ESTABLISHED 1800 An Enterprising Republican Journal, especially .devoted to Local News and Interests. ' TWO DOLLARS A YEAR 1 VOLUME LXXXIX. NORWALK, CONN.; ,WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1889. NUMBER 49 SB*® ! The memorial pamphlet of the 17th In another column will be found an The new Congregational church, at George W. Ogden, of Wilton. te«6hes a : On ^Tuesday evening last Editor Thomns and 27th Connecticut Volunteers, con­ extended account of the diseases success­ South Norwalk, will be opened for wor­ small class of boys, in room number 4, W. Wood, of the Bridgeport Pott, gave a taining the incidents of their recent visit fully treated by the Polypathic Medical Norwalk Gazette. ship, Sunday, Dec. 22d. GAZETTE Building. He is abundantly reception to his friends, in honor of hia TERMS OFSMSMIPTIOII. capable of fitting young men for college, 40th birthday, and a most enjoyable occa­ to Gettysburg, with the inauguration of Institute of Boston, Mass., during the last It is reported that at a Westport prayer 49- Two Dollars per year, in advance.-®* and will give private lessons on fcasy sion it proved to be for guests and host the two monuments, is now out, and nine years. Dr. W. Fletcher Hall, their meeting the other ntgbt, a young man those wishing copies can secure them by chi -f consulting physician, can be coo- RATES FOB ADVERTISINB AND J0BPRIRTIN6 terms. ; alike. Tori)' .was repeatedly surprised arose and said : "Brethren, 1 am a great during the evening by the presentation of •ending twenty-five cents to P. Wade, Jr., S'l'ted at Bridgeport, on Mondays and Furnished on application at the Office. The 'young men of the Y. M. C. A. Ordinary and transient ad vs., 1 inch. 1 week, $1.00 sinner, and I am determined to hold out valuable gifts from his frionds. The GA- Standard office, Bridgeport, Conn. Tuesdays, at 291 State street, where he is Bach subsequent insertion, up to 4 times, .50 rendered valuable services at the A. M. E. to the end." . ( permanently located. The Doctor diag­ Half incn. hall of above rates. ZETTB wishes him many happy returns. Portland Or<gmav: R. B. Duncan, of One column, ordinary adv., one time, - ls.ow church last Sunday evening. Their sing­ noses all diseases at sight witlibut asking on* column, leading matter, one time, 25.0® The brother of ex-Judge Terry, of Cali­ The Bridgeport police made only seven Salem, was feasting Thursday cn straw­ ing was splendid. Secretary Wilcox's the patient a question, and treats all LocalsLOCALS in reading matter " fornia, who was recently shot by Nagle, arrests oh Thanksgiving Day, which is berries that grew and ripened unprotect­ Births, address was pointed and timely, and lis­ diseases at sight without asking the pa is on his way East to lay the facts of the chronicled by'the city papers as a remark­ ed, in the open air. His vines are still in tened to with intense interest. ; . ' tient a question, and treats all diseases of ers and ten per cent, discount on all advs. pre homicide before the Department of Justice able fact. The explanation is arrived at blossom ami he has a few berries, in all a chronic nature with remarkable success, paid for three months or over. at Washington. "S'x feet of earth makes us all one by tins processof logical reasoning: The the stage's, some green and others nre THK GAZETTE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT'IS as shown by the record of nine years work Wm. Murray is completing concrete size," says Joe Howard, the philosopher troublesome element of the city didn't get about matured. The ripe ones were de­ eaui jped with the best facilities for turning out above referred to. , • wtrnt fMaaB Work of every description. All orders walks in front of the A. H. Byington of the NPW York Press. How Joe murt arrested because they didn't fight because licious Snd are only another argument in £?HrintfnVEngraving and Book Binding, execu­ have yarned for six feet of earth when ted promptly, wS^willbe as well an., reasonably property on South Union avenue, and they didq'tjet very drunk because they favor of Oregon's climate. Just think of The Five Mile River license remon­ doaeas anywhere. also in front of the Isaac Selleck property long-legged Pulitzer, that other .Toe, didn't celebrate Thanksgiving because strawberries and Thanksgiving turkeyB knocked him down in the World office a strance excites considerable comment in LOCAL ITEMS. on Franklin avenue. they didn't have anything to be thankful ripen'ng together. that community and elsewhere where the couple of years aso. f°r.' ^ Mr. E. DeKlyn, of Danbury, was in The First Congregational church at The Florida orange growers' union and parties are known, and the whole affair, Fairfield celebrated its 250th anniversary L. V. Pinnev.lat^ editor of the Winsted The" following ia a list of Norwalk the Florida fruit exchange have united. it is said, simply illustrates how great a town on Monday. on Thursday of last week, Thanksgiving Press, is now associated with F E. Cleave- people.who witnessed the foot-ball contest The result will be to place nearly all of matter a little spark will kindle. Accord­ Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sherwood have re­ Day. The history of this organization is land, of Hartford, in the publication of a between Princeton and Yale at Berkeley the orange crop in the hands of the ex­ ing to common report, the principal re­ turned from a visit to Yonkers, N. Y. of the most thrilling. half dozen newspapers in different towns, Oval Thursday: H. E.' Bishop, Samuel change, which has already handled 60,000 monstrant, who is, and has been for of which the Norfolk Tower is one. The L. Weed, Edward Weed, LeGrand Ray­ years, a prominent resident in that com­ The recent fair given by Hobbie Post, S. T. Dutton, superintendent of schools^ boxes "f oianges this season, an increase scheme is an original and novel one, and mond, David Raymond, J. Arthur Ambler, of 500 per cent, over the previous year. munity, raised a row on the. ground that G A. R., of Stamford, netted $1,370. believes that the time is coming when in­ there is money in it. W, Bennett, Charles E. Miller, Hobert The total ornnge crop of Florida this year the applicant had kept a gambling house, Mrs. Harriet Middlebrook, of Wilton, dustrial training will be intraduced into Bcatty, D. Cavanaugb, T. 8 Morison, <•*. is estimated at from 1,800,000 to 2,100,000 when the evidence shows that the prin­ all the public schools of New Haven in Captain J. C. Capeland, Sergeant P. suffered a stroke of paralysis last Sunday. C. Lockwood, Howard Knapp, Phillip boxes. The exchangethrough itsagencies cipal remonstrant had been the best cus­ connection with the studying of books. WaMe, James Burnes. George Simmonds, On Friday, a daughter was born to Mr. Jacob Arnold and a delegation from Nor­ Knapp, J.H. Knapp, E. J. Hill, Fred. will probably control at least 1,500,000 tomer of the place, and not, only that, but and Mrs. John T. McKeon, of Spring The familiar ex» ression "best girl" was walk, all veterans of the 17tli Regiment, Lockwood, W. F. Bishop. boxes. This consolidation is expected to be had instituted the.card playing custom coined by no less a person than Shelley, for money. It seems iliat this cus­ Hill. Connecticut Volunteers, went to New H. 8. Davis's visiting relatives in Bur­ save growers at least $100,000 this year. the poet. In an autograph letter of Shel­ tomer had, at a certain period, been A son was born "to Mr. and Mrs. York on Tuesday evening, and visited lington, Vt. He went there last week Last Sunday morning just after the fou t ley's, now on exhibition in Loudon, he ad­ barued at by a dog owned by the proprie­ Aquilla Greenwood, of Spring Hill, on Hancock Post of that city. and found excellent sleighing. This is horses owned by Buxton & Brundage, the dresses Clare Clairmont as "My best girl." tor of the house and for tliat reason he "Heth's" second visit to that country expressmen, wen |let out of their ham in­ Friday. The many friends of Rev. Col Anderson demanded that the dog be killed. The Builder John Rowe, of Spring Hill, has Mrs. Southworth has been held without within a few months, and although it in to the yard, two of them began playfully wre not only surprised, but agreeably so, owner refused to kill th« dog, and the broken ground for a cottage on the Step bail for the murder of Mr. Pettus on Ful­ to not explicitly given out that he contem­ kicking each other, when suddenly the see the genial colonel with his face result was that the dog was allowed to ton street, New York. The revelations cleanly shaven with the exception of his plate i matrimony, yet his friends here hind leg of one of them, a large, heavy Rock Road. live. From that time forth the enmity of of the case are expected to be equal to upper lip. The colonel, with A mustache, have noticed of late that he has worn an bay was noticed to dangle helplessly, and Ridgefield Press:—Mr. Chas. H. Yalden "Jack's" enemy showed itself with re­ ihose of the Ray and Eva Hamilton affair. presented as inspiring a physiognomy as extra • brilliant polish on his shoes and it was found that its leg was broken Dr.
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