to Call for Help Acknowledgments If you live in California: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection ............(530) 541-1989 www.fire.ca.gov The authors wish to thank all the people and organizations who helped make this book a reality. A California Poison Control System ................................................(800) 222-1222 www.calpoison.org California Tahoe Conservancy ......................................................(530) 542-5580 www.tahoecons.ca.go few of the major contributors are acknowledged below: City of South Lake Tahoe Building Department ........................(530) 542-6010 www.cityofslt.us City of South Lake Tahoe Planning Division ..............................(530) 542-6020 www.cityofslt.us ♦ Reviewers. We thank the reviewers for their painstaking efforts to improve Earth 911 (Environmental Hotline) ..............................................(877) EARTH911 www.earth911.org El Dorado County Building Department ....................................(530) 573-3330 www.co.el-dorado.ca.us the drafts of this publication. They include: Larry Benoit, Laird Blackwell, Pam Lahontan Water Quality Control Board ......................................(530) 542-5400 Drum, Steve Goldman, Steve Harcourt, Jennifer Heath, Alan Heyvaert, Jon Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, U.S. Forest Service.........(530) 543-2600 ext. 0 www.fs.fed.us/r5/ltbmu Lake Tahoe Environmental Education Coalition (LTEEC) / Hoefer, Michael Hogan, Jay Kehne, Lauri Kemper, Richard Kentz, Bob McDow- University of Nevada Cooperative Extension .....................(775) 832-4150 www.lteec.org ell, John Pang, Dave Roberts, Jill Sarick, Jim Smitherman, Margaret Solomon, League to Save Lake Tahoe ............................................................(530) 541-5388 www.keeptahoeblue Jan Steinmann, Sherm Swanson, Paul Sweeney, Karen Terrill, Mark Walker, National Pesticide Information Center ........................................(800) 858-7378 npic.orst.edu Natural Resources Conservation Service ....................................(530) 543-1501 ext. 3 www.nrcs.usda.gov Bruce Warden, Daryl Witmore and Dan Yori. .................................................................................................... www.soils.usda.gov Pesticide Accident Hotline (CHEMTREC) ..................................(800) 424-9300 www.chemtrec.com ♦ Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. We wish to thank the TRPA for their sup- (material safety information, spills, leaks, etc.) .......................... port from start to finish. In addition to Pam Drum, we received assistance from Placer County Building Department ...........................................(530) 581-6280 www.placer.ca.gov Sierra Watershed Education Partnerships (SWEP) ....................(530) 412-2585 www.4swep.org Marianne Boccuzzi, Jerry Dion, Brendan Ferry, Matthew Graham, Liz Harrison, South Tahoe Public Utility District ...............................................(530) 544-6474 www.stpud.us Jesse Jones, Jon Paul Kiel, Joe Pepi, Doug Smith, Mike Solt, Jerry Wells and Tahoe City Public Utility District ..................................................(530) 583-3796 www.tcpud.org Birgit Widegren. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Erosion Control Team ........(775) 588-4547 ext.202 www.tahoebmp.org Tahoe Resource Conservation District .........................................(530) 543-1501 ext.113 www.tahoercd.org ♦ The Plant List Committee. Thank you to the committee for devoting many UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center .....................(530) 583-3279 terc.ucdavis.edu University of California Cooperative Extension, ...................... hours to reviewing the TRPA Plant List. Its members include: Larry Benoit, El Dorado County ....................................................................(530) 621-5502 ceeldorado.ucdavis.edu Julie Etra, Michael Hogan, Wayne Johnson, Jenny Leach, Dick Post, JoAnne If you live in Nevada: Skelly and Sara Trebilcock. Douglas County Building Department ........................................(775) 782-6224 www.co.douglas.nv.us Earth 911 (Environmental Hotline) ..............................................(877) EARTH911 www.earth911.org ♦ University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Staff and Former Staff. Thank Incline Village General Improvement District, WASTE NOT ..(775) 831-8603 www.wastenotcommunity.org you to the following staff members who contributed to this project: Julie Bradt, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, U.S. Forest Service.........(530) 543-2600 ext. 0 www.fs.fed.us/r5/ltbmu Lake Tahoe Environmental Education Coalition (LTEEC) / .....(775) 832-4150 www.lteec.org Ella Chavez, Alice Good, Karen Hinton, Moureen Kiriaze, Heather Segale, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Claudene Wharton and Greg Wilson. League to Save Lake Tahoe ............................................................(530) 541-5388 www.keeptahoeblue.org National Pesticide Information Center ........................................(800) 858-7378 npic.orst.edu ♦ Photographs. Thanks to the following people who submitted photos: Laird Nevada Division of Environmental Protection ..........................(775) 687-4670 ndep.nv.gov Blackwell, John Cobourn, Michael Hogan, Wayne Johnson, Sven Krenvald, Nevada Division of Forestry .........................................................(775) 849-2500 forestry.nv.gov Nevada Tahoe Conservation District ...........................................(775) 586-1610 ext.28 www.ntcd.org Christy Malone and Ed Smith. Nevada Water Suppliers Association ...........................................(775) 832-1284 www.nevadatahoewater.org Parasol Community Collaboration Environment Team ............(775) 298-0118 www.parasol.org ♦ Vendors. We wish to thank Candice Kiel, the Write TYPE, for layout and Pesticide Accident Hotline (CHEMTREC) .................................. design; Rick Cooper for graphics, and Bear Industries of Sparks, Nevada, for (material safety information, spills, leaks, etc.) ...................(800) 424-9300 www.chemtrec.com printing. Tahoe Interagency Information Management System ..............(775) 588-4547 ext.208 www.tiims.org Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Erosion Control Team ........(775) 588-4547 ext.202 www.tahoebmp.org University of Nevada Cooperative Extension ............................(775) 832-4150 www.unce.unr.edu University of Nevada Pesticide Information ..............................(775) 784-1931 Cover Photograph Washoe County Building Department ........................................(775) 832-4150 www.co.washoe.nv.us/bldgsafety Washoe Poison Center ....................................................................(800) 222-1222 www.oregonpoison.org by Imre de Pozsgay, Weed Warriors .................................................................................(775) 784-4848 www.unce.unr.edu Reno Color Lab Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste (See also Page 140) The information in this book is true and complete to the best of our knowledge. All recommendations Lake Valley Fire District, Tahoe Paradise ....................................(530) 577-3737 www.lvfpd.org are made without guarantee on the part of the authors. The authors and publisher disclaim any liability South Tahoe Refuse, South Lake Tahoe .......................................(530) 541-5105 incurred in connection with the use of this information. Tahoe-Truckee Sierra Disposal, Tahoe City .................................(530) 583-0148 WASTE NOT Hotline, Incline Village ..........................................(775) 831-8603 www.ivgid.org For Plant Materials, call a local nursery Home Landscaping Guide for Lake Tahoe and Vicinity Written by: John Cobourn, Bill Carlos, John Christopherson,
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