„-^t.. i.'- ' ^. ARCHIVES U428 C9 1936c. 1 North Georgia College CYCLOPS i\ :^"m.' :|4 •-' ^ n \ .^i ''^1. ^nK fc ^fi^ i/?f^-i -",- x" ov^'^' -=^%i„ T ..*^ \ P^l' ' r. .-;^»-!^-:V^-' vBf^ : r 7^ 1936 PRESENTED BY THE STUDENT BODY OF THE r '-^ -^ < '^">»*m < . '^Sy ^i^^ ^ c 'V, ^^ ^ ^ DEDICATED TO PROFESSOR JOHN DURHAM ANTHONY Sound scholar and skillful teacher in his chosen field of science. Many students have profited from contact with his powerful and independent personality, and have caught fronn him glimpses of the satisfaction to be had from the pursuit of learning. He pos- sesses a refreshing open-mindedness towards the changing stand- ards of our modern complex civilization. Professor Anthony is a iberal in the truest and best sense of the term. r ^ E N ':;* f »4irrr^i> > .1 ««»tS'» office '-' Portia a« "'^ ^^« seorS^* ^ ^3 -^''' ^^^ '^ ,ng oi suitors «»'"' 8.114 £ »«!' .^oH .936 ttay 1, NINA AULTMAN F. ANGELSBERG J. D. ANTHONy, B.S., M.A. Secretary Director of the Band Professor of Biology p.<^"-ft-> <- it' j W. D. BOOTH, B.S., M.A. J. C. BARNES, B.S. Assistant Professor of English Professor of Mathematics M. I. BOWMAN, A.B., M.S. MRS. W. E. BROACH ssistant Professor of Science and Instructor in Home Economics Mathematics -1 '.iSMk 41^ ri \ P. D. BUSH, B.S., A.M. CAMILLUS J. DISMUKES, Professor of English A.B., M.A. Professor of French CAPT. KIRBV GREEN, Inf. (D.O.L.) Professor of Military Science and Tactics SGT. R. S. McCONNELL Inf. (D.E.M.L.) Assistant Professor Military Science and Tactics THOMAS S. LOGAN, LUCy MONDAY B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Dean of Women Professor Physical Science and Chemistry JOSEPHINE STROTHER, A.I Librarian J. C. SIMMONS, Ph.B., M.A. R. W. STEPHENS, A.B. Professor of Education Coach of Athletics "-"^ Resistrar j.^Slflt^^'sK! .4^ BOWERS ^^ ^^ ^-- feURCH LIDDELL TOM NEESE BOGGS DANIELSVILLE, GEORGIA Sigma Theta, I, 2, Vice-President, 2; Secretary and Treasurer Sergeants' doll Club, 2, Orchestra, I, 2; Glee e Oft Club, I, 2; Quartet, I, 2; Sergeant Band, 2. Company hW„,. - Behold! A budding soloist and romanticist. Besides h ,\lh ed having o> distinguished himself as a popular student '- '''ce.p,, sort .. ^tt ''°/iJtan( <^apta,„.n, , , ..wM 2. '^'"-'•'es.den,; "Tommie" has found it possible to shiver in the " wome, at h" Loncga snows ard bask in the Florida sun (or daugh- "pull ed no ter) at the same time. ^^ ^aga^'" t'-'"i,. '^"' to ^"d yo„. treat w '" "-e MELL E. BOOTH W ^m. T** «R"' WILLIAM R. BOWERS, JR. ADEL, GEORGIA % TOCCOA, GEORGIA Rex, I, 2, President, 2; /. jma Theta Pledge, I, Officers' M. C. A., 2; "Ntr I, 2, President, I; Secretary Freshman ub, 2; Glee Club, I, 2; Orchestra, Class; Vice-President Sophomore Class; I. 2j 2nd Lieutenant Band, 2. President Sergeants' Club, 2; Speech ell could never have made the pop- Forum, 2; Glee Club, 2; BUGLER Staff, ir hit which he has made on the 2; Decora, I; Dramatic Club, I, 2, mpus without his original wit and President, 2; Isl Sergeant Band, 2. aracteristic "top hats." We predict The best "all-round" fellow on the s accomplished musician will go campus! Listing his activities seems places and get things. to be "nuf sed." CLYDE E. BRYAN JAMES R. BRAY JOE E. BROWN GEORGIA CRAWFORD, GEORGIA TRION, GEORGIA TIFTON, I, 2. y. M. C. A. Cabinet, 2; Corporal "A" Company, 2. Sigma Theta Pledge, I, 2; Company "A", Band, I, 2. of silence, though If you ever sec a quiet reserved dome on the bench Clyde's first quarter here was one indu:triousness are the gospel of >,...etrating If hard work ar.d in some future courtroom, look twice— it may be after getting his vocal box in tunc, his the gospel. He's one of progress then Roy knows Judge Joe E., our quiet philosopher who has dili- voice wil! never be forgotten on u. H. U. S. The the quietest— yet best naturcd and cheerful men in gently spent every extra moment in furthering his edu- "Deacon" has settled down this year with the hopes he's can v school. If "putting out" gets a guy places— cation. He is bound for a successful career; Bon of soon "settling down," and the best we practically there. chance, Joe E. for him is success in his future endeavors. L ^»l|ii»' KRESS BURRELL BlUy MARBLE HILL, GEORGIA BURT GEORGIA ,^,vaU, ^^^^^^^ r, I, 2; y. M. C. A., I; Glee Club, I; Decora, I; "ex, '^'"'^. ,, , , GEORG/A '^ t""' "0' : •> , R-,«e BUGLER Staff, I; Company "B," I, 2. Sophon^o,; cu'^'-^- ^; y. ». / Geor- ''"''' ' , B." came to us as an innocent little North '. Spee, ' 2. V-;:"- " "-orum /'easurer ;"-;P'es,de„t, n, from the "marble hills." College has broadened J , "ramatic Oecora /. a,'' "'^matic ^- G.' personality, and his individuality has attracted Seant , >, '>a^*<^*>=^" company. „,.,„i G. Cub, ^, One of 'Co.pany.T"^'^"- ny friends. Only a chosen few can master "Little ' ''est n- "" tured Reserved te-v"'^. • ve " ed Riding Hood" as eloquently as can "K. B." an'^j ,o, H •Quiet He 9°" "f^'^ peop .«'"• *"' ;_ ^ayms,,„ng ^_; ^, Thin V in " :---^rane-"-tra: earls of "* SARA CARLTON HARTWELL, GEORGIA LORENZO "DUCKy • CARLTON Corona, 2; Piedmont, I. UNION POINT, GEORGIA "Speak clearly, if you speak at all; Corporals' Sigma Theta, I, 2; President Carve every word before you let it Club, 2; Corporal "B" Company 2. fall." friendly, dignified man- "Ducky" in his Although a newcomer this year, Sara ner has left an indelibly v»ritten record has won a place with her quiet man- soldier. as a good student, friend and ner, and sweet ways. With these man. Napoleon, too, was a little characteristics she can't miss success. GEORGE R. CHAMBERS LEONARD CLARKE RANGER, GEORGIA HARTWELL, GEORGIA y. M. C. A., I, 2; Corporals' Club, 2; Corporal "B" 2: Si rgeants' Club, 2; Staff Sergeant, ALINE COUCH Company. "Clarke " has carried th Regimental Colors w ell this George's two-year evolution has been an interesting year, besides establishing hir s an accomplished DOUGHERTy, GEORGIA process to watch. From the quiet, timid soul has barber. Though rather quiet gal-shy" his Fresh- "Kindness— nobler ever than revenge." emerged a well-rounded college career, capable of man year, he has broken from ranks this year am holding the esteem and respect of all his associates. has fallen hard. Just "Klip" up the good work ol xiom is typical of Alines quiet and rescrv Best of luck. Chambers! boy, we're for yuh! 'S. She has been a good and loyal student. ^^H^^^^ CLARK DAVIS '^^^E GRIFFIN, GEORGIA d/lurd M Sigma Theta, I, 2; Rifle Ttam, 2; Sergeants' Club, 2; 5ei9«« Glee Club, 2: Decora, I; Sergeant "A" Company, 2. Piedm, "Xou "Skinny" is one of those versatile cfiaps who seems ""not do ""' able to do everything v>ell. He has a keen mind, '"' '"' rig,,., °' swell personality. find o"' ^' pe,sonal.tY, weakness for G. S. C. W. and a ^id love fo, .. Sal" * •''^ In th of cha "C. M." proved to be a necessity for the successful '°'"' '""' '"'"y friend. batUlion-^ trips taken by "Booth's Song-birds" (as was the case «» fo' > Brenau). It is such instances as this tha» will cause ut never to forget him. BILLY EVANS ALICE GRACE DRISKELL BARTOW, GEORGIA GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA Sigma Theta, I, 2; Orchestra, I, 2; "Ho it be, it to Bugler, 2; Corporal Band, 2. ris only noble to be good." Despite his quiet and casual manner, is friendly girl, :c a quiet and Billy could "call" every morning dur- for unchanging ways and aptness ing the year and have the whole 3oks makes her a model student. battalion respond "pronto." His talent and musical ability is an asset and have helped him achieve his likeable qualities. CHARLES WILLIAM FIELDS ROCKY FACE, GEORGIA LOUIS J. FOWLER HORACE FUNDERBURK, JR. Rex, I, 2; Rifle Team, I, 2; Officers' Club, 2; Speech Forum, I; Glee Club, I, 2; Dramatic Club, I, 2; "D" STONE MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA Club, I, 2; Basketball Manager, 2; Baseball Manager, y. M. C. A., 2; Corporals' Club, 2; Corporal "B" y. M. C. A., 2; Musketry Team, I; Sergeants' Club, 2; Staff Lieutenant, 2. 2; Sergeant 2. Company, 2. "B" Company, In "Top" the Class of '36 his a great personality. "Silence is Golden," and "Brevity is the Soul of In our educated "circles" it is generally conceded Though his witticism and tall tales have rather quietly Wit," are two maxims which may well be applied that Horace has the "stuff" it takes, and he has subsided since Lady Luck snatched from him the "one to Louis. His lack of interest in the weaker sex won the esteem and respect of even our inimitable and only." Charley is just marking time 'til he can gives him more time for his books which helps explain "Daddy" Barnes. His superior qualities have made get through Kelly Field and can march up to the his high academic rating. for him many friends who wish him the best nt lurk. altar and hear her say—"I do!" ^^ ^^ ^h ^^^ ^B^| > inT^ A BEM GAY GRACE GAR^tJ^ HM.>e MADISON, GEORGIA GAlNE^ViaE, "^^^^^^^^^^^^ be." ^^ Ccmpan,npany "A,""A." I, 2,2. ....c...,,;--o^...o«.,r ' ^""^ ' o' '' C°'ona, mv one °"' he ,, J. oentleness j is Ben's quiet and retiring nature (forgetting that ^ . , "''* ' succeed. •onomi( „n.al d.sP«'*'°: '"he. to ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ .^ ^^^ ,ire-cracker escapade) has helped Club has lo°'> Hattie J^^^^^ y/e him Hv, „p to that old adage, 'earning while loyal 's most learning;" arid has helped him make some real Joh friends while here.
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