Read Genesis 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Gen 1:1 Scientists often discover “earth-like” planets, such as the planet Gliese 581d. Astronomers believe it has liquid oceans, an atmosphere, and would be habitable. The problem with these assumptions is that astronomers haven’t actually seen the surface of Gliese 581d through a telescope. The planet is 120 trillion miles away and scientists can only prove its existence by watching it pass as a shadow in front of stars or by watching wobbles in the gravity of other objects as it passes near. I love star trek as much as the next person, but the Bible is clear that the earth and humans are special and that aliens are pure fiction. The purpose of God in creating the vastness of space, including other planets and stars, is to get our attention. Earth is God's masterpiece and He filled it alone with life. The idea of intelligent life out in space is certainly an exciting one, but the reality is, humans have the universe all to themselves. If we were to build star trek type ships and fly around in space, we would never be attacked or meet anyone new. Next time you hear about evolution or the big bang, just remember this: those are ways that unbelievers try to put all of creation into one box. The Bible says there were two: God unpacked the heavens, and separately God unpacked the earth. We are not here by accident, but by purpose. Are you living a life of purpose for God, or wandering like an aimless accident? Look at your calendar. Do you see any kingdom-building tasks on it for the day? If not, you’re wandering. God has a plan with your name on it, which He laid out before the first rock of earth was ever formed. Ask God today to remind you of your purposes for Him, and ask Him to help you fulfill His plans for your life. Read Genesis 2 The man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the sky, and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. Gen 2:20 We often hear that humans are no different and no better than animals. However, after God made all the animals and the first man, it became apparent that man was different. Adam saw and named all the animals. He may have liked the dog or the horse, but they couldn’t speak with him and certainly didn’t understand him. He needed a helper, a companion, who could listen and be listened to. So God made Eve, forming her from a rib from the man. God didn’t make her out of a foot, because she is not a slave to the man. He made her from a rib, indicating that the woman stands right alongside the man in a covenant (a word meaning “promise”) marriage relationship. The world has a perverted view of how we came into existence; so to say that the woman is a helper to the man is viewed by people as an outdated teaching of the Bible. The word suitable helper means "corresponding helper". This was the first marriage, as God united Adam and Eve in a one-on-one relationship. A man cannot marry another man, because he is not suitable for the relationship. He doesn't correspond to, or compliment the man, because he already is one. God has provided a wonderful plan, and the world would like to see Christians willingly relax the rules of marriage. However, marriage doesn't belong to us, but to God who created it. We are to respect it, and recognize two things: it's a relationship between a man and a woman, and it's a relationship of side-by-sideness with the wife being a suitable helper for the man and the man being a suitable helper for the woman. If you are married, are you being a helper to your spouse? Are you engaging him/her in regular conversation? Do you pray with and for them? And if you’re hoping to marry someday, what are you looking for in a spouse? Are you looking for a servant, or someone you can serve? Recognize now that marriage is a partnership, in which love and service are shared. Read Genesis 3 The man said, "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate." Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" And the woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." Genesis 3:12-13 I love being a father for a variety of reasons. One of them is because God likes to use my kids to give me something to talk about! I've learned that children all have one instinct in common: when punishment is coming, blame someone else. When Kaitlyn was younger, she often tried to tell me that she had taken one of her brother's toys because he wouldn't give it to her. Do you hear it? She's saying, "It's not my fault, my brother made me steal that toy from him." When we spank one of our children we usually ask "Whose fault is it that you're getting a spanking?" They say it’s theirs, because we’ve taught them we’re only punishing them because their choice required it. Adam and Eve played the blame game here, but their situation does teach us an important truth: One day we'll all have to give an account to God for our sins. They were hiding, trying to avoid punishment and God found them. David wrote of this in Psalm 139:7 saying, “where can I flee from Your presence?" God presents them with their sin, and they present Him with excuses. Was Adam correct that Eve influenced him to sin? Yes. Was Eve correct that the serpent, namely Satan, influenced her to sin? Yes. Does God care? No. Ultimately you have a responsibility for your own actions. God's not looking for excuses, but he's looking for payment of the sin debt you owe. A lost person standing before God after death, will probably play the blame game and tell God why someone made them do it. As a saved person, I admit readily that I am a sinner. However, I accepted Jesus who paid the penalty for my sins, and I will not stand before God condemned to Hell, but admitted to Heaven. If you're blaming others for your poor decisions, stop it! o one made you get mad. o one made you choose immorality. You chose it on your own. You'll never grow as a Christian until you learn to admit you are a sinner on a regular basis, and ask God to make you more like Christ. And you can never do that until you give your life to Jesus and allow Him to be the Savior and Lord of each of your days. Read Genesis 4 Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? 7 "If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it." Gen 4:6-7 I read a disturbing story about a young Christian couple. The man seemed so loving and committed to Jesus, but after their marriage, he began drinking and abusing his wife regularly (sidenote: She must have ignored some warning signs. This is an unnatural change for a believer). She went to her pastor and told him she just couldn't believe how this guy had changed and she felt like God led her to marry this man. The pastor told her not to blame God, because He didn't know this guy would make these choices and hurt their marriage. God didn't know!? This is a really low view of God, placing Him no more in the loop than the average gossip hound. God knows the future, and He gives Christians opportunities to avoid sin and consequences by convicting us of our sin right away. That's what He did with Cain. Cain was very upset that Abel's offering was considered better than his. God knew what the results of that attitude would be, and He warned Cain of his attitude and that the attitude would lead to further sin. Instead of admitting his sin, he holds onto his hatred and kills his brother. As a result of that sin, Cain lived in fear of his life, and had to move away from his family. God knows you, and when you feel conviction from God regarding an area of your life, listen to him. He's not only trying to help you avoid the sin, but the consequences of the sin. God is fully aware of everything at all times, so listen when He speaks. Don’t buy the Devil’s lie that this sin won’t hurt anything. Today, ask God to forgive you for the times you ignored His conviction. Ask Him to reveal your sin to you, so that you may turn from it and avoid the consequences. At the very moment that something pops into your mind, no matter how trivial the sin may seem (like the time I yelled at the school bus that was making too many stops in front of me…a real lack of patience), repent and commit to a different course of action for next time.
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