Maria AliceBaptiste Ba Emmanuelrriga Geirinhas Parente Enes dos Santos Como Eu SouBaptiste Assim Emmanuel, Mapeamento Parente Enes Visual na PrActuationimeira PStrategiesessoa: forDocumento Underactuated e Índice ActuationHands: BetterStrategies Functionality & Better for Anthropomorphism Underactuated Dissertação de Doutoramento em Arte Contemporânea, orientada pelo Professor Doutor António José Olaio Correia de Carvalho e pelo Professor Doutor Carlos Vidal Hands:BetterTenes Oliveira Caseiro e ap resentadaFunctionality ao Colégio das Artes da Universidade de Coimbra& Better Dissertation presented to the University of Coimbra in order to complete the necessary requirements to Anthropomorphismobtain the Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering Maio de 2013 Dissertation presented to the UniversitySeptember of Coimbra 2014 in order to complete the necessary requirements to obtain the Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering September 2014 i Baptiste Emmanuel Parente Enes Actuation Strategies for Underactuated Hands: Better Functionality & Better Anthropomorphism Dissertation presented to the University of Coimbra in order to complete the necessary requirements to obtain the Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering. Supervisors: Dr. Mahmoud Tavakoli (ISR - DEEC) Prof. Dr. Lino Marques (DEEC) Coimbra, 2014 ii This work was supported by: iii iv Esta c´opiada tese ´efornecida na condi¸c~aode que quem a consulta reconhece que os direitos de autor s~aoperten¸cado autor da tese e que nenhuma cita¸c~aoou informa¸c~aoobtida a partir dela pode ser publicada sem a refer^enciaapropriada. This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who con- sults it is understood to recognize that its copyright rests with its author and that no quotation from the thesis and no information derived from it may be published without proper acknowledgement. v vi Acknowledgments First of all, there is a lot thank to everyone in my entourage that made part of all of this during the past 5 years... to COIMBRA, to GRONINGEN... and to all the others who helped me and contributed to make this thesis possible. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Dr. Lino Marques for the availability and advices during the last year, and specially to Dr. Mahmoud Tavakoli for every review, comments, opinion, solutions, problem solving and of course enthusiasm and patience. THANKS to the guys from the lab, Tifas, Ricardo, Daniel, Bruno and Cabrita for all the breaks, the good mood and advices. To La Sagrada Familia, Tom´e,Devesa, Ritinha, Mariana, Natas, Varalonga, Margarida & all the others I will just raise my glass and say \Se tudo correr bem, hoje (E SEMPRE) vai..." Last but not least, to the ones that made everything possible and always believed in me, \Merci Papa, Merci Maman, Merci Doud"! vii viii Resumo Esta disserta¸c~aoestuda as melhores estrat´egiasde atua¸c~aopara m~aosrob´oticas sub atuadas, que garantam uma melhor funcionalidade e um melhor antropomor- fismo. Este estudo divide-se em duas partes, a primeira parte foca a capacidade que uma m~aotem de agarrar diferentes objectos de diferentes formas, enquanto que a segunda se interessa mais na capacidade de uma m~aomimetizar movimentos de uma m~aohumana. Neste estudo pretende-se responder `asduas seguintes quest~oes: 1) Como ´e que a estrat´egiade atua¸c~aode uma m~aoafecta a sua funcionalidade em termos de grasping? 2) Como ´eque a estrat´egiade atua¸c~aode uma m~aoafecta o seu antropomorfismo em termos das traject´oriasdefinidas pelos seus dedos? Para a primeira an´alise foram definidas duas m´etricas: A diversidade das grasps, isto ´e,considerando a maior parte das grasps executadas por uma m~ao humana; e Funcionalidade das grasps, ou seja, considerando apenas as grasps mais usadas por humanos em tarefas di´arias.A segunda an´alisebaseou-se numa m´etricaj´aexistente, chamada \Grade your hand", em que ´ecalculado um \´Indice de Antropomorfismo”. Para tal, foram definidas e comparadas 16 estrat´egiasde atua¸c~aoface as m´etricas definidas. Os resultados destas an´alisespodem ser uma boa orienta¸c~aopara o design de novas vers~oesde m~aossub atuadas de acordo com as suas funcionalidades em termos de grasps execut´aveis e antropomorfismo. ix Palavras-Chave: M~aoRob´oticaSub Atuada, Pr´otese Membro Superior, Grasp- ing, Otimiza¸c~ao,Antropomorfismo. x Abstract This work focuses on the best actuation strategies for underactuated robotic hands, for a better functionality and a better anthropomorphism. This study is divided in two parts: the first one focuses on the hands' capability of grasping, while the second analysis gives more emphasis to the hands' performance in terms of anthropomorphism. This study intends to answer the following two questions for the underactuated anthropomorphic robotic hands: 1) How does the actuation strategy of these hands affects their functionality in terms of grasping? 2) How the actuation strategy of these hands affects their anthropomorphism in terms of finger trajectories? For the first analysis two metrics were defined based on: Grasp Diversity, i. e., considering almost all the possible grasps by the human hand; and Grasp Functionality, i. e., only considering the highly used grasps by humans in their daily tasks. The second analysis was based on an already existing metric called `Grade your hand', that calculates an \Anthropomorphism Index" for robotic hands. Then, 16 possible actuation strategies were defined and compared based on the defined metrics. Results of these analysis can be a good guideline for de- signing novel underactuated hands with respect to their functionality in terms of achievable grasps and their anthropomorphism. xi Keywords: Underactuated Robotic Hand, Upper Limp Prosthesis, Grasping, Optimization, Anthropomorphism. xii Acronyms DOF Degrees-of-Freedom DOA Degrees-of-Actuation CMC Carpo-Metacarpal joint MCP Metacarpal joint IP Interphalangeal joint PIP Proximal Interphalangeal joint DIP Distal Interhalangeal joint DH Denavit-Hartenberg VF Virtual Finger AI Anthropomorphic Index xiii xiv List of Figures 2.1 Forearm Anatomy and Muscles that Actuate the Fingers. .7 2.2 Bones and Joints of the Human Hand . .7 2.3 Range of Motion of the Metacarpal Joint (MCP) . .8 2.4 Relation Between PIP and DIP Flexion, Right Index Finger. .9 2.5 Range of Motion of the Interphalangeal (IP) Joints. .9 2.6 Movements and Opposition Capability of the Thumb. 10 2.7 Degrees-of-Freedom of a Rigid Body in a Plane and Space. 11 2.8 TUAT hand Structure and DOF Representation. 12 2.9 Closing Sequence of a 2-DOF Underactuated Finger. 13 2.10 Denavit - Hartenberg frame assignment. 14 2.11 Opposition Types . 17 2.12 Distinction between Power and Precision Grasp. 18 2.13 The Taxonomy of Schlesinger. 19 2.14 The Taxonomy of Cutkosky . 20 2.15 The Three First Synergies of the Human Hand. 22 2.16 Commercial Prosthetic hands . 24 2.17 Research Prosthetic hands . 26 3.1 Fluxogram for Grasp Categorization. 36 3.2 Categorization Diagram of the Grasps. 37 3.3 Number and Symbol Designations. 39 xv List of Figures 3.4 Fluxogram of the Evolution Idea from a 1 Actuator to a 2 Actua- tors Configuration. 44 3.5 Fluxogram of the Evolution Idea from a 1 Actuator to a 3 Actua- tors Configuration. 45 3.6 ISR-Softhand. 46 3.7 Results from the First Analysis: Grasp Diversity: Total Number of Achievable Grasps for each Configuration. 56 3.8 Results from the Second Analysis; Grasp Functionality: Frequency of Usage from the TOP10 of each Configuration . 56 4.1 Hypothetical Visualization of the High Dimensional Fingertip Space. 64 4.2 System Overview. 65 4.3 Tested Hands and Respective Projection and Anthropomorphism Index (AI) of the Fingertip Movements to the Latent Space. 68 4.4 Representation of the three different synergies when the hand is closed. 73 4.5 Projection of the Fingertip Movements onto the Latent Space for the Possible Synergies . 76 xvi List of Tables 2.1 Underactuated Hands' Details and Design Features. 28 3.1 Detailed List of each Grasp. 31 3.2 Grasp List based on the Criterias defined in Section 3.1.2 . 34 3.3 Quantitative Classification, Total Number of Achievable Grasps by the three defined Criterias. 37 3.4 Quanlitative Classification, Grasps Numbers of the Achievable Grasps by the three defined Criterias. 38 3.5 Configurations and Actuated Parts. 41 3.6 Existing Underactuated Hands and Actuated Parts. 41 3.7 Representation of 33 Grasps and imitation by the ISR-Softhand. 47 3.8 Comparison between the Results of Configuration 3.0M and ISR- Softhand. 49 3.9 Grasps and Configurations List - PART I . 52 3.10 Grasps and Configurations List - PART II . 53 3.11 TOP10 Grasps with Valid Configurations and Frequencies of Usage 54 3.12 Hand Gestures and Valid Configurations . 55 4.1 Hand Model Specifications. 69 4.2 Hand Model Details: Segments' Length, Joints' Position Coordi- nates and Orientation. 69 4.3 Configurations and Actuated Parts. 70 xvii List of Tables 4.4 Representation of 33 Grasps and Imitation by the ISR-Softhand with the Five tested Synergies. 72 4.5 Configurations and Executable Synergies . 74 4.6 Detailed Summary of the Groups presented in Section 4.5 . 80 5.1 Summary of the Results for the 3 Metrics . 84 xviii Contents Acknowledgments v Resumo vii Abstract x Acronyms xii List of Figures xiii List of Tables xvi 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation . .1 1.2 Goals . .3 1.3 Thesis Outline . .3 2 Background 5 2.1 Anatomy of the Human Hand . .6 2.1.1 The Muscles & Bones . .6 2.1.2 Metacarpal Joint of the Fingers . .8 2.1.3 Interphalangeal Joints . .8 2.1.4 The Thumb & the Carpo-Metacarpal joint . 10 2.2 Robotics and Grasping Terms . 11 2.2.1 Degrees-of-Freedom . 11 xix Contents 2.2.2 Underactuation .
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